War Prisoner
Chapter 77 : After a long time, a smile lit up the whole of Wanyan Xu’s face and he asked: “You don’
After a long time, a smile lit up the whole of Wanyan Xu’s face and he asked: “You don’t need to take medicine anymore?” Su Yi shook his head and said: “Xia Er says that it has already healed, all I have to do now is to keep practicing walking.” And then he asked: “How is the war going along the border? Whether it is good or bad, it is better that you tell me. It would save me from having to be consumed by anxiety and I won't have to wonder about how the people are getting along.”
Wanyan Xu smiled and said: “Since you are so concerned, why don’t you go there in person and have a look?” After the words had left his lips, Su Yi was so stunned that he stared at Wanyan Xu with wide eyes, and he cried out involuntarily: “What did you say? Wanyan Xu, do you know what you are saying?”
Wanyan Xu hugged him and said smilingly: “Of course I [1] know what I’m saying. Su Su, don't tell me that you don't miss the great expanse of the desert, with its ten-thousand miles of sand? Do you not miss that piece of land that you spent five years of your life guarding with all your heart and blood?”
He gently eased apart Su Yi's fingers, which had become more and more tightly clenched due to his excitement and agitation. With a tone of voice that rang with the sincerity of his feelings, he said: “I know that you miss these things. Your life should not be whittled away in the confines of this cage-like Inner Palace, although you are my Empress and there is no possibility that this status could ever be changed. Not only are you my lover and confidant, but you should also be my right-hand man. At certain times, you should even become a pillar that I can lean on for support. You should laugh and joke with me as we debate military tactics, to admire swordplay with me by the light of the lantern. We should work together to create a land that is both peaceful and prosperous; this spectacular undertaking shall be the crowning achievement of our lives. This is the proper way for you to spend your life, wouldn't you agree? Su Su.”
Su Yi already had no idea what he should say to this. Every single word and sentence of Wanyan Xu's had struck a chord in him; every single one had stuck at his heart of hearts like a heavy hammer. Looking at his beloved, who was staring back at him with a beatific smile on his face, he felt that even ten million sweet speeches and honeyed words would not be able to exceed how much these words had moved him. Along with that, there was also a feeling of deep grat.i.tude. He had never dreamt that after he had been taken prisoner, after he had experienced the destruction of his country, after he had been forced to become the mistress of Jin Liao's Inner Court, he would ever again have the opportunity to be in a favourable position for the use of his skills, or that he would be given the chance to render service to the common people and the country in this way again.
When Wanyan Xu saw the expression of excitement in his eyes, he smiled and added another line: “What is it, Su Su, do you still need me to bestow upon you t.i.tles such as Great General or Commander-in-Chief of the three armies?”
Soon after he finished, Su Yi suddenly stood up and said solemnly: “If you can really allow me to return to the battlefield, then it is enough for Su Yi to be allowed into the ranks with the status of an ordinary veteran.”
Before the sound of his voice could fade, Wanyan Xu had already hurried to hold him. Alarmed, he said: “Is there a need for this? This leg has not yet totally recovered. Look at you, you actually are not concerned for yourself at all. Even if you are to go, you still have to wait until you have fully recovered. Besides, and it's not like you do not already know, since I want you to revisit your old haunts, I will also definitely have to take part personally in the expedition. In that case, the preparations will also take some time, so why do you need to be so impatient?”
Su Yi was momentarily stunned before saying: “How many more days will it take, would there still be anything left for us to do? Didn't you say that the military leaders under your command are all men who are proficient in fighting battles?”
Wanyan Xu smiled and said: “Although they can all be considered talented commanders, but as you know, Xiao Ling Country is also not a lamp that is running low on fuel. The ruler of Xiao Ling Country has recklessly chosen to launch an attack at this time but he has also committed the whole of his country to this a.s.sault. Therefore this war would not be so easily resolved. But don't you worry, although this is the situation, they are still not able to take one step beyond the wall of lighting that are our troops’ stalwart defence of the cities, therefore the lives of the people have not been greatly affected. The primary task that you have to concentrate upon now is to recover normal function in your legs as soon as possible, so that we can depart.” After he finished speaking, he suddenly became exhilarated and standing up suddenly, he said: “Su Su, didn’t Xia Er say that you have to practice walking often? How about letting me accompany you?”
Su Yi said: “There are so many things that you have to deal with, how could you afford to spend your time like this, I have Zi Nong...” Before he could finish, Wanyan Xu had helped him up. While smiling, he said: “At the moment there are no more matters that require my attention. Come, I will help you, try to walk, one step at a time.”
For the lack of a better option, Su Yi had to lean on his arm for support and slowly he took a step. At first there was some pain, but after he had placed his foot down, the pain subsided substantially. Although Wanyan Xu was at his side, supporting him with a steady arm, he was actually even more nervous than Su Yi. The weather was still cold but beads of perspiration were forming on his forehead from the anxiety and he reminded him incessantly: “Slow down, slow down... aii, there's no need to lift your foot so high... yes, that's better...”
On the path leading to the main palace of the Garden of Merriment, two outstanding men could be seen making their way with slow but steady steps, their bodies blending together. Upstairs, from the window overlooking the path, the four people --- Zi Yan, Zi Nong, Zi Nan and Zi Liu --- looked on with their hearts full. Deeply affected and moved, they could hear a low voice drift in occasionally from the window saying: “Su Su, I will end morning court earlier tomorrow, it would be good if you can wait for me so that I can help you comb your hair... Oh yes, do you remember the favourite snack that you had the day before, I have ordered that the Imperial Kitchen is informed of your taste for it, I think that they will be able to send some up today, you should eat it while it's still hot... You still have to keep on drinking those restorative soups religiously, alright? Yes, I know that you do not like to drink it, but you still have to force yourself. You have suffered too much during these six months, you have to build up your strength again. If you don't drink it, then when can my heart be truly at ease...”
Each line of his gentle exhortations swirled around in the cold wind but among the bleak winter colours, in the corner of the courtyard where the sun was s.h.i.+ning, a few young blades of gra.s.s were showing their verdant colours of soft green, poking out among the snow. With their arrival, they brought to this vast frozen land a promise of spring.