Black-Bellied Dad
Chapter 8 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 7 “I’m back.” She isn’t sure when it happened, but she’s alrea

Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 7

“I’m back.” She isn’t sure when it happened, but she’s already gotten into the habit of reporting to Xu He Jun’s home right after getting off work. Most times, he’ll leave work before her. Having learnt a few simple dishes, he’s been diligently studying up on how to be a house husband. If there’s time, he’ll prepare 2-3 dishes for dinner.

Regarding this part of him, even Huang Shang Rong can’t find anything critical to say. Although she’s not hopeless with housework, she only knows basic cooking and cleaning. At the start, she had thought Xu He Jun would always rely on her—– regardless of whether it’s work or private matters. But unexpectedly, he’s performing well at work, brilliantly settling problems, while at home, although he’s not excelling, he’s transformed from someone with no life skills, to being more or less on par with her.

“You’re back!” Wearing an ap.r.o.n, he runs out of the kitchen carrying a huge pot of curry. “Today we’re also having curry. I want to defend my honour and master this dis.h.!.+”

Yesterday they also had curry. While she doesn’t particularly like curry, if someone’s cooking for her, she won’t nit-pick. Sometimes when she’s busy, the breakfast and lunch she prepares for He Jun isn’t particularly diverse or appetizing either, but he still finishes it without complaint. If they want nice food, since neither of them can make it, they’ll just eat out to a restaurant.

Dinner time, she eyes Xu He Jun. The more she looks, the more he resembles President Xu. Not so much while smiling, since the corner of He Jun’s lips have more charm, no – scheme, while one look at the president and you can tell that he’s a shrewd and devious old fox, as though his eyes can see right through you.

Only, their facial features are really similar! Before, at the conference, she hadn’t noticed due to the pressure, and the fact that she was too far from the president. Only today, having spent half an hour chatting with him face to face, did she realize that sense of familiarity was from He Jun!

Not to mention, mysteriously both their last names are Xu…..

No, impossible, a lot of people have the surname Xu. He Jun wouldn’t so lucky, to coincidentally be Xu Ying Zhang’s son.

Also, if he’s really the Xu family’s young master, why would he have nothing better to do than to act poor? His furniture is filled with second hand goods, why wouldn’t he change it? All the chopsticks, forks and utensils were also all cheap things bought from TWD$10[1] stores. Not to mention the pacifier in Hao Hao’s mouth was bought for $39 at a flea market…..

“Why are you so unsettled? Are you stunned by how handsome I am?” As Xu He Jun feeds his son baby food, he had noticed the change in Huang Shang Rong’s eyes, and casually asked.

“Do you know Xu Ying Zhang?”

“Xu Ying Zhang?” The gears in his head turn. “Of course I know him!”

“You really know him?”

“He’s our big boss and the meal ticket who pays our wages! How could I not know? It’s not like I have a loose screw in my head!”

True, his next retort will probably be, even if he knows the big boss Xu Ying Zhang, it’s not like Xu Ying Zhang would know him!

Really, what is she thinking? To think she’d randomly a.s.sociate these two people! Huang Shang Rong shakes her head, trying to stop these ridiculous thoughts. Placing her bowl and chopsticks down, she takes the plastic bowl from his hands.

“You eat first, I’ll feed Hao Hao!”

Xu He Jun scoops a few mouthfuls of food, when he recalls something, grabbing the paper bag beside him, looking at her with a sly grin “Guess what I bought today?”

Huang Shang Rong blinks. “What?”

“Wait!” He quickly pulls out a maroon coloured pillow from the bag, happily presenting it to her. “You’re usually the one buying things for Hao Hao, but as a father I should also put in some effort. Since my salary increased recently, it’s not too much if I buy a small gift for my son! Look at this pillow, it’s perfect for a one year old infant. It’s just right for Hao Hao to sleep on!”

“…” Didn’t he notice his son’s usual pillow is a folded blanket?

“There’s also this knee protector. Hao Hao currently likes to crawl around on the floor. If we put this on him, his knees won’t get injured.”

“…” That thing, even adults don’t like wearing it, why would a little baby?

“Also also, an infant medicine dispenser the shop a.s.sistant recommended. She said using this, it’s easy to feed medicine to a baby, and we can use it until he reaches 3.

“…” Doesn’t he know an empty 3cc needle is the easiest to use! No to mention if you go to a clinic, they’ll administer the medicine for you.

“And the best thing is this—maternal handbag!” Xu He Jun almost appears to be fawning before her. “When we take Hao Hao out in the future, we won’t need to use a large and clumsy bag anymore. Look, this handbag’s departments are clearly distinguished for milk powder, diapers, wet wipes….”

“Heavens!” Huang Shang Rong places her bowl and chopsticks down, crying out as she grabs the infant items he bought. To think he brought back all the ‘infant care products you absolutely shouldn’t buy’…. “You’re too wasteful!”

Xu He Jun is stunned. “How come?”

“Why are you squandering your hard earned money?”

“Buying good things shouldn’t be considered wasteful…”

“It’s not the same. Your career is only just starting and in the future, there’ll be a lot of things you need to spend money on. You should use it on more practical things, for example —-“ She points to his sofa. “Look, this sofa has been used at least 20 years! The stuffing is almost showing, it needs to be replaced!”

Second hand for second hand, it can be exchanged!

“But that can still be used….”

“Hao Hao can walk now. If we’re not careful, one day he might secretly place the stuffing in his mouth, that…. Isn’t that dangerous?”

Xu He Jun’s eyes widen, “Removed!”

“Also the table. This table’s legs aren’t the same length. Don’t you think it’s always wobbling around? This should also be changed. You should also install a water filter rather than filling your water up outside. Don’t you think the water has a bitter taste.…”

All at once, Huang Shang Rong points out what new items he needs to buy, and what needs to be replaced. Just listening, Xu He Jun’s head starts to explode.

“How would I know what to buy or replace first?”

“You can ask me!”

“This…” Xu He Jun scratches his head, He had wanted to say that due to his promotion and raise, he could buy more things with the extra money in his account. But he hadn’t thought he needed to clear out so many things…. Truly living above ones means! “But you’ve always been buying more things for Hao Hao! You spend more money than me!” He remarks with discontent.

She answers “I have a plan.”

“What plan?”

“I’ll separate my salary into 5 parts, and spend no more than 1/5 of it on Hao Hao. Combined with your income, it’s more than enough to raise a child. I’ll use another 1/5 for mortgage, and at least half will go to a term deposit. The rest I’ll invest in a diverse portfolio.”

“What?” An office worker, yet she can divide her income into 5 parts, she’s really incredible! He currently doesn’t earn as much as her. After deducting his spending and his son’s living expenses, it’s really hard for him to imagine being able to allocate a portion of it to investments. If he was given several hundred thousand, he’d manage investments, but when its tens of thousands[2], what can he even do with it?

To think, being a commoner isn’t just copying college students in skimping on food and clothing expenses, but also managing their finances….

Looking at Xu He Jun’s overwhelmed state, Huang Shang Rong sympathetically asks “What kind of life were you leading before?”

Waving his palms at her, a thought appears in his mind. Jumping up from his chair, eyes sparkling as they widen. “How about this, why don’t you become my treasurer?”

“What treasurer?” How much money does he think he has?

“In the future, you can manage all of my salary. Every week, you can give me petty cash, and dictate how much money I can spend. Mnn, alright, let’s do it this way.” That way he won’t always have to wrack his brain over what to buy and what not to buy.

As he says it, he runs back to his room, taking out a seal to give her.

Originally, she had thought he was joking, when he suddenly pushes his bank seal into her hands. Huang Shang Rong’s blocks, pus.h.i.+ng it back to him.

“… that’s something your wife should do, it has nothing to do with me.” This brat, is he actually stupid or just pretending? Or is he secretly proposing? She doesn’t like being placed in an ambiguous position, so she pushes it back to him, refusing to blur the lines.

“If you marry me, wouldn’t you be my wife?”

“You’re insane!”

“In the future, my money will be yours, while your money… it’ll still be yours okay? I know women always keep some money beside them to feel more secure. You can just keep it!”

He clearly doesn’t have much money, yet he’s still brazenly acting like a generous man. She’s mixed between exasperated and amused.

Huang Shang Rong looks at the bank seal pushed back into her hands, feeling an inexplicable feeling rising in the back of her throat. She’s constantly wandering around by herself, used to sorting things on her own. While He Jun has been pus.h.i.+ng his way through, wanting to eat her up, relying on her to sort his affairs, strangely, she doesn’t seem to hate the way things are.

Is she destined to spend her life slaving away?

“Placing your bank seal in my hands, if we break up, don’t even think about getting it back.” She starts giving him a reality check.

Xu He Jun moves closer, drawing her in with his stare. “Do you plan on breaking up with me?”

“N-no, I don’t.” She’s only thinking of the worst case scenario.

“Then isn’t that fine, I don’t plan on breaking up with you either.” Not to mention he’ll be relying on her. He smiles brightly, holding back the last phrase. “I believe you, Shang Rong.”

“Circ.u.mstances will always change, its better if you take your money….” She had wanted to return the seal back to him, when Xu He Jun straightens, pressing against her lips, not letting her refuse again.

“I won’t take back things I’ve already given away.” That moment, he smiles as he leans closer, pus.h.i.+ng back the hand she’s using to hold his bank book and seal.

She had wanted to reprimand him for behaving so selfishly, but it’s hard to refuse when he smiles like that! Is it his smile that makes her waver each time, or is it his imposing manner? Huang Shang Rong really can’t make any sense of it.

Xu He Jun suddenly changes his expression, staring at her with fascination.

“Every time I see your troubled expression, I can’t help but find you cute.”

Huang Shang Rong usually doesn’t blush easily, but there’s no helping it. Once the person speaking changes to Xu He Jun, he seems to have a special ability to make her melt.

“What are you saying!” She softly pushes at him.

Xu He Jun easily pulls her to his arms. Huang Shang Rong naturally knows the intent in his eyes, and obediently accepts his lips, wrapping both her hands around his shoulders, enjoying his pa.s.sionate kisses.

His kisses are strong and deep, both careful and forceful, his hands gradually becoming restless. At first they were only lightly brus.h.i.+ng against her waist, before continuing to lift her skirt, wrapping her long legs around his waist, stroking the seams lightly then roughly. While his other hand leaves her waist and wanders up, appearing to caress her unceasingly.

“Hao Hao’s watching us from the side!” Huang Shang Rong exclaims.

“I want you, tonight.”

This whole time, he’s only verbally eaten her tofu, occasionally getting handsy. Once she uses his son as an excuse, he knows it’s time to stop, never forcefully taking her. Yet today, he seems uncharacteristically unyielding. Glancing at the bank seal on the table from the corner of her eyes, her mind brightens, an idea suddenly flas.h.i.+ng through her head—–

“Giving me that bank book and seal, was your intention to propose?”

Xu He Jun’s voice seems somewhat dry, “I know with my current abilities, I don’t have the means to buy you a diamond ring—-

Maybe if I liquidated all my a.s.sets I could buy you a third rate gem, but I know, to me your existence is more valuable than any diamond.”

This brat! His honeyed words can really charm someone to death! Even someone as fierce as her can’t help but lose their guard, he really has the potential to be a gigolo.


“If you want, I can give you everything. Even though this tiny book can’t be considered much, but in the future, I’ll give you everything in my life without reservation, you can dictate how to use everything of mine, alright?”

Right, having arranged it for so long, he’s definitely proposing marriage to her.

It’s not meticulously planned, or filled with flowery words. But, even she knows he didn’t have those intentions. The words he said today, it’s not something anyone can easily say.

She believes him, all because of those sincere eyes. While he normally has that silly smile, right now, she can’t see a hint of doubt in his eyes.

“Aright.” Only after she replies, does Huang Shang Rong notice the tears welling in her eyes from his speech.

“Then….” His voice turns low, as he leans towards her, whispering in her ears, “You can shower first and wait for me in bed, I’ll put Hao Hao to sleep and find you right after.”

Huang Shang Rong turns red, looking at his handsome face. In the past she hadn’t found him particularly attractive, and had always regarded him as a younger brother. How come recently, the more she looks, the more she finds his masculine air calming and deep.

She gently pecks his face, showing a bashful expression that only Xu He Jun has seen. “Then you should hurry!”

Ah! Is she trying to encourage him or harm him? That soft and delicate appearance of hers makes all the cells in his body pound. But he can only let go for now, letting her run back into the bedroom, before turning his head back to stare at his son on the infant chair, endeavouring to reason with him.

“Hey brat, after being fully fed, it’s time for you to sleep!”

But why would Xu Hao appreciate his efforts? He grins, exposing his two teeth, as if telling his old man that he’s still full of energy.

“You…” Xu He Jun sternly warns him, “It wasn’t easy for me to have your mother within my grasp. If you still can’t distinguish between good and bad and let her escape, then don’t blame me for not warning you.”

“Mummy…” An infant who had just learnt how to speak, he only knows how to say this.

“That’s right, your mother’s inside.” Xu He Jun picks up his son, placing his head on his own shoulder, soothing him to sleep. Although there’s a sense of urgency in his heart, smelling the milky scent on his son’s body, and feeling the small heartbeat in that tiny warm frame, he can’t help but slow his actions, carefully lulling his son to sleep.

Having finished her bath, Huang Shang Rong had wanted to see how he went in putting his child to bed. Opening the door, she sees her son leaning against him, already drifting off to sleep, eyes half-lidded, saliva almost falling onto his father’s shoulders.

This is what she wanted! If this is a peaceful family, as long as it’s within her grasp it’ll be hers. She’s single and can live a comfortable life alone, but if she had a complete family, with this father, mother and a cute little child.

Since she grew up in a loving household, it’s not like she’s desperate to make a family of her own, but if she did have one, it wouldn’t seem so bad.

She walks in, taking the toy from her son as his grip loosens, lightly asking, “Do you want me to take over?”

Xu He Jun turns to look at her. Having just finished bathing, her long hair is loosely pinned up, a fragrant scent wafting from her entire body that makes his spirit jolt, not to mention the oversized t-s.h.i.+rt she had taken from his wardrobe, the length just enough to cover her most important parts, but exposing those thin white thighs…..

“No need, it’s fine if you wait for me in bed.” He nibbles her earlobe, then adds. “Naked!”

Discerning that his spirits are still high, Huang Shang Rong’s face turns red, before turning to run back to the bedroom, obediently waiting for him in bed.

A few minutes later, Xu He Jun enters the room, having placed his son in the cradle, before turning off the lights, and turning on the night light. He takes off his s.h.i.+rt, revealing his strong chest, before climbing into bed.

“Is he asleep?” Huang Shang Rong asks, despite waiting to be ‘eaten’.

“He’s asleep.”

“Really, this quickly? You didn’t have him stunned, right?”

“Almost, I told him, ‘if you still don’t go to bed, I’ll stun you’ and he fearfully fell asleep.”

Unable to hold her laughter, “Stop teasing!”

“Shhh, quiet, don’t wake him up….” His hands busily stripping them both bare.

“You’re the one who….mmmm…” Her lips are blocked.

After a little while…..

Huang Shang Rong softly asks, “Hey, turn off the lights!”

“Don’t want to, I want to see you clearly.”

Hearing the urgency in his voice, somewhat satisfying her vanity, she still gathers the quilt, using it to randomly cover her body. “If you want to see, you can see later. This is our first time, I’m still shy!”

Does she want him to feel around!

“Aright…” His tone filled with dejection.

Turning off the lights, a while….


“What’s wrong?” Just as she’s indulging in his caresses, hearing the person near her chest cry out, she immediately asks.

“This… how…” Is this normal? It’s not, right? Although it’s not much, but as he was sucking, why would there be… not to mention, that fragrance….

“What?” Gripping her upper body, Huang Shang Rong notices it’s slightly damp. Subconsciously realizing something isn’t right, she rises up, full of alarm. “What’s wrong? Quickly turn on the lights.”

“No need.” He suddenly recalls, she recently had a child. Who knows, she might be secretly feeding Hao Hao when he isn’t there, so it’s normal for milk to come out. “It’s nothing, you should continue lying back.”

Pus.h.i.+ng her down, Xu He Jun continues to battle….

“Wait, something’s not right! I feel a little wet!” What is it?

“Eh… that’s my saliva.” As a man, he should take responsibility — whether or not it’s actually his.

“Why would you salivate on me?”

“Then I’ll suck it dry okay?” He turns towards her chest.

Suck dry? Not lick clean? Before she has the chance to correct his grammar, a strong sensation blocks her words, spreading through her entire body. She thrusts herself towards Xu He Jun, his hot mouth lighting a fire within her, letting her gradually heat up….

The night is still long….
Alright! Their romance is ideal, not to mention marriage needs a little impulse.

And she was impulsive!

Could this be considered accepting his proposal?

Who let his sweet words be so moving? “Ah Xu He Jun, you better not be a smooth talking rogue!” Otherwise she, Huang Shang Rong, would’ve suffered a huge loss.

The man beside her is still in a deep sleep. She doesn’t know why, but last night, he had suddenly buried himself in her so enthusiastically, so that even now she feels a little tender. How delicious was she to eat, for him to be so vigorous….

Walking into the bathroom, 15 minutes later she finishes straightening herself. The infant in the cot had also woken, staring at her as he grips the bars. Seeing her walk out of the bathroom, he waves his hands around for her to pick him up. After playing with him, Huang Shang Rong heats some milk before picking him up from his cot and feeding him.

At this time, Xu He Jun was woken by the sound. His head against the bed, with his hair as messy as a bird’s nest, a while before he speaks. “Shang Rong, why don’t you come home with me?”

“Are you stupid? Aren’t I in your home now?”

“What I mean is, my family home.”

Huang Shang Rong finally realizes his meaning. Based on his thoughts, since he’s already proposed, they still need to meet each other’s families at least once!

“Weren’t you chased out by your dad?” She hadn’t asked about the details, but because of Hao Hao, she knows there was a time when the relations.h.i.+p between father and son deteriorated.

Xu He Jun scratches his head. “I can return any time if I wanted to.”

“He’s not angry anymore?”

“What’s there to be angry about?” He yawns. “I had my son on my own, and raised and cared for him by myself. I didn’t trouble him the least, and even gave him a grandson to hold. He should be secretly delighted.”

After going out to live on his own, although he wasn’t used to it at first, but after a while, he’s pleased to say that, aside from a few inconveniences with his finances and life, he’s learned how to live freely without depending on anyone. Back home, although there’s cars and chauffeurs, and when he needs it, there’s even a private helicopter; anywhere he goes, there’ll be some one to a.s.sist him. Only, his actions are always under someone’s control. No wonder, in the past his father would always know where he is.

“Does your father know about me?”

“He knows.”

“…does he mind my relations.h.i.+p with Hao Hao?”

“Silly Shang Rong, you really fret too much!” Xu He Jun’s face splits into a grin. “How about this! We’ll go to your place first. I don’t think my father will have any objections to our marriage. Rather it’s your family that might have a huge reaction….”

“Why?” Not knowing why he’d think like this, Huang Shang Rong questions him.

“First, I’m younger than you, not to mention I have a child. Normally, a parent wouldn’t want their daughter to marry this kind of man.”

She falls silent, before trying to comfort him. “Not at all, you’re thinking too much.”

“Do you not get along with your family?”

Huang Shang Rong shrugs, “It’s alright, though I can’t say it’s great, just a little weak. Despite how I might seem, I actually grew up in a really ordinary household. I’m the oldest, followed by two younger sisters. One 6 years younger, the other 8 years younger. Since our ages are pretty far, I helped take care of them. Although I helped change their diapers and fed them milk, since our ages are too far, we don’t have much to say.”

“What about your parents?” He curiously asks.

“My father is a soldier and really thrifty, while our mother cares for us a lot, though even when I was young, I wasn’t very obedient, and thought I could solve my own problems myself. If she tried to intervene, I’d even throw a tantrum…. Since I was too independent, I didn’t really rely on my family, while they thought a family should be more united, and stick together…. These last few years, they’ve partially given up on me. Since I already have a house and job, it’s fine even if I don’t marry. Only, suddenly telling them I’m getting married, they’ll probably be shocked. Originally, they had thought I’d spend my life alone.”

“Is being with me better than staying single?”

Startled, Huang Shang Rong stares at Xu He Jun, hiding her sentiments as she speaks, “No.”

“Hey hey hey!” The little guy protests.

“What does it really matter? Single, there’s the freedom in being alone, while marriage also has its advantages! What’s wrong with being with you? Even if you don’t have a house, I do! We can move in to my place. You work hard and have good social skills, with a flexible personality that doesn’t easily offend people. What else does a family need? The two of us can struggle together. I have what you lack, and you have what I lack, isn’t it great how we complement each other? The most important thing is, we get along well.” She has her own experiences, there aren’t many men she can easily get along with.

Sometimes, she truly envies him. Regarding her own personality, she’s not used to showing her weaknesses or even acting spoilt. She’s always rus.h.i.+ng in head first, earnestly completing everything to the best of her abilities, until it’s up to her usual standard. However, her fierce behaviour easily causes others to feel discontent, not to mention, working by herself it’s easy to hit a dead end. Yet He Jun is her opposite. He understands people more than matters, and knows how to read them. Regarding this point, she really should learn from him.

“You’re a really healthy person

“I originally was anyway.” She gives him a push. “Not all strong career women need to experience hards.h.i.+ps. I was born this way!”

So next weekend, they arranged to visit her family first.

Huang Shang Rong’s family is really traditional. The divisions of labour are really clear, men outside, women inside the home. Looks like she inherited more of her father’s ferocity, brows seemingly full of righteousness.

Her father’s only hobby is singing karaoke. It’s said that each time he’ll always choose the ‘Righteous Song’. Xu He Jun even suspects he has the words ‘Dedication to Serve the Country’ carved in huge letters on his back.

“Hateful.” Listening to him whisper in her ear, Huang Shang Rong laughs as she reprimands him. “Of course not!”

Since mother Huang had always thought her oldest daughter would remain single all her life, not to mention not many men can tolerate her personality, it’s reasonable that once she decides to marry, she’d naturally decide to send her away with both hands—– that anyone would want her daughter would make her secretly delighted! Only, aside from being delighted, when her daughters went to help out in the kitchen, mother Huang couldn’t resist critically glancing over Xu He Jun.

“Mother doesn’t like that boy, he always has a silly smile. Boys should be like your father, fierce and full of spirit.”

“Mum—“ Huang Shang Rong doesn’t hold back on her imposing personality, and retorts “Based on your standards, wouldn’t his mother find me too fierce and unyielding, not warm and gentle like other women?”

“His mother doesn’t like you?” Mother Huang nervously asks. “What conditions does the other party have for you? He even has a son! Marrying into his family, you’re pretty much there to help raise his child. Didn’t you think it through? In the future when you have your own children, will you still treat them equally? You definitely won’t. Once you give birth, you’ll know.”

Her mother is from a really traditional family. It’s understandable she’d think this way. If it was in the past, she’d definitely rage and find her mother impossible to reason with, and ignore her concerns. But, after being Hao Hao’s mother, she has gradually understood the pains of being a parent.

“That child and I have deep ties. I won’t abandon either father or son. I love He Jun and Hao Hao. I’ll love him the same way I’ll love He Jun and my future children.”

In the past, Huang Shang Rong would only reply with cold, harsh reasoning, principles, and detailed a.n.a.lyses. Hearing such emotional words from her for the first time, it’s almost too much for mother Huang to accept.

“But he doesn’t have a house! And his salary can’t compare to yours. He’s younger, and has a child. If you marry him, you’ll have to endure hards.h.i.+ps.”

“So I won’t have any hards.h.i.+ps if I marry someone older, who has a house?” Huang Shang Rong instantly recovers her ferocity. “If it’s another man, for the sake of his pride, he wouldn’t obediently move into my home, nor will he listen to my suggestions. Not to mention he definitely wouldn’t place all his salary in my hands. If I’m with such a man, I really wouldn’t suffer?”

“He gives you all his salary?”

She nods. “His bank book and stamp are with me.”

Good! Her daughter getting married is a happy occasion. But what makes her even happier, is that she isn’t a fool in love. Mother Huang nods.

“Then do you still…” Her sister randomly waves her finger to the side, “see those floating things?”

“If I go too long without seeing He Jun, I do.”

“Then won’t you always be sticking to him!”

“It’s not that bad….”

“So the one who can’t leave the other alone is you!”

Since she got together with He Jun, she rarely sees or hears those irritating things. She’ll occasionally feel a chill, but as long as she stays near He Jun, those sensations will soon fade.

Recently, she still sees things that normal people don’t, but rather than spooks, it’s the divine beings around He Jun. They always smile at her, filled with good intentions. While she had just discovered they also follow Hao Hao! Based on her understanding, it’s something pa.s.sed down within the Xu Family. Their ancestors must have helped the immortals, who returned the favour by guarding their descendants.

How can she suffer if she marries a man with so many blessings?

In the past, she was always alone, always planning out her own life and stubbornly charging ahead. While she occasionally feels lonely, she was never overwhelmed by it, but she always felt that she had an empty hole in her heart, which made her wish she had someone beside her, encouraging her to persevere.

In order to love someone, you must first love yourself. While she had loved herself for a long time, it was only after meeting He Jun that she felt the need to love someone else, and that the empty part of her heart was filled. She’s not the type of woman to fall madly in love, but for the first time, she felt that even if her future with He Jun is filled with uncertainty, it’s still something worth antic.i.p.ating.

One’s plans will never keep up with the changes in their life. But now she has someone to accompany her in getting left behind, and the feeling isn’t so bad.

Chapter 8 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 7 “I’m back.” She isn’t sure when it happened, but she’s alrea
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