Different World Business Symbol
Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 44
The Imperial law will come into effect in April . And now it’s March . In other words, it was close to the last month . It’s planned to set up the branch at the time of the enforcement of the new law .
「The factory was completed perfectly . The problem is the workers……what should we do? 」
「For the time being, let’s make the first factory specialized in producing alkali . Three hundred people should have entered the second factory . So it’s a total of four hundred . The production volume is doubled with this . Three hundred people will produce ordinary soap, and, the remaining one hundred will produce milk soap and luxury soap . If all the slaves are exposed to alkali, there’s the danger that information on milk soap and luxury soap will leak……but we don’t have to worry about that . No company can compete with us at this stage」
Soaps other than the ones made by Asuma Shokai have increased, but there’s no problem at all . Because there’s an overwhelming difference in quality .
「And we will recruit three hundred people in the newly made factory . Then have them make oil soap . I’m thinking about selling it for 100 Doria since lard is treated as garbage」
The quality is not very good so it would be better to use it for washing dishes . However, the ability of oil soap is not so different from the other soaps .
「What about the honey soap? There’s quite the order」
It was only recently that the soaps sold to the Emperor was paid . The Imperial Capital is very far, and the other party is called the Emperor, so it took a very long time . Haruto could have urged the Governor’s Office to pay it, but Haruto wasn’t in a rush in particular .
Nonetheless, selling to the Emperor seems to have been useful . A considerable order came from the rich of the Empire . Emperor Westoria may also have advertised it .
「For the time being, should we produce 300 pieces? What should we do」
「You should let the slaves do it . There are currently 360 slaves . It’s a bit much if they’re just producing alkali . If we get more orders, we could collect people that we can trust and sell it to them」
Honey soap is too expensive . The ones who want to purchase it are those who are wealthy, someone with a surplus of gold and beauty maniacs . The effect is higher than milk soap, but it’s not so much that the customers will be willing to pay more gold . And because the demand itself is small, it’s not suitable for a product .
「The salary is more than that . The minimum wage is 100,000……I am thinking of putting it at 120,000」
「How come? 」
「Because of the number of people recruited . If we make the pay higher, we can gather a lot . Besides, I asked to hire from Governor Gray at the highest price possible . If anyone increases wages, the wages in other Shokais will rise accordingly」
Since Haruto initially has little use for gold, there’s no resistance to raising the wages . And he felt like someone told him that the money will come back if he used it . In fact, if people can afford it in their everyday lives, soap will sell much so it won’t hurt if looking long-term .
「Ne~ Haruto! Everyone arrived, but I wonder if I can introduce them? 」
Aisha shouted in a loud voice . Everyone refers to the desert people .
「Aahh . Bring them in」
When Haruto answered, Aisha came in with five desert people . Three females, and two men .
「E~tto, here they are……」
Aisha explained the names and age of the five people briefly .
「Everyone is young . Average of 16 years old」
「Oh well . Young people tend to want to go out of the desert . That includes me」
As a matter of fact, the five people agreed to be hired with the same salary as the other mercenaries at 160,000 .
When the five people left the room, Roa happily said .
「If there’re five desert people, it’ll be safe . By the way, how’s the introduction to mercenaries you asked from Eugene-san? 」
While the war potential of the desert people is reassuring, some places need security . That’s why I asked to be introduced to mercenaries separate from the desert people .
「It’s going fine . I’m supposed to hire 15」
「Is that so? Even so, the number of people will increase by a lot . The people that we pulled out will also enter Asuma Shokai this month, right? The personnel expenses are likely to rise」
「Ma~ na~ . But the sales should go the same way . We’ll do somehow」
It’s evident that as an organization grows more prominent, it will need more people . There’s no point to being frugal .
「Ah! I forgot an important thing . Bring the children together . The names are……Emil, Caimie, Ann, In, Urs, Chlor, Kil, Saul, and then Sol」
「I see! It’s certainly unpleasant if we don’t finish it now」
After a while, Roa brought the children . They are the children who studied management under Dennis and Roa . Everyone is 12 years old .
「Here, please sign this document」
Haruto handed some papers .
「E~tto, this is……what is it? 」
Emil raised his hand and asked a question .
「You can read the characters, don’t you? Then you can understand」
That being said, the children looked through the papers .
「Slave Cancellation Notice? 」
「Slave Cancellation Notice? 」
「That’s it . So if you sign that paper and walk out of this office, you’ll be free . That’s great . Ah! There are conditions . From now on, you will be working in our Shokai」
The children signed the papers . Their facial expressions are radiant .
「For now, your salary is 120,000 . Your job is assisting the people in charge of management . Ah! Sol . You are different . You’ll be a security guard . I will ask you to be in charge of security along with the other Northeastern children . Well then, dismissed」
The children happily left the room . Tentatively, they’re still slaves until he filed the paperwork to the government office, but don’t mind the details .
「That’s because from April onwards, the Slave Emancipation Tax will increase」
「It’s not too much if we release nine people . I intended to wait until they reach 15 years old……but it’s urgent to secure talented people . They’ll be okay since they’re excellent」
「Let’s get them to monitor the people we pulled out . They also have to report regularly」
After all, the pulled out talent is a traitor . There’s no guarantee that they wouldn’t betray Asuma Shokai . Although they have the protection of Haruto’s blessing, nevertheless, they just wanted to make sure .
「We also hired mercenaries . There’s no worry that the mercenaries will do strange things if there’s Sol」
Mercenaries have a lot of bad conduct . They also needed people to monitor the mercenaries so that they won’t do anything .
「This is perfect . After that, we only have to wait until April」
「You’re right . For now, Reim . One month later, Ringa and Alto . I hope I can successfully shrink the forces of Samaras Shokai」
Haruto muttered .
One month passed in the blink of an eye . Thanks to the high pay, they managed to secure 600 people . There were also people who hit the gates of Asuma Shokai asking to hire them even after they’ve acquired the capacity .
He decided to dispatch Dennis to the Reim branch . It’s outside of Claris, so he doesn’t know what will happen . If it’s about personnel selection, Dennis can deal with it .
「Haruto-san . It’s a report from Dennis-san . It said that we should send some extra soap」
「I see . There’s no problem . Please contact the wagon team」
There was no personnel to transport the soap due to Sol being changed to a security guard . Haruto recruits people who can handle horses, and he made a new wagon team . There were thirty people . It’s planned to further increase depending on the branch sales .
「It’s going well so far」
「I see . Let’s go to Ringa and Alto next month as planned」
Haruto told Roa . The goal is to kick out the branch of Samaras Shokai from Ringa and Alto .
「Ne~, Haruto . Guards came from the Governor’s office . What will you do? 」
Aisha opened the door and said so . Six desert people including Aisha is responsible for the security of Asuma Shokai headquarters . There’s no one courageous enough to sneak into the base where there are six desert people .
「I understand . Roa, let’s go」
「Yes! 」
「I understand . Roa, let’s go」
「Yes! 」
The two headed to the Governor’s office .
The Governor’s office was built in front of the Congress . It’s big, and boorish which makes people look at it with awe . The Imperial soldiers are also keeping an eye on the surroundings .
When Haruto and Roa reveal their identity, the soldiers bow and let them through . Perhaps in Kirishia, Haruto is the one who visits the Governor’s Office the most .
「So it’s Asuma-san . Do you mind if I get to the point immediately? 」
As soon as they entered the office, the Governor cut to the chase .
「It doesn’t matter . So, what kind of business is it? 」
Hearing Haruto says so, Governor Gray handed Haruto a document and said「Please read this first」 .
The contents were related to school construction . Roughly summarizing, the material is that compulsory education will be done throughout the Empire
But it’s like Japanese elementary schools that teach a lot of things, such as essential reading, writing, and arithmetic operations . It also seems to teach the history of the Empire for a bit .
「What do you think? 」
Governor Gray asked Haruto as if testing him . Haruto tells what he thought just as is .
「As a merchant, I think it’s a good idea . It’s entirely different from being able to read, write and do arithmetic . I believe that it’s also good for the people . Probably the biggest miss in this would be the history classes, don’t you think? Imprinting the Empire history to the children of the provinces would make them a thorough Romano . Reading, writing, and arithmetic is just the cover . I understand until that point . However……」
Haruto cut his words there . And said after a little worrying .
「I don’t think there’s any merit to the Romano-ization . Isn’t this done all over the Empire? I heard that the Empire is having financial difficulties . Where does the money come from? And teachers are necessary too . More than anything, won’t the people becoming smarter unpleasant to the people in power? The disadvantage is more significant than the merit . What is Emperor Westoria thinking? 」
When Haruto said so, Governor Gray made a big nod .
「So you also think so . In fact, I was worried that I was the only wondering over it . As a matter of fact, I also don’t understand Emperor Westoria’s idea at all . He seems to be able to see a slightly different world from us . Ah! This is not disrespect, I’m praising him . Anyways, Emperor Westoria has forced me to pass it through the Congress . It’s worth it if he does it that far . Maybe . So I will make an effort to realize the bill of Emperor Westoria」
Governor Gray declared . Haruto drew back a little from Governor Gray’s love for Emperor Westoria .
「Now then, what’s your financial resources Asuma-san? I’m sorry for asking this question . Actually, I sold the property of the nobles we disposed of, so I have sufficient funds . However, it’s not enough with just that . That’s why! 」
Governor Gray said what he’s been accumulating for a long time .
「We accept donations . The name of the person who donated more than 100 million Romano will be announced extensively and granted the title of Viscount . Furthermore, the name of thirty people will be carved into a stone monument built in the school . They will know your name forever . It’ll be all over the world . The deadline is until April next year, and the capacity is 30 people」
「Relying on donations……is that all right? 」
「Eehh . Only until 3 billion Romano . Many wealthy people want a rank . Thirty people will gather soon enough . And Endars I gathered war money in this way also . It is the trump card of Imperial tradition」
The authority of aristocracy will fall because you’re doing such things .
「Can you, please help me? It’s a Viscount position . You can buy it with only 100 million Romano . If Asuma-san buys it, the other merchants will buy it . In fact, a secret royal order has been issued to gather donations from three or more people in each province…… if I say that Asuma-san bought it, other people who want to buy should come out . A capitalist who pulls out a lot of money for children . Isn’t that good? Here here」
Governor Gray hands over the document to Haruto . Haruto looks sideways at Roa .
「……it can’t be helped, right? We’re going to need his help in the future . 100 million Romano, in other words, it’s 500 million Doria . Only……it’s not that it’s little, but it’s also not an amount we can’t pay」
It’s not an amount that is hard to pay . Haruto would have swayed his head if it was 1 billion Doria . And now, Asuma Shokai is profiting . It’s an amount they can pay . 500 million .
Haruto made a deep sigh .
It’s not an amount that is hard to pay . Haruto would have swayed his head if it was 1 billion Doria . And now, Asuma Shokai is profiting . It’s an amount they can pay . 500 million .
Haruto made a deep sigh .
「I understand . I’ll pay」
「Thank you very much! 」
Governor Gray grasped Haruto’s hand happily .
Thus, Haruto became a Viscount . For the time being .
January ~ April (4 months worth)
Income 1,600,000,000
Expenses 1,500,000,000
Sales-Expenses = 100,000,000
Debt 0
Balance 934,730,000
Real Balance 934,730,000
Slaves 400
Accounting Officer and Slave Director Roa Samaras
Accounting Assistant Dennis →salary 450,000
Supervisors Ash Brothers (sisters)→salary 200,000
Regular employees 20 people→salary 150,000
Mercenaries Rusk & Pudding, Rang, Tart, Aisha, 5 desert people, 15 other mercenaries
Factory Workers 700 people (400 people in second factory・300 people in the third factory)
Released Slaves 9 people