The Martial Unity
The Martial Unity - Chapter 1789: Criteria
There was a reason that Rui put those two government officials who had contacted him at the top of the list. High-ranking government officials were the most important people in the Kandrian Throne War.
Found Emperor Ra had made it so that the new Emperor could not be officially crowned without their presence and official acknowledgment of the new Emperor. According to Kandrian law, the Coronation Ceremony required at least seventy-five percent of high-ranking government officials to officiate the ceremony for it to be considered official.
Anything less than seventy-five percent, and the ceremony was invalid.
This essentially meant that during times of throne wars, these government officials collectively had the power of kingmaker. Whichever prince or princess could compel seventy-five percent of the high-ranking officials at the time could become Emperor or Empress as soon as the throne was empty.
This was the game; this was why gaining as much Martial, economic, and political capital mattered to these princes and princesses. Those royals with the greatest Martial, economic, and political capital would be able to earn the support of as many high-ranking government officials by purchasing their officiation with said capital from their allies.
Previously, Rui hadn't cared about this detail since this was a headache exclusively for the princes and princesses, but now it was his headache, thus all the details suddenly began mattering.
"As long as I can bag these two, then I will have remarkably swift progress, considering it hasn't even been half a day since the commencement of my campaign," Rui remarked. "I've already essentially gained the support of two high-ranking government officials of a total of hundred and four."
There were a hundred and four high-ranking government officials, including ministers, directors, generals, and supreme judges, who each oversaw an entire executive, judiciary, or military section of the government, be they ministries, agencies, bureaus, courts, militias, etc.
It was highly optimistic that Rui had already essentially received the support of two such officials: the Minister of Martial Art and the Director of the KBPF. How many more would he gain the support of over the span of weeks and months?
Which government official would be able to say no with the silhouette of the Martial Union standing behind him? There was little the other seven royals would be able to individually do, considering how much power and influence Rui had even before he was revealed to be a prince.
"The Minister of Culture has just requested for an appointment, Your Highness!"
"The President of the East Panamic Consortium has issued a statement expressing interest in joining the newly-founded Rui Faction!"
"The Panamic Martial Federation has issued a statement of support for Prince Rui Quarrier Kandria!"
Rui was glad that he had built a very solid faction administration and staff beforehand; otherwise, he would be drowning in all this good news!
Yet it was impossible for everything to be good.
"Prince Raijun and Rajak have announced an alliance, Your Highness!"
A bomb had been dropped.
The air grew electric as the jubilation of his faction was dampened.
"What?!" Rui narrowed his eyes. "No way."
He couldn't believe that Prince Rajak would ever dream of collaborating with Prince Raijun, considering what the latter had done to his family. The very thought of it should have been deeply disgusting to him.
Yet, when he looked at the statement released by the Rajak and Raijun administrations, it became rather clear that it was very real.
"He…actually decided to ally with Prince Raijun," Rui whispered with shock. "…All to stop me from becoming Emperor."
From the statement released, Rui could sense deep desperation from Prince Rajak. He wouldn't have done this if he had no other choice and was unwilling to compromise on the throne.
'Something must have happened between him and the Underworld," Rui realized. 'Is he losing their support?'
He didn't know.
One thing was clear, however.
"He's doing this because he knows that he has no other way of stopping me," Rui's expression grew ugly. "What is their current collective share of the high-ranking government officials?"
"Twenty-two high-ranking government officials are supporting the two of them in total, Your Highness," His secretary immediately informed him.
"…And what about Raul?"
"Twelve government officials in total, sir," She quickly supplied.
"So the three of them have monopolized the support of thirty-
four government officials," Rui narrowed his eyes. "Which means I'll have to steal eight high-ranking government official from them in order to reach seventy-five percent."
His secretary frowned in confusion. "What about the remaining four royals, Your Highness? They also have a solid share of the hundred and four high-ranking government officials you will need for the official coronation ceremony after the Emperor of Harmony passes away in five years."
Rui shook his head. "Those four are irrelevant; ignore them."
He no longer cared about what Randal, Raemina, Ranea, and Rafia did. They were dead as far as he was concerned, and they probably knew it. Their final hope, the Emperor of Harmony, had become their final despair when he declared Rui his heir.
"Master Ceeran," Rui addressed his bodyguard.
"Yes, Your Highness?" Master Ceeran smiled from behind him.
"Don't call me that," Rui grumbled. "You remember that item I gave you for safekeeping?"
"…Of course."
"Please open it and give it to the Martial Union as evidence."
"…Okay?" Master Ceeran frowned. "Evidence of what?"
Rui smirked. "You should see it firsthand; it's quite entertaining and amusing, as far as I am concerned. Please ensure that the information is as contained as possible."
With that, the four royals were no longer relevant.
The only opponents he had remaining were Prince Raul, Prince Rajak, and Prince Raijun. It was a shame that he wasn't able to gather any irrefutable evidence on Prince Rajak's involvement with his assassination, but alas.
"What now, Your Highness?" His secretary asked.
"Now, we go over and win every single damn person interested in supporting the Rui Faction," Rui narrowed his eyes. "The next few months are going to be hectic as all hell."