God's Eyes (Web Novel)
God's Eyes (Web Novel) - Chapter 971: Casual
Jason was baffled about how quickly they left the capital.
They reached the origin planet of the Sacred Elvyr race in a single day as the world bridge connecting Linarium to Myriad was not far away.
The origin planet, called Myriad, was much denser in mana than every planet Jason had ever visited so far.
It allowed his cultivation veins to open up widely as his sub-area absorbed enormous amounts of mana within seconds.
There was no need for him to restrict his Celestia aura, the large Stigma, or the God's Halo.
He attracted lots of attention, but nobody dared to come close to him and people merely observed him from a distance.
This was quite advantageous as he spent the next three days doing nothing but cultivating.
Kiat had led him to a particular sea that gathered the densest parts of mana, and the other cultivation energies.
The Queen was not on Myriad at this very moment, which was the reason for Kiat to bring them to a place to rest and cultivate.
Cultivating was much better than doing nothing, and staying in Zariath to simply stroll through the streets after all.
Nevertheless, both Jennifer and Jason thought that everything had been quite sudden.
But it was not as if they were bothered about this.
Rather, it was quite interesting as they were able to get to know the difference in the density, quality, and quantity of the cultivation energies in different places, and planets.
With the pure energies that gathered around the crystal clear sea, Jason knew that he would only require a few years to fully fuse his Soul with his Mana core.
In only a few more years, he would be able to plant the Origin Sona seed within his fused mana core, before completing the creation of the Origin Sona seed a bunch of years later.
Jason presumed that entering the peak of the Ascendion stage would only take, at most, 20 years while staying close to this miraculous sea!
The same couldn't be said about Jennifer because she was bound to require longer to fuse her three vessels and her soul together.
Thus, she might require almost a decade more than him, but that was perfectly fine, and still much faster than any being of Jennifer's race was capable of.
'And Kiat said that the cultivation energies on Lyina are even stronger as long as they're not blocked off and deteriorated by the dark and impure energies, right?'
After understanding Kiat's words clearly, Jason began to understand the importance and value of the planet the Queen wanted Jason to cleanse.
It allowed him to understand that he was required to let the Sacred Elvyr's strength elevate rapidly in the following centuries and millennia.
Thus, Jason didn't feel that the requirements he had in mind were too much to ask for.
In his opinion, considering the unparalleled value of Lyina, Jason's demand was but a one-time payment in comparison, while Lyina could nurture the younger generation quickly, without the need to pump in a lot of resources at a rapid pace!
Whether Kiat wanted to show this to him by pointing out that asking for all kinds of treasures was perfectly fine, or if the Sacred Elvyr had just intended to allow them to cultivate until the Queen would return, was unknown.
However, in the end, Kiat had helped Jason have an even better understanding of the situation, which was exactly what he needed.
This made it much easier for him to enter the abode of the Queen, which was far less extravagant than he had expected.
It was but a seemingly ordinary skyscraper in the capital of Myriad, where Kiat had brought them not long after.
The trip to the capital took them barely a few days, but Jason didn't even notice that as he had focused on cultivating, even while flying above the city's skyline.
Only when they arrived in front of the Queen's abode did Jason regain his senses and were able to completely focus on the situation at hand.
He was not exactly sure how formal he was supposed to be as the Queen's letters had been rather informal.
As such, Jason decided to act calm and adjust his attitude and behavior based on the given situation.
Nonetheless, he put on some better clothes, while Jennifer did the same.
At least, they had to look presentable, and elegant before meeting up with the Queen.
Little did they know that Kiat could only smile at that, knowing that it was not necessary for them to change into clothes that made them look as if they were there attending a business meeting.
'They'll be shocked, right?' He could only think before leading them to the elevator that brought them to the highest floor.
Within a few minutes after Jason and Jennifer had changed their clothes, they already regretted their decision.
After all, what they encountered was a beautiful, nearly otherworldly woman, wearing simple pajamas!
Her large amber eyes looked at them drowsily, only for the woman's eyes to widen in joy as she clasped her hands together the moment she saw Jason, his stigma, and the God's Halo.
"Heeyyy, you are Jason, right? You don't look like your father, at all!! Woah!"
The moment Jason heard the Queen's voice, he froze in place.
She radiated joy and seemed welcoming as she jumped up from the small throne she had been sitting on.
A moment later, she disappeared from his sight, and reappeared in front of him at the same moment.
Her height was less than his, but Jason felt like a dwarf in front of the Queen.
She was wearing pajamas that looked very ordinary and nothing he would have expected on a Queen.
Yet, her entire demeanor, the energy she released, and the intensity with which she was looking at him caused Jason to feel like he was suffocating.
'She…is strong!'
Initially, Jason had just been fascinated by her looks and thought that she was an otherworldly beauty.
Her slender legs and body might be hidden by her loose pajamas, but Jason could unmistakably see her strength.
After all, he could clearly see tremendous energy currents sweep through her entire body, outlining it clearly.
Her proportions were perfect, as she had a slender waist, ample bosom, and equally large hips.
Yet, what caused Jason to be mesmerized was the Queen's flawless face as her hazel hair fluttered in the wind, while her amber-colored eyes scanned him thoroughly.
They were gleaming brightly, further highlighting her perfect facial features and long eyelashes that fluttered upon seeing him.
This caused him to swallow nervously followed by a sharp pinch on the left side of his waist.
Regaining his senses, Jason looked to his left, where he saw that Jennifer was staring daggers at him, wanting to bash him for being so easily infatuated by the Queen.
He paled at this sight, and opened his mouth to apologize, only for Jennifer to nearly start laughing as she sent him a voice transmission.
[Don't bother, I could barely escape the trance-like state after witnessing her beauty a moment earlier!]
This was not exactly reassuring for Jason, who focused on inserting moonlight mana and divine energy in his eyes.
It allowed him to fall at ease before he returned his attention to the Queen, who acted just like a young girl.
The sight was interesting as both he and Jennifer expected the Queen to be very serious and intimidating.
But that was not the case, at all.
Thus, Jason simply smiled at her, freed of the initial bewitchment before he formally introduced himself.
"Hello, your majesty, I'm Jason Stella, son of Celestia Yaldra, and Agran Mina."
Bowing lightly, he revealed his identity along with that of his parents without bothering too much about it.
The Elvyr race should have already figured that he was an Agran. After all, he had lived on Argos for his entire life.
Thus, seeing the Queen nodding her head without showing any surprise was nothing special.
"I heard you want to talk to your father first. Let's do that then! But please don't waste too much time and make haste as the secretive channel to the Celestia race's central region requires too many resources to be maintained for a long time!"
Initially, Jason had expected that he would have to start negotiating the rewards with her in order to talk with his father first.
However, from the looks of it, the Queen didn't really bother about that.
She knew that Jason was what she, or to be precise, her entire race was in dire need of in order to advance at a rapid pace.
As such, showing some generosity towards him was the least she could do!
"It won't take too long. In the future…I will hopefully have enough time to talk to him!"