Qing Guo Yingxiong
Chapter 9 : After Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng led Datong’s army to attack Ping’an, it was not like the rumore

After Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng led Datong’s army to attack Ping’an, it was not like the rumored b.l.o.o.d.y execution at all. After tracking down and arresting Pingnan’s high officials and their family members, they carried out the aid and comfort measure step, beginning with providing the civilians with what they needed whether it was money or food. Towards those people who had served as Pingnan’s lowest officials was also to forget and not bring recriminations1. Very quickly the situation in Ping’an had stabilized.   

Ping’an City was basically the Southern Region’s most flouris.h.i.+ng trading town, once the situation stabilized, the market conditions also resumed to their former days of bustling business in no time.

“Lao w.a.n.g2, give me two bowls of soy milk, one steamer full of buns.” Lao w.a.n.g represented the commoner of this Ping’an City. He opened a homemade snack shop inside the City. Although it was only a business with little capital, the business was not so bad. 

“Waiter, go make the soy milk, then take a steamer full of buns.” Lao w.a.n.g told the new waiter he hired just a month ago. Regarding this waiter, he felt at ease in his heart. This waiter had a neat and tidy appearance, body build was also healthy and strong, he only wanted to manage the food and lodging without wanting any salary. To find this kind of waiter was truly like the Heaven had dropped upon him a huge portion of pastry. 

The young man who was called as waiter orderly served the customer their soy milk and buns, then quietly cleared away the dirty bowls and chopsticks on the other table. His upright face was without whatever expression. 

n.o.body would have known, this completely without any special trait waiter could be the once shook the world, the mighty General of Pingnan, Duan Shun Jie.

When he returned to Ping’an from the inn, Pingnan’s defeat already couldn’t be redeemed. The retreating remnants of the defeated troops had fled southward to the forest in the mountain, however, it was already very difficult to stage a comeback to recover the former glory days. Feeling that he already had no face to see his old friends, Duan Shun Jie also didn’t choose to join with his former subordinates, but just stayed in Ping’an City. 

Of course, there was one more reason that caused him to do so, that was to wait for an opportunity to rescue Ouyang Si Qi and several of Lord Pingnan’s Commanders and Officials who were captured and taken as prisoners by Datong’s army.

Even if it was said that Ouyang Si Qi was conceiving Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s child, however, Duan Shun Jie doubted the Cruel Prince would treat her well for this reason. There was too much hearsay regarding this mysterious Prince within Ping’an City. Among those, his unrestrained behavior was what people took the most delight in talking about. They said that his current wife was praised as Tong’an’s utmost beauty, the daughter of the Left Prime Minister, already gave him two sons. Amidst the rumors it was also said the women he was involved with, their number couldn’t be counted, yet never had heard anyone who could gain and monopolize his favor.

Inside his heart, he was very clear that the current Ouyang Si Qi definitely hated him to the bone, but in the end, she was Duan Shun Jie’s one and only remaining blood relative in this world. His feeling towards his cherished sister who was unfortunate and miserable was complicated.

Although he had been jealous of her and Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s relations.h.i.+p, but when the cruel reality unfolding before him, at that time he had just suddenly realized that both brother and sister were merely miserable people who were played with by this cruel fate.

Wis.h.i.+ng to rescue Ouyang Si Qi, wis.h.i.+ng to grant his sister a brand new happy life was the only goal supporting Duan Shun Jie to live on. The wound in his still dripping blood heart hadn’t formed a scab yet from being cut open. The feelings he once had for Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng had become an infected rotten wound to the point that he himself had no courage to face it, with no power to cure it, could only look at it spread day by day, ulcerated, until it eroded the whole of his life. 

While Datong’s army still immersed in the joyousness of victory from successfully wiping out Pingnan’s troops, the guard on the captured prisoners of war was not tight at all. However,Duan Shun Jie from beginning to end restrained himself and didn’t take any action. He was afraid of the possibility of running into Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng. He didn’t know what kind of expression he should wear, what kind of feelings should he use to face the already deceived him for countless times man.

But what made him afraid the most was, even if things had come to this point, he himself who was still unable to hate Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng. He was afraid once he faced him, he would drown in his sweet speech and honeyed words, thus once again cause the people around him a calamity.

From far, a male teenager in an attendant’s attire hurriedly went to their direction. Looking in all directions for a while, he walked to the front of the snack shop, interrupting Duan Shun Jie’s train of thought.

“Owner, give me ten buns, also ten bowls of soy milk. Ask someone to come with me to deliver it.”

A great business was in front of his eyes, Lao w.a.n.g’s face in an instant bloomed into happiness, quickly he ordered the still busy Duan Shun Jie.

Duan Shun Jie quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks he was was.h.i.+ng and rushed to the shop. Using the clothes on his body he wiped his hands and got ready to attend to the customer. When the four eyes met, he and the youth at the same time were dumbfounded.

“... Chang Er?”

“Gen...” A complete word hadn’t had the chance to escape his mouth, Chang Er smartly covered his mouth. Then he watched him using his utmost speed to prepare the ordered things and left together with him.

Walking to a secluded area very far from the shop, Chang Er finally dared to open his mouth to ask: “Heaven, General, It is actually you! How could you become a snack shop waiter?”

Duan Shun Jie had nothing to say in reply, could only shake his head, sighing while speaking: “It is a long story.”

Looking at him whole face troubled, Chang Er also didn’t insist on asking him, instead, he let out a very excited face and said: “Good timing! Let me take you to meet someone. I guarantee you will be happy if you see him!”

While talking, the two people already approached an ordinary shaped small house with a courtyard. As if he couldn’t see Duan Shun Jie’s doubtful expression, once entering the house, Chang Er opened his mouth to call out: “Sir3Guo, Sir Guo hero, quick come and see whose come!”

Hearing his voice, immediately three men with tall and st.u.r.dy statures came out from a room. Upon seeing the Duan Shun Jie who was following behind Chang Er they let out a taken by surprise as well as pleasantly surprised expression.

Duan Shun Jie’s whole face was also delighted and in a daze. “Good Heaven, Third Brother4, Fifth Brother4, Ninth Brother4, how can it be you all?”

He had been in Mount Zhongnan5 from his childhood until grown up. The Brothers under the same Master had regarded him no different with their own blood brothers. He had never thought that he actually at this time and this place could see the separated for a long time old acquaintances, making his earlier terribly cold heart all of a sudden become warm. 

After the four people deeply moved and sobbed together for a while, the Third Brother Cui Xia suddenly slapped his own head and said: “See, I am being too excited, the Master is still waiting inside. If he saw the Seventh Brother, truly couldn’t guess how happy would he be!”

“Master also came?” In an instant, innumerable complicated feelings swept over Duan Shun Jie’s mind. Not wasting time to clarify, he had rushed to the inner room. Once he had entered the room, he threw himself towards the familiar figure.

“Master!” Throwing himself into Lord of Zhongnan’s bosom, Duan Shun Jie was like a child, crying and laughing. In that moment, he could only feel that his lost and helpless heart had a new place to rely on. That kind of meeting of a dear person feeling, even his own father, Ouyang Fa De, was unable to grant him such a feeling.

Patting the shoulder of the special disciple who he personally raised since small until grown up, Guo Yue’s feeling was somewhat moved too. With Duan Shun Jie already many years hadn’t met, this time ascended the mountain, aside from the intention to rescue the daughter of his old friend, Ouyang Si Qi, searching for the reported missing during the war of Ping’an beloved disciple was actually his main purpose.

Never thought that arriving in Ping’an only for several days, Duan Shun Jie would just appear on his own in front of him, how could he be not be deeply happy.

At the time when the Master and disciple’s feelings calmed down with much difficulty, the coming together of ten brothers of the same Master one by one came in to greet the hadn’t met for long time Duan Shun Jie. Talking and laughing boisterously for a period a time, everyone could finally talk over their sad feelings caused by parting, then settled down and sat orderly according to their rank of seniority.

“Shun Jie ah, Master heard that when Datong’s army defeated the city, you actually disappeared from the camp. Originally I was worried that you had been captured in secret by Datong’s army, but now I see it wasn’t the case at all. Do tell, what was actually happened?”

When meeting with the brothers, Duan Shun Jie had known he certainly would be faced with this interrogation, but even until now, he still couldn’t figure out what was the best answer to give.

Guo Yue saw him whole face hesitating, his face became solemn at once: “Shun Jie, you can honestly tell Master. I heard that you are in close a.s.sociation with the Datong’s Seventh Prince. And Jingling, Ping’an, the falling of both cities, Ouyang Fa De’s a.s.sa.s.sination, Ouyang Si Qi’s taken as prisoner, was the doing of this Seventh Prince. To the point there was a rumor that you, for the sake of high position and great wealth, had sold Pingnan to him. At first, Master would never have believed no matter what, but today, seeing you like this...”  

Duan Shun Jie’s heart tightened for a moment. He didn’t have the courage to think and guess how his former subordinates in Pingnan’s army would evaluate him, an incompetent General who for the second time disappeared from the frontline at a critical juncture. All the more he didn’t know that he was rumored to have already sink down to a shameless person who would sell his own father and sister to the enemy for the sake of high position and great wealth. 

Things had come to this point, what excuse could he say.

Trampled on by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng to the point he was not even worth the dust on the soles of the feet, why did he have to care for other people’s opinion. However, he and Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s relations.h.i.+p, what kind of words should he use to explain for other people to clearly understand...even if facing his closest person in this world, his Master, who had brought him up to be a good person, he still absolutely had no courage to narrate the whole facts.

Looking at Duan Shun Jie wore a complicated expression on his face, Guo Yue also became reticent.

He watched Duan Shun Jie as he grew up, of course he would know that he would never betray his people merely for his own glory and position. Certainly there were some facts or circ.u.mstances he wished to hide. But why even only half of the truth he also didn’t dare to leak out, thus it was a given if he caused people to have doubt.

The bad-tempered Second Brother, Jiang Cheng Zhao, already couldn’t stand it and sprung up: “Seventh Brother, you better talk! Everybody knew that that Cruel Prince was brought by you into Ping’an City. He killed the Lord of Pingnan, also captured Ouyang Si Qi, you surely have to present your account to justify yourself!”

Seeing Duan Shun Jie in anguish expression, the always had the best term with him Fourth Brother, Feng Hui Zhong, already couldn’t bear it then came to his defense. “Second Brother, when Seventh Brother became acquainted with that Seventh Prince, he didn’t know his real status. For this matter, actually he is not to be blamed!”

Guo Yue didn’t interfere, he only watched his disciples all talking at once making noise with each other. Waiting until everyone had stopped their mouths, by then he turned to face Duan Shun Jie to ask him: “Shun Jie, then, when did you find out about that Cruel Prince’s real ident.i.ty?”

Duan Shun Jie’s heart since earlier was in disorder as if numbed by the noise his brothers made, there was no way he could have even half the courage to play the fool. In an instant he respectfully bowed his body to answer: “Your disciple only found out the night when Datong invaded Jinling.”

“It was said that that Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng after coming to Ping’an6, resided in your mansion. With your sharpness, how could you not even the slightest bit of the spider’s threat6 and horse’s track6 also couldn’t see?”    

Duan Shun Jie shook his head, became silent. The him at that time had been blinded by love, how could he think of doubting his heart’s most beloved person.

“It was due to my foolishness, I never sensed it.”

Guo Yue was unable to make up his mind for a while, in the end he nodded his head. He also knew very well this disciple of his always valued feelings the most, never having doubts towards his precious good friend was not strange at all.

“Then I ask you again, after the war in Jinling, have you ever met with him again?”

This one sentence stabbed straight to Duan Shun Jie’s heart’s sore spot. His face in that instant turned deathly pale, indeed he wouldn’t dare to deceive his most respected Master.

“He... Before he attacked Ping’an, indeed he came to meet me.” After a period of time, he finally admitted it with a soft voice.

Guo Yue’s face became stern at once. His eyes were sharp as knife stabbing straight to Duan Shun Jie’s dimmed eyes.

“What did he say to you? What benefit did he promise you to make you retreat and not join the war, to let them take Ping’an City, to bow and give way7 for them to take the many years established Pingnan?”

“He... He... “He wanted to say Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng actually didn’t need to promise him anything, he was such an idiot who would even willingly give his life to him. Nevertheless, in front of Guo Yue and his brothers, he truly didn’t have the courage to confess about this only could be described as lamentable and ridiculous feeling. Duan Shun Jie could only choose to be silent.

“Then, could it be the truth that you because he promised to give you a great position thus you sold Ping’an City and Si Qi?” Guo Yue’s face had become extremely strict. Probably, if Duan Shun Jie nodded his head, he would dispose of his regarded as betrayal disciple at that very moment.

“No. I did not. I really did not... I ... I don’t know...” His grievance already reached the utmost point, if not facing GuoYue, Duan Shun Jie truly would never be willing to explain even if he had to die. The last meeting with Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng was his life most of the most unbearable to recall memory. Every time he recalled he had the urge to kill himself on the spot, so how could he bear to speak of it to them.

“Then why did you disappear before the battle? To the point the country was ruined huddling up like a turtle drawing in its head and leg8 in a corner pretending to be peaceful like nothing had happened!” The Second Brother was obviously unable to stand his hum and haw8 manner, sprung up to criticize him.  

“I...I...” Had no way to speak out the truth, also couldn’t afford to lie to his Master, Duan Shun Jie’s heart was really conflicted and hesitated to the greatest point. He knew that his wanting-to-speak-yet-stop caused people’s suspicion the most, but he really didn’t have the face to reveal the truth.

Looking at the whole face furious Jiang Cheng Zhao and Duan Shun Jie’s hesitating and flinching eyes, after a good while, Guo Yue finally heaved out a long sigh, spoke with a cold and strict tone: “Shun Jie, Master also knows that you surely will never because of whatever glory, splendour, wealth and rank betray the entire Pingnan. But other people wouldn’t think the same. By now, Master could only give you one chance to atone for your crime by doing a meritorious act. Only if you personally kill that Cruel Prince and rescue Ouyang Si Qi, to avenge the Lord of Pingnan, other people absolutely couldn’t have anything to say anymore. If not... could only wish you don’t blame Master for being heartless!”

Duan Shun Jie, upon hearing this, knowing that even the Master who always had believed firmly without any doubt9towards him already suspected him, suspected that he had betrayed Pingnan for Datong, from the bottom of his heart, he was filled with agony at once. When he wanted to distinguish truth from falsehood, he saw that his Master had closed his eyes and waved his hand, signaling him to withdraw.

Knowing that insisting to tell the truth was useless, if he delayed killing Xuan Yuan with his own hand for one more day, the more people would suspect that he and him were villains colluding together10. However, killing Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng with his own hands, no matter how, it was something he couldn’t do...

Parting with his Master and leaving the small house, the whole heart lost not knowing which way to go Duan Shun Jie finally realized that he originally had nowhere to go. s.h.i.+lly-shally for half a day, in the end he headed back to direction of that small snack shop.

Upon his return, Lao w.a.n.g inevitably blamed him for leaving for such a long while, but seeing his face color was not right, he finally didn’t say anything anymore.

The snack shop profit was slight, life of course was not easy. The time when Duan Shun Jie finished tidying up and clearing the table from the last group of guests, the sky was already pitch-dark. He casually fetched some water to wipe his body and change into clean clothes before he climbed into his bed.

Said it was a bed, in fact it was not more than a simple shakedown built temporarily inside the shop, extremely simple and crude. The Duan Shun Jie whose feelings were in disorder without any main threads certainly would be harder to fall asleep.

Unceasingly he played with the cut through iron as if it were a mud’s11 dagger on his chest --- it was given by his Master just before he left. The time limit the  Lord of Zhongnan gave him was three days. Within these three days, if not taking Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s head to him, he would be as good as admitting himself as Datong’s spy. At that time, he wouldn’t be regarded as the Lord of Zhongnan’s disciple anymore, also, would be included in the list of Pingnan’s target of revenge.    

On one side was the one who brought him up like his own father, Lord of Pingnan. On the other side was the one who had repeatedly deceived him and shoved him into this hopeless situation, his beloved person...

Duan Shun Jie’s rationality completely understood which one he should choose, but the deepest part of his heart had another voice.

Even if being deceived and harmed for ten thousand times, how could he kill Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng with his own hands?

Even if he couldn’t obtain his favor and his love, Duan Shun Jie’s prayer was to wish and hope for Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng to continue to live in happiness and joy. How could he have the heart to let the him who was obsessed with ambition with his lofty aspirations unrealized, just like that, collapse by his hands?

The night was long and endless, Duan Shun Jie was not the least sleepy, could only open his eyes widely till the sky became bright...

The more he wanted to stop the time, the quicker the time pa.s.sed.

No matter if Duan Shun Jie was willing or unwilling, in a blink of an eye, the day had come to the last day of the three days’ time limit.

Countless conflicts were interlocking in his mind, but even until this very moment he still couldn’t manage a single vivid detail. Duan Shun Jie also loathed his own indecisiveness. Before his eyes, the sky gradually turned to pitch black, he could only choose to go to Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s residence first then decide afterwards.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s residence was not at all hard to find. He was now residing in the Lord of Pingnan’s temporary residence. Of course that place was overly familiar for Duan Shun Jie.

Leaning on the roof of the sleeping quarter, Duan Shun Jie diligently held his breath, little by little, slowly he lifted the tile on the roof of the room to look inside the room.

Upon a glance, he almost fainted by the stimulating obscene scenery inside the room --- Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng was intertwining with three, four beautiful naked young men and girls on the extravagantly decorated large bed.

He was using a jade stem with the thickness of a baby arm to thrust into the backyard of a boy. That boy had an extremely lovely cute face, but his whole face was making an extreme lewd expression when he was being played with, his mouth unceasingly let out a charming moan, as if he was demanding Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng to quickly enter his body. The remaining two girls were wearing an intoxicated face to attend to Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng with their mouths. There were also many strange instruments scattered on the bed...

Duan Shun Jie was unable to have another glance. A stream of unstoppable bitterness gushed straight to his heart, made him subconsciously biting hard on his lips, yet, he still couldn’t help the sound of a sharp gasp escaping.

At the moment his breathing spell became disordered, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng seemingly had realized immediately. Very fast he draped an exquisitely embroidered sleeping robe on his body, he waved his hand, the youths although having a face that said they still wanted to continue still hurriedly took their clothes and left.

“Who is that? Come out.” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s voice was cold, completely without any trace that just a second ago he was still immersed in the realm of perverted game of pleasure.

Duan Shun Jie stiffened in an instant, he calculated again and again, but not in the least bit he considered to be found out by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng this fast.

“Duan Shun Jie! I know it is you, come out now!” What was more shocking, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng unexpectedly called out his name.

Since his name was being directly mentioned, Duan Shun Jie couldn’t continue pretending to be indifferent anymore. Quietly without any noise he flipped over from the window into the sleeping quarter. Duan Shun Jie with his complicated eyes appeared in front of Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng.

“It is actually you. It really has been quite a while!” Without making his feelings apparent, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng put on a slightly cold smile as he lightly said it.

Duan Shun Jie’s feelings couldn’t be more complicated --- Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s body only had a piece of thin and flimsy sleeping robe, basically unable to cover the traces of the joyous moment left on his fair body. In Duan Shun Jie’s eyes, it was as if a sharp arrow had been stabbed straight to his heart, caused him to be pained to the point he unable to utter a word.

“What? Have you become mute?” Facing Duan Shun Jie, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng would be handling a butcher’s cleaver with ease12 forever, his manner was calm and leisure to the point of making one’s hair stand up in anger12. “Or is it because you saw the great fun just now so you are shocked and couldn’t say a word?” 

Duan Shun Jie watched him slowly approaching, the nervous mind since earlier had become a blank sheet, could only desperately grab tightly the dagger in his sleeve, using all of his strength he reminded himself that today’s mission was to a.s.sa.s.sinate this poisonous like a snake man who had destroyed everything.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng seemed as if he didn’t notice Duan Shun Jie’s nervousness and rigidness at all, not in the least cared, he extended his hand to push him to sit on the messy couch, his other hand was taking the covered with clothes jade stem.

“Duan Shun Jie, you haven’t met with this one, have you? Do you want me to play with you to stimulate you?” He pressed closer, the distance was very near as if stuck on Duan Shun Jie’s face.

A smear of crimson red floated up on Duan Shun Jie’s cheek. Helplessly tried to avoid, he retreaded backwards, but his right wrist was gripped firmly by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng.

“If you couldn’t play, just don’t bring this dangerous thing on your body, hadn’t your father taught you about this?” From Duan Shun Jie’s sleeve, he drew out the dagger. Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng with a mocking face tossed the dagger to the corner of the room, then with an ease he pressed him under his body, the other hand already slipped inside his trousers.

“No! Don’t do this! Don’t touch me!” He wanted to shout don’t use that pair of dirty hands which had just touched another boy to touch him, but he realized, the him who had that kind of thought was like a jealous wife, thus he could only desperately struggle. However, the most fragile part of a man was completely in the palm of his opponent, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng only needed to pinch it hard to hurt him to the point his whole person curling up.

“Come to see me, you only need to wash your a.s.s clean, no need for whatever dagger, my ‘dagger’ could be lent to you, Duan Great General!” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng intentionally rubbed his manhood against Duan Shun Jie’s upper thigh for a couple of light rub, letting Duan Shun Jie to fully feel his still half in high-spirited state of erection.

“...don’t be like this...let me go...” Once he made contact with Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, that usually calm with self-restraint Duan Shun Jie was as if had vanished without any traces, remained only a pitiful man with helpless limbs in front of his twisted-natured beloved person.

He tried to break free from Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s suppression but got pushed and pressed down to the bed instead. Then when he tried to use his strength to revolt, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng forcefully knead and pinched his lower body, pained him to the point of powerless.

Seeing that Duan Shun Jie had lost his will to resist, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng coldly laughed and twisted both hishands to the back of his body, untying his belt to bind him. Following next he harshly ripped his whole clothes to reveal a healthy wheat-colored body.

Aware that Duan Shun Jie’s whole body was quivering, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng did not change his expression at all. The slender fingers were caressing the inner side of the big thigh which he previously branded with a tattoo. Unexpectedly, he noticed that the word ‘cheap’ had been replaced by a deep scar of a flat iron.

He could feel Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s fingers lingered on that burnt mark. His movements slowly called back the whole scene of the wound in Duan Shun Jie’s heart. It was as if he returned to that miserable self of his, to the tragic moment when he used a burning flat iron to erase the humiliation mark on his body, returned to that desperate self of him who didn’t wish to stay in this mortal world even for a moment or a second...

As long as he faced this man, seemingly the world even the colors had changed. Trying for innumerable times to coldly respond to his teasing, however, once he was touched by him, even the deepest part of his body as if it had become weak and soft.

He could feel Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s fingers slowly stroke pa.s.s the cleavage of his b.u.t.tocks, slide in towards the s.p.a.ce between his b.u.t.tocks. Duan Shun Jie couldn’t help but hold his breath when the icy-cold slender finger entered his inner body, but because of his malice suppression, he let out a m.u.f.fled groan.

“This part or yours is really missing me... what, you saw that little boy just now, didn’t you? He is the son of Ping’an wealthiest family. Initially, compared to you, he is more virtuous and more n.o.ble. Just now on the bed, moaning unrestrained... Didn’t know he is more lewd or you? Hm?” Abruptly added the thrusting fingers to three fingers, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng was practically with evil-intention humiliating Duan Shun Jie.

Duan Shun Jie of course knew Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng was mocking him, but his since earlier had familiar with the pleasure of a.n.a.l intercourse body had no way to resist this kind of tantalizing. From the deepest part of his body unceasingly sent forth the spell by spell pleasure, tormenting him and made him unable to say any words to retort.

This kind of him, death would be better for him! This unbearable to embrace, shameless and despair kind of feeling... In a daze, he attempted to focus on Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s face, but in front of his eyes was only a blurred vision, it was as if in this moment’s mental of state, he couldn’t see anything clearly.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng towards Duan Shun Jie perplexed in anguish expression was like looking but not seeing13. Taking out his fingers, he took the tossed by the side jade stem.

“Ahh...” In his hazy state, his backyard was thrusted mercilessly with that baby’s arm thickness jade stem by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng. Even if Duan Shun Jie was in his strong self, he also couldn’t help but cry out a blood-curdling screech.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng remained unmoved, still with his cold and calm face played with the jade stem in his hand to move back and forth, thrust and pull, with each thrust he brought it to Duan Shun Jie’s innermost part, enjoying his writhing as if dying struggling every time it entered and pulled back.

Jade stem compared to manhood of course was much longer, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng heartlessly pushed it inside forcefully. Duan Shun Jie didn’t know whether this lifeless icy-cold lethal weapon already injured his internal organs or not, he could only feel from his a.n.u.s to his r.e.c.t.u.m and even the entire of his abdominal cavity was having this burning like pain. He could only desperately writhe his body in attempt to alleviate a little of his pain.

Probably wanted to see Duan Shun Jie’s anguish expression, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng actually lifted Duan Shun Jie’s pair of thigh while still making the stabbing and pulling movement, pressed it against him, he continued with jade stem’s repeatedly casual yet obscene movement.

Because of the laying on his back position as well as being entered to the deepest part of his body, Duan Shun Jie even the strength to scream he didn’t have anymore, could only hold in his breath to endure the agony of delicate inner wall being wreck when he was still alive, could only feel the place that was trailed by the jade stem because of the extrusion and the friction had almost split open.      

Maybe already bored with this little monotonous play, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng finally pulled out the stem and tossed it aside, taking his since earlier already swollen to become crimson in color manhood pus.h.i.+ng it straight into Duan Shun Jie’s inner body.

“How loose!!Truly not interesting at all!” Ridiculed by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s following speech, he was upset to the point of s.h.i.+vering from head to toe. Duan Shun Jie clearly aware that his inner wall had been overly instigated by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng to the extent he was slacker compared to the common person, in addition, he had been fiddled with by that baby’s arm thickness jade stem for quite a while. This moment, his muscle could only maintain the previous shape unable to completely wrap Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s p.e.n.i.s14. Letting him irritatingly alternate the thrusting angle, also couldn’t make it shrink back.

Perhaps to show Duan Shun Jie how boring their s.e.xual intercourse was, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s thrusting and pulling movement appeared to be extremely slow with long interval. That not in the least bit excited mechanical front and back motion of his swaying waist caused Duan Shun Jie’s broken pride to completely fall apart. But Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng just like that slowly swung for almost an hour but hadn’t showed any indication of ejaculating, made Duan Shun Jie’s tears almost flow out.

“Cut it! Really completely boring! Playing with you is still not any better than playing with a wonderful wh.o.r.e.” Taking out his still swelling erected manhood from Duan Shun Jie’s inner body, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng coldly threw a word, following afterwards, using his hand he stroke his still stiffly erected manhood in a high-speed. After a while, he shot the whole of hot fluid on Duan Shun Jie’s face.

Looking at the sprayed with obscene fluid face of Duan Shun Jie making a completely unable to believe expression, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng laughed coldly, at the same time he unfastened the rope binding him, one foot kicked him out of the bed.

“You think you are still the Lord of Pingnan’s Great General? You are not more than a s.l.u.t who had been played rotten by a man! Get lost!”

With his torn almost couldn’t cover his body clothes he ran wildly out from that temporary residence, but only out for several Li, Duan Shun Jie already felt a pain as if his stomach was being wrung, hard to carry on. He randomly sought for a secluded area inside the forest by the side of the road, kneeling down on the ground, he threw up.

Looking on helplessly the vomited food remnants mixed with more and more fresh blood, Duan Shun Jie definitely didn’t have the intention to stop, even if the dark red of fresh blood had soiled the whole of his front robe.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s cruel word was still echoing in his ears, the grievance tears in the end drip-dropping like mad.

His infatuation from the beginning till the very end was nothing more than him overestimating his own worth inviting his own disgrace. Until this point, the him who already completely had no value to be made use of, indeed still infatuated and vainly hoped to obtain Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s affection.

Even he himself already couldn’t recognize this lowly to the point not having the least bit of self-esteem man.

Finally it had come to an end... Finally he could free himself from the heartache that every day and every night pestered him, gotten rid of that person’s cruel smiling face, leaving this icy-cold with nothing to be attached world.

Before he departed to the Temporary Residence, Duan Shun Jie had secretly taken the poison which would show effects after several hours. He definitely went to meet Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng with the determination to die.

Actually he had thought, he didn’t want to go on living alone after killing Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, at that time, Duan Shun Jie was as if he couldn’t think straight anymore.

But until the very end, he still couldn’t make a move, couldn’t make a move to make this ruthless but beautiful man forever disappear from this world. His love and attachment towards him already burned fiercely to the extent even he himself was frightened.

At any rate, the staying on the ground Duan Shun Jie had lost the face to see the person who brought him up, Lord of Zhongnan, didn’t have the courage to face the bitter and hateful expression of the people who had cared for him. At this moment, giving up, he justified it as to break free, actually more like running away.

Feeling that he almost vomited the whole of his blood out from his body, the long awaited darkness finally arrived.

So, this is how death feels like? Feeling the long awaited peacefulness, Duan Shun Jie’s consciousness finally completely left his body. Slowly fell to the icy-cold muddy ground.

End of Fallen Hero Chapter 9

Chapter 9 : After Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng led Datong’s army to attack Ping’an, it was not like the rumore
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