Austral English
Chapter 102 : 1862. H. C. Kendall, `Poems,' p. 17: "The gums in the gully stand gloomy and
1862. H. C. Kendall, `Poems,' p. 17:
"The gums in the gully stand gloomy and stark."
1867. A.L. Gordon, `Sea-spray, etc.,' p. 134:
"The gullies are deep and the uplands are steep."
1875. Wood and Lapham, `Waiting for the Mail,' p. 16:
"The terrible blasts that rushed down the narrow gully, as if through a funnel."
1881. A. C. Grant, `Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 40:
"The driver appealing occasionally to some bullock or other by name, following up his admonition by a sweeping cut of his `gully-raker,' and a report like a musket-shot."
The names of the various Australian Gum-trees are as follows--
Apple Gum, or Apple-scented Gum-- Eucalyptus stuartiana, F. v. M.
b.a.s.t.a.r.d G.-- Eucalyptus gunnii, Hook.
b.a.s.t.a.r.d Blue G.-- E. leuc.o.xylon, F. v. M. (South Australia).
b.a.s.t.a.r.d White G.-- E. gunnii, Hook. (South Australia); E. radiata (Tasmania).
Black G.-- E. stellulata, Sieb.
Black-b.u.t.ted G.-- E. pillularis, Smith (Victoria); E. regnans, F. v. M. (New South Wales).
See Blackb.u.t.t.
Blue G. [see also Blue-Gum]
E. botryoides, Smith (New South Wales); E. diversicolor, F. v. M. [Karri]; E. globulus, Labill.; E. goniocalyx, F. v. M.; E. leuc.o.xylon, F. v. M. (South Australia) [Ironbark]; E. saligna, Smith; E. tereticornis, Smith; E. viminalis, Labill. (West New South Wales).
Botany Bay G,-- E. resinifera, Smith.
Brittle G.-- E. haemastonza, Smith; E. micrantha, Smith.
Brown G.-- E. robusta, Smith.
Cabbage G.-- E. sieberiana, F. v. M. (Braidwood, New South Wales).
Cider G.-- E. gunnii, Hook. (Tasmania).
Citron-scented G.-- E. maculata, Hook.
Creek G.-- E. rostrata, Schlecht (West New South Wales).
Curly White G.-- E. radiata (Tasmania).
Dark Red G.-- E. rostrata, Schlecht.
Desert G.-- E. eudesmoides, F. v. M. (Central Australia); E. gracilis, F. v. M.
Drooping G.-- E. pauciflora, Sieb. (Drooping Gum in Tasmania is E. risdoni, Hook., N.O. Myrtaceae; the tree is peculiar to Tasmania); E. viminalis, Labill. (New South Wales).
Flood, or Flooded G.-- E. gunnii, Hook. (Bombala, New South Wales); E. microtheca, F. v. M. (Carpentaria and Central Australia); E. rostrata, Schlecht; E. saligna, Smith; E. tereticornis, Smith (New South Wales).
Fluted G.- E. salubris, F. v. M.
Forest G.-- E. rostrata, Schlecht (South Australia).
Giant G.-- E. amygdalina, Labill.
Gimlet G.-- E. salubris, F. v. M.
Green G.-- E. stellulata, Sieb. (East Gippsland).
Grey G.-- E. crebra, F. v. M.; E. goniocalyx, F. v. M. (New South Wales, east of Dividing range); E. punctata, De C. (South Coast of New South Wales); E. raveretiana, F.v.M; E. resinifera, Smith; E. saligna, Smith (New South Wales); E. tereticornis, Smith (New South Wales); E. viminalis, Labill (Sydney);
Honey-scented G.-- E. melliodora, Cunn.
Iron G.-- E. raveretiana, F. v. M.
Lemon-scented, or Lemon G.-- E. citriodora, Hook. f.
Lead G.-- E. stellulata, Cunn.
Mallee G.-- E. dumosa (generally called simply Mallee, q.v.).
Mountain G.-- E. tereticornis, Smith (South New South Wales).
Mountain White G.-- E. pauciflora, Sieb. (Blue Mountains).
Nankeen G.-- E. populifolia, Hook. (Northern Australia).
Olive Green G.-- E. stellulata, Cunn. (Leichhardt's name).
Pale Red G.-- E. rostrata, Schlecht.
Peppermint G.-- E. viminalis, Labill.
Poplar-leaved G.-- E. polyanthema, Schau.
Red G.-- E. amygdalina, Labill. (Victoria); E. calophylla, R. Br.; E. gunnii, Hook. (Bombala); E. melliodora, Cunn. (Victoria); E. odorata, Behr (South Australia); E. punctata, De C.; E. resinifera, Smith; E. rostrata, Schlecht; E. stuartiana, F. v. M. (Tasmania); E. tereticornis, Smith (New South Wales).