The Works of Frederick Schiller Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Works of Frederick Schiller novel. A total of 559 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1 : The Works of Frederich Schiller in Frederich Schiller.PREFACE TO THE SIXTH ED
The Works of Frederich Schiller in Frederich Schiller.PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION.The present is the best collected edition of the important works of Schiller which is accessible to readers in the English language.Detached poems or dramas have
- 201 [ILLO is going. BUTLER (detaining him). My general, whom expect you then? WALLENSTEIN. The courier Who brings me word of the event at Prague. BUTLER (hesitating). Hem! WALLENSTEIN. And what now? BUTLER. You do not know it? WALLENSTEIN. Well? BUTLER. From
- 202 COUNTESS, d.u.c.h.eSS, THEKLA.THEKLA (endeavoring to hold back the d.u.c.h.eSS) Dear mother, do stay here!d.u.c.h.eSS.No! Here is yet Some frightful mystery that is hidden from me.Why does my sister shun me? Don't I see her Full of suspense and angui
- 203 WALLENSTEIN (turning to a second). Thou wert among the volunteers that seized and made booty of the Swedish battery at Altenburg.SECOND CUIRa.s.sIER. Yes, general!WALLENSTEIN. I forget no one with whom I have exchanged words.(A pause.) Who sends you?ANSPE
- 204 ANSPESSADE.'Tis then but mere appearances which thou Dost put on with the Swede! Thou'lt not betray The emperor? Wilt not turn us into Swedes?This is the only thing which we desire To learn from thee.WALLENSTEIN.What care I for the Swedes?I hate
- 205 Hear'st thou the uproar?The whole corps of the Pappenheimers is Drawn out: the younger Piccolomini, Their colonel, they require: for they affirm, That he is in the palace here, a prisoner; And if thou dost not instantly deliver him, They will find me
- 206 Go hence, forsake me, serve thy emperor; He will reward thee with a pretty chain Of gold; with his ram's fleece will he reward thee; For that the friend, the father of thy youth, For that the holiest feeling of humanity, Was nothing worth to thee.MAX
- 207 [Two reports of cannon. ILLO and TERZKY hurry to the window.WALLENSTEIN.What's that?TERZBY.He falls.WALLENSTEIN.Falls! Who?ILLO.Tiefenbach's corps Discharged the ordnance.WALLENSTEIN.Upon whom?ILLO.On--Neumann, Your messenger.WALLENSTEIN (starti
- 208 The human, not the great part, would I act.Even from my childhood to this present hour, Think what the duke has done for me, how loved me And think, too, how my father has repaid him.Oh likewise the free lovely impulses Of hospitality, the pious friend
- 209 [MAX. attempts to take his hand, but is repelled: he turns to the COUNTESS.Is there no eye that has a look of pity for me?[The COUNTESS turns away from him; he turns to the d.u.c.h.eSS.My mother!d.u.c.h.eSS.Go where duty calls you. Haply The time may come
- 210 O that I had not lived to see this day!From his hand I received this dignity, He did himself intrust this stronghold to me, Which I am now required to make his dungeon.We subalterns have no will of our own: The free, the mighty man alone may listen To the
- 211 Distinctly. The wind brought it from the south.BUTLER.It seemed to come from Weiden or from Neustadt.WALLENSTEIN.'Tis likely. That's the route the Swedes are taking.How strong is the garrison?GORDON.Not quite two hundred Competent men, the rest
- 212 She is dying! [Hurries off the stage, when WALLENSTEIN and TERZKY follow her. SCENE VI. BUTLER and GORDON. GORDON. Whats this? BUTLER. She has lost the man she loved-- Young Piccolomini, who fell in the battle. GORDON. Unfortunate lady! BUTLER. You have h
- 213 BUTLER.And no brave man loses His color at a daring enterprise.GORDON.A brave man hazards life, but not his conscience.BUTLER.What then? Shall he go forth anew to kindle The unextinguishable flame of war?GORDON.Seize him, and hold him prisoner--do not kil
- 214 The emperor has soldiers, no commander, For this King Ferdinand of Hungary Is but a tyro. Gallas? He's no luck, And was of old the ruiner of armies.And then this viper, this Octavio, Is excellent at stabbing in the back, But ne'er meets Friedlan
- 215 We all do stamp our value on ourselves: The price we challenge for ourselves is given us.There does not live on earth the man so stationed That I despise myself compared with him.Man is made great or little by his own will; Because I am true to mine there
- 216 COUNTESS.'Tis not advisable--a.s.sent not to it.WALLENSTEIN.Hus.h.!.+ Wherefore wouldst thou speak with him, my daughter?THEKLA.Knowing the whole, I shall be more collected; I will not be deceived. My mother wishes Only to spare me. I will not be spa
- 217 [THEKLA betrays agitation in her gestures. The officer pauses till she makes a sign to him to proceed.CAPTAIN.Both in van and flanks With our whole cavalry we now received them; Back to the trenches drove them, where the foot Stretched out a solid ridge o
- 218 NEUBRUNN. That place of death---- THEKLA. Is now the only place Where life yet dwells for me: detain me not! Come and make preparations; let us think Of means to fly from hence. NEUBRUNN. Your fathers rage THEKLA. That time is past-- And now I fear no hum
- 219 THEKLA. There a divinity will prompt my soul. NEUBRUNN. Your heart, dear lady, is disquieted! And this is not the way that leads to quiet. THEKLA. To a deep quiet, such as he has found, It draws me on, I know not what to name it, Resistless does it draw m
- 220 THEKLA. I am so, mother; let me only now Retire to rest, and Neubrunn here be with me. I want repose. d.u.c.h.eSS. My Thekla, thou shalt have it. I leave thee now consoled, since I can calm Thy fathers heart. THEKLA. Good night, beloved mother! (Falling o
- 221 You are our general, and give out the orders; We follow you, though the track lead to h.e.l.l. BUTLER (appeased). Good, then! we know each other. MACDONALD. I should hope so. DEVEREUX. Soldiers of fortune are we--who bids most He has us. MACDONALD. Tis ee
- 222 To whom we swore a soldiers oath---- BUTLER. The oath Is null, for Friedland is a traitor. DEVEREUX. No, no! it is too bad! MACDONALD. Yes, by my soul! It is too bad. One has a conscience too---- DEVEREUX. If it were not our chieftain, who so long Has iss
- 223 DEVEREUX.Danger! The devil! What do you think me, general, 'Tis the duke's eye, and not his sword, I fear.BUTLER.What can his eye do to thee?DEVEREUX.Death and h.e.l.l!Thou knowest that I'm no milksop, general!But 'tis not eight days s
- 224 BUTLER.It were his certain destiny.DEVEREUX.Well! Well! Come then, Macdonald, he shall not Lie long in pain.[Exeunt BUTLER through one door, MACDONALD and DEVEREUX through the other.SCENE III.A saloon, terminated by a gallery, which extends far into the b
- 225 WALLENSTEIN.Fear! Wherefore?COUNTESS.Shouldst thou depart this night, and we at waking Never more find thee!WALLENSTEIN.Fancies!COUNTESS.Ob, my soul Has long been weighed down by these dark forebodings, And if I combat and repel them waking, They still cr
- 226 [GROOM OF THE CHAMBER retires with the vestments. WALLENSTEIN rises, takes a stride across the room, and stands at last before GORDON in a posture of meditation.How the old time returns upon me! I Behold myself once more at Burgau, where We two were pages
- 227 They sought this junction with me--'tis their interest.GORDON (with difficulty suppressing his emotion).But what if the arrival of these Swedes-- What if this were the very thing that winged The ruin that is flying to your temples?[Flings himself at
- 228 He shall not peris.h.!.+ Not through you! The heaven Refuses your arm. See--'tis wounded!BUTLER.There is no need of my arm.GORDON.The most guilty Have perished, and enough is given to justice.[The GROOM OF THE CHAMBER advances from the gallery with h
- 229 SCENE IX. COUNTESS, GORDON. GORDON (rushes in out of breath) Tis a mistake! Tis not the Swedes; ye must proceed no further-- Butler! Oh, G.o.d! where is he? [Observing the COUNTESS. Countess! Say---- COUNTESS. Youre come then from the castle? Wheres my hu
- 230 To these enter OCTAVIO PICCOLOMINI with all his train. At the same time DEVEREUX and MACDONALD enter from out the corridor with the Halberdiers. WALLENSTEIN's dead body is carried over the back part of the stage, wrapped in a piece of crimson tapestr
- 231 What is this It is the imperial seal.[He reads the address, and delivers the letter to OCTAVIO with a look of reproach, and with an emphasis on the word.To the Prince Piccolomini.[OCTAVIO, with his whole frame expressive of sudden anguish, raises his eyes
- 232 KUNZ OF GERSAU.JENNI, Fisherman's Son.SEPPI, Herdsman's Son.GERTRUDE, Stauffacher's Wife.HEDWIG, Wife of Tell, daughter of Furst.BERTHA OF BRUNECK, a rich heiress.ARMGART, | MECHTHILD, | Peasant women.ELSBETH, | HILDEGARD, | WALTER, | Tell&
- 233 Youre joking now. A beast devoid of reason. WERNI. Thats easy said. But beasts have reason too-- And that we know, we men that hunt the chamois. They never turn to feed--sagacious creatures! Till they have placed a sentinel ahead, Who p.r.i.c.ks his ears
- 234 [It begins to thunder.KUONI.Quick, ferrymen, and set the good man over.RUODI.Impossible! a storm is close at hand, Wait till it pa.s.s! You must.BAUMGARTEN.Almighty heavens!I cannot wait; the least delay is death.KUONI (to the fisherman).Push out. G.o.d w
- 235 Thats like a gallant huntsman! BAUMGARTEN. You are my angel, my preserver, Tell. TELL. I may preserve you from the viceroys power But from the tempests rage another must. Yet you had better fall into G.o.ds hands, Than into those of men. [To the herdsman.
- 236 [STAUFEACHER sits down sorrowfully upon a bench under the lime tree. Gertrude, his wife, enters, and finds him in this posture. She places herself near him, and looks at him for some time in silence.GERTRUDE.So sad, my love! I scarcely know thee now.For m
- 237 What are the hosts of emperors to him!Gertrude, farewell! I will to Uri straight.There lives my worthy comrade, Walter Furst, His thoughts and mine upon these times are one.There, too, resides the n.o.ble Banneret Of Attinghaus. High though of blood he be
- 238 TELL.Hands can destroy whatever hands have reared.[Pointing to the mountains.That house of freedom G.o.d hath built for us.[A drum is heard. People enter bearing a cap upon a pole, followed by a crier. Women and children thronging tumultuously after them.
- 239 STAUFFACHER.Nay, even the weak grow strong by union.TELL.But the strong man is the strongest when alone.STAUFFACHER.Your country, then, cannot rely on you If in despair she rise against her foes.TELL.Tell rescues the lost sheep from yawning gulfs: Is he a
- 240 A valued guest, indeed. No man e'er set His foot across this threshold more esteemed.Welcome! thrice welcome, Werner, to my roof!What brings you here? What seek you here in Uri?STAUFFACHER (shakes FURST by the hand).The olden times and olden Switzerl
- 241 FURST.Be calm, be calm; and bear it like a man!MELCHTHAL.And all for me--for my mad wilful folly!Blind, did you say? Quite blind--and both his eyes?STAUFFACHER.Even so. The fountain of his sight's dried up.He ne'er will see the blessed suns.h.i.
- 242 Let me go.I know each forest track and mountain pa.s.s; Friends too I'll find, be sure, on every hand, To give me willing shelter from the foe.STAUFFACHER.Nay, let him go; no traitors harbor there: For tyranny is so abhorred in Unterwald No minions c
- 243 They'll have the Caesar for their lord, forsooth, That is to say, they'll have no lord at all.ATTINGHAUSEN.Must I hear this, and from thy lips, rash boy!RUDENZ.You urged me to this answer. Hear me out.What, uncle, is the character you've st
- 244 A meadow surrounded by high rocks and wooded ground. On the rocks are tracks, with rails and ladders, by which the peasants are afterwards seen descending. In the background the lake is observed, and over it a moon rainbow in the early part of the scene.T
- 245 STAUFFACHER.Speak not of vengeance. We are here to meet The threatened evil, not to avenge the past.Now tell me what you've done, and what secured, To aid the common cause in Unterwald.How stands the peasantry disposed, and how Yourself escaped the w
- 246 Then let us hold the Diet, as of old, And as we're wont in peaceful times to do.The time's necessity be our excuse If there be aught informal in this meeting.Still, wheresoe'er men strike for justice, there Is G.o.d, and now beneath his hea
- 247 STAUFFACHER.For the most free have still some feudal lord.There must be still a chief, a judge supreme, To whom appeal may lie in case of strife.And therefore was it that our sires allowed For what they had recovered from the waste, This honor to the empe
- 248 No other course is left us. Now, advise What plan most likely to insure success.FURST.To shake a thraldom off that we abhor, To keep our ancient rights inviolate, As we received them from our forefathers--this, Not lawless innovation, is our aim.Let Caesa
- 249 And even expelled he'd still be terrible.'Tis hard, indeed 'tis dangerous, to spare him.BAUMGARTEN.Place me where'er a life is to be lost; I owe my life to Tell, and cheerfully Will pledge it for my country. I have cleared My honor, an
- 250 And now, methinks, the door will hold awhile.The axe at home oft saves the carpenter.HEDWIG.Whither away![Takes his cap.TELL.To Altdorf, to your father.HEDWIG.You have some dangerous enterprise in view? Confess!TELL.Why think you so?HEDWIG.Some scheme
- 251 So I pa.s.sed on, and sent his train to seek him.HEDWIG.He trembled then before you? Woe the while You saw his weakness; that he'll not forgive.TELL.I shun him, therefore, and he'll not seek me.HEDWIG.But stay away to day. Go hunting rather!TELL
- 252 Bondage, rather!You would drive freedom from the last stronghold That yet remains for her upon the earth.The people know their own true interests better: Their simple natures are not warped by show, But round your head a tangling net is wound.RUDENZ.Berth
- 253 We keep our watch in vain. There's not a soul Will pa.s.s and do obeisance to the cap.But yesterday the place swarmed like a fair; Now the whole green looks like a very desert, Since yonder scarecrow hung upon the pole.LEUTHHOLD.Only the vilest rabbl
- 254 The neighbor there dare not his neighbor trust. WALTER. I should want breathing room in such a land, Id rather dwell beneath the avalanches. TELL. Tis better, child, to have these glacier peaks Behind ones back than evil-minded men! [They are about to pa.
- 255 OTHER THREE PEASANTS (running in).We'll help you. What's the matter? Down with them![HILDEGARD, MECHTHILD, and ELSBETH return.TELL.Go, go, good people, I can help myself.Think you, had I a mind to use my strength, These pikes of theirs should da
- 256 TELL.What monstrous thing, my lord, is this you ask?That I, from the head of mine own child!--No, no!It cannot be, kind sir, you meant not that-- G.o.d in His grace forbid! You could not ask A father seriously to do that thing!GESSLER.Thou art to shoot an
- 257 G.o.d pardon those who counselled the delay!GESSLER (to TELL).Now, to thy task! Men bear not arms for naught.'Tis dangerous to carry deadly weapons, And on the archer oft his shaft recoils.This right these haughty peasant-churls a.s.sume Trenches upo
- 258 BERTHA.Worthy father!Pray you compose yourself. The boy's alive!WALTER (runs in with the apple).Here is the apple, father! Well I knew You would not harm your boy.[TELL stands with his body bent forwards, as though he would follow the arrow. His bow
- 259 STAUFFACHER (to Tell).Oh, why did you provoke the tyrant's rage?TELL.Let him be calm who feels the pangs I felt.STAUFFACHER.Alas! alas! Our every hope is gone.With you we all are fettered and enchained.COUNTRY PEOPLE (surrounding Tell).Our last remai
- 260 [Ascends a rock.FISHERMAN.Woe to the bark that now pursues its course, Rocked in the cradle of these storm-tossed waves.Nor helm nor steersman here can aught avail; The storm is master. Man is like a ball, Tossed 'twixt the winds and billows. Far, or
- 261 TELL.How I was seized and bound, And ordered by the governor to Kuessnacht.FISHERMAN.And how with you at Flueelen he embarked.All this we know. Say, how have you escaped?TELL.I lay on deck, fast bound with cords, disarmed, In utter hopelessness. I did not
- 262 He lies not like one dead. The feather, see, Moves on his lips! His sleep is very calm, And on his features plays a placid smile.[BAUMGARTEN goes to the door and speaks with some one.FURST.Who's there?BAUGMARTEN (returning).Tell's wife, your dau
- 263 FURST.He has been summoned. Cheerily, Sir! Take comfort!He has found his heart at last, and is our own.ATTINGHAUSEN.Say, has he spoken for his native land?STAUFFACHER.Ay, like a hero!ATTINGHAUSEN.Wherefore comes he not, That he may take my blessing ere I
- 264 Lives he? Oh, say, can he still hear my voice?FURST (averting his face).You are our seignior and protector now; Henceforth this castle bears another name.RUDENZ (gazing at the body with deep emotion).Oh, G.o.d! Is my repentance, then, too late?Could he no
- 265 In the dark mystery that shrouds her fate, In the dread agony of this suspense, Where I can grasp at naught of certainty, One single ray of comfort beams upon me.From out the ruins of the tyrant's power Alone can she be rescued from the grave.Their s
- 266 STUSSI.Too true! He's blessed who tills his field in peace, And sits untroubled by his own fireside.TELL.The very meekest cannot rest in quiet, Unless it suits with his ill neighbor's humor.[TELL looks frequently with restless expectation toward
- 267 [They are about to pa.s.s on. ARMMGART throws herself down before GESSLER.ARMGART.Mercy, lord governor! Oh, pardon, pardon!GESSLER.Why do you cross me on the public road?Stand back, I say.ARMGART.My husband lies in prison; My wretched orphans cry for brea
- 268 Our cottages are free, and innocence Secure from thee: thou'lt be our curse no more.[TELL disappears. People rush in.STUSSI.What is the matter? Tell me what has happened?ARMGART.The governor is shot,--killed by an arrow!PEOPLE (running in).Who has be
- 269 SCENE I.A common near Altdorf. In the background to the right the keep of Uri, with the scaffold still standing, as in the third scene of the first act. To the left the view opens upon numerous mountains, on all of which signal fires are burning. Day is b
- 270 Here was a time for promptness and decision!Had he been nothing but our baron, then We should have been most chary of our lives; But he was our confederate, and Bertha Honored the people. So without a thought, We risked the worst, and rushed into the flam
- 271 MELCHTHAL.Impossible! How came you by the news?STAUFFACHER.'Tis true! Near Bruck, by the's hand, King Albert fell. A most trustworthy man, John Mueller, from Schaffhausen, brought the news.FURST.Who dared commit so horrible a deed?S
- 272 MANY VOICES.The love and grace!STAUFFACHER.Grace from the father we, indeed, received, But what have we to boast of from the son?Did he confirm the charter of our freedom, As all preceding emperors had done?Did he judge righteous judgment, or afford Shelt
- 273 Stand back, I say! What is your purpose, man? Back from my boys! You are no monk,--no, no. Beneath that robe content and peace should dwell, But neither lives within that face of thine. MONK. I am the veriest wretch that breathes on earth. HEDWIG. The hea
- 274 HEIWIG.Heavens, who is it?TELL.Do not ask.Away! away! the children must not hear it.Out of the house--away! Thou must not rest 'Neath the same roof with this unhappy man!HEDWIG.Alas! What is it? Come![Exit with the children.TELL (to the MONK).Thou ar
- 275 Hear, then, what heaven suggested to my heart, Thou must to Italy,--to Saint Peter's city,-- There cast thyself at the pope's feet,--confess Thy guilt to him, and ease thy laden soul!DUKE JOHN.But will he not surrender me to vengeance!TELL.Whate
- 276 [6] Berenger von Landenberg, a man of n.o.ble family in Thurgau and governor of Unterwald, infamous for his cruelties to the Swiss, and particularly to the venerable Henry of the Halden. He was slain at the battle of Morgarten in 1315.[7] A cell built in
- 277 The Royal Gardens in Aranjuez.CARLOS and DOMINGO.DOMINGO.Our pleasant sojourn in Aranjuez Is over now, and yet your highness quits These joyous scenes no happier than before.Our visit hath been fruitless. Oh, my prince, Break this mysterious and gloomy si
- 278 CARLOS. I'll follow straight.[Exit DOMINGO.CARLOS (after a short silence).O wretched Philip! wretched as thy son!Soon shall thy bosom bleed at every pore, Torn by suspicion's poisonous serpent fang.Thy fell sagacity full soon shall pierce The fa
- 279 Carlos, I'll keep my word; my boyhood's vow I now as man renew. I will repay thee.Some day, perchance, the hour may come---- CARLOS.Now! now!The hour has come; thou canst repay me all.I have sore need of love. A fearful secret Burns in my breast
- 280 [Exeunt severally.SCENE III.The Queen's Residence in Aranjuez. The Pleasure Grounds, intersected by an avenue, terminated by the Queen's Palace.The QUEEN, d.u.c.h.eSS OF OLIVAREZ, PRINCESS OF EBOLI, and MARCHIONESS OF MONDECAR, all advancing fro
- 281 OLIVAREZ (looking at the clock).It is not yet the hour, your majesty.QUEEN.Not yet the hour for me to be a mother!That's somewhat hard. Forget not, then, to tell me When the right hour does come.[A page enters and whispers to the first lady, who ther
- 282 MARQUIS.Power is a giant ever to the weak.QUEEN.The chevalier says well. There still are giants; But there are knights no more.MARQUIS.Not long ago, On my return from Naples, I became The witness of a very touching story, Which ties of friends.h.i.+p almo
- 283 The two latter go towards the avenue.CARLOS (on his knees before the QUEEN).At length 'tis come--the happy moment's come, And Charles may touch this all-beloved hand.QUEEN.What headlong folly's this? And dare you break Into my presence thus
- 284 QUEEN.Thou vain man!What if my heart should tell me the reverse?How, sir, if Philip's watchful tenderness, The looks that silently proclaim his love, Touched me more deeply than his haughty son's Presumptuous eloquence? What, if an old man'
- 285 How great thou art, my angel! Yes, I'll do All, all thou canst desire. So let it be.[He rises.Here in the sight of heaven I stand and swear-- I swear to thee, eternal--no, great Heaven!-- Eternal silence only,--not oblivion!QUEEN.How can I ask from y
- 286 KING.Can a reproach, that in my love had birth, Afflict you so? A word so trouble you, Which the most anxious tenderness did prompt?[He turns towards the GEANDEES.Here stand the a.s.sembled va.s.sals of my throne.Did ever sleep descend upon these eyes, Ti
- 287 CARLOS.I understood thy hint, and thank thee for it.A stranger's presence can alone excuse This forced and measured tone. Are we not brothers?In future, let this puppet-play of rank Be banished from our friends.h.i.+p. Think that we Had met at some g
- 288 KING.Or tried to make him one? I scarce can love Those sons who choose more wisely than their fathers.CARLOS.And can Duke Alva's knightly spirit brook To look on such a scene? Now, as I live, I would not play the busy meddler's part, Who thrusts
- 289 KING (not without emotion).Oh, my son, Thou hast condemned thyself in painting thus A bliss this heart hath ne'er enjoyed from thee.CARLOS.The Omniscient be my judge! You till this hour Have still debarred me from your heart, and all Partic.i.p.ation
- 290 ALVA.As I came in I met him with a look of frenzy wild Quitting the chamber; and your majesty Is strangely moved, methinks, and bears the marks Of deep excitement--can it be the theme Of your discourse---- KING.Concerned the Duke of Alva.[The KING keeps h
- 291 This is dreadful! Yes, You're right, my friend. I thank you: I was not Just then myself. To be compelled to silence, And bury in my heart this mighty bliss, Is terrible![Taking the PAGE by the hand, and leading him aside.Now here! What thou hast seen
- 292 The king was right, quite right. I see it now Myself, and am content--and so no more.G.o.d speed your journey, as you see, just now My hands are full, and weighty business presses.The rest to-morrow, or whene'er you will, Or when you come from Brusse
- 293 [Throws himself in silence at the QUEEN'S feet, then rising suddenly, departs in confusion.ALVA.By heaven, 'tis strange!QUEEN (remains a few moments as if in doubt, then retiring to her apartment).A word with you, Duke ALVA.[Exit, followed by th
- 294 SCENE VIII.The PRINCESS, DON CARLOS.The PRINCESS has thrown herself upon an ottoman, and plays.CARLOS (rushes in; he recognizes the PRINCESS, and stands thunderstruck).Gracious Heaven!Where am I?PRINCESS (lets her lute fall, and meeting him) What? Prince
- 295 CARLOS.Into the open air.Nay, do not hold me, princess, for I feel As though the world behind me were in flames.PRINCESS (holding him forcibly back).What troubles you? Whence comes these strange, these wild, Unnatural looks? Nay, answer me![CARLOS stops t
- 296 A daring favorite of the king demands My hand--his name Ruy Gomez, Count of Silva, The king consents--the bargain has been struck, And I am sold already to his creature.CARLOS (with evident emotion).Sold! you sold! Another bargain, then, Concluded by this
- 297 PRINCESS (hiding her face in the cus.h.i.+on).Oh, G.o.d! What have I said?CARLOS (kneeling before her).I am not guilty.My pa.s.sion--an unfortunate mistake-- By heaven, I am not guilty---- PRINCESS (pus.h.i.+ng him from her).Out of my sight, For heaven
- 298 A hopeless love makes no such sacrifice.What fire was in his kiss! How tenderly He pressed my bosom to his beating heart!Well nigh the trial had proved dangerous To his romantic, unrequited pa.s.sion!With joy he seized the key he fondly thought The queen
- 299 DOMINGO.Nor you, nor I! Now shall you learn, what long My busy spirit, full of its design, Has been at work with, to achieve its ends.Still is there wanting to complete our league A third important personage. The king Loves the young Princess Eboli--and I
- 300 Now all is ripe, let me call in the duke.[Goes out.PRINCESS (astonished).What means all this?SCENE XII.The PRINCESS, DUKE ALVA, DOMINGO.DOMINGO (leading the DUKE in).Our tidings, good my lord, Come somewhat late. The Princess Eboli Reveals to us a secret