Armipotent - Chapter 836.1: Devil to The Others, Hero to His People - Part 1
Chapter 836: Devil to The Others, Hero to His People - Part
Tang Shaoyang walked toward Dae-Jung and his friends, and each of one step,
Dae-Jung, and his friends also took a step back subconsciously. He stopped in
the third step, just staring at the ve people. He said nothing, but his gure
disappeared in the next second.
Of the ve people, only Yeon Hee could react in time to Tang Shaoyang's speed.
"Watch out!" She reminded her comrades to get away as her gure turned into
a shadow and got away. Of course, of the ve people, only she could get away as
the others failed to react in time.
Tang Shaoyang appeared again in front of Dae-Jung, and his st hit Dae-Jung
in the face. Dae-Jung's body ew backward and crashed into the nearby house.
The house crumbled, and the rubbles fell onto him.
"Dae-Jung!!!" The other three turned around and called their friend, but they
quickly turned around. Their opponent was right in front of them, so they could
not expose their backs to their enemy. When they turned around, Tang
Shaoyang was no longer around them. "Help Dae-Jung!" Yeon Hee's voice
resounded in the air, urging them to help Dae-Jung. The three people turned
around and saw Tang Shaoyang was right in front of the house where Dae-Jung
crashed into.
"I am not going to help him," At this moment, another woman from the Haven
said that loudly. It was loud enough for everyone to hear her. "He asked for
himself! All of this is because of him, and I am not going to risk my life for
"What are you talking about, Sin Yoon? How can you abandon your comrade?"
The man that was almost two meters tall could not believe he heard that from
his friend. "Have you forgotten our promise?"
"I remember our promise, but what do you want me to do? Can you feel it? That
man is much stronger than us, ve of us combined!" Sin Yoon raised her voice
as she pointed at the crumbling house. "Even though all the Haven members
are here, I still don't think we can win against him. Don't forget that cat, the
bunny girl, and Elf. They are just watching for now, but once that man gets
cornered, they will join the battle. I will surrender, and I don't care what
happens to that selsh Dae-Jung."
At this moment, the crumbling house exploded as a gure came out from the
dust. Dae-Jung had used his Bloodline Transformation. He had a pair of green-
feather wings as the feathered armor covered her body. He was still holding the
same spear in his hand, but his good-looking face was covered in blood.
"You will regret this! You will regret making us your enemy!" Dae-Jung
remained deant despite the power dierence between them. After saying that
to Tang Shaoyang, Dae-Jung looked toward Sin Yoon. "You bitch! Do you think
you will be spared by him just because you don't help me? You better come here
and ght with me until Min Soo arrives. That's only our chance!"
"That's it? Now you are relying on your friends to ght me? I thought you are
strong, but you are only good with your mouth," Tang Shaoyang formed the
Slayer Sword around him, ve of them. "The greatest punishment for someone
like you is not to kill you but to show you our dierences." He then activated
Mirage Stride. His gure split into eight people and moved into eight dierent
The sudden split confused Dae-Jung. They split up and surrounded him, so he
could not know if it was an illusion or a physical gure. He held the spear
tightly, shakily aiming it at the eight gures. "Watch your back, Dae-Jung!"
Yeon Hee yelled.
Dae-Jung turned around and saw Tang Shaoyang in front of him. The latter had
his st ready to punch him in the face once more. It was just too fast that he
could not react in time. At the last moment, Yeon Hee appeared in front of him.
She did not have her sword in her hand, but the shadow was swirling in both of
her palms. She caught the st before could hit Dae-Jung.
Tang Shaoyang was surprised that the woman could guess the real him
correctly, "You have a good sense, but that's not enough." Two red swords
descended from the sky, striking toward Yeon Hee's thigh. "ARGHHHHHH!"
The sword brought her down, and the swords went through her thighs down to
the ground, pinning her down on the ground. At the same time, the impact
from the Slayer Swords forcefully tore apart her knee. The white bone on her
knees was very clear to the naked eyes as the non-stop scream lled the air.
"Oh, no! Your friend sacrices herself to save your ass," Tang Shaoyang
ignored Yeon Hee's condition as he grinned at Dae-Jung. Terror and fear were
apparent on his face; his eyes were looking at Yeon Hee's legs.
Badump! Badump! Badump!
Dae-Jung's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably at the sight of Yeon Hee. His
hands were shaking, and he suddenly lost his energy as he fell down on his
butts. This was the second time he fell like this, and he literally had not fought
Tang Shaoyang yet. 'You are messing with the wrong person.' That was just not
cringe words, but a fact. He truly messed with the wrong person, and he also
brought calamity to his party.
As Yeon Hee's scream did not stop, Tang Shaoyang walked past her and
approached Dae-Jung, "What are you doing there? Come and ght this
delusional emperor. Aren't you better than me? Was that just all talk?" Tang
Shaoyang raised his foot and stepped on Dae-Jung's face. He pushed Dae-
Jung's head down to the ground as the man frantically tried to move his right
foot from the face. His eort was futile as the foot did not budge even a little
"I think it's enough punishment, no?" Then a man's voice rang in the air. Tang
Shaoyang turned his head around and saw a man with gray plate armor with
nine spears on his back, looking at him with a frown. At this moment, Sin Yoon
and his two friends came over. They stood next to the man that just arrived and
called his name. "Min Soo, you have come."