The Conquerors Path
The Conquerors Path - Chapter 613: The Elerium Blossoms
Chapter 613-The Elerium Blossoms
The sounds of laughter and happiness sounded all around us, Sabrina beside me with her apple already in her stomach and doing its job. What did you all expect? For some kind lady to just be outside the home I bought? To just be kind enough to give us some free fruits?
Yeah, there might exist things like that out there, but this incident was no simple meeting. I have to say the old woman did her job very well. I will have to pay her extra after this. Anyway, my main indication was to create a simple yet happy atmosphere. Making a couple-like atmosphere between us and getting Sabrina to eat an apple.
And not just any apple, a very special apple that will be very useful to me. Ever heard of the story of an old woman making a beautiful woman go to sleep by eating an apple? Only to be saved by the Prince Charming from her sleep?
It's something like that, but not at that level. The woman beside me is very smart. If problems arise just after she eats an apple, and the apple is given by a woman who sits outside the home I brought her to, it won't take a lot of digging from her to understand there must have been some foul play.
"So, are you having fun?"
I asked as we walked through all the different stalls.
"I would say I am not bored."
Sabrina replied as she just kept looking around the entire place. I didn't speak with her nor guide her much as for half an hour we just kept moving around the festive place, the laughter and fun in this place being infectious.
"Do you know what kind of festival this is?"
I asked after the half an hour mark, at which Sabrina spoke.
"Something called the Festival of Fallen Flowers?"
Her reply was the name of the festival itself, no doubt something she picked up from all the things being spoken around. Plus, a lot of beautiful blue flowers with dark spots spread evenly around are wrapped all around the place, from the tall buildings to the sidewalks, it's completely decorated with these flowers.
"Exactly, Sabrina. It's called the Festival of Fallen Flowers. These beautiful blue flowers are called 'Elerium Blossoms,'" I explained, pointing to the vibrant blooms that adorned the surroundings.
"These flowers have a special significance in this town. They are said to carry the essence of an ancient elven warrior, a legendary figure who once saved this town during a great war. The story goes that she fought valiantly to protect this place, and when she finally fell, her essence transformed into these enchanting blossoms."
As we strolled through the festival, the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of Elerium Blossoms, and their vivid blue petals seemed to dance in the gentle breeze. The city had come alive with vibrant colors and joyful celebrations, all in honor of the elven warrior's sacrifice.
"The festival is a commemoration of her bravery and a way for the people here to express gratitude for the protection she bestowed upon this town," I continued, my voice filled with a bit of respect for the legendary elf.
"Now, the Elerium Blossoms are not just for decoration. They hold a special property – they are believed to bring about moments of clarity and introspection. Many people use them to reflect on their lives, make important decisions, or seek guidance."
I gestured towards a stall where people were carefully selecting Elerium Blossoms. The flowers were crafted into various forms – from delicate wreaths to intricate bouquets. Artisans skillfully arranged them into stunning displays, and festival-goers were eager to acquire these special blooms.
"Some even believe that if you share an Elerium Blossom with someone, it signifies a bond of trust and understanding. It's a way to connect with others on a deeper level, just like the unity this town experienced during that crucial moment in history."
Sabrina listened attentively, her eyes capturing the beauty of the festival and the significance of the flowers that surrounded us.
"So, Sabrina, do you believe in the power of these blossoms?" I inquired, curious about her thoughts.
She gazed at the sea of blue flowers, contemplating the stories and traditions woven into their delicate petals, her eyes taking everything in as she spoke.
"I have never heard of such a tale before..."
Her murmurs filled my ears as I lightly shook my head.
"Well, it's the story of a small place about the small legend they have lost."
These words of mine didn't do much for Sabrina, but I could tell that her interest in this place became much more piqued after my mention of the legendary elven hero who saved this place.
"Are we here for you to show me about some lost legends?"
She asked with an edge to her tone, to which I shook my head.
"No, we are here to live a legend."
I spoke as I started to lead the way, Sabrina by my side as we kept walking, the people and the world kept passing by us as we reached in front of a place that looked like ancient lost ruins, a major decoration filling this place, with all the flowers being focused on the place. I could see several people in the town moving around the place in respect.
"This is said to be the place where the legend is said to have fallen."
This wording from mine made Sabrina focus on the center of the ruins, several towering pillars spread around in this place with a single big fountain towering out water, the Elerium Blossoms completely filling the fountain water, it floating beautifully around the fountain, swirling around while people seem to be placing the Elerium Blossoms onto the fountain.
The fountain in size is huge with the water flowing beautifully from the center. The majority of the people around the fountain seemed to be couples young and old, all of them seemingly in romance, placing the Elerium Blossoms onto the fountain with their hands together.
Seeing all this, Sabrina gave me a weird glance, it did not even take long for her to piece things together about this ruin and this special place seemed to represent the sign of significance between the connection of lovers. Hence, it wouldn't have been weird for that old woman to have taken us as a couple who came for the festival.
"Just why did you bring me here?"
Sabrina asked, her eyes seemingly not liking the lovey-dovey situation all around us. My eyes then seemingly glittered, easily seeing through her illusion, and within her body, I could see some green dangerous gas-like stuff roaming all through her, one slowly doing its job.
"The main reason I came here is there is something I need here, also for what we are about to do, it will help you find some answers about that specialty of yours."
These words of mine brought her full attention. The prospect of getting more information about her unique situation is something that is close to an obsession for her.
"So what do we do now?"
Sabrina asked, her voice more focused. To this, I replied with a smile.
"Now we do what all couples are doing here."
This reply from mine earned me a hardened gaze from her, seemingly asking what the hell I was saying, but all she got in return from me was a sly smile that seemed to say she would find what she wanted only if she followed me. Seeing so all she could do was huff as the two of us started to walk towards the fountain.
Reaching closer, I placed some copper coins onto the man leading this situation as he gave me a beautifully crafted Elerium Blossoms. Holding that, the two of us walked to the fountain, the size of the fountain dwarfing our sizes. The two of us stood in front of it, my head then turned towards Sabrina as I spoke.
"Shall we?"
"Why do we have to do this?"
Sabrina asked with narrowed eyes, to which I spoke.
"Now that's all part of the mystery of this date."
My words could only make her shake her head as the two of us held the flower together. At the same time, we placed it on the fountain water, pushing it through. Though while doing so, I discreetly put a coin into the fountain water, taking a mix of my and Sabrina's mana into the coin. The moment the coin hit the bottom of the fountain, a bright light burst forth.
And even before Sabrina could react, the two of us got whisked away into the fountain, which would have just left silence behind.