Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard - Chapter 558: The Speed Force
While in Invisible Mode, the floating city landed in its destination.
"Finally arrived," sighed Edward. "Quickly check what time period we are in?"
"According to my calculations and data, the Flash is in its fourth year or Season Four."
Edward grunted, "So we couldn't land in his early years?"
"We're lucky we could navigate such a troublesome Multiverse, so don't expect to be able to land at any point in time," said Morgana. "So, what's our plan? According to our simulations, Barry won't be as understanding or cooperating as the Doctor."
"That's why I wanted to land early. We could have easily infiltrated Team Flash by working at Star Lab and get what we wanted."
"We have to adapt, so what's the plan?"
"We don't know how much time before the Convergence ends. So, let's use a more forceful yet still peaceful method."
"What does that even mean?"
"Barry created an alternate reality in his third year when he traveled back in time and changed his mother's death. Although he left that reality, it should still exist. Our first visit should be there. Locate it."
"As you wish."
Morgana could monitor the entire planet and the surrounding realities and dimensions connected to it. And even if she could not, she could use a Cause and Effect Spell to find the reality connected to Barry.
"Found it," she declared, and the team did not hesitate to travel to that alternative reality. The process was not smooth despite the fact they were not navigating the multiverse.
"What did the scan find?" asked Edward.
"Barry Allen is not here, as we expected. However, oddly enough, I could not find Savatar as well."
"So, Barry was not the only one who escaped that reality," muttered Edward. "So, is only Kid Flash left?"
"Capture him."
The process took some time and effort, but it was done perfectly. Edward looked at the young Wally West in this particular prison he made for Speedster.
"Show me the scan and preliminary result."
The first thing they learned about Speedsters is that it was impossible to read their mind or control them, and that's because the Speed Force was protecting them.
Edward frowned at this result because he knew this was not an innate ability of any of the Flashes. Gorilla Grodd has controlled Barry's mind on many occasions.
After this preliminary result, he looked at Wally's Life Code, which was as the show revealed. Dark Matter altered his cells and DNA, allowing him to tap into a special force in the universe — the Speed Force. He did not care much for the Life Code alteration, as his focus was more on the Speed Force.
For his experiment, Edward used Dark Matter to alter a clone's Life Code to copy Kid Flash, creating his own Speedster. Then, he ran multiple tests on the subject.
"This can be considered a failure," commented Morgana.
"Indeed." Although they created a speedster, the latter's connection to the Speed Force was subpar, thus preventing them from learning its essence.
"What's more, it's the same for this subject— we cannot read or control their minds." Such an anomaly was worrying.
"So, what's next?" asked the purple-haired clone.
"Let's clone Wally West and see if there is a difference."
The result of the experiment's second round was different, even by leagues. The clone had a deeper connection to the Speed Force, thus not only making him faster but also could use different abilities.
However, when compared to the original, they were still not in the same league. Wally did not want to cooperate with this experiment despite the promise of his release; he did not even accept the threat to his family, which was out of character for Wally.
So, Edward had to make it look like the dungeon holding him had a faulty system and allow him to escape. While running, he gathered all the data he needed before recapturing.
"We can now conclude that connection to the Speed Force is not just related to the body but also the mind and maybe the soul," said Edward. "However, Wally's Soul Dimension and Flame were normal. So, where is the source of their gift?"
"Do you think the reason for our anomalies is because this is an alternative reality?" asked Morgana.
"This could explain some of the anomalies but not all of them."
"Do you have a better theory?"
"I do," replied Edward. "The Speed Force is also a living entity or has a consciousness, and it does not want foreigners like us to find its secrets."
He should have thought of that since the Speed Force appeared to Barry in the form of his mother in the show.
"That could explain it. But what's with all these time-related concepts suddenly acquiring consciousness?" complained Morgana.
"Suddenly? For all we know, it's always been like, but we accidentally uncovered two worlds with similar concepts."
"True, but let's watch out if the same thing happens in the next world."
The two continued their research and gathered more data. Edward traveled to Earth 3 after a great effort to observe Jay Garrick, another Speedster. In the comics, Jay Garrick was the original Speedster, but his power came from a mutation of his genes. It was later retconned that his power connected to the Speed Force.
Edward did not interact with Jay in any form and only secretly observed and recorded. The final result is that Jay's connection to the force was greater than any of his experiments but still to a lesser degree than Wally's, let alone Barry's.
[Sidenote: In the comics, Wally West is the Speedster with the deepest connection to the force, not Barry. Even in the show, it's hinted at as such, but since Barry was the main character, such a plot did not go far.]
"We have enough data to work with for now," commented Edward before making a device that would grant him access to the Speed Force. In the process, he was able to prove some of his theories.
A normal universe has four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetic force, and weak and strong nuclear force. However, there are other forces in this universe, including the Speed Force.
"You were right," said Morgana. "The Speed Force can affect the space-time continuum using speed and movement. Such an application should be unique enough for the Time Game."
"Indeed," replied Edward as he tested out the final product. "However, this is not enough." The speed force he could tap into was not enough to break the restraint of the space-time continuum, so they needed more data.
"It seems Barry is the key to our success," commented Morgana.
"Yes. In some ways, he's the child of the Speed Force."
The group's next destination was not Barry and his group but the major villain of that year—the Thinker. He was a man of unparalleled intelligence who had his brain mutated after exposure to Dark Matter.
The Thinker was shocked after seeing Edward suddenly appear and stuttered incomprehensible that he was an anomaly and should not have appeared.
"Do you think we should have dealt deeper into the effect of Dark Matter on the Life Code?" asked Edward after analyzing the Thinker's brain composition.
"Maybe, but you should consider how this world is different. The laws allow for people's Life Codes to be more malleable and changeable. In other places, dark matter will not have such a positive effect."
"True," nodded Edward. "Alright, let's go see our protagonist."
[AN: Apology if there are some inconsistencies or errors with this arc. It's been years since I watched The Flash, and I only saw the first four seasons. So, I'm doing my best through research, but it's not the same.]