Armipotent - Chapter 844: Asahi Sub Region
Chapter 844: Asahi Sub Region
Tang Shaoyang arrived in Japan's ying zone in half an hour, but it took him
two hours to nd the Osaka Castle. If not for the castle, it would take him longer
to nd where Osaka was. In fact, Osaka Castle was the third castle he found on
this trip; it was quite a hassle to nd Osaka Castle.
Fortunately, The Taukai Family and The Tachibana Family's territories were
next to each other. The Taukai Family occupied Sakai, where Osaka Castle was,
and The Tachibana Clan occupied Kyoto. So, the two factions gathered in Osaka
Castle. He did not need to go around Japan since both factions came to Osaka
Tang Shaoyang was sitting in front of the Tachibana Clan and the Taukai
Family's leaders, explaining the Sub Region system to them. After that, he
directly proposed his idea for the two factions.
"I don't know and don't care what happened between the two factions in the
past, but I want you to end the conicts if you have any and establish a stronger
faction together. The Taukai Family and The Tachibana Clan will be the Tang
Empire's representatives in Japan and manage this land for the Empire."
Izuhara Tachibana and Kado Taukai exchanged glances. There was no personal
conict, but there was a rivalry growing on them as they did a short skirmish
from time to time at the border. However, the conict had not grown to a blood
feud so far, but a unication between the two would be challenging. If they
united together, they had to choose a new leader, and conict to choose the
new leader was inevitable.
"I know there would be a conict of interest if a merger happens, but the two
factions can speak together on the table to discuss the merger. If you are
conicted about the leader, you can form a council, and each faction can have
three representatives. You plan, ght, and expand together as a whole. Don't
you want to re-establish your country? Instead of an individual leader like the
King or President, you can form a council consisting of several leaders as the
leader of the merger faction," Tang Shaoyang voiced his idea. It was Legion
Guild's leadership system, but that would work better for the merger faction.
"If you agree with the merger, then I will install the Portal Gate," When Tang
Shaoyang mentioned the portal gate, the two leaders looked toward Tang
Shaoyang. "It's a transportation tool to travel to each other's territory. The
Tang Empire can directly send the support and reinforcement if you ever need
"Can we have an hour of time discussion, Your Majesty?" Izuhara Tachibana
spoke up. "The merger is too sudden for us, and I think it will be better if we
have a discussion rst before we can agree to your proposal."
"That's fair, but instead of an hour, I will give you half an hour to have a
discussion. It's almost midnight, and I have to visit the other factions," Tang
Shaoyang agreed as he immediately stood up. "I will return in half an hour."
Half an hour later, Tang Shaoyang was invited back to the same room. Kado
Taukai and Izuhara Tachibana had reached a conclusion after half an hour of
discussion, "We have agreed to merge our factions, Your Majesty. However, we
have one request for you, Your Majesty."
"Mnn, say it. I will help as long as it's reasonable," Tang Shaoyang nodded.
"We want the Tang Empire to create an inspector team to ensure fairness
within our newly merged faction. Even though we agree to merge, we will use
the council system. The leadership will still be split between The Tachibana
Clan and The Taukai Family. Suppose there's an internal conict within our
faction. In that case, we want the Tang Empire to be our intermediary and help
us solve the dierence between the two clans impartially," Izuhara Tachibana
voiced his request. The conict was bound to happen when two factions
merged. He and Kado Taukai did not want the internal strife to cause their
downfall if the merge happened, so they had come up with such a decision.
"There's no need for you to ask about that. The Tang Empire is creating an
Administrator Sub Region Division. It's a division that will oversee the Tang
Empire's sub-regions, and if you need help, support, want to meet me, or
anything from the Empire. You can't go directly to me, but you need to go to the
Administrator Sub Region. It's in process and will be ready in a week or so,"
Tang Shaoyang gave them the good news.
"I am grateful for your consideration, Your Majesty. Then our second request
is, can you give us a week to merge the two factions? There is a lot of work for
the merge. We have to give our people an understanding of the merger to avoid
internal conict because of our past rivalry. We need to discuss the
administration for the new faction, and we wish for the Tang Empire's help on
this issue. We wish for the Tang Empire's assistance in the merge, Your
Majesty," Izuhara Tachibana wanted to involve the Tang Empire to ensure
"The Empire will assist the merge, and we will send our best people to help the
merge," Tang Shaoyang immediately agreed. It would be better if the Tang
Empire was involved in the merger. So they would have full information about
the merged faction, the ins and outs.
"Lastly, we have agreed on the new name for our new faction. It's Asahi!"
Izuhara Tachibana informed the new name of the merged faction. It was quite
fast for them to agree to the name already. That was good news, meaning the
two leaders could talk with a cool head despite the sudden merger.
"Then you need to agree on the main territory for Asahi because I need to set up
the Portal Gate in the main territory," Tang Shaoyang was glad that everything
went smoothly with the Sub Region system. He thought it would take time to
convince the Tachibana Clan and the Taukai Family to merge, but everything
went smoothly. With this, The Tang Empire had the second sub-region under
their rule.