I Said Make My Abilities Average! Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the I Said Make My Abilities Average! novel. A total of 473 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 471: Beastkin Village 3
Chapter 471: Beastkin Village 3「Apparently they came ..…」(Mile)Red Oath settles down in the Beastman
- 473 Chapter 471: Beastkin Village 3「Apparently they came ..…」(Mile)Red Oath settles down in the Beastman
- 472 Chapter 470: Beastkin Village 2「WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY IT SOON~EEEEEEEEER?!」(Beastkin 2)Complain about t
- 471 Chapter 469: Beastkin Village 1「… But why did they ask the humans for something like this?Ain’t the
- 470 Chapter 468: Ambition「We haven’t been to the Devil and Beastkin Village yet …」(Mile)In the inn room,
- 469 Chapter 467: Wonder Three’s journey[New Website][Previous] [Next][TESTING RELEASE LINK]LineMile Nove
- 468 Chapter 466: Dispute「Ah!」(Mile)「What’s wrong? Mile…」(Rena?)「No, it’s… NOTHING…」(Mile) (T.N: First ha
- 467 Chapter 465: Engraved 4 「So, other than folklore, How did the Elder look like when he was young?」(Mi
- 466 Chapter464: Engraved 3『(Ki-sama, low way calling you) You, Why is that…?』(Elder Ancient Dragon, E.A.
- 465 Chapter 463: Engraved 2「…I knew it」(Mile)Mile sighs as if giving up.Certainly, it was said that havi
- 464 Chapter 462: Engraved 1「…What is it written?」(Rena?)As expected, the girls couldn’t read such a lett
- 463 Chapter 461: Invisible enemy 2Well then, please report」(Guild Master?)Hunter Guild, Capital Branch o
- 462 【Mile-sama, we have returned】(Nano)Three days after leaving the capital of the Obram Kingdom, Nanoma
- 461 Chapter 459: Invader 6After that, everyone continued hunting for a while and subjugate a group of go
- 460 Chapter 458: Invader 5「…It’s over there!」(Mile)「Ooh…」(SHW leader)From the direction pointed out by M
- 459 Chapter 457: Invader 4「Well then, it’s time for us to…」(Maevis)Red Oath intends to stay here in the
- 458 Chapter 456: Invader 3【Geez, honestly…】(Nano)(I said I’m sorry…)(Mile)Mile keeps apologizing to the
- 457 Chapter 455: Invader 2「…Nano-chan, tell me as far as… yes, tell me “everything you can tell me”…」(Mi
- 456 Chapter 454: Invader 1(For the time being, before the rift closes, dispatch an investigation team to
- 455 「And with that, we have confirmed the existence of the Unique species.…Moreover, this individual is
- 454 T.N: Another Storm, flood, and power cut again. I’m bored to hell.「Ah……」(Mile)「What’s wrong?」()「Ah n
- 453 Chapter 451: Enemies 5「… So, it’s been four days since we heard from that peddler…」(Mile?)「There’s n
- 452 Chapter 450: Enemies 4「… So what does that mean?」(Mile)「Ah, ah, there’s a lot of noise in this count
- 451 Chapter 449: Enemies 3Red Oath party safely shook off Rei-chan and left the royal capital.Until they
- 450 Chapter 448: Enemies 2「Eh? But our neighboring countries are the Kingdom of Brandel in the west, the
- 449 「Red Oath, the Guild Master wants to meet you」(Receptionist)「「「「Ah…」」」」(Red Oath)Planning to make so
- 448 Chapter 446: Elf Village 12「But somehow I feel like it’s intentional…」(Mile)Five races with similar
- 447 Chapter 445: Elf Village 11「No, even if you called it “Operation Elf Village”This is an elf village.
- 446 Chapter 444: Elf Village 10「Ah, that’s fine on it owns…」(Mile)「That’s fine?!」(Maevis)Ignored Maevis,
- 445 Chapter 443: Elf Village 9In the end, the matchmaking became messy after that.No, as an event, it wa
- 444 Chapter 442: Elf Village 8「WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!」(Elder)After the matchmaking, the Elders came as at
- 443 Chapter 441: Elf Village 7After the instructions of the elders, free time began.After this, it seems
- 442 Chapter 440: Elf Village 6「It doesn’t matter to us, right?」(Maevis)Yes, Maevis said it straight.「We
- 441 Chapter 439: Elf Village 5This is the one time Mile, Red Oath ARE IN THE WRONG. They prejudge the el
- 440 Chapter 438: Elf Village 4「「「We are really sorry!!」」」(Rena’s Trio)At the village mayor’s house where
- 439 Chapter 437: Elf Village 3Then everyone walked all day long, and in the evening…「We arrived. This is
- 438 Chapter 436: Elf Village 2「Well then, let’s go!」(Maevis)「「「Ooh!」」」(Rena’s Trio)Rena’s Trio responded
- 437 Chapter 435: The Elf Village「That’s right. They have been living in human cities. Young… Loli Baba…
- 436 Chapter 434: Reflection「Give us the sandbags」(Rena)「Eh」(Mile)After Red Oath finished their breakfast
- 435 Chapter 433: Power Activated「By the way, this “Item Box”…」(Marcella)Marcella spoke to Monika and Ori
- 434 Chapter 432: The return of Wonder Three 2「Well then, Marcella-san, did you three give up on bringing
- 433 Chapter 431: The return of Wonder Three 1「Plants, dead animals and monsters, living animals and mons
- 432 Chapter 430: Miles Decision 3The item box is asking nanomachines to take items in and out according
- 431 Chapter 429: Miles Decision 2(Chance!) (Rena)When everyone was stunned by Mile’s insensitivity, Rena
- 430 Chapter 428: Miles Decision 1「…Haa!」(Mile)Mile suddenly stood up and approached Marcela with an impa
- 429 Chapter 427: Joint Request 6After all, after that, the “Red Oath” hunted normally without showing th
- 428 Chapter 426: Joint Request 5Almost equal to each other. However, for the goblins, “human female chil
- 427 Chapter 425: Joint Request 4The camp had no particular problems.It was sudden at lunchtime, so Rena
- 426 Chapter 424: Joint Request 3「No… noway…」(Mile)Not only Rena’s Trio was stunned but also Mile.At the
- 425 Chapter 423: Joint Request 2「…Well then, let’s get started…」With a grumpy face, Rena announces the s
- 424 Chapter 422: Joint Request 1「And that’s why we will joint force doing a request!」(Marcella? Rena?)「W
- 423 Chapter 421: Rivals’ War 5「This is the bath!」(Mile)「「「Oohh…」」」(Wonder Three)Marcella’s Trio raised t
- 422 Chapter 420: Rivals’ War 4「WHA… WHAT~ DID~ YOU~ SAY~ ?!」(Mile)Mile was furious.Two groups of her fri
- 421 Chapter 419: Rivals’ War 3Mile had never thought about working as a hunter party with Marcella’s Tri
- 420 Chapter 418: Rivals’ War 2「Stop joking around」(Rena)「You should only sleep-talk when you are sleepin
- 419 Chapter 417: Rivals’ War 1「Thank you very much!」(Rena? Mile?)Today, Red Oath only delivered rare med
- 418 Chapter 416: Imouto 7「…So what would you do, Mile…」(Maevis)Maevis asks with a calm voice.Although pe
- 417 Chapter 415: Imouto 6「Catch us?Are you kidnappers or bandits?」(Mile)Mile asks with a surprised look.
- 416 Chapter 414: Imouto 5Then, Red Oath rests leisurely in the tent.Unlike the villagers, Merlina-chan’s
- 415 Chapter 413: Imouto 4It’s morning.Basically, it’s time for an ordinary person to sleep.Red Oath is w
- 414 Chapter 412: Imouto 3Therefore, Mile’s group refused to stay at Merlina-chan’s house but asked for p
- 413 Chapter 411: Imouto 2With a demon-like figure, Mile pulled out her sword, rushed up and shouting.Fol
- 412 Chapter 410: Imouto 1「It’s finally calm…」「That’s right…」Pauline agreed with Rena’s murmuring.Mile an
- 411 Chapter 409: Leisure Story The Burning Man (post-battle) Dark SiteT.N: WAIT, WHAT? Something is wron
- 410 Chapter 408: Leisure Story The Burning Man 3The difference in numbers was cruel.Imperial soldiers ar
- 409 Chapter 407: Leisure Story The Burning Man 2 「No, no. There’s no rank limit written, but it’s implie
- 408 Chapter 406: Leisure Story The Burning Man 1 T.N: Sorry to break it to you but Kevin just appears th
- 407 Chapter 405: Each person’s activity/trouble(T.N: ^_^ don’t ask me why there won’t be chapter 404 in
- 406 Chapter 404The Empire’s SuffegrinEditor’s Pre-chapter Spiel:Hi! I’m Shinonome, the editor for this s
- 405 「…Then, I will carve your claws cool and beautiful one by one.And the horn is, well, I don’t know ho
- 404 『It will end if we destroy the source! Breath, mass attack!!』(A.D. Leader)As expected, when they are
- 403 『What…』(A.D. Leader)It was too much.Just like the Warriors, the leader was also stunned for a moment
- 402 Chapter 400: Human Dragon War 1『『『『『『GYA~AAAAAAAA!!』』』』』』(6 A.D. Warriors)It was a direct hit.No cre
- 401 Chapter 399: Call 2『Wha… wha… what…』(A.D. Leader)(((Acha ~ ……))) (Rena’s Trio)You have gone and done
- 400 Mile Chapter 398: Call 1「… Is it a call?」(Mile)After that, the girls who hurriedly returned to the i
- 399 Chapter 397: Tactical Retreat 2After the Ancient Dragon Keragon left and the Demis decided to withdr
- 398 「Well then, I need you to return the favor at that time」(Mile)『Eh?』(Keragon)When Mile suddenly asked
- 397 (T.N: It seems like I made a mistake, the beastkins/devils call themselves Demi-humans while the Emp
- 396 「Mile, what did you said just now…」(Rena)As the girls headed for the exit, Rena asked.Rena’s Trio na
- 395 Chapter 393: Defense Battle 7Mile: will continue to translate some chapters to kill time waiting for
- 394 Chapter 392: Defense Battle 6Mile: will continue to translate some chapters to kill time waiting for
- 393 Chapter 391: Defense Battle 5The Beastkin men blocked in front of the carriages again.「YOU, Who are
- 392 Chapter 390: Defense Battle 4「…So, you would like to continue to this point?」(Major)「Yes……」(Rena)App
- 391 「What!? Sale of luxury items? ‥Of course, it doesn’t matter! ‥It will make the soldiers feel good.…H
- 390 Chapter 388: Defense Battle 2When Mile’s group reported to the employer merchants, they rushed out a
- 389 Chapter 387: Defense Battle 1「If you do such a silly thing, it would be a war with any country!Even
- 388 Chapter 386 Request in Empire 7T.N: I decided to remove the deadline and schedule. I will try to tra
- 387 「We will gladly accept it for children!」(Mile)「… You just want to play with the kids, right?」(Rena)「
- 386 「……And then, after completing the first training trip in C rank,We took a vacation, then we happened
- 385 「We did it, a big catch!Not only we get this request fee, but we also get rewards for defeating band
- 384 Chapter 382: Request in Empire 3「Get back!!Stay near and protect only us!!」(Gareidal)「「「「「「Eh……」」」」」
- 383 「「「「「「Eh…」」」」」」(All Adults)*Don, don, don* (SFX)Tables and chairs, furnace with 3 cooktops, large po
- 382 Chapter 380: Request in Empire 1「Fumu~fumu~ (nod~nod~), so, the escort target is the family of a mer
- 381 「Eh? So what?」(Merchant)After dinner, the girls told the merchants that they had only one more day o
- 380 Chapter 378: Journey of the Empire 2「「「Eh…….」」」(Merchants)Opening a store in a large city near the I
- 379 Chapter 377: Journey of the Empire 1「Just in time, (Teikoku-doori ni)Calling now!… only for the “Emp
- 378 Chapter 376: Business 3「Eh…」(Merchant)The shop opened again in this town, the second day.On the firs
- 377 Chapter 375: Business 2「Eh? Cheap?」(Customer)After watching the merchants’ merchandise, a middle-age
- 376 「Well then, we will open the store here」(Merchant)It’s been three days since the merchant entered Im
- 375 Chapter 373: The Empire is very strong 5「「「「「Muhahahahaha!!」」」」」(Bandits)The bandits started laughin
- 374 「Okay then, depart (shuppa~)!」(Mile)「「「Ohh!」」」(Rena’s Trio)This is the order of Mile, who likes this