The Spearmaster and the Black Cat
The Spearmaster and the Black Cat - Chapter 59

Chapter 59


Fifty-Ninth Episode~ Dinner Party

“Oi, oi, did you bring a slave?”

“Even if you participated in the subjugation, bringing as slave to a place like this…”

“Lower than beasts, shitty slaves…”

“-Untouchables, this is why I have adventurers . ”

“Really . To give a seat to a slave . ”

The female magic user slave master ignores the conversation of the distant nobles . Her long brown hair flutters behind her as she walks around the circle . She appears dignified .

Her face has an air of propriety . Her etiquette isn’t bad, I eat while walking around the crowd .

The magic user woman’s eyes have black makeup around them . Her eyes are chestnut brown .

Her cheeks are tinged red, bringing out the pink tones of her skin .

She resembles a famous Japanese model . Her clothing is a brown magician’s robe .

While I watch her, behind her is a pair of short people .

The children who unleashed the showy ice magic during the subjugation .

The S rank twins 【Ice Mausoleum of Blue Waters】 .

They look like children…

Both of them have thin white hair resembling a Buddhist monk .

There is a spiral design stretching from their necks to their heads and appears to extend to their scalps .

They look like sand art, each of the small lines contains mana .

Strange . Notably, their green eyes seem devoid of humanity .

Following the mysterious twins, Cecily and an ikemen from the griffon unit show up .

Their green uniforms have stiff collars .

They also have shoulder straps and aiguillettes .

As expected, they are picturesque .

“It’s the heroine!”

“The hero of the Griffon corps . ”

“That’s the hero of the Dragon subjugation…”

“Cecily-sama . ”

“Kya, Cecily-sama!”

A group of people appears, surrounding Cecily .

Seeing this, an unpleasant expression is apparent on her face .

“I…that’s not…”

Cecily tries to say something, but the ball is already rolling .

Oh my, Cecily-sama . No need to be modest . ”

Due to the rumor of the “dragon subjugation” spreading, it can no longer be helped .

I felt sorry for her upon seeing this, but give priority to the delicious meal .

And then, Marquess Chardonnay finally appears .

Unlike Chardonnay’s hair style from before the subjugation, her hair is now in a vertical roll with pink ribbons to highlight the blond color .

Her clothing is clearly distinct from the other nobles . Her dress is made from sheer snowy silk and accented with pink embroidery .

Now that Chardonnay has entered, everyone’s attention is on her .

Behind on the side of Chardonnay are the always macho white-haired old soldier and the maid-like beastwoman .

Chardonnay’s servants accompany her to Cecily .

My curiosity is peaked, do I approach the spectators .

“As expected of Cecily Fadasso of the Griffon Corps . Called the ‘Hero of the Dragon Subjugation,” are you jealous of the popularity?”

Everyone pays attention as the Marquess talks to Cecily with a smile .

The nobles surrounding Cecily bow to the Marquess and take a distance from Cecily .

“Marquess, your Excellence…to what do I owe this honor?”

“Please don’t get angry, Cecily . Can it not be helped? Haven’t you only reported one since you returned? Besides, all the adventurers you wanted to invite are here, you were eager to meet that D rank adventurer, right? Ah, they should have been promoted to C rank now . ”

N? Isn’t that me?

“I see . Excuse, but thank for taking care of my personal request . ”

“Fufu, it’s fine . Considering our past relationship, let’s dispense with the pleasantries today and talk like we did in the past . ”

The Marquess says with a beautiful smile .

“Ha, however, this an an official celebratory dinner and awarding ceremony . ”

“It’s fine . It really is fine after the success of the Dragon subjugation . You’re safe too . But, you not receiving a reward is troubling me…”

In response to the Marquess’ words, Cecily has an unpleasant expression .

“You Excellence . I…”

“Fufu, Cecily, raise your head . Let’s forget about the ‘obedience’ for now and enjoy ourselves . ”

“Yes, thank you . Ah…”


Then, I make eye contact with the smiling Cecily .

“-Chardonnay-sama, we’ll talk again . Then-”

Cecily abandons the Marquess and runs towards me .

Ooooi, it that okay?

Tsukkomiing in my heart, I swallow the meat in my mouth .

-I wanted to meet you . You name is Shuya Kagari? Now, I can finally apologize…”

I’ll be darned, she’s apologizing all of a sudden .

“Eh, yeah . I’m Shuya . No, no, don’t worry about it . I got my reward from the guild . ”

“Is, is that so . Still…”

She seems to be depressed by the fame .

She is prideful and straightforward …

Even if you accept it, I don’t mind .

Ma, ‘I killed the Evil Dragon King . Hahaha . ’ in an ostentatious way .

Since she didn’t say it like that, I have a good impression of her .

Besides .

No matter what I say, this “beautiful woman” won’t accept any of the evil dragon king’s materials are a reward .

This soldier-san is way too cool .

I also don’t think it’s any of your business…

I feel like lightening the burden on her heart .

“…It’s fine . I will understand it if it is the strong, beautiful griffon commander who is adored by the people . And I said earlier, I got enough rewards, I can eat delicious food today too, so please don’t mind it . ”

I tried to paraphrase to the person in front of me, but it can’t be helped if an unrefined adventurer does it .

Ma, I expressed myself as politely a possible, but will it be okay?

“…I see . You saying so helps me . But, saying I’m beautiful…”

Cecily seems unused to being praised, causing her cheeks to redden .

“-Some nerve, making advances on Captain?”


The ikemen suddenly interrupts, complaining .

“Sheridan, stop . ”

Cecily tries to stop him, but ikemen-san still steps in .

This ikemen, he is the one who duel wielded and severed Daedalus’ neck . He resembles the actor from fight club .

“…I was only frank about my impression of her?”

With a flat face I return to speaking informally . However I am more concerned about the gaze of Chardonnay who is behind the young man from the griffon corps .

The Marquess is staring at me .

Moreover, as soon as we make eye contact, Chardonnay’s eyes widen, and her mouth opens .

A shocked expression is evident .

Chardonnay speaks to the white haired old man waiting behind her, then to the beastwoman maid, she turns to whisper to her .

Judging by this reaction, it would be that she has recognized me?

Leaving out the matter of 【Fadyke】, was I just called an ordinary adventurer…

The old soldier listens to Chardonnay, he lowers his head, the swishes his mantle as he moves to follow and protect her .

Plus, the old soldier’s eyes are sharp . He is openly glaring at me .

The Marquess’ beastwoman maid-servant is glaring at me too, her arms are held up in a fighting pose .

I pay no attention to the ikemen going on about his pet theory .

It’s unfortunate for him, but I chimed in properly and answered

For a while now, I haven’t looked away from the Marquess .

With the two people following her, Chardonnay walks to the center of the room .

“-Chardonnay-sama . ”

There, the master of ceremony and the uniformed servants greet Chardonnay .

In a few words, the conversation is repeated to the servants .

After the servant leaves with a message, Chardonnay pulls herself together, relaxes her guard towards me, and turns to the surroundings with a smile .

Taking a step forward .

Then, cymbals sound and everyone’s attention is focused on Chardonnay .

Chardonnay begins to talk .

“-Everyone Thank you all for gathering for today’s dinner party . This time we a celebrating the success of the Evil Dragon King subjugation . The Blue Iron Knight, all of the Griffon corps and adventurers, you all worked hard-”

Chardonnay lowers her head lightly .

The violin begins to play .

“As a token of appreciation, also as an apology for the reward, this is a reward for the adventurer clans attending here . As proof of your contributions in the Evil Dragon King subjugation, I would like to present a ring made with the material of the Evil Dragon King and a single white gold coin . And then, because a special reward was prepared for our hero of the Griffon corps, Cecily, don’t miss it later…fufu . Then, after this, don’t restrain yourself and enjoy your meal . ”

Finished with her short speech, Chardonnay attendants in various places lower their heads, and music begins to play when she claps her hands .

Those attending the party give a standing ovation .

The ikemen who has been speaking harshly respond to the Marquess’ words as well and begin to clap .

Music flowing with a profound and quiet elegance starts to play, signaling the start of the real party

Chardonnay is observing the conduct of the surrounding nobles .

And, she looks at me again .

Our eyes meet .

The corners of Chardonnay’s lips lift, and she laughs, and covering her mouth with a white fan she says something to the old soldier .

The old soldier nods and lowers his head, making eye contact with Marquess Chardonnay, he nods once more .

The old soldier separates from the Marques and approaches me .

On the other hand, Marquess Chardonnay’s beastwoman maid-servant disappears into a back room .

For a moment, I become anxious…

That moment the ikemen of the Griffon Corps steps in front of me .

“-Oi, did you hear me?”

“Ah, aah, be done with it . I didn’t hear you . ”

“Oh, really?”

The Griffon Corps youth becomes angry and drops the glass in his hands, breaking it .

However- I ignore him .

I’m not that worried about this man, my focus is entirely on Chardonnay now .

“Kora, Sheridan . You’re troubling Shuya . ”

Cecily calls the man by his name and scolds him .

She makes him pick up the broken glass on the floor .

Without minding such a thing, I continue enjoying the food on my plate .

After Chardonnay’s old soldier sees the conflict is settled, he approaches .

The old soldier in white armor stands out .

The soldier jii-san is honest, he speaks after bowing to me .

“You are Shuya Kagari, the adventurer who just advanced to C rank? That Spearman?”

The way he says that has an implication .

Everything has already been discovered, so I admit it .

I speak after swallowing the last of the meat .

“That’s right . ”

“Her Excellency is calling . Please follow me . ”

After all, I’ve been requested .

With this development, it must be about Fadyke…

Damn it .

“…Another room?”

“Hai . ”

Is it a trap? I should be cautious .

“I understand . ”

I’m worried, but I get over it .

I don’t know what the Marquess is planning .

I am led by the old soldier from the hall into another room .

I am guided to a big square room .

There is something like a big circular fireplace in the center .

Instead of coals, there are bluish-purple rectangular crystals .

Pale violet flames dance in the furnace, illuminating the room .

The shade has a strange sense of modesty .

And, the pervasive scent of flowers and honey makes me feel refreshed .

My nose is filled with the smell .

While I’m enjoying the smell, Chardonnay appears with the self-possessed atmosphere of a Marquess .

However, next to her in the Marquess’ beastwoman maid, glaring at me…

The white haired old soldier moves to take up his place to the rear of Chardonnay .

Then, Chardonnay begins to speak .

“You are the Spearman and the black cat who was at that place then, correct?”

I- then, remember my first encounter with Chardonnay .

Chardonnay’s expression now is beautiful and modest, when she looked at me before…her eyes were as if she were staring down at someone who was total garbage .

-I will not forget the expression of contempt this person gave me .

“…Now that, that time?”

I speak, forgetting about etiquette .

Impudent, I expose my feelings, feigning ignorance .

My heart is surprisingly delicate .

The insult from so long ago has caused me to bear a grudge .

Also, this is a private room .

Even if I take a firm stand, there is no else here aside from the Marquess .

Seeing how I speak to the Marquess, the beastwoman maid’s face twitches .

She can’t seem to stand my rude manner .

The beastwoman maid gathers mana in her feet .

-Hee, you’re going to attack?

On the ends of both her hands, the maid has claw-like weapons attached .

Actually, with a *kakin* sound the steel claws seemed to jump out from the cover on the back of her hands . (Basically, she’s Wolverine . )

-The beastwoman turns her claws to me kicks off the ground with a shout .

“Haidara . ”

Raises a strange shout, she extends each hand to deliver a punch with the claws extending from her knuckles, aiming for my chest .

The claw jab .

-I retreat backward .

I sway slightly back and forth, continuously dodging .

‘Kiki, stop . ”

Because of her subordinate’s action, Chardonnay shouts sternly .

“-Ha, however, this smell, this is definitely the right man . And, the way he treats ojo-sama is unacceptable . ”

The beastwoman maid is unwilling .

The claws are withdrawn, and she retreats .

The beastwoman retreats, and immediately the old soldier who guided me here moves .

Cautious of me, he advances .

He begins to speak after stretching out an arm in front of Marquess Chardonnay to protect her .

“-Kiki is correct . He is too impudent . What he said to your Excellency . Shuya, please answer seriously . ”

The old soldier throws reproachful words at me .

Being cautious, even though the one who was attacked despite being unarmed was me…

Ma, how should I answer? After all, it’s probably time .

“…You mean the ruins of the mansion outside 【Fadyke】?”

“As expected . ”

The beastwoman reacts quickly . She keeps glaring at me .

“-Kiki said something about ‘smell . ’ I’ve also understood ever since I saw him…is the report from your subordinate, Seme, not finished?”

Chardonnay turns to the beast woman and communicates with her eyes to not move .

After all, they remember me .

“Ha, excuse me, your Excellency . After the Evil Dragon King subjugation, I’ve been busy in 【Hector】…”

“Hun, Seme is the captain of the 【Counter Espionage】unit…it looks like we’re going to have to have a ‘talk’ again . ”

Chardonnay waves a thin arm, and the slender white feather fan whacks the old soldier’s guarding arm .

The captain of the 【Counter Espionage】 organization is called Seme? (TL: Seme means shark . )

“Ha, however…”

The white haired old soldier looks at me with an embarrassed expression unbefitting his appearance .

It must be the Marquess’ classified information .

“Good . Tell Shuya-san too . ”

They’re going to tell me?

The Spearmaster and the Black Cat - Chapter 59
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