I Said Make My Abilities Average!
I Said Make My Abilities Average! - Chapter 109: You made me angry.

Chapter 109: You made me angry.

(Mile said with “Teme” , a low way calling you)

As Low Breath soared in the sky, it entered the position to descent again.

He is planning to attack again. But that’s too reckless.

「Flying dragon like, I need to take care of it …」(Ancient Dragon)

(T.N: The Ancient call Low Breath as Flying Dragon not as Wyvern)

Yes, the Ancient Dragon was regarded Low Breath as an enemy that could harm him, and he entered an intercepting posture.

And the moment when Low Breath tried to open his mouth as he approaching the Ancient Dragon to attack again.

Don! (SFX)

A fireball was released from the mouth of the Ancient Dragon.

It’s not a flame-breath-like that was released toward the girls earlier.

It’s a literal fireball, a lump of fire.

Fireball was released at high speed hit Low Breath’s left wing, and Low Breath crashed between the trees. The little girl riding on him is screaming as she falls.

They are only last a few minutes.

However, that few minutes was never wasted.

During that little amount of time, Maevis managed to grab the capsule from her pocket and succeed in opening the lid.

「Lend me your power, Micros!」(Maevis)

Mile had taught her「To raise the effect of medicine, you need words of prayer」.

Maevis says her prayer as she drink the capsule’s contents again.

「It would be nice to heal completely but right now I can’t effort to do that.

I need to concentrate my mind, ignore the pain to move again!」(Maevis)

With her own power, Maevis is desperate trying to control her body.

Because Maevis thinks that she can’t use magic, she never thought of using「curative magic」on herself.

And as soon as the pain disappeared and her body began to move again. But Maevis understood that it never meant her injury has been cured.

She just just ceased to feel pain.

She only supports the minimum necessary for bones and tendons with her mind.

But that was enough.

And Maevis took out the next capsule from her pocket.

In her mind, she rememberd Mile’s words.

「Please use only one at a time.

Even in emergency case, you can only 2 of them at most.

However, in that case, please don’t move unreasonably.

If you use this, your muscles and tendons will be reinforced to a certain extent.

But you can’t easy control your new power and speed.

And when you use power and speed more than your body can take, your bones and tendons will break, fractures, cracks and tears.

And never use more than three.

With the 1st principle, even in emergency you can only use at most 2 at a time, and you must pay close attention when you use 2 at a time.

Did you get it? If you don’t do it, you may die!」(Mile)

But Maevis ignored that, their opponent this time is a Ancient Dragon, it can’t be knocked down unless she do it without break her limit.

And Maevis drinks the contents of the 3rd capsule, muttered…

「…How about this!」(Maevis)

And she’s staring at the 4th and 5th capsule in hand, Maevis dicided to borrow the dialog that Mile sometimes uses.

「If you don’t use it now, when will you use it!」

(T.N: 「nausicaa of the valley of the wind」refer)

Then, she drunk the contents of the two capsules at once.

Her main weapon, Short Sword was blown away somewhere when she was hit by the Ancient Dragon.

She only has the sword that she brought from her parents’ house, which was changed to a dagger by Mile.

She pulled out the sword.

Zawa, zawa… (SFX)

The air arround her was blowing strongly and Maevis smiled. (T.N: Just like Super Saiyan make their air arround him)

「This is the first time I have a real battle with you.

This may be the first and final fight that we fight together, but I will ask for your best regards!」(Maevis)

The dagger was trembling with Maevis’s word.

Shari … (SFX)


Shari, shari, shariri… (SFX)

Light glowing from the blade of the dagger. The beautiful blade is shining beautifully.

「Is that your real figure?

I feel like you can cut anything whether it’s a Ancient Dragon, Devil or even God…」(Maevis)

Nano-machines inconspicuous coating the blade and sharpen the sharpness.

Exclusive nanomachines had been stuck to maintenance of dagger at their own discretion.

The nano-machines had heard Mile decision word repeatedly. But they also thought by themself.

(Don’t stop release power now, at least until this girl can finish her attack!) (Nano-Machines)

They got Authority level 5 order from Mile to help Maevis and they also understand Maevis determined thought. That’s why the Nano-machines are willing to do all that.

And then Maevis is aiming at the Ancient Dragon with her dagger.

The Ancient Dragon is looking at the forest for a while, checking if the Wyvern can come back to attack when it fells into the trees.

After a while the Ancient Dragon lost interest and turned toward Mile again.

From the side, he noticed that the girl who used sword is standing again. But even in the perfect state back then, she could only slightly damaged his scale. And now, that girl even lose her main weapon, and use the spare dagger.

With her tattered body, this time she might now even scratch his scale.

The Ancient Dragon thought so, and decided to let Maevis attack as she like. Although it would be easy to block or counter with his arms and tails.

He was completely ignoring Maevis even he already noticed her.

Zuburi (SFX)

「…Eh?」(Ancient Dragon)

The Ancient Dragon is surprised with「Eh? eh? eh…」

He shouldn’t be scratched let alone feel pain.

But Maevis dagger was pierced through his strong scales and his tough outer skin, even stabbed deeply into his body.

The Ancient Dragon stunned looked over his flank.


Maevis was trying to move her sword with full power to cut the Ancient Dragon body.

Consider her failure in the previous time, she didn’t stop cutting the Ancient Dragon with her sword. Because she used too much power, most of the blade part was sucked into the body of the Ancient Dragon up to the handle of the sword.

But to move the sword from the stationary state need strong force. Not to mention Ancient Dragon had strong hulls and scales, it was hard to cut the peritoneum and abdominal muscles to move the sword, the hurdles were too high.

It may be easier to pull it out and attack again.

However, Maevis thought it would be better to rip the wound bigger to give great damage than repeat attack until hit the heart.

「Ugu gu …」(Maevis)

When Maevis is using all her power to move the sword, she felt like the sword had moved a little bit. If she keep using power, the sword will definitely move, Maevis thought.

「Uoooo …」(Maevis)

Buchi (SFX)

There’s a torn sound somewhere in Maevis’s body.

Buchi Buchi Buchi Buchi (SFX)

Baki (SFX)

Beki boki buchi bishi~! (SFX)

(T.N: there are a lot of SFX but they all mean for muscle and tendon being torn apart)

「Uaaaaaa!」(Ancient Dragon)


In addition to the severe pain that had been delayed, Maevis was blowed away again by the Ancient Dragon’s arm to near where Rena was.

The Ancient looked down at his belly that was torn up.

Although Rena was also blown away, she wasn’t losing consciousness.

Somehow she crawled and retreated to the shadow of the stone wall and used healing magic on her and other girls.

She saw Maevis that was seriously wounded, was knocked nearby and rolled on the ground.

So she quickly jumped out of hiding and used all healing magic on her.

… She was worry about Maevis that she forgot to check the Ancient Dragon …

「Ah… how dare you, a mere human do this to me…」(Ancient Dragon)

The Ancient Dragon healed the wounds on his flank with healing magic.

But It doesn’t mean that he will recover anytime soon.

Apart from Mile and Pauline who received Mile’s teaching. Only the Wonder Three can heal wounds with fast speed.

The Ancient Dragon can only prevent the hemostasis and the internal organs from protruding for a moment. He glared at the Maevis and Rena.

Then, he opens his mouth wide, breathe in a lot of air for a fire breath.

Gan! (SFX)

Bufo ~! (SFX)

The Ancient Dragon breaths the flame toward the sky. It was because he received a Rock in the face. His face direction was forcibly changed just before he can breath.

「What’s happening!」(Ancient Dragon)

The Ancient Dragon is filling with anger.

Foam and droll are spilling from his mouth while looking around.

And reflect before the Ancient Dragon’s eyes, It’s Mile with clothes, armor and hair became tattered.

Just like the Ancient Dragon, Mile is also indignant while trembling with anger.

「You know what?」(Mile)

Mile pointed her index finger and shouted to the Ancient Dragon.

「You made me angry!」(Mile)

Readers, prepare yourself.

Mile gonna make you smile

The second most Average Chapter of this series.

I Said Make My Abilities Average! - Chapter 109: You made me angry.
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