Dimensional Descent
Dimensional Descent - Chapter 2463: Doubled
While Emulation Spatial Force would never be Infinity Force, it felt like Leonel had gotten a peek under the hood, a small snapshot of what it would mean to comprehend this Force. And that feeling filled him with both awe... and trepidation.
Infinity Force was a truly beautiful Force, as was Emulation Spatial Force. They objectively moved with an elegance and radiated an aura that brought many closer to it. But when Leonel dove deep, he felt like there was something much more dark and sinister.
Its shadows reminded him of the greed of the Evolution Ores, constantly looking for something to create, to improve. However, the problem was that something could never truly come from nothing, it broke the bounds of reality and shattered the laws of physics to even think of such a thing.
Leonel suddenly understood, intimately at that, why it was that though the God Beasts of Creation gained and maintained an advantage in the start, it didn't last... Every time they created something, they snatched it from elsewhere. A great amount of creation, and a forceful push toward creating more and more, was just another form of destruction, and the two weren't all that different at all.
It was a devastating sort of reality, but it was also a perfect example of how you came to comprehend something was far more important than how you comprehended it in the first place.
Leonel had always known that there was no objective "evil" Force in this world. Even Anarchic Force was just another example of this. It wasn't needlessly cruel, it just did its job and broke down Force into its simplest parts. You could even make an argument that Anarchic Force was the kindest Force there was. At the very least, it didn't try to make Leonel die for it like those assaults on his mind he had experienced in the mind.
Leonel had these thoughts the first time he learned about Dark Force as well. He chuckled when he learned that he had Light Force, feeling amused because there was so much fictional media on modern Earth that wrote of the clashes between light and darkness.
However, in the end, one could even say that God Beasts of Creation had more of a hand in the downfall of Existence than God Beasts of Destruction had.
He had always understood that there was no objective evil Force, and yet it was only now that it truly clicked and it elevated his Emulation Spatial Force to another level.
It was because of this comprehension that he had come to understand how his Emulation Spatial Force was meant to be used... it needed a sacrifice, it needed an offering, it needed to take in order to give.
Until now, Leonel had only been using it at half its properties.
Whenever he used Emulation Spatial Force, he imagined what he wanted to create and then the Spatial Force aspects would create the form that he projected from his mind.
However, this was the weakest method of using his Force.
He had to take, he had to strip the surroundings of Force, using his Spatial Force almost like a void-creator, sucking materials in like a vacuum. Only then would his creations have real substance and real form.
It would make them several times more effective and powerful.
This was a bit of a hard transition to make for Leonel. Even though he had logically deduced things to this step, it still felt like he was missing something.
His comprehension quickly stabilized at the Lower Impetus State, but his brows were still furrowed as his thoughts continued to spin.
What was he missing?
He felt that he was being silly. He wasn't supposed to understand everything thoroughly at this point. He was just in the Lower Impetus State and there was still a large journey ahead.
But it was bugging him.
The comprehension wasn't as complete as what he had come to grasp when he finally stepped into the Constellation Realm... but that was expected as well. The Constellation Realm might be a beginning, but it was also the end goal for many. It was far beyond the Impetus State alone, and the only reason Leonel could grasp it at all was because the cumulative comprehensions of the entire Morales family had pooled together to create it.
Even so, he couldn't shake off the feeling.
'Use it like the void? Something about that is...'
Leonel trembled.
He had almost made the same mistake again.
His first mistake was in mostly using the Dream Force to manifest his creations and not enough on Spatial Force.
And now, he had done the vice versa. Now he was relying too much on Spatial Force to do the "taking". Shouldn't Dream Force be taking something as well?
He kept trying to separate the aspects of Dream Force and Spatial Force into two separate entities. This was a mistake he had made time and time again with several of his Forces by now.
But he had to remind himself, a Force wasn't the sum of its parts, it was beyond that, it was an existence all to itself. A Force was the pinnacle of the Life Grade, it was a new creation.
Dividing it into its parts was convenient for people like him to get a grasp of it in a rudimentary state, but unless you could bring both or its multiple parts together to work together toward the same goal, you would never allow the Force to display its greatest power.
He had to use both Dream and Space to create.
He had to use both Dream and Space to form the sacrifice.
What was the Impetus State? It was the representation of the Second Dimension, the state wherein the Impetus of Life could be found.
A step beyond that was the First Dimension Impetus of Creation itself. Even the Regulator could not return to it, even the Regulator could not take from it.
Leonel suddenly understood that Emulation Spatial Force, in its strongest state, would have to be taken from the First Dimension...
Leonel's aura suddenly doubled in presence, and then doubled again.