Different World Business Symbol Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Different World Business Symbol novel. A total of 50 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 50
This book is 1160 years old . It was compiled under Emperor Westoria’s command . The purpose of this
- 50 This book is 1160 years old . It was compiled under Emperor Westoria’s command . The purpose of this
- 49 The strategy is simple . First, Haruto will leave Shufelt and tell the information about Reinard cul
- 48 「Sales have been sluggish . It’s just the luxury soap and milk soap being sold . The ordinary soaps
- 47 One month has passed since the attack . Once the bodies were delivered to the policemen, there was n
- 46 There’s an organization called the Assassination Guild . As the name suggests, it’s a Guild that car
- 45 Seven months have passed since he established a branch office, it is now November . Haruto is 20 yea
- 44 The Imperial law will come into effect in April . And now it’s March . In other words, it was close
- 43 Ringa is a city-state west of Claris . The largest in North and South Kirishia, and third largest po
- 42 DWBS 42: TravelAfter doing the work in Shufelt, they’ve completed the first stage . The next thing t
- 41 「So this is Shufelt」Haruto and Roa came to Shufelt . There are large walls in front of their eyes, b
- 40 A new law is formally promulgated to Claris . These laws are strict for wealthy people and friendly
- 39 A month passed since the war ended . Emperor Westoria, after putting down the civil war, dispatched
- 38 Three days passed since Congress declared their surrender to the Empire . Claris’ merchants and craf
- 37 「Oi, what’s with this rise in price!! 」Haruto shouted at seeing the contract . The price of olives t
- 36 「Has the hill been taken……we can’t lose the ground advantage」Friedrich glared at the Imperial Army t
- 35 Imperial ArmyInfantry 200,000Heavy Infantry 30,000Heavy Cavalry 10,000Light Cavalry 20,000Equestrian
- 34 「Yo, Asuma . Sorry for intruding」Eugene said so as he enters Haruto’s house . 「What do you think? Co
- 33 「Haruto-san」「What? 」「It’s hot」「You’re right……」Haruto wiped the sweat on his forehead . It became Jul
- 32 「Now then, how do you like this? 」Domoor shows the house plan to Haruto and Roa . Haruto moved his l
- 31 「So, it’s a price increase negotiation……by how much? 」Haruto asked the village chief of the fishing
- 30 「Iya~, Haruto-san . I think it’s been a year . One year since you borrowed the 100 million, and it’s
- 29 May 16, 2018curiosOZ2 months flew by「Actually, it’s my birthday next week」Haruto gathered all the em
- 28 May 11, 2018curiosOZWorkers Wanted!!・Qualifications: Anyone will do・Job Description: Soap production
- 27 「Well then Dennis . I’m counting on you as the salesperson . Pass the soap, and get the fee . It’s e
- 26 「This is a labyrinth……it’s big」Roa took a breath . Five people have used up all 100 million in liquo
- 25 April 20, 2018curiosOZ「So where is the Samaras Chamber of Commerce going to put up their store?」Roa
- 24 Slave’s trading system . I’ll write it before you point it out . Luxury Slaves(Beautiful appearance,
- 23 Three days after New Year, the Empire’s Emperor Westoria felt lazy。『Your Majesty is there no governm
- 22 This time, they were gone for a little long。「That’s why I, Aisha, became Haruto’s fiancee。Best regar
- 21 「I feel sick……。」「Just a bit more, Haruto。」The two were riding on a camel carriage。Camels are more co
- 20 March 12, 2018curiosOZHaruto solidifies for a while、and reacted quickly。Asking while pretending to b
- 19 March 5, 2018curiosOZ「Amazing!To be able to read it。」「Oh well、I am good at memorizing words。」Haruto
- 18 February 27, 2018curiosOZ「Now then, Roa。Answer me straightforwardly。Who is this person?」Haruto liste
- 17 February 23, 2018curiosOZ「U-n、what should I do?」Haruto was troubled seeing the three letters。Crossin
- 16 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)During the time Haruto and Lora were worrying a
- 15 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)Before they knew it, summer had gone and autumn
- 14 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「I’ve finished . Come inside and have a look .
- 13 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「There is nothing to do . 」 (Haruto)「What is th
- 12 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「We will now commence the purge of our enemy!!」
- 11 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「Haruto-san, please wake up . 」 (Lora)Already e
- 10 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「Haruto-san, please wake up . 」 (Lora)As Haruto
- 9 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「Haruto wake up, it’s morning . 」 (Lora)Haruto
- 8 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「Haruto-san, please get up . 」 (Lora)Haruto awo
- 7 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「By the way, Haruto-san,」 (Lora)「Huh, what is i
- 6 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)Lora has been caught . Haruto hurries to use hi
- 5 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)Lora・Summers is Rivas・Summers (リヴァス・サマラス) and H
- 4 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)The next morning, Haruto awoken in a good mood
- 3 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)The following morning, Haruto was awoken by the
- 2 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「Where am I again?」 (Haruto)Haruto opened his e
- 1 MTL: uniquegasukiEditor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)「Where in the world am I?」 (Haruto)The young bo