Tyranny of Steel
Tyranny of Steel - Chapter 1040: Negotiating a Betrothal
While Itami was focusing all her efforts on her campaign in Borneo, Berengar was rather lax about the whole situation. He spent very little time in his war room, catching up on the latest updates. The reason behind this was simple.
Over the past fifteen years, he had established a highly competent chain of command that was entirely capable of waging war without his input. And since this was a proxy war at the moment, there really wasn't much that Berengar needed to do himself.
This was something that Empress Itami Riyo was completely lacking in her own government, and as a result, she was forced to micromanage every second of the war that she was awake for. As for Berengar himself, he had a very important meeting with another German Monarch.
The political structure of the German Empire was split into several small kingdoms, principalities, and grand duchies, at least as far as the fatherland was concerned, with the King of Austria also being the Emperor of Germany.
However, there were other "monarchs" in name only, and one of these men was Dietger von Wittelsbach, the King of Bavaria. It had been some time since the engagement between Anne and the third prince of Saxony had been broken, and suitors had lined up at the door of the Bavarian King looking for the girl's hand in marriage.
Naturally, Berengar had sent a letter to the man informing his intentions of marrying Anne off to his eldest son, Hans von Kufstein. A prospect which Dietger took interest in, but decided to play hard to get in an attempt to gain a more considerable dowry from the Kaiser.
This was a game Berengar did not want to play, and thus he said nothing for several months, while working behind the scenes to spread rumors about the girl's romantic involvement with his son. After a while, Dietger had no choice but to visit the Kufstein Palace, where Berengar sat on his throne with a cup of tea in his hands. All the while, his Bavarian counterpart kneeled before him. With a cruel sneer on his face, Berengar spoke to the Bavarian King in a haughty tone.
"Dietger, my old friend. How nice of you to visit me on this fine morning. Tell me, have you considered my offer? You should already be aware of how smitten your daughter is with my boy, and I think it would be best for everyone if the two of them ended up together. Who knows, the child born between the two of them one day might even be the Kaiser himself."
There was a frown on Dietger's face as he rose from his kneeling position and stood before the Kaiser. He had attempted to win a greater prize and had lost. Once news had spread about Anne being one of Han's girls, nobody dared step on the toes of the firstborn prince. Soon enough, everyone who had presented an offer to Dietger withdrew it, all except for one, the man sitting in front of him. Thus, with a heavy sigh, King Dietger von Wittelsbach admitted defeat.
"I should have known I couldn't win against you, my Kaiser. You are far too powerful for a petty king like myself to play against. Very well, I accept your offer. My daughter Anne will be betrothed to your eldest son, Hans. In exchange for this, I accept a substantial dowry. After all, the girl is highly sought after."
However, Berengar's response nearly drove the man mad as the Kaiser sipped on his tea before speaking with an arrogant smirk on his handsome face.
"Was highly sought after. I'm afraid her value has been heavily diminished. In fact, you are unlikely to find any man but my boy Hans to be her husband, should the truth of their relationship be revealed."
This comment caught Dietger by surprise, and the man was quick to inquire just what meaning Berengar hid behind his words.
"What do you mean? What has your little brat done to my precious daughter?"
A frown appeared on Berengar's face as he slowly placed his teacup on a nearby saucer before glaring at the man standing across from him. There was a hint of malice in his tone as he gave the King of Bavaria a strict warning about his language.
"Careful Dietger, have your forgotten your place, or where you currently stand? You are in my house, and I demand respect. As for who is at fault here, I would wager that your daughter was the one who took advantage of my underage son. Quite the temptress that one; spreading her legs for a teenage boy in return for a commitment to marriage. Truly a devious scheme, wouldn't you say?
I'll give you this. Your daughter knows what she wants and how to get it. Now, if you want this delicate matter to remain a secret between our two houses, I suggest you accept what I decide to give you in exchange for your daughter's hand in marriage to my eldest son."
Dietger's face had turned unsightly as he thought of the prospect of his youngest daughter doing such a scandalous thing. He quickly retorted to Berengar in a voice filled with fury.
"You lie! My daughter Anne would never do something so scandalous!"
To this, Berengar simply scoffed before bringing the roof down on Dietger's entire world.
"You can ask your daughter if you wish, though if she hasn't elected to share her plans with you by now, then I doubt she will be honest should you corner her about this subject. I assure you, my son cares for her deeply, and though he has been manipulated by Anne, he doesn't seem to mind.
Your daughter will marry the First Prince of Germany, a boy who, as it currently stands, is the most l likely to succeed my position. A boy who your daughter has already willingly gave her body to, and who she seems to deeply respect.
In the event that Hans does become the next Kaiser, your daughter will be one of two women whose bloodlines are capable of succeeding the throne. Is that not enough for you? Are you really so impoverished that you would demand a large chest of gold from me?"
Dietger had no words. He did not know what aggravated him more, the fact that his daughter had done something so scandalous behind his back, or that the Kaiser just insinuated he was poor for wanting a proper bride's price.
At this very moment, Dietger wanted more than anything to break into the Aerial Warfare Academy and interrogate his daughter about just what she had been doing without his notice. However, the confidence in Berengar's voice as he blatantly announced the young woman's shameful actions was very convincing. So much so that Dietger had no choice but to bow his head and once more accept his defeat at the hands of the man sitting upon his gilded throne.
"Very well. I accept whatever offer you are willing to give me in exchange for my daughter's betrothal to your eldest son, Hans. If that is all you have to say on the matter, then I will be returning home immediately. I wish I could say it was a pleasure speaking to you, but it rarely is..."
With that said, the King of Bavaria marched out of the Kufstein Palace with his tail between his legs. As for Berengar, he would inform Hans of this good news upon his graduation, which was rapidly approaching. For now, the boy still had to meet with yet another of his fiancees, and Berengar did not wish to complicate matters further.