Public Secrets
Chapter 73 : "I was just thinking about Bri. I'm worried about him.""You're
"I was just thinking about Bri. I'm worried about him."
"You're a good friend, honey." She played light, quick kisses over his
face. "That's one of the things I love most about you."
He drew her closer, as always stunned and delighted to hear her say she
loved him. She was so beautiful with her big brown eyes and
kewpie-doll mouth. Her breathy voice was like music she played only for
She only pressed closer when he ran his hands up her legs to knead the
firm flesh of her b.u.t.tocks. Her body was like a dream, long and lush
and tanned as golden as a peach. When she shuddered, he felt like a
"I need you, Angie."
"Then take me."
She let her head fall back, looking at him from under carefully darkened
lashes. Slowly, keeping her eyes on him, she reached down, and taking
the hem of her s.h.i.+rt, pulled it up and over her head. In the sunlight,
she stood erotically naked, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rosily tipped and as golden as
the rest of her. He kept his senses long enough to pull her inside the
doors before he lowered her to the floor.
She let him do whatever he liked, enjoying most of it, adding a few
calculated groans and cries when she thought it appropriate. It wasn't
that he didn't excite her. He did, in a mild sort of way. She would
have preferred it if he'd been a bit more forceful, put a few bruises on
But P.M."s chunky drummer's hands were almost reverent as they skimmed
over her. Even when his breath began to chug and the sweat began to
roll, he treated her like fine gla.s.s, too considerate to put his frill
weight on her, too polite, even in pa.s.sion, to ram himself into her and
make her cries sincere.
He took her gently, with a steady rhythm that brought her just inches
from full satisfaction. He lay on her only a moment, while he collected
himself and she studied the glossy wood of the ceiling. Ever mindful of
his weight, he rolled aside and cus.h.i.+oned her head with his arm.
"Oh, that was wonderful." She stroked his damp, pale chest. Always
practical, she knew she could finish herself off when she went upstairs.
"You're the best, honey. The very best."
"I love you, Angie." He let his hand linger in her hair. This was what
he wanted, he realized. All that crazed, nameless s.e.x had never been
for him. He wanted to know, when he went on the road, that there was
someone waiting for him, at home, or in those miserable hotel rooms. He
wanted what Brian had.
Not Bev, P.M. a.s.sured himself on a painful twinge of disloyalty. But a
wife, a family, a home. With Angie, he could have it all.
"Angie. Will you marry me?"
She went very still. It was everything she'd hoped for, and it was
happening. She could already see the casting agents scrambling for
her-and the huge white house in Beverly Hills. The smile lit her face.
She nearly laughed with it. Then, taking a deep breath, she s.h.i.+fted.
There were tears in her eyes when she looked down at him.
"Do you mean it? Do you really want me?"