Second World
Second World - Chapter 1749: Two Lords of Dragons Against a Mad Dragon
?The siege weapons were slow so they couldn't avoid getting hit. The soldiers who were guarding the siege weapons prepared defensive skills to block the meteor but one of Jack's clones that were nearby commanded them to leave those siege weapons. He saw who cast the spell and he knew those soldiers wouldn't be able to do shit against the incoming meteor.
It would be a great loss to lose those siege weapons but they had already made a hole in the wall. Losing the siege weapons would just be a financial loss. He didn't want the soldiers guarding the siege weapons to lose their lives as well.
The meteor landed and obliterated all the siege weapons within the impact zone. Different from the normal Meteor Fall, the chaos version caused a shockwave that radiated outward. This shockwave dealt chaos damage to those it passed through. Low-level and low-grade soldiers who were still fleeing from the impact zone were killed upon contact. The rest lost a large number of HP.
Broidrireg and Eoranth looked at Azzarilth who was floating above. They knew she did that to piss them off. Eoranth didn't care about the forces there because he was not a country guardian anymore, but he was still pissed because Azzarilth was looking down on them by giving them a time of reprieve.
Eoranth stomped one foot on the ground in fury before shooting upward.
"Don't let her use your rage against you!" Broidrireg warned. He wasn't sure if Eoranth heard his warning. He also flew up in a hurry.
Azzarilth watched Eoranth speed towards her with a grin. She cast a spell when Eoranth was halfway.
Eoranth sensed the spell took effect and made an abrupt stop in the air. A spectral prison appeared in front of him. If he didn't stop, he would have been trapped inside.
But because he had stopped, he lost his momentum. Azzarilth was the one who dove at him in return. Before he could react, she was already before him. She slashed her foreclaws in a cross movement. This was not a standard attack, but one that was executed using Blade Dancer's skill, Cross Slash. Her cross slash generated a very large X-shaped void tear.
Eoranth blocked the attack using his arms. He received damage despite the block. Before he could retaliate, a series of quick slashes assailed him. Azzarilth was performing Deca Slash. Eoranth continued using his arms to block. While blocking, Eoranth felt the fury within him rise again.
He didn't know before, but he understood now that this was Azzarilth's doing. He quickly retreated. His wings flapped and produced a sonic blast that blew Azzarilth away and kept her from staying close.
Once a distance appeared between Azzarilth and him, he sensed a strong mana from behind. A beam of water and wind shot beside him. This beam went straight for Azzarilth.
Broidrireg might be unable to cast spells but he could still use his Water Wind Jet Breath.
Azzarilth was quick enough that she erected a chaos-imbued magic shield to block the beam. The chaos shield might be sturdy, but it was not enough to withstand Broidrireg's breath attack. The chaos shield shattered and the beam struck Azzarilth and threw her higher into the sky.
Eoranth didn't waste this opportunity. Azzarilth wouldn't be able to move fast after the hit. He gathered his strength as he prepared his strongest attack, Annihilating Soul Beam.
Mana from the surroundings rushed into his mouth as he took a deep breath. The converged mana shone brightly before he fired it forward. The discharge created several rings of light that radiated outward.
Azzarilth sensed the immense power headed for her. She was still tumbling after getting hit by Broidrireg's breath attack. Knowing that she couldn't dodge the attack, she opened her mouth and fired back. A torrent of chaos energy poured out of her jaws.
The divine chaos breath and the annihilating soul beam collided in the middle. The collision resulted in a massive ring of destructive light that spread outward. The nearby clouds passed by this ring of energy were disintegrated.
The two energies went into a stalemate, but only for a moment. The silver beam from Eoranth slowly pushed the chaos breath back. The slow advance of the silver beam picked up in speed as the chaos breath was pushed until it was as if the chaos breath was non-existence. The silver beam devoured the chaos breath and shot forward at high speed toward Azzarilth.
When the silver beam touched Azzarilth, it erupted in a massive explosion. The beam didn't just stop after one hit. It expanded, producing strong energy pulses. On the final pulse, the explosion was five times the initial one. The one who watched from down there felt as if the explosion covered the entire sky. Everything within the blast radius was obliterated. If this happened on the ground, it would have been catastrophic to whoever was in the vicinity.
Eoranth expected his ultimate attack to take out at least half of Azzarilth's HP. He watched the receding explosion with anticipation. However, when Azzarilth came into view again, the HP bar above her showed that she didn't lose much HP compared to before she was hit by the beam.
"How could…," Eoranth didn't believe what he was seeing.
"She used a spell…," Broidrireg said.
Now that Eoranth had a good look, he noticed that Azzarilth's body was slightly translucent. It was as if she was a hologram.
Eoranth gritted his teeth. Azzarilth cast Ghost Form after getting hit by the initial pulse. She only suffered the first blast.
"Hahaha, you didn't shame your father. That annihilating soul beam you have might even be more powerful than his," Azzarilth laughed. "Too bad I know about it."
Despite her seemingly chaotic madness, Azzarilth didn't fight without thinking. She had waited for Eoranth to use his ultimate attack before using ghost form.
"Eoranth, don't be hasty," Broidrireg said. "Let's fight defensively. We wait until Tiemezzys arrives before we go all out. I should still have a few hours when he arrives. With the three of us, we have a better chance."
Eoranth didn't like the idea but he supposed that would be a wiser move. After the clash, he must admit that Azzarilth was indeed more powerful than him. The chance of them winning wasn't that high.
If this happened in the past, he wouldn't have believed such a thing was possible. Broidrireg and he were beings that bore the title of the lord of dragons. To be unable to defeat an opponent even after the two of them worked together was unthinkable.
"Waiting for reinforcement, are we?" Azzarilth asked. "Unfortunately, it is my reinforcement that arrives first."
Azzarilth pointed using her finger. Broidrireg and Eoranth looked in the direction she pointed. On that horizon, they saw an incoming dark cloud, or so they thought. The sky had turned dark since night was approaching so it was difficult to make out things in the distance, but their dragon eyes could see things in the dark as well as during daylight. As they focused their dragon eyes on this supposed cloud, they found that it was not a cloud. It was a swarm. A swarm of dragons.