Second World
Second World - Chapter 1778: Send Off
?At noon the second day after the Allied forces defeated the Liguritudum army, John was on the mobile fortress overlooking the combined armies. They were ready to depart. He just had a meeting inside this mobile fortress with the country leaders and guild leaders to coordinate their march. These leaders went back to their respective groups to carry out the arrangements.
John saw Grace fly over.
"He is not yet awake?" John asked after Grace landed.
Grace shook her head. "I will be staying here with him," she said.
"I expected as much," John said. "A message would have sufficed. There is no need for you to fly over here."
"She is here to send us off, you insensitive man," Jeanny said to John. To Grace, she said, "Take care of him, and don't worry about us."
"Yeah! Six countries against one guild. This will be like crushing a bug!" Paytowin exclaimed.
Grace chuckled. "Don't get too cocky," she said.
"For all we know, the headquarters could be empty," Four Winds said.
"That's right," John agreed. "But we still have to destroy their base of power. Once we do that, we will spread our forces out to search for Master's whereabouts. We have three months to do that before Master fused with all the divine treasures."
"I doubt everyone will be on board with this," Four Winds said. He was referring to the forces from the other countries.
"Yeah, the agreement is for us to defeat Liguritudum and crush the World Maker. If Master goes into hiding, I doubt other countries will spare their resources to join this hunt. I will say that includes you," John said while looking at Four Winds.
"You are correct," Four Winds nodded. "I'm just a temporary grand chief. After we destroy World Throne, I need to go back to Verremor and go through the grand election tourney before securing the position. Once I am the official grand chief, I can use Verremor's resources to help with the search."
"I understand. I guess it will only be Themisphere's force who do the searching first," John said.
"Don't forget about the guilds! If it is about searching, I daresay we players are better executors!" Manager Steelhand declared. He, Scarface, and several other prominent guild members remained here in case John made any last-minute adjustment to their march.
"Don't worry. Of course, I won't forget to use all of you to the fullest," John announced.
"Do you have to go bootlicking?" Scarface chided Steelhand.
"Ugh…," Steelhand felt like hiding his head in the sand.
"I will also stay behind," Domon said to everyone.
"Master?" Leavemealone asked.
"You go with them," Domon told Leavemealone. "I know you have a score to settle with those who kidnapped you. I want to be here looking after my grandson."
Looking after Jack was one reason, but the other reason was again because their forces were way more than the enemy's. He had no interest in fighting a battle where his side seemed like the bully.
Leavemealone nodded. He did have a score to settle with Master. One of them was taking back his Fire God Blessing.
"What about you?" Domon turned to Wong.
"I will go with this army," Wong answered. "I also have a score to settle with Master. He has lied to me. He used both me and Long. I won't let him go."
"If you are talking about a score to settle, I think I am the most qualified," Spring Crown said.
After the Allied forces conquered Dritzuut, they swept through the capital and the palace to search for enemies, in case some were still hiding. When they went through the jails, they found Spring Crown, who was still in the process of being tortured by a couple of players.
Master hired the two players to torture Spring Crown, to make Spring Crown regret double-crossing him. Those two were psychos who enjoyed torturing people in the past world. The two had been so absorbed in their job that they weren't aware that the capital was under attack until Jeanny and the soldiers barged through the door.
Spring Crown was released. He took no time to kill his two torturers once he was freed of the runic rope binding him.
Jeanny ordered the soldiers to go to the rebirth plaza to capture the two torturers. She didn't like the idea of letting two known psychos roam this world. Luckily, those two were registered in this capital so they appeared there after being killed.
Under Jeanny's instruction, the two torturers were brought outside the capital wall before being killed again. After half an hour, the two reappeared at the rebirth plaza. They were back to level 1. After that, they were thrown into the jail.
Spring Crown thanked Jeanny with a wide smile for saving him. Seeing his cheery face, Jeanny said, "If only looking at your face, I won't believe you were just through torture."
"Lady, this is my angry face," Spring Crown replied, maintaining his smile.
He had the same smile now as he thought about going after Master with this huge army. "Wait till I lay my hands on that bastard," he said, before turning to Wong. "Never thought we would work together again."
Wong grunted at the comment. He never liked Spring Crown from the start.
To Domon, Spring Crown said, "I thought we would finally have the chance to fight together. You sure you don't want to come?"
Domon chuckled. "I will leave the excitement to you, young people." He then turned to Wong with a lifted fist. "Let's spar again when you return."
"Heh," Wong tapped Domon's fist with his own.
"Good luck," Grace said to everyone. She did a fist bump with Paytowin before coming to Domon.
"Let me give you a lift," She said to Domon. Domon didn't have wings tool so he couldn't fly.
"Uh… I think I will just walk," Domon said. Being carried by Grace in front of everyone would be rather embarrassing.
Paytowin understood Domon's reason. He summoned Brave King.
"Master Domon, my techno golem can carry you on his back. He will send you back to the palace," Paytowin offered.
"Won't you need it?" Domon asked.
"Don't worry. It is linked to me. It will automatically return to me if it is too far, but it should be able to bring you to the palace before we march too far."
"Okay then," Domon said. The palace was indeed rather far if he had to return by walking.
Brave King squatted to let Domon piggyback it.
"Goodbye," Grace said as she spread her wings. She then flew away accompanied by Brave King and Domon.