Guild Wars
Guild Wars - Chapter 828: Core Members Tournament 6
"Hmph, you are still amateurish, you stupid low class woman." Nightwalker commented coolly as he fended off Bella's attack.
Bella gritted her teeth so hard you could hear them clash with each other. "Who are you calling low class, you filthy man!"
Her attacks came in rapid succession, each one trying to strike the life out of Nightwalker, but the fellow either dodged or deflected them with such ease it was like watching a child trying to fight an adult.
Eventually, Bella tried to make an overhead kick, but Nightwalker simply pushed her leg aside and struck her in the stomach. The Ninja gasped deeply and was sent flying skyward for a few meters before crashing down to the earth some distance away, her body hitting the arena hard.
She twitched and shuddered as she curled into a ball, covering her stomach, which had been dislocated in her abdomen. She tried to climb to her feet while wheezing and gasping desperately for air, but all that came out was her vomit mixed with blood.
Bella could only remain kneeling, barely able to raise her head to glare at Nightwalker with pure undiluted anger. Nightwalker himself simply sighed and walked over calmly, crouching to Bella's level as his sharp hazel eyes met her copper colored ones.
Then, Nightwalker cruelly grabbed her by the hair and dragged her face upwards. His eyes were not filled with the usual desire and appreciation he hid for her, but a cold menace that told of the end times.
"Where exactly did you find the audacity to call me filth when YOU defiled your direct family for years, torturing his body, soul and heart, huh? And the worst part is that you did it only to fulfill yourself, with not a care about how he felt."
Bella looked infuriated, as if she had heard the worst blasphemy. "Shut up! You know nothing of *cough* our family and our *cough* feelings!!!"
Even though she was still struggling for air, she managed to gather the power to retort because Nightwalker's words challenged the firm belief in her heart.
"Are you absolutely certain that I don't? Given the way you and Cobra act, you likely come from an elite family of Assassins. Why, I wouldn't even be surprised if it was the powerful Lionnes Family." Nightwalker guessed with a glint in his eye.
Bella gasped, and her pupils contracted severely. Seeing this, how could Nightwalker not understand that his casual guess was actually right?
As such, he smiled thinly and continued. "Ah, no wonder. An Assassin family like the Lioness would definitely not care about such meager things like sexual abuse between siblings. Let's be real, it was probably their greatest hope that you two would not only develop an incestuous relationship, but that your inbreeding would result in an offspring to maintain the bloodline purity and the family talent."
Bella gritted her teeth, but did not comment.
"Poor Cobra, he was subjected to a set of actions and rules he did not understand and probably did not agree with from a young age, yet the ones who could have saved him were most likely secretly supporting it all along. Put in such an environment, how could one even escape? How does one acquire salvation?" Nightwalker continued dramatically.
"Why would he need salvation?! I alone am enough to provide the love and care he needs!" Bella finally roared with fury.
Nightwalker nodded then shook his head. "Don't worry, I understand the fundamental problem. I won't even begin to break down the flaws in your argument though words, that would take too long and waste everyone's time. Rather, I'll just show you through actions."
By this time, Bella had recovered enough of her stamina that she was waiting for her opponent to show an oppening. The moment she felt Nightwalker loosen his grip, she used her most powerful skill.
"Chidori!!!" She screeched as lighting enveloped her right hand, her action of thrusting it forward reminiscent of a spear being thrown.
Bella's eyes showed excitement when she saw her attack was about to strike Nightwalker in his stupid yet handsome face... leaving her speechless when a tiny, hand-sized Calamity Portal opened up before her.
Her palm entered it and seemed to disappear. Nightwalker didn't counterattack as he laughed and stood up calmly, as if the woman in front of him was completely harmless. Bella hastily pulled her hand out of the Calamity Portal and extinguished her attack, leaping back to create some distance.
"Finally using your cheap bloodline, eh? It seems you aren't as omnipotent as you think against me." Bella commended confidently while hiding her worry internally.
Nightwalker only hummed and looked up. "Would you agree that the sun is beautiful?"
Bella was confused. "What? The sun?"
Nightwalker smiled mockingly. "Though you cannot look at the celestial star directly, it provides light, life and energy to the living world. People weren't wrong to worship it as a God."
Then, Nightwalker raised a hand and opened a new Calamity Portal. This one started from the size of a small hole and began expanding wider and wider until it stretched beyond the limits of the known world.
"However, many don't recognize that the sun is also a source of the Apocalypse. Heat Death, Solar Flare, Meteor, Ultra Violet, Global Warming, Supernova, Ice Age and Endless Darkness. These are just some Apocalypses that can occur by messing with the sun in one way or another."
Not only Bella, but the core members who had been quietly listening and watching the drama unfold by the side showed horrified expressions as they gazed upwards and saw the Calamity Portal that was endlessly expanding to release a head so big that it rivaled a planet.
"So, doesn't it make sense that as the Ragnarok Bringer, the God of Calamity and the World Serpent, Jormungandr and I can control the sun?"
With those impressive words, Jormungandr roared towards the heavens, and the shockwave blotted out the sun that seemed to be close but was actually so far away. However, that roar immediately quenched whatever light that celestial body poured down on the world, enveloping the arena area in total darkness.
The silence was pervasive and all encompassing. The pupils of each and every core member expanded to the max in order to gather whatever modicum of light they could, but the mind was unable to picture what kind of scene resulted in the sun 'going out'.
Their throats immediately became dry and hitched, unable to even make a sound though they naturally could. However, the surrounding darkness seemed to suppress all senses and thought, leaving them frozen, full of horror and wonder.
This darkness felt all-consuming and endless, like there was nothing one could do but exist in it quietly. It stretched out for eternity, and trying to run from it would only yield a fate worse than death.
In this seeming abyssal void, aonly a soft and mature male voice spoke calmly, with a hint of amusement.
"Endless Darkness, the Apocalypse that occurs if the Earth would be thoroughly denied the sun's light. You aren't frozen cold because I haven't blocked the heat energy, merely light."
Nightwalker's steps and voice were like thunder in this dark void where only he seemed able to move freely, the others trapped by their own subconscious and human instinct. This was another flaw of unlocking higher tier Control.
The higher your tier, the more susceptible you are to your subconscious, since you are essentially hijacking its functions and abilities over your body. That means the problems it had to deal with passively for you now had to be dealt actively by you.
This might not make sense, but you could think of it as the same relationship between a computer user and the AI/system software. You, the user, only have to click certain things to make functions work, but the software translated your clicks and speaks to the system on your behalf, carrying out the hundreds of thousands of minuscule tasks needed to make that function work.
So when an error occurs, the user is able to handle it because the software is automatically working behind the scenes to smoothen everything out.
So if the user is granted more 'leeway' in controlling the hardware without the assistance of software, there will come a time when an error will occur and the software no longer has the purview to fix it.
What would have taken a few clicks now requires hours of debugging, searching for code related issues and using developer tools to resolve what might be a simple problem.
The same thing applied here. The subconscious would suppress the clashing instincts of humanity and calculate which ones were the most effective. In this case, the fear of death would prevail over all others, and the human would likely scream or run in desperation.
But without the subconscious to filter it out for you, you now have to deal with so many instincts clashing and 'battling' in your head for prominence to deal with his dangerous situation.
And so, like a laggy and faulty computer, you would be stuck in place, unable to move or make a sound.
Only Nightwalker, who caused this, and who was immune to Apocalypses and their effects thanks to his bloodline and even his class, could move freely.
He stopped before Bella, able to see her clearly, despite the woman unable to see anything. However, just because they could see nothing did not mean they were totally senseless.
With control, all five senses were expanded out of your brain to form a domain around you, Sight, Smell, Hearing, Taste and Touch by Tier 3.
So even if sight was thoroughly suppressed, they could still 'smell' and 'hear' Nightwalker, giving them an approximate understanding of his location, as well as each other.
This might make his actions seem futile, but he did it for a separate reason. After all, regardless of anything, for humans, the majority of our movement and positioning relied on sight. Remove that and it becomes exponentially harder for anyone to do anything.
And so, Nightwalker naturally grabbed Bella's sexy ninja wear and pulled it down, revealing her plump breasts, which jiggled crazily due to their quick release. No one could see this happen, but they could sense it through the fluctuations of movement.
Bella herself seemed to snap out of her frozen state as an instinct prevailed among all, and that was the female instinct to cover up nakedness that was not intended. Her hands covered her exposed breast and she became filled with fury and shame.
"How dare you, pervert!" She roared.
However, Nightwalker only laughed.
"Pervert? Me? All I did was let your G Cups free. That's basic tier sexual assault. You literally raped your younger brother for years. That's some advanced shit."
Suddenly, Bella felt Nightwalker appear behind her through her VoP, and she could only wince when she felt him raise up the lower part of her attire, exposing her bare ass to the air.
Luckily, the attire came with its own panties, but they were more like thongs than anything else, so apart from covering her Pathway of Righteousness and the Alternate Route of Joy, everything else was bare for the world to see.
Well, given the circumstance, people could only picture it mentally...
Still, being 'undressed' like this certainly left Bella feeling humiliated, horrified and fearful. Especially given the dark backdrop, where she could not even see what was around her.
With fear in her heart and tears forming in her eyes, she asked the most prudent question at this time.
"Why are you doing this?! What the hell do you have to gain from going so far?"
Nightwalker paused his causal movement around Bella, which prevent her from covering herself up, as he would undo things once again. His casual smile changed to a severe frown, though no one could actually see his expression change.
However, the severity in his voice showed when he spoke.
"I'm simply giving you a taste of how a young boy felt when he was unable to fight back against his own sister's advances, his own parents unwilling to meddle in their children's affair. Such a boy would be naked, afraid and alone, lost in a place of darkness with no hope of getting out in sight."