I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game novel. A total of 101 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 103 : I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game — V2 Prologue
I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game — V2 Prologue
Winter Vacation is a Mystery
Sequel, starting up!
Recently, I’ve been in a terrible state.
I spent the long summer vacation on my little sister’s dating
- 103 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game — V2 Prologue Winter Vacation is a Mystery Prologue Author: Sequel, starting up! Recently, I’ve been in a terrible state. I spent the long summer vacation on my little sister’s dating
- 102 Chapter 45: Also called the Epilogue, the scene before the next part. By the time I woke, everything was being taken care of. Henry was extradited back to his country. Currently, he is placed under house arrest in a detached palace, but it seemed that exc
- 101 Chapter 44: At times like these, I’m really glad I trained my body. Author: Violent depictions ahead. Grinning devilishly as he entered the room, Henry started activating various magic tools. His butler returned the door to normal, and went over to Doga a
- 100 I took a breather in my room. For today’s green tea, there were rice b.a.l.l.s as a side dish. The ingredients: dried plum and bonito. That’s my Daniel, he knows! Seeing me eat the rice b.a.l.l.s with glee, Louis too took a bite in hesitation, but soon st
- 99 Chapter 42: When a yandere becomes a tsundere, the dere disappears. As soon as we rendezvoused with the girls, we ran far away from the pervert (Henry). We enjoyed tea in an English garden and had our dates where we can see each other. We held our hands t
- 98 Chapter 40: It’s useless to say anything to idiots who don’t realise their stupidity! I never thought Daniel would chastise another butler like that. Moreover, since we provoked him this time, Henry’s actions were as expected. After I looked at Henry who
- 97 Chapter 39: I know she’s a tsundere, but I sever saw her be tsun to me. Author: A bit of sugar supply. Since it’s Robert. I wonder if he thought everything would return to the situation before as if nothing happened? He failed several times in high societ
- 96 Chapter 38: Idiot couples may be having fun, but it’s miserable for others. “Okay, Angelica? You mustn’t approach Henry this time, alright?” “Jessica, you too? If Angelica approaches Henry, you at least must get out of there and come tell me.” That mornin
- 95 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 37 Chapter 37: First love is unforgettable. But that’s no excuse for turning into a yandere. Curious, I asked Louis about Hughie. Then Louis, saying ‘Ah, ah— …… well……” explai
- 94 Chapter 36: I’m sick and tired of waiting for problems to occur. I explained the phenomenon to Louis and suggested that we talk about future plans tomorrow morning. Since we need to think up countermeasures for Henry…… We can’t really decide on anything w
- 93 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 35 Chapter 35: Men who would get the best solution naturally are indeed handsome people, I think. The next day, Louis did not yet come out of his room. So I spent the usual ti
- 92 Chapter 34: Mich.e.l.le’s transformation did not end yet? Led by Daniel, Mich.e.l.le looked restless as first, but when she saw Jackie in my room she smiled happily. She ran straight towards him and lunched into his chest. Jackie took her action naturally
- 91 Chapter 33: How does one win a rigged gamble? “Jackie, will you really abandon your country?” Because I wanted to talk from the bottom of our hearts, I stopped mincing my words. Sensing the change in the atmosphere, he too straightened his posture and sen
- 90 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 32 Chapter 32: They say a rumour lasts but 75 days, but aren’t three months painfully long to endure? The next day, rumours were circulating around the school as expected. Fro
- 89 Chapter 31, Dear G.o.d (Angelica-sama), I repent. Author: A serious chapter(?) Since there are some stuff left over, it might get serious from here on. Phew. Having enjoyed the ‘punishment’ with Angelica, I need to speak to her about the future. ‘Crime an
- 88 Chapter 30: “Punishment”, that somehow sounds erotic.“……P, punishment?” When I crouched in and whispered in her ear, Angelica jolted up with a loud noise. She then put her hand on her ear as if to hide it and squeaked in a panicked voice. She took some st
- 87 Chapter 29: The first kabe-don in my life was amazing.After the four quickly ran out, there was me, Angelica, Daniel and the climaxed Brad left. Daniel collected the remaining magic tools and aphrodisiac, and laid a hand on Brad’s head. He’s probably read
- 86 Chapter 28: Even at times like these, boys will be boys. It only took a very short moment of thought. Before I realised it, I was already running. When I arrived at Brad’s office, there was a bleak-faced Louis standing next to me. Because he too was out o
- 85 Chapter 27: The early morning date was training for my rationality. Author: Increasing sugar content. At the discussion last night, it was decided that we will take advantage of Henry and Brad’s trap and lead them to our own trap three days later. For tha
- 84 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 26 Chapter 26: Strength leaving the body “Would it not be better to set up our own traps instead of heading for them?” Seeing Daniel smiling, I felt as if scales fell from my
- 83 Chapter 25: Meticulous that it’s scary! Seeing that I did not show antipathy to becoming a bait, the tense atmosphere surrounding Jackie loosened somewhat. Since it would normally be lèse majesté to suggest such a thing to a prince of a country. Though he
- 81 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 23 Chapter 23: An interesting development? Author: Recently I’ve writing too much perverted stuff that, although it was fun, my HP is at a dangerous level. My HP is so low tha
- 80 Chapter 22: A sweet break after a long time.The next day, we acted stealthily to not be noticed by them. It felt like running from the enemy, but sacrifices must be made for a greater plan. (TN: Raw says ‘stomach and back are unexchangeable’, a j.a.panese
- 79 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 21 Chapter 21: Is everywhere around me a danger zone!? Author: In this episode, the pervertedness increases. Steer clear if you don’t like these things. After we somehow diges
- 78 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 20 Chapter 20: Reincarnators everywhere!? The six of us spent the afternoon at the dining hall again. Surprisingly, even without Mich.e.l.le, the four love interests Hughie, H
- 77 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 19 Chapter 19: b.i.t.c.h’s story is amazing! Mich.e.l.le’s story was rather shocking. “So, it’s a structure where you can realise a maiden’s delusions!” It must have been toug
- 76 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 18 Chapter 18: b.i.t.c.h’s secret. My eyes went wide open when I saw Daniel. He knows I loathe b.i.t.c.h… Why then? I would have liked my butler to gently lead her away. The t
- 75 Chapter 17: That place was the spot of terror. “Kyle-kou, may I have some of your time?” (TN: -kou is used for addressing princes.) Henry approached the six of us in the dining hall two days after we felt that b.i.t.c.h’s personality completely changed. H
- 74 Chapter 16: The mystery seems to ever increase. First, we decided to continue observing b.i.t.c.h. We also decided to increase our target of observation, that is…… One of the love interests, the bespectacled b.a.s.t.a.r.d boyfriend Brad. (TN: kichiku mega
- 73 Chapter 15: The mystery deepens By the time I returned to my room, the drinks were already prepared. I asked Louis to sit down and sat down as well. When we sat down, Daniel swiftly brewed us new drinks. Once he’s finished with brewing tea, he silently me
- 72 Chapter 14: The tremendous change and influence the case brought about. From the ‘annulment of betrothal’ case, already a week had pa.s.sed. The situation was going in a very interesting direction now. First, Robert had not yet returned. Currently, House
- 71 Chapter 13: Let’s investigate this once more. I told everyone to disperse, yet Douglas still remained in the room. I felt this when he was with b.i.t.c.h as well. I think that his expression is different from the Douglas I knew. If he’s still here, I wond
- 70 Chapter 12: I made them annul the betrothal Standing next to the toppled table, Louis was emitting a threatening aura with his demonic smile. His level of anger might be ‘Kamchatka fire~’, or something? (TN: He’s referring to this) If I act rashly here, I
- 69 Chapter 11: Don’t make an enemy of him! Just between us…… Frankly, regarding the case about Robert and Jessica, it’s already mostly concluded. I called over the butlers of both houses, and asked them to report the current situation to their houses. In add
- 68 Chapter 10: As I thought, b.i.t.c.h’s upbringing is weird. Author: Time for explanations. Like always, I rendezvoused with Louis at my office. In addition, he helped with work! It’s not as if I couldn’t do the work by myself, but since Louis is such a sup
- 67 Chapter 09: Is this what calm before the storm feels like? Today’s Angelica was very cute. Just by thinking about her, I could feel something boiling inside me. “Kyle-sama, your face, sir……” (TN: Daniel usually says ‘Your Highness,’ but he used this just
- 66 Chapter 08: Dates always have disturbances…… I knew in advance that we would meet today. However, the location was different. In the game, it would have been in the hallway in front of the office. As I knew that in advance, I took care of all my work yest
- 65 Chapter 07: My accomplice brother-in-law The next morning, while I was having breakfast, Louis came for me. “Good morning, Kyle. Do you mind sharing the table?” “Good morning. I don’t mind but…… is there something you’d like to discuss?” Louis’s smiling f
- 64 Chapter 6: It can only be said that n.o.bles have performed their duty only if they could properly prepare in advance, is that not so? At the orientation in the hall, I gave the first welcoming speech. From the rostrum, I could see hair colours of pink, p
- 63 Chapter 5: It seems like my route started. I inadvertently sent a ferocious glare at the object that fell into my arms. But you know? I was right next to Angelica, you know? What if she was hurt! “Aaaah! I’m really sorry! I climbed the tree and lost my ba
- 62 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Idle Talk 04 I’m Oomori Chino, 17 years old. I am a high school girl in the flower of my youth…… or was. On that day, Yacchan and I were heading to the station to get to school like u
- 61 Chapter 3: Robert, a person like you is… Upon on our arrival at the Academy, in front of the main gate we got off the carriage, and I escort her through the tree-lined street heading to the orientation. On the way there, I told her that I will be excused
- 60 Chapter 2: The duke’s daughter, she is seriously way too cute… Didn’t he say something about tomorrow, a entrance ceremony or something? I recall back at what that foreigner said when we were in the dining room. Now that I think of it, isn’t he…. One of t
- 59 Chapter 1: I have been recarnated into the world I hate the most In the end, during my whole summer vacation I have been forced to play the game by my little sister. Now that I have to go to college, I have finally been released from that torture, and wit
- 58 The troublemaker prince came back to Uruhara—— The news, along with the reason why, spread at a frightening speed. The reason —— He a.s.saulted the crown prince of the neighbouring country, the Empire of Fox, with cooperation from his butler. Many people,
- 57 It’s already been three days since we were brought to the castle under the pretence of ‘imprisonment’ During these three days, I spent the time in a luxurious room, except when I was made to sit through sham interrogations, but I never had a chance to mee
- 56 My lifelong dream, ‘betrothal with Jessica’ was achieved. The night after that ‘aphrodisiac incident’, Jessica came back to her senses and was looking at me awkwardly. Having forced herself up from the bed, she was hanging her head down, with only her eye
- 55 Side Story 3: Onii-chan’s situation with women. My onii-chan is changing a little, I think…… As a brocon recognised both by myself and by others, I still love my onii-chan, but the world is strict. He looks somewhat handsome, and he is quite popular becau
- 54 Side Story 2: A day in the life of a nameless servant. I am one of Kyle-sama’s servants. Since I believe that you would forget my name quickly, I don’t really want to tell you, but…… The name’s Kunkun. I won’t tell you twice, so if you are serious on reme
- 53 I thought it would just be a continuation of everyday life. Talking about the game with my friend on the way to school and returning home while talking about the game. I then collect various information through the internet, chat with friends on line and
- 52 Prologue The template is about reincarnating into a otome game. My little sister is really into those otome game “I’ll Risk Everything For You” with such t.i.tle, it was set in a fantasy world with a image of something like medieval europe, where the sett
- 51 Chapter 45: Also called the Epilogue, the scene before the next part. By the time I woke, everything was being taken care of. Henry was extradited back to his country. Currently, he is placed under house arrest in a detached palace, but it seemed that exc
- 50 Chapter 44: At times like these, I’m really glad I trained my body. Author: Violent depictions ahead. Grinning devilishly as he entered the room, Henry started activating various magic tools. His butler returned the door to normal, and went over to Doga a
- 49 I took a breather in my room. For today’s green tea, there were rice b.a.l.l.s as a side dish. The ingredients: dried plum and bonito. That’s my Daniel, he knows! Seeing me eat the rice b.a.l.l.s with glee, Louis too took a bite in hesitation, but soon st
- 48 Chapter 42: When a yandere becomes a tsundere, the dere disappears. As soon as we rendezvoused with the girls, we ran far away from the pervert (Henry). We enjoyed tea in an English garden and had our dates where we can see each other. We held our hands t
- 47 Chapter 40: It’s useless to say anything to idiots who don’t realise their stupidity! I never thought Daniel would chastise another butler like that. Moreover, since we provoked him this time, Henry’s actions were as expected. After I looked at Henry who
- 46 Chapter 39: I know she’s a tsundere, but I sever saw her be tsun to me. Author: A bit of sugar supply. Since it’s Robert. I wonder if he thought everything would return to the situation before as if nothing happened? He failed several times in high societ
- 45 Chapter 38: Idiot couples may be having fun, but it’s miserable for others. “Okay, Angelica? You mustn’t approach Henry this time, alright?” “Jessica, you too? If Angelica approaches Henry, you at least must get out of there and come tell me.” That mornin
- 44 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 37 Chapter 37: First love is unforgettable. But that’s no excuse for turning into a yandere. Curious, I asked Louis about Hughie. Then Louis, saying ‘Ah, ah— …… well……” explai
- 43 Chapter 36: I’m sick and tired of waiting for problems to occur. I explained the phenomenon to Louis and suggested that we talk about future plans tomorrow morning. Since we need to think up countermeasures for Henry…… We can’t really decide on anything w
- 42 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 35 Chapter 35: Men who would get the best solution naturally are indeed handsome people, I think. The next day, Louis did not yet come out of his room. So I spent the usual ti
- 41 Chapter 34: Mich.e.l.le’s transformation did not end yet? Led by Daniel, Mich.e.l.le looked restless as first, but when she saw Jackie in my room she smiled happily. She ran straight towards him and lunched into his chest. Jackie took her action naturally
- 40 Chapter 33: How does one win a rigged gamble? “Jackie, will you really abandon your country?” Because I wanted to talk from the bottom of our hearts, I stopped mincing my words. Sensing the change in the atmosphere, he too straightened his posture and sen
- 39 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 32 Chapter 32: They say a rumour lasts but 75 days, but aren’t three months painfully long to endure? The next day, rumours were circulating around the school as expected. Fro
- 38 Chapter 31, Dear G.o.d (Angelica-sama), I repent. Author: A serious chapter(?) Since there are some stuff left over, it might get serious from here on. Phew. Having enjoyed the ‘punishment’ with Angelica, I need to speak to her about the future. ‘Crime an
- 37 Chapter 30: “Punishment”, that somehow sounds erotic.“……P, punishment?” When I crouched in and whispered in her ear, Angelica jolted up with a loud noise. She then put her hand on her ear as if to hide it and squeaked in a panicked voice. She took some st
- 36 Chapter 29: The first kabe-don in my life was amazing.After the four quickly ran out, there was me, Angelica, Daniel and the climaxed Brad left. Daniel collected the remaining magic tools and aphrodisiac, and laid a hand on Brad’s head. He’s probably read
- 35 Chapter 28: Even at times like these, boys will be boys. It only took a very short moment of thought. Before I realised it, I was already running. When I arrived at Brad’s office, there was a bleak-faced Louis standing next to me. Because he too was out o
- 34 Chapter 27: The early morning date was training for my rationality. Author: Increasing sugar content. At the discussion last night, it was decided that we will take advantage of Henry and Brad’s trap and lead them to our own trap three days later. For tha
- 33 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 26 Chapter 26: Strength leaving the body “Would it not be better to set up our own traps instead of heading for them?” Seeing Daniel smiling, I felt as if scales fell from my
- 32 Chapter 25: Meticulous that it’s scary! Seeing that I did not show antipathy to becoming a bait, the tense atmosphere surrounding Jackie loosened somewhat. Since it would normally be lèse majesté to suggest such a thing to a prince of a country. Though he
- 30 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 23 Chapter 23: An interesting development? Author: Recently I’ve writing too much perverted stuff that, although it was fun, my HP is at a dangerous level. My HP is so low tha
- 29 Chapter 22: A sweet break after a long time.The next day, we acted stealthily to not be noticed by them. It felt like running from the enemy, but sacrifices must be made for a greater plan. (TN: Raw says ‘stomach and back are unexchangeable’, a j.a.panese
- 28 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 21 Chapter 21: Is everywhere around me a danger zone!? Author: In this episode, the pervertedness increases. Steer clear if you don’t like these things. After we somehow diges
- 27 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 20 Chapter 20: Reincarnators everywhere!? The six of us spent the afternoon at the dining hall again. Surprisingly, even without Mich.e.l.le, the four love interests Hughie, H
- 26 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 19 Chapter 19: b.i.t.c.h’s story is amazing! Mich.e.l.le’s story was rather shocking. “So, it’s a structure where you can realise a maiden’s delusions!” It must have been toug
- 25 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Chapter 18 Chapter 18: b.i.t.c.h’s secret. My eyes went wide open when I saw Daniel. He knows I loathe b.i.t.c.h… Why then? I would have liked my butler to gently lead her away. The t
- 24 Chapter 17: That place was the spot of terror. “Kyle-kou, may I have some of your time?” (TN: -kou is used for addressing princes.) Henry approached the six of us in the dining hall two days after we felt that b.i.t.c.h’s personality completely changed. H
- 23 Chapter 16: The mystery seems to ever increase. First, we decided to continue observing b.i.t.c.h. We also decided to increase our target of observation, that is…… One of the love interests, the bespectacled b.a.s.t.a.r.d boyfriend Brad. (TN: kichiku mega
- 22 Chapter 15: The mystery deepens By the time I returned to my room, the drinks were already prepared. I asked Louis to sit down and sat down as well. When we sat down, Daniel swiftly brewed us new drinks. Once he’s finished with brewing tea, he silently me
- 21 Chapter 14: The tremendous change and influence the case brought about. From the ‘annulment of betrothal’ case, already a week had pa.s.sed. The situation was going in a very interesting direction now. First, Robert had not yet returned. Currently, House
- 20 Chapter 13: Let’s investigate this once more. I told everyone to disperse, yet Douglas still remained in the room. I felt this when he was with b.i.t.c.h as well. I think that his expression is different from the Douglas I knew. If he’s still here, I wond
- 19 Chapter 12: I made them annul the betrothal Standing next to the toppled table, Louis was emitting a threatening aura with his demonic smile. His level of anger might be ‘Kamchatka fire~’, or something? (TN: He’s referring to this) If I act rashly here, I
- 18 Chapter 11: Don’t make an enemy of him! Just between us…… Frankly, regarding the case about Robert and Jessica, it’s already mostly concluded. I called over the butlers of both houses, and asked them to report the current situation to their houses. In add
- 17 Chapter 10: As I thought, b.i.t.c.h’s upbringing is weird. Author: Time for explanations. Like always, I rendezvoused with Louis at my office. In addition, he helped with work! It’s not as if I couldn’t do the work by myself, but since Louis is such a sup
- 16 Chapter 09: Is this what calm before the storm feels like? Today’s Angelica was very cute. Just by thinking about her, I could feel something boiling inside me. “Kyle-sama, your face, sir……” (TN: Daniel usually says ‘Your Highness,’ but he used this just
- 15 Chapter 08: Dates always have disturbances…… I knew in advance that we would meet today. However, the location was different. In the game, it would have been in the hallway in front of the office. As I knew that in advance, I took care of all my work yest
- 14 Chapter 07: My accomplice brother-in-law The next morning, while I was having breakfast, Louis came for me. “Good morning, Kyle. Do you mind sharing the table?” “Good morning. I don’t mind but…… is there something you’d like to discuss?” Louis’s smiling f
- 13 Chapter 6: It can only be said that n.o.bles have performed their duty only if they could properly prepare in advance, is that not so? At the orientation in the hall, I gave the first welcoming speech. From the rostrum, I could see hair colours of pink, p
- 12 Chapter 5: It seems like my route started. I inadvertently sent a ferocious glare at the object that fell into my arms. But you know? I was right next to Angelica, you know? What if she was hurt! “Aaaah! I’m really sorry! I climbed the tree and lost my ba
- 11 I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game: Idle Talk 04 I’m Oomori Chino, 17 years old. I am a high school girl in the flower of my youth…… or was. On that day, Yacchan and I were heading to the station to get to school like u
- 10 Chapter 3: Robert, a person like you is… Upon on our arrival at the Academy, in front of the main gate we got off the carriage, and I escort her through the tree-lined street heading to the orientation. On the way there, I told her that I will be excused
- 9 Chapter 2: The duke’s daughter, she is seriously way too cute… Didn’t he say something about tomorrow, a entrance ceremony or something? I recall back at what that foreigner said when we were in the dining room. Now that I think of it, isn’t he…. One of t
- 8 Chapter 1: I have been recarnated into the world I hate the most In the end, during my whole summer vacation I have been forced to play the game by my little sister. Now that I have to go to college, I have finally been released from that torture, and wit
- 7 The troublemaker prince came back to Uruhara—— The news, along with the reason why, spread at a frightening speed. The reason —— He a.s.saulted the crown prince of the neighbouring country, the Empire of Fox, with cooperation from his butler. Many people,
- 6 It’s already been three days since we were brought to the castle under the pretence of ‘imprisonment’ During these three days, I spent the time in a luxurious room, except when I was made to sit through sham interrogations, but I never had a chance to mee
- 5 My lifelong dream, ‘betrothal with Jessica’ was achieved. The night after that ‘aphrodisiac incident’, Jessica came back to her senses and was looking at me awkwardly. Having forced herself up from the bed, she was hanging her head down, with only her eye
- 4 Side Story 3: Onii-chan’s situation with women. My onii-chan is changing a little, I think…… As a brocon recognised both by myself and by others, I still love my onii-chan, but the world is strict. He looks somewhat handsome, and he is quite popular becau
- 3 Side Story 2: A day in the life of a nameless servant. I am one of Kyle-sama’s servants. Since I believe that you would forget my name quickly, I don’t really want to tell you, but…… The name’s Kunkun. I won’t tell you twice, so if you are serious on reme
- 2 I thought it would just be a continuation of everyday life. Talking about the game with my friend on the way to school and returning home while talking about the game. I then collect various information through the internet, chat with friends on line and