War Prisoner
Chapter 22 : For the country of Jin Liao, moving the capital was the most important thing that had e
For the country of Jin Liao, moving the capital was the most important thing that had ever happened since her founding. In comparison with the move of the capital, even the heavy defeats they had previously suffered when they had encroached on the Great Qi's territory now seemed trivial. During this period of time, the whole country was seething with excitement; heated discussions could be heard on every street and every alley. Although the land of Jin Liao had a harsh climate and was barren, it was still considered home by many people and the citizens of Jin Liao were understandably reluctant to leave their native lands. Fortunately, Wanyan Xu had always governed the country well, his people had enough confidence in him that whatever popular dissent there was to his decision did not escalate to rebellious plots and conspiracies.
In the palace of Jin Liao, the square that was usually used for arms drills was now hosting tens of thousands of imperial troops, divided into ten major groups and neatly arrayed on the grounds. Smartly dressed in their full uniform, and standing proudly, they made for an awe-inspiring sight. When Wanyan Xu, in full military uniform, emerged from the palace with unhurried steps, a rousing cheer was immediately heard from the square.
As he walked on, he looked around at this palace, which had taken the efforts of several generations of his ancestors to build. Reigning in his nostalgia, at this moment, he felt great ambition. Turning away from the sight of this palace, he showed no hesitation as he mounted his horse and the eunuchs accompanying him immediately called out in loud voices: "Start the procession.” The sound was drawn out, reverberating long and loud in the confines of the palace square.
As they travelled south, the climate grew conspicuously warmer, wildflowers with unknown names grew in abundance all along their road, enlivening the landscape as far as the eye could see. Wanyan Xu was no longer riding his horse; instead he had chosen to ride with Su Yi in his carriage, forcing Su Yi to converse with him on all sorts of random topics. This was an effort at distraction --- Wanyan Xu was afraid that since they had reached Su Yi's homeland, the familiar scenery would cause Su Yi even more anguish.
Of course, Su Yi knew nothing of Wanyan Xu's worries and had no appreciation for his kind consideration, only feeling extremely restless and gloomy. Su Yi tried to drive him away a few times, but Wanyan Xu steadfastly refused to leave. In the end, Su Yi simply declined to continue the conversation, shutting his eyes as if resting. Gradually, Wanyan Xu also grew silent.
Just as the sun was setting, by chance, they came upon a temporary imperial residence. This place had originally been used by the Qi Emperor as a leisure palace when he wanted to amuse himself away from the capital; therefore it had been constructed to be luxurious and gorgeous, sprawling over a large area of land. It was as good a place as any to be stationed for the night. Wanyan Xu reluctantly joined the Empress Dowager [1] and Imperial Concubines for the evening meal, before he hastily rushed over to Su Yi's quarters. Upon entering, his eyes were immediately drawn to the untouched meal laid out on the table, and his heart gave a "thump!" Feeling in his gut that something was wrong, he looked around for Su Yi, and found him sitting still before the window, staring blankly outside while cradling a cup of wine in his hands.
Wanyan Xu was about to approach, when Su Yi suddenly broke his reverie with a faint sigh and said slowly: “seeking and searching, cold and cheerless, miserable and grieving. The moment when warmth suddenly turns to chill, it is hardest to find rest. With two or three cups of weak wine, how could I withstand the harsh winds of night? [2]” Before his voice had faded, two clear streams of tears were winding their way down his cheeks.
Inexplicably, Wanyan Xu felt a pang of pain stab his heart. Su Yi was an exceptionally stalwart man; Wanyan Xu could not remember him weeping openly before. Although his heart was aching for Su Yi, he did not know how to console him, after all, he couldn't very well say: Su Su, since you are so sad, I [3] don’t want the Great Qi anymore.
Su Yi raised his head, noticing that Wanyan Xu was behind him and staring at him entranced, he did not seem surprised. He turned back and resumed staring out the window. Wanyan Xu, thinking that Su Yi did not wish to acknowledge his presence at this moment, was about to turn and leave quietly when Su Yi suddenly said: “Years ago, when I first received orders to leave for my new post at the border, I pa.s.sed by this palace on my way there but the military situation was urgent, and I had to hurry on. I could only spare this magnificent palace a couple of glances, but I thought to myself that when victory had been attained, I would take the same road back on my return and properly tour this place. I never guessed that the situation would change so much; I have never once returned from my station at the border. Now that I'm back here, it is with a totally different status. Furthermore, the country has been ruined and the people lost, these lands have a new master now. Aii, the place has remained the same while people and circ.u.mstances have changed.”
Wanyan Xu was experiencing a riot of mixed emotions in his heart, but he managed to say with difficulty: “It’s late, you should turn in. If you can forget these troubles only if I force you to entertain me in bed, I would be happy to oblige. I have been restraining myself for so many days, it's getting uncomfortable."
At these words, all the worries and sorrows in Su Yi's heart were instantly replaced by anger but besides giving Wanyan Xu a fierce glare and a snort loaded with derision, Su Yi didn't have any other means of protest. Wanyan Xu saw that his embarra.s.sment had turned to anger, and he was wearing an entirely different expression --- the dejection that had been written all over his face was now swept away. Laughing merrily, Wanyan Xu dragged Su Yi to bed, and said gently: “go to sleep, we still have to get up early tomorrow to continue our journey.”
The party set out at sunrise and rested at sunset, all in all, this pattern continued for three months before they finally reached their destination --- Dou Yan, the city that was formerly the capital of the Great Qi. Wanyan Xu halted the accompanying troops; only Zi Nong, Zi Liu, Zi Nan and Zi Yan were allowed to accompany them further. He was riding his horse, while Su Yi was still in the carriage. Without fanfare, they entered the city. The streets were swarming with people, but none of them knew that they were now in the presence of their master --- the new monarch Wanyan Xu.
Looking out through the window of the carriage, Su Yi saw that the banners of Jin Liao were hung everywhere, and the soldiers stationed atop the city walls were garbed in the distinctive battle armour of Jin Liao. Standing tall and proud along the battlements, they were an impressive sight, but all Su Yi felt was a pang of searing pain in his chest.
Wanyan Xu came by the carriage, and as if seeking Su Yi's approval, he said: “Su Su, as you can see, I have not hara.s.sed the people, nor have I forced them to adopt the dress and customs of Jin Liao. The city is flouris.h.i.+ng more than ever, but it still looks the same, do you feel better now that you can see that your country is still familiar? Also, the people are happy and laughing as per normal, whatever pain they might feel as a result of their country's demise is so much lighter than yours. I am not bragging, but during the reign of the Qi Emperor, the people never enjoyed as much happiness and security as they do now. As the saying goes, the people are most important, the state is second, and the monarch is the least important. As long as the people can enjoy peace and prosperity, the specifics of who is on the Dragon Throne is not important. Is it really necessary for you to hate me so much?”
Su Yi ignored him, still focusing his attention on the scene playing out beyond his window. Wanyan Xu was not in the least bit discouraged, after chortling for a bit, he was about to brazenly resume singing his own praises when Su Yi turned to look at him seriously. Wanyan Xu had never before seen such a look in Su Yi's eyes and he couldn't help but feel anxious, not knowing what expressions Su Yi was going to employ this time to berate his unseemly behaviour of tooting his own horn. To his astonishment, Su Yi gave a slight smile, and said gently: "Thank you."