Legend of Swordsman Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Legend of Swordsman novel. A total of 5400 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 5402: Ultimate Supreme Technique
Chapter 5402: Ultimate Supreme Technique .... The dome of the great hall trembled, and a moment late
- 5400 Chapter 5402: Ultimate Supreme Technique .... The dome of the great hall trembled, and a moment late
- 5399 Chapter 5401: Fourth Prince .... Bai Junwang couldn’t help but feel a bit distressed watching from t
- 5398 Chapter 5400: I’ll Give You .... The elite army of the direct line naturally followed the orders of
- 5397 Chapter 5399: Open the Bronze Door .... After a brief stalemate, with the reinforcement of Gong Miao
- 5396 Chapter 5398: The Cave Abode .... “Sure!” Jian Wushuang also agreed.The two shared a knowing smile,
- 5395 Chapter 5397: Stellar Pavilion .... His strength was average, just a regular tier 2 Emperor, but his
- 5394 Chapter 5396: Layout .... Jian Wushuang’s brow flickered as a massive eye manifested in the center o
- 5393 Chapter 5395: Swirling Sea .... The majority of the buildings on the island resembled the reddish co
- 5392 Chapter 5394: Redwood IslandOriginally following the changes to become a personal guard, hoping to g
- 5391 Chapter 5393: Poison Pill .... Bai Junwang was somewhat surprised and truthfully explained, “When th
- 5390 Chapter 5392: The Army Converged .... The Beast God Weapons and such were just external objects; tru
- 5389 Chapter 5391: Black Hole .... Staying behind here while they advanced was a great opportunity.Watchi
- 5388 Chapter 5390: Void CrawlerLuckier individuals might emerge from other places, while those less fortu
- 5387 Chapter 5389: Battle FormationCrack!A tier 3 Emperor, deep within a pit, probed and touched the seem
- 5386 Chapter 5388: ChangeAs the top scout serving the Imperial Emperor, withholding information was a gra
- 5385 Chapter 5387: Grand ElderHe had heard that during the ancestral worship at the ancestral temple, Xia
- 5384 Chapter 5386: DepartureThe Luo Hou Battle Formation, combined with his mastery of space, could unlea
- 5383 Chapter 5385: Shen Ling and Zhen LingIf the path of divine body strayed, but he wasn’t worried; he c
- 5382 Chapter 5384: Dog EmperorBai Junwang within his body transformed, taking on a solid form, and appear
- 5381 Chapter 5383: Yang SanmuEarth Realm, Great Xia.Zhu Qing hadn’t walked far when a tier 6 Emperor, dis
- 5380 Chapter 5382: Break Through AgainBuzz!At this moment, his Dao once again took a step forward, and a
- 5379 Chapter 5381: Death CrisisAs these words were spoken, Jian Wushuang quickly retreated.The intensity
- 5378 Chapter 5380: Ancestral TempleHowever, in the end, they were all Emperors. Patriarch Xia Mang had se
- 5377 Chapter 5379: Looking Back, I’ve Reached the PeakThe complete origin, blended with the power of All
- 5376 Chapter 5378: Gold Beast God!This also relieved everyone.Not participating in the auction this time
- 5375 Chapter 5377: The Nalan Family Is GoneAnyone compliant, he valued greatly. He casually chose treasur
- 5374 Chapter 5376: Long Yi DescendsHu Qing had become acquainted with Long Yi’s teachings on WuliangMount
- 5373 Chapter 5375: The Quota for the Forest of Eternal SecretsEncountering Special Life Forms allowed for
- 5372 Chapter 5374: Wuliang Buddha’s Strength“Wuliang!His hands joined together, eyes wide with anger!Hum!
- 5371 Chapter 5373: Is the Map Genuine?He resented that the explosion just now wasn’t thorough enough. If
- 5370 Chapter 5372: Extreme Dao BreakthroughThe combined blood crystals, totaling over a trillion godstone
- 5369 Chapter 5371: Forced to Sell One’s BodyThis tier 4 Emperor quickly stowed away the colorful bones an
- 5368 Chapter 5370: Wind Beast GodThe lone tier 5 Emperor walked alone, his net worth perhaps not as subst
- 5367 Chapter 5369: The Price of the Boundless Ice CorpseThe divine body, though surpassing the ice corpse
- 5366 Chapter 5368: Long Yi Moves OutIn the Sea of Origin, Dragon One was not considered significant, but
- 5365 Chapter 5367: Spiritual Sense?Spirit of Grass and Wood!“In the Five Elements, this can be considered
- 5364 Chapter 5366: Spirit of Grass and WoodWithin a billion, it was all worth it.Jian Wushuang wasn’t in
- 5363 Chapter 5365: Nine Levels of the Divine BodyUpon hearing this offer, not only was Jian Wushuang dumb
- 5362 Chapter 5364: The Complete Heavenly Demonic PowerThe sound continued to emanate from the VIP room up
- 5361 Chapter 5363: Auction BeganThe final decision on the two strategies was based on the opinion of a fi
- 5360 Chapter 5362: National Warfare?Therefore, careful consideration was necessary when devising a plan.
- 5359 Chapter 5361: DiscussionUnexpectedly, he managed to find them, and all at once, there were seven, pr
- 5358 Chapter 5360: Huge WealthEven as the patriarch, rules were rules.“Clan leader, this matter must not
- 5357 Chapter 5359: Brother’s AuraAfter Xia Mang Guanyu left, Jiang Shang, who was hiding behind Hu Qing,
- 5356 Chapter 5358: Recruit People at Sky-High PricesA tier 4 Emperor to follow him into battel for 1,000
- 5355 Chapter 5357: The Xuanyuan Family’s Treasure VaultAfter sending his ‘mother’ back to the palace, Xia
- 5354 Chapter 5356: Too RichXuanyuan Dapan’s eyes flashed with insight and he nodded.Today’s expenditure o
- 5353 Chapter 5355: 100 MillionThis was also the most welcome news for Jian Wushuang.“How much is left in
- 5352 Chapter 5354: Xuanyuan Five TigersNot only did Xuan Yuan Anshui control the military on the battlefi
- 5351 Chapter 5353: You’re Not HimIn his mind, Bai Junwang laughed heartily and said, “Jian Wushuang, such
- 5350 Chapter 5352: Limitless!A complete and special divine body, this is truly a great supplement!It can
- 5349 Chapter 5351: Conspiracy?Tier 3 Emperor couldn’t make the cut. Going in was simply not worth the tro
- 5348 Chapter 5350: I Bet Five MillionJian Wushuang was engaged in conversation with some nobles, but his
- 5347 Chapter 5349: Kill the EmperorSpeaking of which, the current Heaven Realm’s Shadow Sect in the North
- 5346 Chapter 5348: EavesdropIn the adjacent room, Jian Wushuang, upon hearing the conversation, had gaine
- 5345 Chapter 5347: Jiang ShangHu Qing did not come alone.There was a little girl accompanying her.Du Shin
- 5344 Chapter 5346: It Was Actually Him!“The opponent has arrived, a second-rank elder and the only one wi
- 5343 Chapter 5345: Firefox Palace“No need!” Jian Wushuang replied calmly.The Foxfire Palace was a brothel
- 5342 Chapter 5344: The Treasure Has ArrivedWhen he was captured, he initially thought the other party wou
- 5341 Chapter 5343: Little GirlThe young master in black armor spoke coldly, “You go first!”The ritual had
- 5340 Chapter 5342: New BeginningThe Vermilion Bird Temple spun, and the inheritors quickly entered anothe
- 5339 Chapter 5341: EndingAfter the Emperor’s trial, following careful scrutiny, participants were sent to
- 5338 Chapter 5340: Chess PlayerHe has a point.When the time came, the two of them could each take half, s
- 5337 Chapter 5339: ElectionThe elders of other ranks either held important positions in the palace or wer
- 5336 Chapter 5338: FutureHe could bring Qishen Temple back into the river of time, exploring other timeli
- 5335 Chapter 5337: ConflictBeishan City.The current Beishan City, if it can be called a city at all, is m
- 5334 Chapter 5336: Domain of Extreme ColdThe collision occurred!It was as if a world had been flattened b
- 5333 Chapter 5335: Take My PunchHowever, a divine body that was 68,000 times stronger was the real deal.I
- 5332 Chapter 5334: Shocking BattleThe black-robed Emperor finally turned into ashes, leaving no trace of
- 5331 Chapter 5333: Kill the EmperorThe demonic incarnation, a supreme technique that strengthens both the
- 5330 Chapter 5332: Teleportation Formation SealedAt the same time, Jian Wushuang had already reached the
- 5329 Chapter 5331: Entering Beishan CityThinking about facing the extraordinary Dao Lord Jian Wushuang, Z
- 5328 Chapter 5330: You Think Pm ScaredThis left the group of Emperors who were overseeing the teleportati
- 5327 Chapter 5329: Out of the MountainFailed to live up to the expectations of Qishen.Speaking of this, B
- 5326 Chapter 5328: Guangmu TianzunIn the heavenly realm, things were relatively calm. However, in the Ear
- 5325 Chapter 5327: The Elder Palace Is MobilizedA powerful being capable of destroying Innate Treasures w
- 5324 Chapter 5326: FleeingThe strongest power began to spread throughout the ancient boat, and the fisher
- 5323 Chapter 5325: Quickly ReturnTo leave the opponent with a hint of fantasy and then shatter it – that
- 5322 Chapter 5324: Shocking Change!Qiuhuangs heart stirred, suddenly thinking that Jian Wushuang and Yang
- 5321 Chapter 5323: Tansformation PathAnyway, he was leaving after today. No matter what he said, no one w
- 5320 Chapter 5322: A Promise?On the arena.Brolys aura became stronger and stronger as he fought.His physi
- 5319 Chapter 5321: The Father Is Noble Because of His SonJian Wushuang felt that the pair of eyes were st
- 5318 Chapter 5320: Bai JunwangDaoist Liyangs face was ashen, and his gaze was extremely sharp.Jian Wushua
- 5317 Chapter 5319: Dream Sword FairyThirteen individuals ascended the arena, their battles hanging on the
- 5316 Chapter 5318: Elder Jiu Jian’s DeterminationAfter a loud muffled sound, Zhuifeng on the stage was sm
- 5315 Chapter 5317: Six-Armed Heavenly DemonThe two of them were extremely powerful. Even in the outside w
- 5314 Chapter 5316: Extinct TreasureThe Emperors sitting at the back looked at each other. Anyone with a d
- 5313 Chapter 5315: RewardThinking about it, it made sense!In the future, for inheritors like them, their
- 5312 Chapter 5314: Tianmo SectThe people present paid little attention.The defeat of these thirteen was a
- 5311 Chapter 5313: Take the SwordNumerous swords radiating light soared into the sky, accompanied by a go
- 5310 Chapter 5312: Watching the TideThe Four Great Secret Realms varied in size, and the God’s Tomb, visi
- 5309 Chapter 5311: Reverse Time and SpaceRegarding the mysteries on Grave God Mountain, he wasn’t interes
- 5308 Chapter 5310: Grave God MountainThe one-armed man with a broken sword was once a sword cultivator of
- 5307 Chapter 5309: Time, fateTideview Pavilion.It observed the tide of swords, the ebb and flow of water,
- 5306 Chapter 5308: Shangqing Palace“Kid, this time we’re heading to the Shangqing Palace. It’s well-docum
- 5305 Chapter 5307: Master Lie HuoThis time, it’s uncertain whether the other party is completely finished
- 5304 Chapter 5306: Godstone“Master Jian, let’s first go to the City Lord’s Mansion. I have a friend among
- 5303 Chapter 5305: Ancient Sects“Alright, you only have two days, so cherish them. This is the map of the
- 5302 Chapter 5304: Day After TomorrowKarma cycles, following the will of heaven.Fruits of karma, evil con
- 5301 Chapter 5303: Tenth RefinementThe senior either underestimated the situation or believed that this u