My Werewolf System
My Werewolf System - Chapter 873: His Last Words
A new opponent had emerged from the Phoenix Gang, and after just getting rid of one, it appeared as if another powerful leader was now in front of Kai. Being who he was, he had done his research into the Phoenix Gang; he knew how many powerful leaders the group had. So in his mind, as he saw this person, he couldn’t help but have a smile on his face.
"Your gang, they're getting a bit desperate right?" Kai asked as he stood there staring at Garbo, his ring of fire underneath his neck still burning away.
"Us the desperate ones? Aren’t you all just fighting with everything you have just to hold on? Even your backup that had finally arrived seems to be failing," Garbo replied.
"Right," Kai replied as he transformed his body into his werewolf form. "But you never thought that we would defeat one of your leaders and push you back this far!"
Kai ran forward, although he was low on energy after fighting with Gutton, he still had a rise in strength because of the other werewolves around him, and as time went on, he feared that rise would disappear.
Stretching out his hands, Garbo had sharp claws come out of his fingertips. They stretched out similar to that of a werewolf, and even his teeth growing in size was quite similar.
Swinging his hands, two fire-marked claw marks went right through the air. It wasn’t a single strike like Greed's, so it was harder for him to avoid. Since two of them were coming across, Kai was at a loss of what to do.
Transforming his body, he had gone into his wolf form to move to the side and avoid the strike. As he did though, another four-legged beast had hopped right on top of him and grabbed his shoulders with his paws.
Now that Kai was close to the beast, he could see the same ring of fire on its neck that Garbo had on him.
"This is Garbo’s full Altered form; the two of us were quite similar!" Kai thought.
The two of them crashed onto the ground, and Garbo was still on top of him in his beast form.
"I know what you’re thinking, but you're wrong; we're not similar, I’m much stronger than you!" Garbo answered, transforming back into his human form and lifting up his leg, slamming it down right into Kai’s stomach.
The other werewolves had been struggling with their fight against Greed. Working together, they thought they had him close to the edge, and they might have been right. In the end, this had caused Greed to reveal his transformation.
He now had a long sharp tail that was a scorching hot red. The air above where the tail was distorted. It was the same from the spikes coming out of his back.
"All of you are so very… very… annoying."
Greed leapt forward and went to one of the werewolves that was closest to him. In a desperate attempt to fight back, the werewolf swung its arm, but Greed was far faster as he had thrown his sword down, slicing it right through the elbow.
The werewolf's arm was lying there on the floor. Not sitting around, the others had decided to attack.
"We have to go in as well!" Tyler said to Kevin by his side. "It’s the only way we're going to beat him. Individually, we stand no chance."
As Tyler had gone in, so did Kevin, in hopes that they could do something. As the four remaining werewolves had hopped in, attacking Greed, he had stayed in his position. He watched one of the werewolves with his tail hitting them far back and into one of the buildings at the side.
Another, his sword had clashed with their claws. He had hit them up, and then with the next blade, he stabbed right through their heart.
"He’s killing everyone, everyone that risked their lives to protect the gang, the gang that Gary and Kai built up!" Tyler screamed. "We have to get rid of him."
With Kevin’s small frame, he had gone down, staying low toward the legs. He skidded on the floor and went for a swipe. As he did though, Greed had lifted his leg without even looking, avoiding the attack completely.
Then turning around, with both of his blades, he was ready to stab them down at Kevin right there and then.
"Go to hell!" Tyler screamed at the top of his lungs as he came from above and landed right on Greed’s back. With both of his hands, he started to hit Greed’s head one after the other, blow after blow.
The impact was large, but as he kept hitting and hitting, Kevin, who was on the floor, could see something rising behind him.
"Watch out!" Kevin shouted.
It was a little too late. The heated tail end swept and had pierced through Tyler’s back. A large hole was created, and Tyler’s body had slipped halfway down his tail. Blood started to fill from his mouth as he was lifted in the air.
His eyes looking at Kevin on the ground.
"I’m sorry," Tyler managed to let out a few words as everything in his body started to cease to work. "I … I just wanted to…. I just wanted to make more memories… with the rest of you."
Memories of Tyler working in the convenience store flashed through Tyler's mind. When Gary had asked him to be his driver, when he had asked him to join their group, and the number of tough trials they had been through.
Sure, he was only a driver to the gang, but he had felt like a big part of the start of the Howlers. He was happy, and he wanted to protect that happiness.
"I hope… the Howlers make it out of this one." Were Tyler’s last words, as his body was flung from his tail and into another building.
"TYLER!" Kevin screamed. The two of them had become werewolves together, planning to join the gang and help change the city from the fate that awaited them, and now he had seen his fellow comrade perish right in front of him.
It was then that Greed had turned to Kevin. He swung one of his swords into the ground, creating a wall of fire on one side, then swung the sword on the other, creating another wall of fire.
"Now there is nowhere for you to hide. Once I’m done with you, I will go after that other wolf, and all will be done," Greed said with a smile.
He walked, approaching Kevin closer and closer, and at that point, Kevin had already lost the will to fight. It was impossible to go up against the Phoenix Gang leaders.
"Who… did I think I was," Kevin thought.
The sword was lifted in the air, and was swung down aiming right for Kevin. In the middle of its swing, an object was spinning in the air. It had ripped through the flames and had crashed into the two swords.
The object was heavy, moving the entirety of Greed’s arms to the side; he had nearly dropped his weapons.
"What was that?" Greed asked as he could see the object continue to go past.
Kevin, with his new sensitive hearing, could hear footsteps behind him. A man was approaching him, and reaching out his arm, he had caught the object.
"You have grown up a lot... you've been doing the job that I was meant to do. I'm so sorry that I'm late," the voice said.
To Kevin, as soon as he heard the voice, tears had filled his eyes. He knew who it was instantly, a voice he had been waiting to hear for a while now.
"INNU!" Kevin screamed at the top of his lungs.