Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 138: Emotion Before the Flight
If memory serves right, the island that Alexander is heading to right now is the Novaya Zemlya, a northern archipelago located in the northern part of Ruthenia. The area is about 90,650 square kilometers and has a population of a thousand, mainly of ethnic groups.
The island is one of the perfect places in the Ruthenia Empire where the military can set up a secret military base where they can perform tests and research on the new military hardware without worrying about being witnessed by an unwanted eye from outside. Which could become a headache to deal with.
The island is separated into two administratively by Matochkin Strait. The northern part of the island is called Severny Island, the southern part is Yuzhny Island.
Their destination is the military airbase that was constructed one year ago, Severny Island.
Alexander peered through the window and saw the aerodrome coming into view. A swath of military aircraft dating back to the 70s to 80s can be seen from above.
The SH-3 helicopter landed on the designated helipad and the Romanoff Family disembarked from the aircraft. The chilly breeze coming from the Barents Sea blew against their faces.
"So, brother. Why did we come to such a remote island in the north?" Tiffania asked, glancing around and seeing numerous aircraft that had peculiar and alien designs. "Hmm...never seen a plane looking like that..."
Alexander looked to where Tiffania was looking and saw the C-130 cargo plane, which in this world is designated as Tupolev Bogatyr, named after the group of heroes from the Ruthenian folk epics and Ruthenian version of the "Hercules" strong man archetype.
Tiffania feeling slightly surprised at a new type of design was understandable from a royal perspective. She rarely goes out of the Winter Palace to go to the University of St. Petersburg but most of the time, she spent so much time in her study room where she couldn't be disturbed.
"Is that the plane that will take us to the Yamato Empire?" Christina asked, looking at the Bogatyr.
Alexander shook his head. "Nope, they are military cargo planes and not built for comfort and luxury. The aircraft that you're," Alexander looked around the airfield, looking for the aircraft. "Looks like it hasn't been taxied yet. Damn, I told them to have it ready before we arrive..." he grumbled.
"My my, calm down, brother," Christina laughed softly.
Alexander glanced at Sophie and saw that she was carrying Anya in her arms. They were looking around the aerodrome themselves, taking the sights in as they were still unfamiliar with its surroundings.
Rolan, who had been standing behind Alexander, received another transmission from his earpiece. "Your Majesty," he called.
"What is it?" Alexander asked, glancing over his shoulder.
"The Air Force One is leaving the hangar and is on its way to runway one," Rolan informed.
"Great!" Alexander's mood lifted up instantly, clapping his hand to gather the attention of his wife and his sisters.
They all turned to him and stared at him curiously.
Alexander cleared his throat and began. "So, you are all wondering what kind of transportation my sisters are going to use to get to Yamato Empire. Well, if you look to your right, you will see an aircraft taxiing along the runway..."
When Alexander instructed them to look to their right, their eyes widened dumbfoundedly.
"What the..." Tiffania was first to react verbally, scanning its appearance. She noticed that there was no propeller in its four engines and the impossibly huge size of the plane.
She may not be knowledgeable when it comes to aeronautical engineering but she's smart enough to tell that an aircraft that size won't be able to lift off due to its astounding size and ultimately its weight. Not to mention, the engine looked smaller than the most powerful piston engines to ever exist in the world.
The plane that they are looking at right now is the military version of the Boeing 747, the VC-25, also known as the Air Force One, the aircraft that is used by the president of the United States of America, where he originally lived.
Thanks to his connection to Boeing and the current president when he was alive, he was able to take a glance at its schematics. Enabling him to create a replica that his company, Harrier Industries, successfully built.
As his sisters and his wife were still in a state of bewilderment. Alexander walked forward and beckoned them to follow him. The sound produced by the four powerful General Electric CF6-80C2B1 turbofan engines roared loudly, creating some noise of rumbling.
The Imperial Guards and the military personnel present in the airfield escorted the Royal Family of the Ruthenian Empire.
The airplane ladder truck on the airfield began to raise the ladder slowly and carefully to the hatch of the aircraft. Once it is set, the hatch opens, revealing the person behind. He walked outside the hatch and looked down at them.
"Your Majesty!" Wegener von Braun waved his hand.
"Wegener..." Alexander returned the greeting as he climbed up the stairs provided by the airplane ladder truck. "Why are you here? I thought you were in Siberia?"
Wegener stepped aside to let Alexander pass him and continued to speak. "I'm just here to witness another historic moment," he answered as his attention was caught by the beautiful princesses following Alexander. "Are they the Grand Duchess of Ruthenia Empire? I'm so honored to meet all of you," he bowed politely.
Christina, Tiffania, Anastasia, and Sophie nodded at his greeting as they continued on to the plane.
"Woah..." one of them exclaimed the instant they entered the plane, certainly amazed at the interior. After all, it was unlike any other plane they'd seen.
"Let's go inside, Wegener," Alexander tapped him on the shoulder.
Entering one of the largest military aircraft the Imperial Dynamic Systems has built, nostalgic memories resurfaced. Everything looked the same as the original, the chairs, the floors, the ceiling, the ambiance, and the vibes of the aircraft were just like they once were.
"Do you want to see the cockpit, Your Majesty?" Wegener asked.
"Of course, let's see it," Alexander replied, nodding his head.
Arriving at the cockpit or the flight deck of the VC-25, Alexander was welcomed by two pilots he selected personally to pilot the plane.
"Mr. Egorov, Mr. Kuzmin. Looking good in your outfit, eh?"
"You honored us, Your Majesty," they intoned while bowing respectively.
Egorov and Kuzmin, both are former air servicemen of the Imperial Ruthenian Air Services. They were one of the best pilots Ruthenia could offer who both passed the Air Force Academy with flying colors. They have the wits and the skills to pilot an advanced modern aircraft.
Alexander took a quick glance at the cockpit, instead of seeing your traditional analog style dials and gauges, it's all-electric. Adopting a glass cockpit that features digital flight instrument displays such as multifunction displays and flight management systems that practically controls the aircraft with just a command input.
It also implements weather radars that detect precipitation intensity on its flight path. Housing such advanced features cost a copious amount of money, making it the most expensive military aircraft he had designed and created.
Cost aside, it was all worth it. This plane can be used as a power projection, a doctrine that the Ruthenian military adopted. Giving those who rode it confidence and a morale boost. If any diplomatic officials from a foreign country were to see this plane landing at their airport, he is certain that they would shake in fear.
It's just sad that this plane can't debut yet. However, setting aside political repercussions, the plane is operational.
He plans to make another one of this mighty beast in the future.
"Okay, I've seen enough. Let's go..." Alexander left the cockpit with Wegener to meet with his sisters.
Due to the massive size of the plane, and its maze-like interior, they were quite hard to find. Luckily, the Imperial Guards on board were able to point them in the correct direction.
Then, they found them in the bedroom suite. Christina and Tiffania were walking around, brushing their hands on the surface of the furniture, while Anastasia, Sophie, and Anya were sitting on a bed.
Rolan was also inside, watching over them.
As soon as he entered, Alexander clapped his hand to get their attention.
"Okay, everyone! Settle down, I have something important to discuss before you three leave," Alexander said, pointing his hand to Anastasia, Christina, and Tiffania.
Once they quieted down, Alexander beckoned Rolan to begin.
Rolan cleared his throat before speaking. "Everyone, I'm sure you all know my name. I'm Rolan Makarov, Chief of Staff of the Imperial Ruthenian Guards, personal bodyguard to the Emperor of Ruthenia. For this trip, His Majesty has delegated me to be the head of your security while we are at Yamato Empire..."
"Rolan is coming?" Christina asked.
"Yes, Your Imperial Highness," Rolan confirmed, pulling out a world map and sticking it on the wall. "At 1100 HRS, the plane will depart from Severny Island and travel all the way to the Sakhalin military airbase," he briefed as he moved his finger across the map and stopped at Sakhalin. "Unfortunately, we can't directly land at the Yamato Empire due to classified circumstances. Upon arriving at Sakhalin, six special forces will come to pick us up with helicopters that will transport us to the Niigata City of Yamato Empire. From there, we will coordinate with the local security to take us safely to Tokyo.
"We will arrive in Tokyo in just 18 hours. Compared to a train that could take two weeks. Any questions?"
Sophie, Christina, Anastasia, and Tiffania stared at him blankly.
Feeling awkward, Rolan ended with a word. "Good!"
In Choson.
The defeated Chosonese soldiers were paraded by the Yamato victors in chains and stocks on the streets getting pelted with stones, rotten produce, and spit by coerced or quisling Chosonese civilians before their public executions in the market square.
Some of the Chosonese only threw smaller harmless bits at their fellow men as some are related or close friends.
The parade of soon-to-be-dead men reached the square where a chopping block and a brute of a Yamato with an executioners' sword awaits them.
Forced to kneel in a line, the false charges of treason were read out one by one.
The Chosonese soldiers' necks were laid on the chopping block for the executioner to decapitate them.
The heads rolled off as their necks stumped and spurted blood and vomit while the dying body jerked violently, much to the horror of the Chosonese spectators.
It was having the desired effect to keep Chosonese people docile under the rule of their new Yamato overlords.
In a church in Choson.
A bunch of people was kneeling before a statue of an ancient holy woman.
Praying in Chosonese, Britannian, and an older language.
Praying for strength in the coming dark times and for the salvation of Choson to come.