The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night novel. A total of 542 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1 : The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.Volume Richard F. Burton.Foreword.This
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.Volume Richard F. Burton.Foreword.This work, labourious as it may appear, has been to me a labour of love, an unfailing source of solace and satisfaction. During my long years of official banishment to the
- 1 The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.Volume Richard F. Burton.Foreword.This work, labourious as it may appear, has been to me a labour of love, an unfailing source of solace and satisfaction. During my long years of official banishment to the
- 2 there is no help for it; thou must kill him on this holy day, and if thou kill him not to me thou art no man and I to thee am no wife." Now when I heard those hard words, not knowing her object I went up to the calf, knife in hand--And Shahrazad perc
- 3 Know, O thou Ifrit, that in days of yore and in ages long gone before, a King called Yunan reigned over the city of Fars of the land of the Roum.[FN#78] He was a powerful ruler and a wealthy, who had armies and guards and allies of all nations of men; but
- 4 The Fisherman, seeing how the cucurbit was treated and making sure of his own death, piddled in his clothes and said to himself, "This promiseth badly;" but he fortified his heart, and cried, "O Ifrit, Allah hath said[FN#103]: - Perform you
- 5 there be no Ma'esty and there be no Might save in Allauh, the Gloriose, the Great!" Now when she heard these words she shouted for joy, and fell to the ground fainting; and when her senses returned she asked, "O my lord, can it be true that
- 6 no!" So he said, "I stick to the basil of the bridges;" and all the three laughed till they fell on their backs and laid slaps on his neck and said, "No! no! that's not its proper name."Thereupon he cried, "O my sisters,
- 7 And I also quoted:-- "I deemed my brethren mail of strongest steel * And so they were-- from foes I to fend my dart!I deemed their arrows surest of their aim; * And so they were-- when aiming at my heart!"When the headsman heard my lines (he had
- 8 And I wrote in Rayhani or larger letters elegantly curved[FN#230]:-- Thou hast a reed[FN#231] of rede to every land, * Whose driving causeth all the world to thrive; Nil is the Nile of Misraim by thy boons * Who makest misery smile with fingers five Then
- 9 "How many a joy by Allah's will hath fled * With flight escaping sight of wisest head!How many a sadness shall begin the day, * Yet grow right gladsome ere the day is sped!How many a weal trips on the heels of ill, * Causing the mourner's h
- 10 Whose polished surface beareth those granados, lovely pair; By his heavy hips that quiver as he pa.s.seth in his pride, * Or he resteth with that waist which is slim beyond compare; By the satin of his skin, by that fine unsullied sprite; * By the beauty
- 11 THE TALE OF THE THREE APPLES They relate, O King of the age and lord of the time and of these days, that the Caliph Harun al-Ras.h.i.+d summoned his Wazir Ja'afar one night and said to him, 'I desire to go down into the city and question the com
- 12 In this world there is none thou mayst count upon * To befriend thy case in the nick of need: So live for thyself nursing hope of none * Such counsel I give thee: enow, take heed!The SECOND BEHEST is, O my son: Deal harshly with none lest fortune with the
- 13 and another, "He is a fool;" and a third, "He is a citrouille;"and a fourth asked him, "Art thou out of thy mind? thou sleepest in Cairo and thou wakest in the morning at the gate of Damascus- city!" [FN#436] Cried he, "
- 14 The Sultan rejoiced at his return and his face brightened and, placing him hard by his side, [FN#483] asked him to relate all he had seen in his wayfaring and whatso had betided him in his going and coming. So the Wazir told him all that had pa.s.sed from
- 15 Then I breakfasted and went out to seek the price of my stuffs; after which I returned, and taking a roast lamb and some sweetmeats, called a porter and put the provision in his crate, and sent it to the lady paying the man his hire.[FN#539] I went back t
- 16 When the full moon s.h.i.+nes from the cloudy veil, * And the branchlet sways in her greens that s.h.i.+ne: When the red rose mantles in freshest cheek, * And Narcissus[FN#588] opeth his love sick eyne: When pleasure with those I love is so sweet, * When
- 17 Then quoth the Barber, "Thou didst beat him and I heard him cry out;" and quoth the Kazi, "But what was he doing that I should beat him, and what brought him in to my house; and whence came he and whither went he?" "Be not a wicke
- 18 My sixth brother, O Commander of the Faithful, Shakas.h.i.+k,[FN#683]or Many clamours, the shorn of both lips, was once rich and became poor, so one day he went out to beg somewhat to keep life in him. As he was on the road he suddenly caught sight of a l
- 19 See Vol. ii. p. 1.[FN#22] Probably she proposed to "Judith" the King. These learned and clever young ladies are very dangerous in the East.[FN#23] In Egypt, etc., the bull takes the place of the Western ox. The Arab. word is "Taur" (Th
- 20 [FN#68] As Solomon began to reign (according to vulgar chronometry) in B.C. 1015, the text would place the tale circ.A.D. 785, = A.H. 169. But we can lay no stress on this date which may be merely fanciful. Professor Tawney very justly compares this Mosle
- 21 [FN#110] He speaks of his wife but euphemistically in the masculine.[FN#111] A popular saying throughout Al-Islam.[FN#112] Arab. "Fata": lit.=a youth; a generous man, one of n.o.ble mind (as youth-tide should be). It corresponds with the Lat.&qu
- 22 [FN#151] I have not attempted to order this marvellous confusion of metaphors so characteristic of The Nights and the exigencies of Al- Saj'a = rhymed prose.[FN#152] Here and elsewhere I omit the "kala (dice Turpino)" of the original: Torre
- 23 [FN#195] In the East blinding was a common practice, especially in the case of junior princes not required as heirs. A deep perpendicular incision was made down each corner of the eyes; the lids were lifted and the b.a.l.l.s removed by cutting the optic n
- 24 (Psalm iv. 3) =filii viri, not homines.[FN#238] This posture is terribly trying to European legs; and few white men (unless brought up to it) can squat for any time on their heels. The ''tailor-fas.h.i.+on," with crossed legs, is held to be
- 25 [FN#280] This march of the tribe is a lieu commun of Arab verse e.g. the poet Labid's n.o.ble elegy on the "Deserted Camp." We shall find scores of instances in The Nights.[FN#281] I have heard of such sands in the Desert east of Damascus w
- 26 [FN#327] i e. the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.[FN#328] i.e. Settled by the Koran.[FN#329] The uglier the old woman the better procuress she is supposed to make. See the Santa Verdiana in Boccaccio v., 10. In Arab. "Ajuz" (old woman) is hi
- 27 [FN#375] This is the popular p.r.o.nunciation: Yakut calls it "Bilbis."[FN#376] An outlying village on the "Long Desert," between Cairo and Palestine.[FN#377] Arab. "Al-Kuds" = holiness. There are few cities which in our day
- 28 [FN#419] "Miao" or "Mau" is the generic name of the cat in the Egyptian of the hieroglyphs.[FN#420] Arab. "Ya Mah'um" addressed to an evil spirit.[FN#421] "Heehaw!" as we should say. The Bresl. Edit. makes the
- 29 [FN#463] It was famous in the middle ages, and even now it is, perhaps, the most interesting to travellers after that "Sentina Gentium," the "Bhendi Bazar" of unromantic Bombay.[FN#464] "The Gate of the Gardens," in the north
- 30 [FN#505] In the East women stand on minor occasions while men squat on their hunkers in a way hardly possible to an untrained European. The custom is old. Herodotus (ii., 35) says, "The women stand up when they make water, but the men sit down."
- 31 [FN#551] Without which the marriage was not valid. The minimum is ten dirhams (drachmas) now valued at about five francs to s.h.i.+llings; and if a man marry without naming the sum, the woman, after consummation, can compel him to pay this minimum.[FN#552
- 32 [FN#596] A process familiar to European surgery of the same date.[FN#597] In sign of disappointment, regret, vexation; a gesture still common amongst Moslems and corresponding in significance to a certain extent with our stamping, wringing the hands and s
- 33 [FN#634] Arab. "Nate' al-Dam"; the former word was noticed in the Tale of the Bull and the a.s.s. The leather of blood was not unlike the Sufrah and could be folded into a bag by a string running through rings round the edges. Moslem execut
- 34 [FN#682] A nave proposal to share the plunder.[FN#683] In popular literature "Schacabac.", And from this tale comes our saying "A Barmecide's Feast," i.e., an illusion.[FN#684] The Castrato at the door is still (I have said) the f
- 35 Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.VOL Richard F. Burton.Nur Al-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis Al-Jalis Quoth Shahrazad [FN#1]:--It hath reached me, O auspicious King of intelligence penetrating, that there was, amongst the Kings of Ba.s.sorah[FN#2
- 36 Against thy lord the King thou sinn'dst for me, * And winnedst exile in lands peregrine: Allah ne'er make my lord repent my loss * To cream[FN#60] o' men thou gavest me, one right digne."When she had ended her verses, Nur al-Din answer
- 37 he was ware of a light afar off in the direction of the city gate; then walking a little way towards it, he saw that it was on the road whereby he had reached the tomb. This made him fear for his life, so he hastily shut the door and climbed to the top of
- 38 Tale Of King Omar Bin Al-Nu'uman And His Sons Sharrkan And Zau Al-Makan, And What Befel Them of Things Seld-Seen and Peregrine.[FN#138]The King asked her, "And what was their story?" and she answered: It hath reached me, O auspicious King,
- 39 "Thou hast spoken right well," said she, "O King's son, and Jamil also spoke excellently well. But what would Buthaynah have done with him that he saith in his hemistich, 'Thou seekst my death; naught else thy will can satisfy?
- 40 "Allah upon thee," exclaimed she, "take me with thee and deprive me not of visitation to the tomb of the Prophet, whom Allah bless and keep!" And he answered, "As soon as it is dark night, do thou come forth from this place, witho
- 41 Then her eyes welled over with tears, and she wrote also these two couplets, "Love smote my frame so sore on parting day, * That severance severed sleep and eyes for aye.I waxt so lean that I am still a man, * But for my speaking, thou wouldst never
- 42 She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that they halted in the city of Hamah three days; they then fared forwards and ceased not travelling till they reached another city. Here also they halted three days and thence they travelled till they ente
- 43 She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Chamberlain bade the tent pitchers set up a pavilion s.p.a.cious enough to receive the subjects flocking to their Sultan, they planted a splendid Shahmiyanah[FN#327] befitting Kings. And as th
- 44 Then all went away to their tents and when it was morning he gave orders for marching. So they marched for three days, till, on the fourth day, they drew near to Baghdad. When they entered the city, they found it decorated, and Zau al-Makan, the Sultan, w
- 45 When it was the Ninety-sixth Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Sharrkan and his brother, Zau al-Makan and the Wazir Dandan set off with an hundred horse for the hermitage described to them by that accursed Zat al-Dawahi, and the
- 46 families and inform them that all were safe and satisfied, and acquaint them saying, "We are encamped before Constantinople and we will either destroy it or die; and, albeit we be obliged to abide here months and years, we will not depart hence till
- 47 Then he looked about him at the caravan, and remounted and was about to ride onwards, when his glance fell on a handsome youth in fair attire, and a comely and shapely make, with flower white brow and moon like face, save that his beauty was wasted and th
- 48 "The longing of an Arab la.s.s forlorn of kith and kin * (Who to Hijazian willow wand and myrtle[FN#497] cloth incline, And who, when meeting caravan, shall with love-lowe set light *To bivouac fire, and bang for conk her tears of pain and pine) Exce
- 49 She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young merchant continued to Taj al-Muluk: "So I entered the house and when my mother saw me she said, "Her death lieth heavy on thy neck and may Allah not acquit thee of her blood! A plag
- 50 (i.e. a pa.s.sive catamite) Nay, I am the thick one (the p.e.n.i.s which gives pleasure) and thou art the thin! And so forth with most unpleasant pleasantries.[FN#16] In the old version she is called "The Fair Persian,"probably from the owner: h
- 51 [FN#59] "Wa'llahi tayyib!" an exclamation characteristic of the Egyptian Moslem.[FN#60] The pretended fisherman's name Karim=the Generous.[FN#61] Such an act of generosity would appear to Europeans well- nigh insanity, but it is quite
- 52 [FN#103] Arab. "Khara," the lowest possible word: Ya Khara! is the commonest of insults, used also by modest women. I have heard one say it to her son.[FN#104] Arab. "Kamah," a measure of length, a fathom, also called "Ba'a.&
- 53 It is the "groaning-chair" of Poor Robin's Almanac (1676) and we find it alluded to in Boccaccio, the cla.s.sical sedile which according to scoffers has formed the papal chair (a curule seat) ever since the days of Pope Joan, when it has be
- 54 [FN#192] An idea evidently derived from the aeolipyla (olla animatoria) the invention of Hero Alexandrinus, which showed that the ancient Egyptians could apply the motive force of steam.[FN#193] Kuthayyir ibn Abi Jumah, a poet and far-famed Rawi or Tale-r
- 55 iii. 89). Abraham, t.i.tled "Khalilu'llah," ranks next in dignity to Mohammed, preceding Isa, I need hardly say that his tomb is not in Jerusalem nor is the tomb itself at Hebron ever visited. Here Moslems (soi disant) are allowed by the je
- 56 "Ali" and "Gebr." Ali is a n.o.ble figure in Moslem history.[FN#279] The emanc.i.p.ation from the consequences of his sins; or it may mean a holy death.[FN#280] Battle fought near Al-Medinah A.D. 625. The word is derived from "sha
- 57 [FN#322] This should have a.s.sured him that he stood in no danger.[FN#323] Here ends the wearisome tale of the brother and sister, and the romance of chivalry begins once more with the usual Arab digressions.[FN#324] I have derived this word from the Per
- 58 [FN#369] An Egyptian doctor of the law (ninth century).[FN#370] Koran lxxvii. 35, 36. This is one of the earliest and most poetical chapters of the book.[FN#371] Abu Hanifah was scourged for refusing to take office and was put to death in prison, it is sa
- 59 [FN#407] The Kantar (quintal) of 100 ratls (Ibs.) =98-99 Ibs.avoir.[FN#408] Arab. "Jurab (bag) mi'adat- ih (of his belly)," the "curdling of the" in fear is often mentioned.[FN#409] Clearly alluding to the magic s
- 60 [FN#451] Racing was and is a favourite pastime with those hippomanists, the Arabs; but it contrasts strongly with our civilised form being a trial of endurance rather than of speed. The Prophet is said to have limited betting in these words, "There s
- 61 [FN#496] The men who cry to prayer. The first was Bilal, the Abyssinian slave bought and manumitted by Abu Bakr. His simple cry was "I testify there is no Ilah (G.o.d) but Allah (G.o.d)! Come ye to prayers!" Caliph Omar, with the Prophet's
- 62 The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.VOL 3.When it was the One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Night Shahrazad continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Aziz pursued to Taj al-Muluk: Then I entered the flower garden and made for the pavilion,
- 63 In pride of spirit thinkest thou to win the star Soha[FN#36]? *Albe thou may not reach the Moon which s.h.i.+nes through upper air?How darest thou expect to win my favours, hope to clip *Upon a lover's burning breast my lance like shape and rare?Leav
- 64 What strength withstand a.s.sault of severance?"Then sobs burst from her breast, and she recited also these couplets, "What's this? I pa.s.s by tombs, and fondly greet *My friends' last homes, but send they no reply: For saith each fri
- 65 Here am I by G.o.d's ruth no ill I sue!Good sooth my bones, whenas they hear thy name, *Quail as birds quailed when Nisus o'er them flew:[FN#72]Ah! say to them who blame my love that I *Will love that face fair cousin till I die."And when h
- 66 When it was the One Hundred and Forty-first Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the wounded rider spake thus to Kanmakan, "Then came out the same Kahrdash, and fell on the old woman and her men and bore down upon them bas.h.i
- 67 When it was the One Hundred and Forty-third Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the man sat down by the fountain basin and ceased not pouring water on his head till he was tired. Then he went out to the room in which was the ciste
- 68 Ho thou, Hammad, a lion hast upstirred, *Shall show thee speedy death like viper brood."Now when I heard his verse, I was perplexed as to my case and considering my condition and how I was become a captive, I was lowered in my own esteem. Then I look
- 69 and he said to her, 'O thou woman, what was it invited thee to this my retreat? I have no need of thee, nor is there aught betwixt me and thee which calleth for thy coming in to me." Quoth she, "O man, cost thou not behold my beauty and lov
- 70 Thou hast sown so reap Ill!"Quoth the wolf, "O gentlest of ravenous beasts, I fain hold thee too faithful to leave me in this pit." Then he wept and complained and, with tears streaming from his eyes, recited these two couplets, "O tho
- 71 Once upon a time, a crow and a cat lived in brotherhood; and one day as they were together under a tree, behold, they spied a leopard making towards them, and they were not aware of his approach till he was close upon them. The crow at once flew up to the
- 72 There was once in a certain village a weaver who worked hard but could not earn his living save by overwork. Now it chanced that one of the richards of the neighbourhood made a marriage feast and invited the folk thereto: the weaver also was present and f
- 73 When it was the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Shams al-Nahar filled a goblet and handed it to Ali bin Bakkar; after which she bade another damsel sing; and she began singing these couplets, "
- 74 Nor see I boon of union far or near."And these the words of another, "She split my casque of courage with eye-swords that sorely smite; * She pierced my patience' ring-mail with her shape like cane-spear light: Patched by the musky mole on
- 75 Hath failed, and showeth wrath without disguise;[FN#207]Choose one more leal from your many friends *Who, truth approving, disapproves of lies."To proceed: Verily, I have not entered upon perfidy * nor have I abandoned fidelity * I have not used crue
- 76 She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the jeweller thus continued:--"A woman caught hold of my hand; and I looked at her and lo! it was the slave-girl who used to come from Shams al-Nahar, and she seemed broken by grief. When we knew
- 77 When it was the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Wazir, said to King Shahriman, "Leave thy son in limbo for the s.p.a.ce of fifteen days; then summon him to thy presence and bid him wed; a
- 78 A Nature Kohl'd[FN#252] eye thou hast that witcheth far and wide; From pure platonic love[FN#253] of it deliverance none I trow!Those glances, fell as plundering Turk, to heart such havoc deal As never havocked scymitar made keenest at the curve.On m
- 79 Now when Princess Budur saw him, she was seized by a transport of pa.s.sion and yearning and love-longing,--And Shahrazad per ceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.When it was the One Hundred and Eighty-fifth Night, She said, It hath
- 80 "Salams fro' me to friends in every stead; *Indeed to all dear friends do I incline: Salams, but not salams that bid adieu; *Salams that growth of good for you design: I love you dear, indeed, nor less your land, *But bide I far from every need
- 81 She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Kamar al- Zaman said to his sire, "O my father, allow this youth to come and sit by my side." Now when the King heard these words from his son, he rejoiced with exceeding joy, though at the f
- 82 "Ask of my writ what wrote my pen in dole, *And hear my tale of misery from this scroll; My hand is writing while my tears down flow, *And to the paper 'plains my longing soul: My tears cease not to roll upon this sheet, *And if they stopped I
- 83 When it was the Two Hundred and Ninth Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Lady Budur halted within sight of the Ebony City to take her rest, King Arma.n.u.s sent a messenger, to learn what King it was who had encamped wit
- 84 "Well Allah wots that since my severance from thee, *I wept till forced to borrow tears at usury: 'Patience!' my blamer cried, 'Heartsease right soon shalt see!' *Quoth I, 'Say, blamer, where may home of Patience be?'&qu
- 85 'The p.e.n.i.s smooth and round was made with a.n.u.s best to match it, * Had it been made for cunnus' sake it had been formed like hatchet!'And yet another said, 'My soul thy sacrifice! I chose thee out *Who art not menstruous nor ovi
- 86 "Fate hath commanded I become thy fere, *O s.h.i.+ning like full moon when clearest clear!All beauty dost embrace, all eloquence; *Brighter than aught within our worldly sphere: Content am I my torturer thou be: *Haply shalt alms me with one lovely l
- 87 Now when As'ad made an end of these verses, he strained his brother Amjad in his arms, till they twain were one body, and the treasurer, drawing his sword, was about to strike them, when behold, his steed took fright at the wind of his upraised hand,
- 88 And longing thirst whose fires weet no satiety.Regretful yearnings, singulfs and unceasing sighs, *Repine, remembrance and pain's very ecstacy: Desire I suffer sore and melancholy deep, *And I must bide a prey to endless phrenesy: I find me ne'e
- 89 Save to his Lord? O thou of lords the Lord!"Then, having ended his verse, he rose and donned his clothes but he knew not whither to go or whence to come; so he fed on the herbs of the earth and the fruits of the trees and he drank of the streams, and
- 90 [FN#30] The usual delicate chaff.[FN#31] Such letters are generally written on a full-sized sheet of paper ("notes" are held slighting in the East) and folded till the breadth is reduced to about one inch. The edges are gummed, the ink, much lik
- 91 [FN#73] Lit. "Coals (fit) for frying pan."[FN#74] Arab. "Libdah," the sign of a pauper or religious mendicant. He is addressed "Ya Abu libdah!" (O father of a felt calotte!) [FN#75] In times of mourning Moslem women do not us
- 92 [FN#118] These are the signs of a Shaykh's tent.[FN#119] These questions, indiscreet in Europe, are the rule throughout Arabia, as they were in the United States of the last generation.[FN#120] Arab. "Khizab" a paste of quicklime and lamp-b
- 93 [FN#158] i.e. when she encamps with a favourite for the night.[FN#159] The Persian proverb is "Marg-i-amboh jashni dared"--death in a crowd is as good as a feast.[FN#160] Arab. "Kanat", the subterranean water-course called in Persia &q
- 94 [FN#198] i.e. her fair face s.h.i.+ning through the black hair."Camphor" is a favourite with Arab poets: the Persians hate it because connected in their minds with death; being used for purifying the corpse. We read in Burckhardt (Prov. 464) &qu
- 95 "Say:--Refuge I take with the Lord of men *the sovran of men *the G.o.d of men *from the Tempter, the Demon *who tempteth in whisper the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of men *and from Jinnis and (evil) men."[FN#238] The recitations were Nafilah, or superogatory
- 96 [FN#272] The Egyptian author cannot refrain from this characteristic polissonnerie; and reading it out is always followed by a roar of laughter. Even serious writers like Al- Hariri do not, as I have noted, despise the indecency.[FN#273] "'Long
- 97 In Antar his beloved Abla is a tamarisk (T. Orientalis). Others compare with the palm-tree (Solomon), the Cypress (Persian, esp.Hafiz and Firdausi) and the Arak or wild Capparis (Arab.).[FN#309] Ubi aves ibi angel). All African travellers know that a few
- 98 [FN#349] This is a mere phrase for our "dying of laughter": the queen was on her back. And as Easterns sit on carpets, their falling back is very different from the same movement off a chair.[FN#350] Arab. "Ismid," the eye-powder befor
- 99 [FN#391] Here the formula means "I am sorry for it, but I couldn't help it."[FN#392] A n.o.ble name of the Persian Kings (meaning the planet Mars) corrupted in Europe to Varanes.[FN#393] Arab. "Jallab," one of the three muharramat
- 100 The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.VOL 4.Ni'amah bin al-Rabi'a and Naomi his Slave-girl.There lived once in the city of Cufa[FN#1] a man called Al-Rabi'a bin Hatim, who was one of the chief men of the town, a wealthy and a healthy,