Villain Retirement
Villain Retirement - Chapter 967: The Fly
"I expect there to not be a mess, do all of you understand that?"
"Yes, Chef!"
The tone of Riley's voice was tranquil, almost a whisper. And yet the response he received was anything but — it was intense, visceral, and most importantly, rushed. The kitchen of Riley's restaurant was clean, immaculate, even. As soon as something gets spilled, it's wiped down by a cleaner not even a second later, and by cleaner, it was a bunch of Little Rileys running around the kitchen.
The kitchen was large, almost half the entire space of the restaurant, and it was made even bigger by the fact that not only were the cleaners Little Rileys, but the cooks were too. If one were to enter Riley's kitchen, then all they would see were critter-like creatures flying and running around.
Riley opted to have the small clones instead of regular-sized ones — a strategic choice so that the taste would be as he liked, right down to the minute grain of salt. And with the sizes of the Little Rileys, they would ensure just that.
But of course, even with them running around and almost doing everything by themselves, Riley was still walking around the kitchen, wearing an apron and helping out, and sometimes even starting the dish himself before passing it to someone else.
"I told you to just put a tablespoon of salt, you idiota pan de sal! Stupido! Go take a break, you motherless child!"
"But… we're all motherless."
"What is going on here, Sous Chef Little Riley?" Riley calmly approached the clones arguing at the sauce station.
"This little dimwit added a spoon of salt, when I specifically said just a tablespoon! There is a difference!" Sous Chef Little Riley once again screamed at the poor saucier, "Boss Chef, I think we should fire him."
"It's fine," Riley let out a small but very deep sigh as he grabbed a spoon and tasted the sauce, "Just add a dash of lemon and a drop of honey."
"You see what you did!?" Sous Chef Little Riley pointed at Saucier Little Riley, "The Boss Chef has to rescue us!"
"I will leave everything here to you for now, Sous Chef Little Riley," Riley then nodded at his cooks before washing his hands and arms and leaving the kitchen.
"Riri!" And as soon as he was out, Miss Pepondosovich jumped and hopped in front of him; flailing her little arms to get his attention.
"What is it, Miss Pepondosovich?" Riley took off his apron; not failing to notice that all the diners were looking and staring at him.
"There's a long line outside," Miss Pepondosovich grabbed Riley's hand and started dragging him away, "Are you sure about not adding more tables? We have enough space to add like, triple of what we have now."
"No," Riley nodded and greeted all the diners they were passing through. Some of them seemed to want to talk to him, but alas, Miss Pepondosovich seemed adamant as she continued to drag Riley near the entrance.
"No? We have enough space!"
"The space creates a sense of elegant exclusivity, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley shook his head, "Too many, and the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction one would have would diminish — the atmosphere itself is part of the ingredient."
"That… is probably the best thing you have ever said to me, Riri," Miss Pepondosovich could not help but just stare up at Riley's face for a few seconds, "But we still have to deal with the long line outside."
"Hm…" Riley then turned to look outside, only to see Esme just standing there while some of the people in queue were already complaining to her.
"We should at least make reservations to prevent this," Miss Pepondosovich sighed.
"It is fine, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley shook his head, "The sense of accomplishment adds to that — and the line also attracts attention."
"Then… shouldn't we help Miss Esme?"
"I do not think she looks like she needs help, Miss Pepondosovich. Now, if you will excuse me — I have to talk to some of our guests."
"Wh—" Miss Pepondosovich could really only look back and forth between Riley's back and Esme, "I… was more worried about the people outside. Miss Esme is still not used to controlling her strength."
"Well…" Riley glanced back and smiled, "...That makes it more exciting, Miss Pepondosovich."
Hours passed, and Riley spent the entire time talking with the diners, who were all just smiling and laughing with him; some of them, even trying to get his number. Of course, Riley did not really give it, and instead just played a song on the piano for them.
"A fly!"
This harmonious and peaceful atmosphere that lingered in the air, however, was destroyed by a disruptive roar as one of the diners stood up, and in his fingers, a large fly,
"Where is the manager!? I found a fly in my soup!"
"A… fly?" All the diners turned to look at the man before turning to look at their own plate. Liza, who was taking the orders of the people who just received their table, could not help but frown as soon as she heard that.
She was about to rush at the man, but Riley stopped playing the piano.
"You, you're the manager, right!?" The man then pointed at Riley, "Can you explain why—"
And before the man could even finish his words, Riley walked off the stage — he did not step down, he walked off… stepping in the air as he made his way toward the complaining man.
"A fly in your soup?" Riley smiled as he looked at the fly in the man's hand, "I assure you, and everyone in my house that there is not a single fly, rodent, or any other pest you could name here, Sir."
"Then… then what is this!?" The man slightly stuttered as Riley landed in front of him.
"How about you tell me, Sir?" The smile on Riley's face did not fade away at all.
"It's… a fly, in my soup!" The man hollered, "What else is there to explain!?"
"Hm," Riley then took a step back before snapping his fingers, and as soon as he did so, the fly in the man's hand started flying toward Riley,
"I do not usually do this, but to appease everyone's worries."
Everyone's eyes widened as the fly's body separated and disintegrated into a hundred pieces before just ultimately vanishing in the air completely.
"I am what this place calls a Class 7 Above entity."
And as soon as the man heard that, he could not help but just take a seat back at his table.
"And I assure all of you, that I use my abilities to ensure that all of you are safe inside the restaurant — this is the cleanest place you will ever be in, in and out of the planet," Riley then stepped onto the stage again before bowing to all of his guests; the smile on his face, incredibly welcoming and gentle,
"The only danger in this restaurant is the flavor of our food, we make it…
…as if it will be the last meal you will ever eat in your life."