The Spearmaster and the Black Cat
The Spearmaster and the Black Cat - Chapter 389.2
Chapter 389.2
I instantly understand what she’s talking about, but remain silent.
“Puyuyu? Puyu~”
“Shuuya! Look, look! An odd fuzzball is opening and closing the cat door!” Eva excitedly points at the door.
“Huh? I can’t see anything from down here,” replies Rebecca while looking up to the ceiling.
“It’s Puyuyu aka the small bear cub Taro. It’s probably looking for Rollo’s Squad? That or it’s simply interested in the cute beauty Eva-san?”
“Ah, you mentioned it in the blood messages. It’s that Sea of Tree beastman with the whirly fur, right?”
“Yep. I think you might like it, Rebecca.”
After all, Rebecca also likes “Buu-tan.”
“Yeah, I love cute things.”
“By the way…the shelves and the other simple furniture give the whole house some kind of ambiance,” commented Dee-san while pointing at the old-fashioned sofa and low, wooden table.
“Well, I do sometimes take a liking to shelves and such.”
“I like this here. The decoration on the wall…are those coins?”
Just when I’m about to brag about the wooden boxes lined up on the shelf, Lily asks me about the wall decoration.
“You noticed? You’re right, it’s made out of copper coins.”
“Hee, Shuuya-san, you sure are wealthy!”
“Hmm, the interior design is stylish. Somehow…oh well, whatever. Evaaa, leave Puyuyu alone and come down here. We’re here for the apples, aren’t we? Though it’s the sweets in my case.”
I guess I’ll respond to Rebecca’s sweets sensor…I take out the apple pies made by Riedel and Gramps Ton, and give them to Rebecca.
“Whooaaaa! What sweet fragrance! Time to dig in!”
The pies are snatched out of my hands before I can actually pass them to her. Holding a pie in each hand, Rebecca alternately takes bites of each.
“Nn, womanly scent from the bed.”
Eva has descended on my bed, just to casually check it out.
Rebecca glares at me…with her cheeks stuffed with apple pie.
“Focus on eating your pies, seriously. Let’s go downstairs,” I rebuke her with a laugh while guiding them to the living room on the first floor.
Down there waited the causes for the womanly scents, Helme and Kisara. And the orcs.
The one speaking up first is Helme, “Everyone, I’m happy to see all of you in good health.”
“Thank you, Spirit-sama.”
“Nn, the mansion’s servants have been very sad ever since you, Spirit-sama, Balmint, and Onion-sensei left. Also, the number of weird statues has increased.”
“Statues? Hehe, I want to meet Millennium-chan, too.”
“Shuuya’s family…”
Just as Higlia mutters so, I’m introducing the Four Heavenly Witch Kisara to everyone.
“…This is your esteemed family, correct Shuuya-sama? It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Just as you might have heard from Shuuya-sama, I am one of the Four Heavenly Witches affiliated to the Black Witch Church. My name is Kisara.”
Hearing Kisara’s august greeting, Rebecca becomes flustered with her eyebrows twitching. Or rather, after comparing her small boobs with Kisara’s big cleavage…she’s revealing a rather sad expression.
On the other hand, Eva looks very calm, not being perturbed in the least. After casting a fleeting glance at Kisara’s chest, she smiles and answers, “…Nn, I’m Eva. Nice to meet you, Kisara-san. Your eye color is as pretty as Rebecca’s. Your boobs are big, too.”
Next to her, Rebecca reacts to Eva’s confident statement with her body jerking. Once Eva shifts her eyes towards Rebecca, Rebecca’s golden eyebrows twitch once more.
Eva has apparently recalled that Rebecca is worried about her bust size.
“Nn, sorry,” she apologizes.
“N-No problem at all! Kisara-san, nice to meetcha! I’m Rebecca Ibhin, Shuuya’s <Head Servant Leader>.”
Hearing Rebecca’s name, Kisara’s expression changes so much that it’s actually visible through her mask. …She’s also checking out Rebecca’s ears.
A faint trace of hesitation reveals itself on her face. I wonder what’s going on?
After taking a short moment to confirm, Kisara speaks up, “It is nothing of urgent direness, but I will also become a family member sooner or later…”
“Nn, we’ll welcome you then. But, Shuuya is a careful man. It’s not like we became his bloodkin right after getting to know him either.”
She’s got a point there, I agree in my mind while recalling the first time I met her. Back then she was called Death Goddess Eva or Death Wheel Eva, was it? Which reminds me, Rebecca was hated as well. Veronica is a death goddess of blood, too. Yui is an apostle of Baycala, or rather possesses eyes with Baycala’s divine blessing.
“…True that. It took a bit of time…after we formed a party for the first time.”
“I am well aware of that…,” says Kisara while looking at me, “I think all of my live, including my meeting with the great <Bringer of Light and Darkness> and superb magic spearmaster Shuuya-sama, who is as magnanimous as the heavens, is divine providence.”
Divine providence, huh? I can agree to that. After all, she encountered me at the end of a long chain of coincidences.
“Nn, I understand the reason for you calling it divine providence. I’ve read in Shuuya’s blood messages about your many past battles in the great deserts and you being sealed away after losing against Hoffmann. Also that Shuuya is the messiah the Black Witch Church has been eagerly awaiting.”
“…Indeed. <Bringer of Light and Darkness> magic spearmaster, was it? It’s a bit strange, but I can agree with it. To be honest, I thought I’d be a bit more jealous, but…it was only like that at first. Also, is it just me who feels like knowing about Kisara-san for a long, long time?”
“Well, you heard a lot about her through my blood messages.”
“Nn, I don’t really feel like that. Her eyes are as beautiful as Spirit-sama’s, though.”
“Thanks, Eva. Kisara-chan’s bum is dreamy too, but I only met her just recently, too.”
Listening to our conversation, Kisara nods once more. And then she directs her blue eyes directly at Rebecca. Once I turn my face towards her, Kisara genuflects.
“――Yes. Me too…”
“Kisara, is there anything you want to tell us?”
“Would that be okay? It is a little something about Rebecca-san.”
“Eh? Me?”
“Yes. One of the masters in the Black Witch Church was called Alson Ibhin.”
The same surname means…
“My Dad was called Heat Ibhin, but don’t tell me…”
Blue flames blaze up in Rebecca’s eyes. Those flames also spring forth on both her arms.
“The color of your flames and your long ears resemble those of Alson.”
“…Then he might be a high elf like me. It’s also possible that he’s a relative if he can use the blue flame. Where is that Alson right now?”
If they share the same bloodline…
Rebecca awoke her blue flame through her <Blood Mana> which she obtained after becoming my bloodkin, but maybe Also has awoken the power of his unique bloodline during battle or training…
“He is missing.”
“I see…if he’s still alive, I’d love to meet him. Ah…” Rebecca has started to cry.
That’s right, isn’t it? She has been living together with Betty-san who’s been her family and mother for her, but…now she’s heard that a truly blood-related family member might still be around. She’s probably thinking that she’s not all alone… That’d make anyone cry.
Tears naturally well up in my eyes as well.
“…Hehe, sorry for dampening the mood with my crying.”
“Nn, no worries――” Eva hugs Rebecca.
After getting her fill of Eva’s soft chest, Rebecca separates from her, and says, “――Hehe, that was soothing. Thanks.”
“So that’s why I felt a connection with Kisara-san. That and the link of the Ancient White Star StoneNepua’Highcient; the meeting with Shuuya might have been fate after all.”
That might be true, but…as far as I’m aware through Kazane, life is an accumulation of such fates, is what I want to believe.
“…Ancient White Star Stone.”
“Come to think of it, you had it equipped when you fought against me, right?”
“Yes. Alson Ibhin has entrusted me with the Nepua’Highcient.” (First appearance in Interlude Rebecca [136])
That’s a surprise.
“Nn, surprise.”
Helme has half-liquefied while floating in the air. Everyone else is looking surprised, too.
“Why are you so surprised? Because of the Nepua’Highcient?”
However, Higlia isn’t surprised, but then again, she doesn’t understand it either. And the orcs react with nothing but silence.
Though that’s inevitable as they don’t understand our words.
“And, I was told, 『Remember, the one melting this will be your desired partner』…”
“――For real?”
I got surprised once more. So that’s the reason for Kisara adoring me to such an extent. Even as witch of Damo’Anun she’s got an unshakable reason, but it seems to not only be the effect of <Central Pillar of a Greater True Ancestor’s Lineage> which contains <Demonic Eyes of Charming>.
“It looks like Kisara-san is going to become the strongest among us, exceeding even Veronika who’s been living for centuries, once she becomes a <Head Servant Leader>.”
“Yui, Kaldo, and Viine are fairly strong as well, though.”
“Yep. But, Shuuya has been speaking lovingly of her, including a respect similar to the one he shows his martial arts master… It’s easy to estimate that she’s a formidable fighter.”
“Nn, martial arts as witch of Damo’Anun and unarmed martial arts?”
“Yep, including the unique magic breathing of a Four Heavenly Witch…she also possesses the demonoid martial arts handed down by Mephalla. That Hundred Ogre Path of hers seems to include paper dolls which can heal and train, projectiles, and daggers…Also, I wanna see Muu-chan!”
“Nn, me too! I’m going to show her my juggling!”
“Don’t get in the way of her training, okay?”
I worry as the two frolic around. But, I can understand their feelings. I’ve become completely engrossed with reporting each and every thing to Eva and Rebecca through blood messages.
“Muu is on the training ground right now. Also, you can call me a witch spear, I guess…so I do have some confidence in my combat abilities.”
“Yep. While that may be true, that doesn’t mean that we’ll give in. We’re the bloodkin here. And, our <Blood Mana> has been evolving! I’ve also prepared this weapon for today!”
Is Rebecca burning with a competitive spirit in regards to Kisara? She holds up her magic wand Guphon and the katar with its blade protruding out of her fist.
At that point, I also introduce Higlia who’s been silently waiting while wagging her tail.