Second World
Second World - Chapter 1744: Nine Yang Vs Nine Yin
?"Nine Yin Devouring Palm…," Wong uttered. He had heard from Domon that Jack learned the Nine Yin Scripture, but he didn't know about Grace.
Wong wasn't the only one who was taken by surprise, Long also couldn't believe what he saw. Who was this girl? He only heard of her being Jack's close friend. He never heard of her being an exceptional martial artist. From their clash just now, he knew for a fact that her martial expertise was way below him. If not for her exceptional equipment, he would have easily put her into the ground. How did such a girl learn an ancient art?
Long didn't believe his art would lose. He pumped mana into his fist. The nine suns flared as they rushed into Grace's palm, intending to burn her into smithereens. Yet, as the suns touched Grace's palm, it was as if they fell into a bottomless abyss. They just vanished into the dark hole in the middle of Grace's palm. They didn't even produce the violent explosion that was their supposed effect.
Long was shocked. He didn't want to believe it, but the fact was right there for him to see. Grace's degree of control of the Nine Yin Devouring Palm was at the level of a master already. The destructive energy from the Nine Yang Exploding Fist was unable to harm her.
Long gritted his teeth. The last of his suns vanished without a trace into Grace's palm. Not only she didn't suffer any damage but recovery numbers even popped up above her head, refilling all the HP she lost earlier. He decided to put a distance first and observe the situation before he was beset by Domon and Wong again.
But when he tried to move away, he found that his fist refused to detach from Grace's palm. There was as if a magnet that kept his fist glued to her palm.
"Wh–What…?!" He was startled by this. Then, another sensation caused him to become even more perturbed. He felt as if he was being drained!
The flames of the Nine Yang Restoration never stopped burning his body since he activated it when he was surrounded by his three opponents. Currently, the flames were dimming, and it was not because of his intention.
He looked at Grace in disbelief. It was her doing! The Nine Yin Devouring Palm not only absorbed the explosive power of his Nine Yang Exploding Fist, but it was also trying to suck the restorative energy of his Nine Yang Restoration. He could feel the mana fueling his ancient art was thinning.
He had heard the tale that the Nine Yin Scripture was created to counter the Nine Yang Scripture. He thought it was all nonsense. Now, he learned the truth of the tale. Nine Yin Arts might not be as powerful and intimidating as the Nine Yang Arts, but when the two clashed, the Nine Yin Arts had the advantage.
"Get off me, you, bitch…!!" Long shouted. The fist from his other hand slammed into Grace's face.
Grace was closing her eyes because she was fully concentrating on her Nine Yin Devouring Palm. She didn't sense Long's other fist.
She cried and reeled back from the punch. Her Nine Yin Devouring Palm was involuntarily stopped.
Long wanted to chase her and continued to dispense her punishments, but he suddenly felt a presence behind him. He had been so focused on Grace that he neglected his surroundings. Before he could turn back, he felt a strong impact on the side of his head.
Another hard impact slammed into him from above. His face was down on the ground before he knew it. He then felt a heavy weight pressing him from above.
"Stay down, Long…," He heard Wong's voice.
Hearing that instead fueled his anger. He pressed his two hands on the ground and heaved with all his strength. His two classes' strength enhanced by the beast form managed to push his body up despite Wong's One Thousand Pounds Mountain.
He had one of his wings slapped Wong while getting up. When Wong was distracted, he pushed himself out from under Wong's pressure. When he was freed, he sensed another attack. The executor of the attack was already close when he sensed the attack, hence he was unable to dodge.
The attack was Domon's One-word Slash done using a glaive enhanced by a mana-empowered Ki Weapon. The slash struck one of his wings. The slash not only caused damage but also broke the bone that held the wings. He could no longer use his wings properly. His flight ability was hampered.
Long never flew up even when he could because he didn't feel the need to. Now, when he was on the back foot, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to. His opponents came at him again.
"You, lot, think you are better?! Come then! I will take you all on…!!!" Long screamed.
He fought with ferocity unlike before. His mind was in turmoil. He also found that the flames of the Nine Yang Restoration wouldn't get ignited anymore. He wasn't sure if it was the aftereffect of Grace's Nine Yin Devouring Palm or because of the state of his mind. He couldn't think properly.
Under that state of anger, he received many hits from the two grandmasters because he couldn't properly utilize his martial arts.
"What have I taught you? Anger gives you power but you should never let it conquer you otherwise it will unbalance you," Wong said.
"Shut up! You are no longer my master!" Long exclaimed. "I am not conquered by anger. I am using it!"
"Doesn't seem that way to me," Domon uttered.
"Silence, you two…!!" Long unleashed his Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms again, forcing Domon and Wong back. Once he did, he felt a strong impact at the back of his head. It was a smite from Grace's mace.
"You can't even sense an attack now. You are saying you didn't lose yourself?" Wong scolded.
"You are not my master anymore…!!!" Long's shadowless kick struck Grace and sent her tumbling back. He then rushed forward at Wong.
Wong had lost some HP during Long's forceful battle just now. A healing light fell on him. Grace cast a healing spell when he saw Long advance toward Wong.
Long didn't seem to register the healing on Wong. He continued to go berserk on Wong. Domon stole some hits from the side when Long was focusing on Wong. While Long continued to barrage Wong with endless attacks, he suddenly found himself in human form.
In his convoluted state, he lost track of the duration of his beast form.