Second World
Second World - Chapter 1747: Fighting the Mad Dragon
?Azzarilth looked up and narrowed her eyes at Eoranth. "You look familiar…," she muttered.
Eoranth was displeased hearing the words. "You killed my father! I will take my revenge today!!" He bellowed.
Azzarilth's forehead went up. "Eoranth? Haha. How you have grown! You are like a splitting image of your father. Sadly, you will be joining your father's fate. I will be happy to arrange your reunion."
"It is you who will be meeting him today!" Eoranth returned.
"Quetzalcoatl Go back. I have Eoranth to support me," Broidrireg said to the wounded dragon.
"If the three of us work together, we can defeat her easier," Quetzalcoatl said.
"No. She is still too dangerous even with Eoranth here," Broidrireg said.
"Go back, Quetzalcoatl," Eoranth uttered. "You will just be a bother to us if we have to look after you."
Quetzalcoatl growled at Eoranth's statement, but he couldn't deny he wouldn't be of much help in his state.
Four Winds had tried unsummoning Quetzalcoatl after Jack asked him to, but Quetzalcoatl rejected the unsummoning by using his willpower. He now accepted the unsummoning request.
"Be safe, you two," he said before vanishing.
"Now that he is gone, shall we continue?" Azzarilth asked. "As you can see, I'm not fond of killing my own kinds. If you two are willing to leave, I will not stop you."
"Even me?" Broidrireg asked.
"Despite you imprisoning me for millennia. Yes, I hold no grudge on you."
"I don't believe you," Broidrireg said.
"Hehehe. Well, you are always the wisest among us. So, shall we dance?" Azzarilth asked.
Broidrireg turned to Eoranth and asked, "Where is Tiemezzys?"
Broidrireg sent Tiemezzys to go check Azzarilth's seal with an instruction that if the seal was broken, he was to find Eoranth and tell him the situation. The fact that Eoranth was here meant that Tiemezzys had carried out his mission.
"He is still around half a day flight from here," Eoranth answered. "I rushed here as soon as I got the news."
"So, it will just be the two of us," Broidrireg said.
"It is enough!!" Eoranth roared and charged forward.
Azzarilth simply sneered as Eoranth approached. The Sphere of Svalinn was still around her body. With a mighty swing, Eoranth smacked the dark sphere. Azzarilth shot down from the blow.
The touch should have caused Eoranth damage, but Eoranth's claws were enveloped by silvery light. Soul-infused Fist was protecting Eoranth's claws. Eoranth didn't stop. His wings flapped and he shot forward at high speed to chase after the falling Azzarilth.
Azzarilth's laughter reverberated in the air as she plunged. Those who heard her laughter did not doubt it was from someone mad.
Azzarilth suddenly shot to the side when Eoranth arrived. Her speed when the Sphere of Svalinn was in effect was terrifying. She shot back again when Eoranth was just realizing he had missed. The silver dragon didn't have the time to react when the flaming sphere slammed into him.
"Hrgghh…!" The slam took the air off from Eoranth. During his stun, Azzarilth moved at high speed in a back-and-forth motion. She continued slamming her sphere into Eoranth from different directions. Her speed made it difficult for Eoranth to follow.
Eoranth roared in fury from the treatment. Silvery flame coated his body. It was Soul Armor. The armor let him focus enough that he managed to catch Azzarilth's sphere with two arms before it slammed into him again. His grip was so strong that Azzarilth couldn't move away.
The sphere was touching Eoranth's body but it didn't cause damage because of his soul armor. With a powerful heave, Eoranth threw the sphere downward. The sphere slammed into the ground. Before it could move away, Eoranth fired his divine soul breath.
The location Eoranth threw Azzarilth was away from the armies that were storming the wall, so the soldiers were safe. But the shockwave from the explosion caused by the divine soul breath still threw the nearest soldiers to the ground.
Eoranth shot down before the explosion even subsided. He knew the attack just now was hardly enough to harm Azzarilth who was still protected by the Sphere of Svalinn. Azzarilth suffered some damage but not much.
Eoranth slammed into Azzarilth before she got the chance to get back up. He ran down punches at her and kept her on the ground. Throughout the punishments, Azzarilth's never stopped grinning.
"Not bad, you pup. I might say that you are almost as strong as your father," Azzarilth laughed while casting a spell.
Three spectral blades appeared next to her. These spectral blades slashed Eoranth. Eoranth ignored the slashes. His soul armor mitigated the damage. He continued to rain blow after blow. The two were trading blows with one another dealing minuscule damage.
"Eoranth! Don't stay too long in her melee range!" Broidrireg called from above.
In his aggression, Eoranth didn't hear Broidrireg's warning. Eoranth fired his eye beam and knocked Azzarilth's head to the side. When she turned her head back, Eoranth noticed her mouth was shining a dark purple.
Eoranth moved away before a torrent of dark light poured out of Azzarilth's mouth. Even with his soul armor, he didn't want to get hit directly by Azzarilth's divine chaos breath.
Azzarilth tried getting up now that Eoranth was off her, but she found her body much heavier than usual. She knew then that she had been hit by Broidrireg's Densify Air. With Eoranth keeping her busy, Broidrireg was free to cast his spells. When Eoranth moved away, Broidrireg unleashed his spells.
Primal Storm and Sky Tsunami followed. Azzarilth could only take the brunt of the damage by relying on the protection from the Sphere of Svalinn.
Broidrireg cast another spell that conjured multiple balls formed of solidified airs. These air balls then shot at Azzarilth and exploded upon contact.Eoranth didn't stay idle. He channeled his soul power into his hands and formed small soul balls. He then threw these soul balls at Azzarilth.
Their repeated ranged attacks caused a huge dust cloud. When the dust cloud settled, Azzarilth was up on her feet. Her Sphere of Svalinn was gone. If the sphere received too much damage, it could end before its natural duration.
Even after all that, Azzarilth was still grinning widely at the two.