Villain Retirement
Villain Retirement - Chapter 950: Elementia Vs Ross...?
"...Can you please give me a cosmic piece, Elementia?"
There was a certain silence after Elementia's words as everyone just stared at him. Even Death, whose disturbed expression was already starting to calm down, could not help but stare at him with a slightly shocked expression.
The Primordials do not have emotions or feelings, or at least that is how it should have been. But ever since they have taken the forms of the creatures of the universe they have created, they found themselves being more and more like them; they never knew that it could happen as they never truly tried it… and perhaps that was a mistake.
"What's a Cosmic Piece?" And as Elementia continued his words, everyone once again just continued to stare at him. Elementia, however, just had a smile on his face as he looked at Riley.
As for Riley, he just tilted his head to the side as he looked Elementia in the eyes, "You had a hand in the creation of the Domain of the Gods, Elementia. You do not know what a Cosmic Piece is?"
"No," Elementia scratched his chin as he started looking around the City of Summoners, "This is actually my first time here, believe it or not. I was expecting it to be more advanced, or at the very least filled with creatures since it has been around for trillions of years — but I suppose it would make sense that the gods would be content with what they have."
"No!" Miss Pepondosovich did not know why she spoke up, but she did. And she even pointed at Elementia, "We can't create so many grand buildings because the ground and everything else is too hard!"
"It is…?" Elementia blinked a couple of times as he crouched down and casually burrowed his hands through the earth, "Is this hard? I really should spend more time inside Creation, I know nothing of how it works even though I was responsible for creating most of it. But I am babbling — what's a Cosmic Piece?"
Elementia did not even clean his hands as he turned his focus back to Riley, "If I know what it is, then perhaps I can create it for you — if it is a living entity, then you would have to ask Celestial. But I have to warn you, if you think she hated you before, she hates you even more now."
"A Cosmic Piece is—"
"It is truly weird, no?" Elementia did not let Riley finish his words as he started walking around; sneakily patting the dirt on Death's shoulder as he walked behind her, "Celestial is actually the only one of us that previously had emotions; perhaps it is because she is responsible for creating the first-ever living creature to roam Creation, but she has emotions and feelings, plenty of it."
Riley watched Elementia just walk around before deciding to follow behind him, "I have always been curious about it — curiosity, that is another thing we originally did not have."
"If it is something you did not originally have, then how can you have always been curious, Elementia?"
"Huh, you make a fine point, Riley Ross," Elementia glanced at Riley before shrugging, "Navi, Death, Celestial, Elementia, Machina, and Ruin. Have you ever wondered why there needed to be 6 of us, when one could suffice?"
"Huh, me neither," Elementia once again shrugged, "Anyway, let us get back to talking about Celestial — she was the first to have feelings and emotions, and I never knew that I was curious about him until I learned what curiosity is… Like I never knew I was envious of her before I knew what envy is. We were machines, while Celestial was alive this entire time… no offense to Machina, of course. But—"
"Elementia, why are you even here?" And before Elementia could finish his words, Death appeared in front of him and blocked his path, "You have no business being here."
"But we do," Elementia smiled at Death, "How does it make sense that we have no business in the very thing we created, Big Sis?"
"It is not in our role."
"And yet you are here," Elementia looked Death in the eyes.
"Because Riley Ross is interrupting my duties."
"No," Elementia shook his head, "The creature he was playing with would have eventually died. You just wanted an excuse to meet with Riley Ross — and now you are even getting angry, when we know you as the most gentle out of all of us, even when we did not have emotions."
"I am not angry."
"Your eyebrows say otherwise, Big Sis," Elementia let out a small chuckle as he pointed at Death's lowered eyebrows, "I would not blame you, Riley Ross fooled you, after all. We all saw it."
"You… all saw it?" Death's eyes widened, "Navi!"
"Anyway," Elementia looked at Death for a few more seconds before turning around and focusing back on Riley, "The Cosmic Piece is an object that could bring you outside the Domain of the Gods, I suppose?"
"...Yes," Riley nodded; not even bothering to ask how he suddenly knew what it was.
"I can certainly create that," Elementia nodded as he opened his palm, and there, a large piece of an eggshell materialized, "This is a Cosmic Piece? I was expecting something more. I can give this to you, Riley Ross."
"Elementia," Death once again blocked Elementia's path as he started walking toward Riley, "We placed Riley Ross here to prevent him from destroying Creation, letting him out would—"
"Change nothing," Elementia shrugged, "We have bore witness to it already, Death. The Creation after us, they already exist. We can't stop it. And why should we stop it? So…"
Another Elementia suddenly appeared right in front of Riley; his hand, already handing the cosmic piece to Riley. But before Riley could even reach out for it, another silhouette appeared beside them and grabbed Elementia's wrist. And from the sound Elementia's wrist was making and the air being distorted around it, whoever was holding it was holding it… tight.
"You…" Neither Elementia nor Riley was the first to react, however, as it was Death who immediately let out a whisper as soon as she saw who it was — or rather, what it wasn't, "...I do not know you."
"You do," the silhouette answered; her white hair, still in the process of flowing down her shoulders as she did so.
"Hm, I did not think we would meet again so soon…" As for Riley, he just took a step back, "...Aerith'Ross."
Aerith'Ross did not really answer and just glanced at Riley before turning her focus to the cosmic piece that Elementia was holding. And without even saying a word, she casually grabbed it with her free hand.
"What are you doing, Outsider?"
But before Aerith'Ross could move her hand away, Elementia also grabbed her wrist. And even then, Aerith'Ross still did not speak as she just stared at Elementia's eyes before shaking her head.
"Perhaps you should try to speak," Elementia blinked his eyes and smiled, "I find that it is very convenient to voice out one's thoughts ever since I gained a voice. No? Since you are from the Creation after this, does that mean that something would happen if I were to give this cosmic piece to Riley Ross?"
"...Does that mean our fate is not sealed yet?" Elementia's eyes widened, as well as the smile on his face, "Well then…
…this should be fun."
And as soon as Elementia said those words, the cosmic piece that Aerith'Ross was holding turned into a violent crystal spine, causing her to let go. But before the cosmic piece could even move from its position in the air, Aerith'Ross slammed the back of her hand onto Elementia's face.
Elementia's head, however, just turned into smoke; each of its parts, separating in the air. Still, his eyes were looking at Aerith'Ross and his mouth began to move.
"I did not get much action before when we were in Riley Ross's little tournament…" Elementia's mouth breathed in and sucked in all the smoke, "...Perhaps it is time for me to have fun."
And as soon as Elementia said those words, his hand that was grabbing Aerith'Ross wrist turned black. Aerith'Ross tried pulling her hand away, but Elementia's hand did not budge at all. And soon, Elementia's entire body turned black; except for his head which turned into smoke.
"I wonder…" Elementia's mouth that sucked in all the smoke started letting it out again; the smoke, quickly shifting and transforming to create another body, "...I do believe that is the strongest material known to—"
And before Elementia could even finish his words, Aerith'Ross let out a small groan as she pulled her hand again; this time, causing the very space itself to crack… along with his previous arm. And still without saying a word, Aerith'Ross grabbed Elementia's previous body and slammed it straight toward him, causing him to violently fly back for several meters before just casually landing on his feet.
"Ho…" Elementia smiled,
"...The others would get jealous of me knowing I'm having this much fun."