The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution
Chapter 38 : M. DE SARTINE TO THE COMMISSIONERS.Translation.Versailles, 14th July, 1778.Gentlemen, N



Versailles, 14th July, 1778.


Notwithstanding the precautions, which I have taken to supply the inhabitants of the islands of St Pierre and Miquelon with provisions for their subsistence, who, in their present circ.u.mstances, can receive very small or no succors from the commerce with France, it may happen that the intervention of one or more of the vessels sent to those islands with provisions, may reduce the people to great distress, and it will be too late to apply a remedy after the knowledge of the event shall reach us. I have thought, that in case of pressing necessity, we might count on supplies from the United States of America, and have indicated the same to the administrators of the islands of St Pierre and Miquelon. It will be highly agreeable to his Majesty if you should concur in this opinion, and do what may be in your power to procure such succors, by recommending to the United States, and particularly to the government of Boston, to induce the fitting out of expeditions to those isles, for the purpose of taking provisions to the inhabitants, and supplying their wants.

I have the honor to be, &c.


TO M. DE SARTINE., July 16th, 1778.


We have the honor of your Excellency's letter of the 14th instant. We shall embrace the first opportunity of writing to Congress, and to the government of the Ma.s.sachusetts Bay, and enclosing copies of your Excellency's letter to us, which we are persuaded will have the most powerful influence with them to exert themselves, and to recommend to their fellow citizens to engage in expeditions for the relief of the inhabitants of St Pierre and Miquelon. There is not the smallest doubt of their ability to supply the wants of their friends at those places, provided the British men of war should be withdrawn from the Halifax and Newfoundland station. But if there should remain as many s.h.i.+ps of war on those stations as there have been for the last two years, the difficulty will be very great.

We have the honor to enclose to your Excellency a copy of a letter just received from Mr Schweighauser, whereby your Excellency will see the difficulties that still embarra.s.s our frigates in relation to their prizes. We entreat your Excellency's further attention to the subject, that orders may be given for the relief of our officers and men from these embarra.s.sments.

We have the honor to request your Excellency's attention to another subject, that of the British prisoners made by our frigates, the Providence, the Boston, and the Ranger, and all others in future. As it is necessary for these frigates, forthwith to proceed to sea, and as we have some hopes of an exchange of prisoners in Europe, we request your Excellency that we may have leave to confine them in your prisons, to be maintained there at our expense, until exchanged or sent by us to America, and that your Excellency would give the necessary directions accordingly.

We have the honor to be, with respect, your Excellency's, &c.



May it please your Honors,

We have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter just received from M.

de Sartine, the minister of state for the marine of this kingdom, in answer to which we have had the honor to a.s.sure his Excellency, that we would embrace the first opportunity of communicating it to your honors. We have not the smallest doubts of the good inclinations of the people in America, to supply the necessities of their friends in St Pierre and Miquelon, nor of the abilities of those in the northern States to do it effectually, provided the British men of war are withdrawn from the Halifax and Newfoundland stations, and perhaps it may be done, notwithstanding the dangers of men of war. We hope, however, it will be attempted. There is no doubt but a good price may be obtained, at the same time that an acceptable act of friends.h.i.+p and of humanity will be performed.

We have the honor to request, that this letter and its enclosure may be laid before the General Court, and that such measures may be taken as their wisdom shall dictate to the accomplishment of so desirable a purpose.

We have the honor to be, &c.


TO COUNT DE VERGENNES., July 17th, 1778.


We herewith communicate to your Excellency a resolution of Congress, relative to the treaties, which we request may be laid before the King. Thereby his Majesty will perceive the unfeigned sentiments of that body, as well as the whole American people, whose hearts the King has gained, by his great benevolence towards them, manifested in these treaties, which has made so deep an impression on their minds, that no time will efface it.

We have the honor to be, &c.




We have the honor to inform Congress, that the Spy, Captain Nyles, has arrived at Brest, and brought us a ratification of the treaties with His Most Christian Majesty, which has given much satisfaction to this Court and nation. On the 17th instant we had the honor of exchanging ratifications with his Excellency the Count de Vergennes. The treaties ratified, signed by his Majesty, and under the great seal of France, are now in our possession, where, perhaps, considering the dangers of enemies at sea, it will be safest to let them remain at present.

Copies of them we shall have the honor to transmit to Congress by this opportunity.

War is not yet declared between France and England, by either nation, but hostilities at sea have been already commenced by both, and as the French fleet from Brest, under the command of the Count d'Orvilliers, and the British fleet, under Admiral Keppel, are both at sea, we are in hourly expectation of a rencontre between them. The Jamaica fleet, the Windward Island fleet, and a small fleet from the Mediterranean, have arrived at London, which has enabled them to obtain by means of a violent impress, perhaps a thousand or fifteen hundred seamen, who will man two or three s.h.i.+ps more, in the whole making Admiral Keppel's fleet somewhat nearer to an equality with the French. In the mean time, the Spanish flotilla has arrived, but the councils of that Court are kept in a secrecy so profound, that we presume not to say with confidence what are her real intentions. We continue, however, to receive from various quarters encouraging a.s.surances, and from the situation of the powers of Europe it seems highly probable, that Spain will join France in case of war.

A war in Germany, between the Emperor and King of Prussia, seems to be inevitable, and it is affirmed that the latter has marched his army into Bohemia, so that we apprehend that America has at present nothing to fear from Germany. We are doing all in our power to obtain a loan of money, and have a prospect of procuring some in Amsterdam, but not in such quant.i.ties as will be wanted. We are constrained to request Congress to be as sparing as possible in their drafts upon us. The drafts already made, together with the great expense arising from the frigates which have been sent here, and the expenses of the commissioners, the maintenance of your ministers for Vienna and Tuscany, and of prisoners who have made their escape, and the amount of clothes and munitions of war already sent to America, are such, that we are under great apprehensions that our funds will not be sufficient to answer the drafts, which we daily expect, for the interest of loan office certificates, as well as those from Mr Bingham.

We have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter from M. de Sartine, the Minister of Marine, and to request the attention of Congress to the subject of it.

We are told in several letters from the honorable Committee for Foreign Affairs, that we shall receive instructions and authority for giving up, on our part, the whole of the 11th article of the treaty, proposing it as a condition to the Court of France, that they on their part should give up the whole of the 12th. But unfortunately, these instructions, and authority were omitted to be sent with the letters, and we have not yet received them. At the time of the exchange of the ratifications, we mentioned this subject to the Count de Vergennes, and gave him an extract of the Committee's letter. His answer to us was, that the alteration would be readily agreed to, and he ordered his secretary not to register the ratification till it was done. We therefore request that we may be honored with the instructions and authority of Congress to set aside the two articles as soon as possible, and while the subject is fresh in memory.

The letter to M. Dumas[51] is forwarded, and in answer to the Committee's inquiry, what is proper for Congress to do for that gentleman, we beg leave to say, that his extreme activity and diligence in negotiating our affairs, and his punctuality in his correspondence with Congress as well as with us, and his usefulness to our cause in several other ways, not at present proper to be explained, give him, in our opinion, a good t.i.tle to two hundred pounds sterling a year at least.

The other things mentioned in the Committee's letter to us shall be attended to as soon as possible. We have received also the resolution of Congress of the 9th of February, and the letter of the Committee of the same date, empowering us to appoint one or more suitable persons as commercial agents, for conducting the commercial business of the United States in France, and other parts of Europe. But as this power was given us before Congress received the treaty, and we have never received it but with the ratification of the treaty, and as by the treaty Congress is empowered to appoint consuls in the ports of France, perhaps it may be expected from us, that we should wait for consuls. At present, Mr John Bonfield of Bordeaux, and Mr J. D.

Schweighauser at Nantes, both by the appointment of Mr William Lee, are the only persons authorised as commercial agents. If we should find it expedient to give appointments to any other persons, before we hear from Congress, we will send information of it by the first opportunity. If Congress should think proper to appoint consuls, we are humbly of opinion, that the choice will fall most justly as well as naturally on Americans, who are, in our opinion, better qualified for this business than any others, and the reputation of such an office, together with a moderate commission on the business they may transact, and the advantages to be derived from trade, will be a sufficient inducement to undertake it, and a sufficient reward for discharging the duties of it.

We have the honor to be, &c.



[51] Private Agent for American Affairs in Holland.

_The Functions of Consuls_,

Chapter 38 : M. DE SARTINE TO THE COMMISSIONERS.Translation.Versailles, 14th July, 1778.Gentlemen, N
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