Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru novel. A total of 26 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 26 : Chapter 2: The dragon learns true kindness Part 2On the morning of the next day I start
Chapter 2: The dragon learns true kindness Part 2On the morning of the next day I started hunting at sunrise.
The stomach was indeed at its limit already.
To begin with I hadn’t eaten anything for more than a week because of inheriting the knowledge.
- 26 Chapter 2: The dragon learns true kindness Part 2On the morning of the next day I started hunting at sunrise. The stomach was indeed at its limit already. To begin with I hadn’t eaten anything for more than a week because of inheriting the knowledge. Hone
- 25 Epilogue: Even a cicada becomes a dragon if reborn I was surrounded by darkness. It was like an eternity in the darkness.The darkness was similar to the earth. Where was this, who was I, I didn’t know. The things left to do, I felt like a very important t
- 24 The cicada’s cry resounds throughout the world Part 2 Thermosphere. It was the outside layer of the atmosphere at a alt.i.tude of more than 800km from the ground.I didn’t know if you could call it part of the atmosphere anymore since the air was so thin.
- 23 The cicada’s cry resounds throughout the world Part 1 「Will you die Yggdrasil?」 「Yes.」 「The star, will it fall?」 「Yes.」「You will just accept it?」 「Yes.」 「For all living beings on this star only you will die?」 「Yes.」 「When is it?」 「In seven days.」 「Is ther
- 22 Summer vacation of the dragon and the girl Part 8 「From beyond the world . . . , I came from there.」 I didn’t talk about different worlds. And it wasn’t necessary to talk about my past life as a cicada.「The disaster that comes from beyond the world, it mi
- 21 Summer vacation of the dragon and the girl Part 7 When Nyuju finally settled down the sun was already going down to the west. It wasn’t sunset yet but the sunrays were already dimmer than during daytime.「 . . . fumu, what is dirty, I can’t understand it a
- 20 Summer vacation of the dragon and the girl Part 6 「 . . .Wh-what was that? That?」 Nyuju timidly removed the hands that covered her ears.Was the trans music slightly too early for her . . . ? (TLN: トランスミュージック strange word) It was often difficult with art.
- 19 Summer vacation of the dragon and the girl Part 5 「Nee, friends, do you have a lot?」 Nyuju asked me when we were leaving Lamia’s place.I was inwardly surprised that she asked me that but I didn’t show it. 「Umu. I’ve been blessed with some friends.」 「So .
- 18 Summer vacation of the dragon and the girl Part 4 After parting with Harpy I decided to go hunting. 「Didn’t you say you didn’t like blood and meat?」I who declared that I was going to hunt was questioned by Nyuju with eyes like a wildcat. 「Ah, I don’t eat
- 17 Summer vacation of the dragon and the girl Part 3 「Roommate-san, roommate-san」 My stomach was filled and when I was about to settle down Yggdrasil called me.Before I could ask what was wrong a trembling high voice like a newborn wildcat screamed out. 「Wh-
- 16 Summer vacation of the dragon and the girl Part 2 The first memory that the girl recalled were the red soil and red sun. Red like blood but it hadn’t dried yet, the red that burned skin, the smell of death and more blood.That was the famine. A sheep dog w
- 15 Summer vacation of the dragon and the girl Part 1 The eyes, what makes them cloudy? (Sakae Tsuboi) Children can be described with one word. Pure, purity, innocence. (純粋、無垢、無邪気)Though there are various adjectives to describe young people but all of them co
- 14 Someone wants to fight the dragon Part 3 The ray went exactly through my heart. Blood welled up from my throat.Even the body of a dragon can be mortally wounded. I thought that I heard Yggdrasil’s scream from the center of the island. The pain from being
- 13 Someone wants to fight the dragon Part 2 「Ara? Roomate-san I see a s.h.i.+p.」 After breakfast Yggdrasil said so to me who was about to sculpt the totem pole again today. When I looked at the direction she indicated [karachapon] sound could be heard from m
- 12 Someone wants to fight the dragon Part 1 Humans don’t surrender. When they gain victory at their task they do it magnificently (Eiji Sawamura) (TLN: 人に負けるな、どんな仕事をしても勝て、しかし堂々とだ hard to translate quotes, but the meaning should probably come across) 「A tree
- 11 The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 5 「Fufufufu, welcome back roommate-san. It seems like you had a very entertaining day.」 Yggdrasil said so when I returned to her place. Umu, it certainly was a fun day, but why. . . 「The song from the tw
- 10 The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 4 The next morning after I woke up I headed straight for my new nest. For these several days I was fortunate whenever I met someone. Until now I had added various things to the nest and it would be compl
- 9 The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 3 As I slept, entrusting my back to Yggdrasil, I had a mysterious dream. In the dream, I was a cicada again.I had become a cicada who flew in the sky with its tiny wings, and was diligently looking for t
- 8 The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 2 The morning of the following day had gray clouds totally blocking the sky. Though it didn’t rain, the air was damp with moisture.I told Yggdrasil [I’m leaving] and decided to look for materials for my
- 7 The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 1 広すぎる家では心も離れてしまう (Goethe) (TLN: couldn’t find the original quote)“Hey, it’s the sun” From the azure sky golden light s.h.i.+ned down on my face. The light pierced the clouds like an arrow and without li
- 6 Chapter 3: The lonely dragon wants to mate Part 4 “Geeko geko geko geko” The only one remaining in this place was a huge pink colored frog. Fumuu . . . . . . well, . . . how did this happen? I was looking for a mate and no compromise should be made, . . .
- 5 Chapter 3: The lonely dragon wants to mate Part 3 When the sun rose high in the sky, about ten females had gathered before my eyes. Well, the ten candidates who had gathered for my cause all had different races, because excluding me dragons no longer exis
- 4 Chapter 3: The lonely dragon wants to mate Part 2 Guided by the inevitable fate unexpected encounters happen.Deep inside the cypress forest I met her. A flexible and tight body, proportions like an ancient marble sculpture, the surface of her body s.h.i.+
- 3 Chapter 3: The lonely dragon wants to mate Part 1 O powerful love! that, in some respects, makes a beast a man, in some other, a man a beast. (Shakespeare)The one inexhaustible desire of all living beings, let alone, it was all the more for living beings
- 2 Chapter 2: The dragon learns true kindness Part 1 Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat. (Socrates) The creature called dragon was equal to G.o.d in this world. Claws that split the earth, wings that tore the sky, wisdom that covered the stars. The l
- 1 Chapter 1: The Cicada Flies Away With Dragon Wings As one really lives, lives, lives, one doesn’t know the start of life. As one really dies, dies, dies, one doesn’t know the end or death. (Kuukai)[1]Cleanup by Xant The radiance of its life was shorter th