Remarried Empress Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Remarried Empress novel. A total of 471 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 471
After we chose shiny jewels and the most exquisite silks for the nests, Heinley and McKenna returned
- 271 Chapter 271. Another Heinley Personality (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenAt this rate, Soviesh
- 270 Chapter 270. Another Heinley Personality (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenThe chair was light a
- 269 Chapter 269. Between His Role As Emperor and His Role As Husband (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWar
- 268 Chapter 268. Between His Role As Emperor and His Role As Husband (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWar
- 267 Chapter 267. How Long Will Love Last? (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarren“What’s going through yo
- 266 Chapter 266. How Long Will Love Last? (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenIt was only a small kiss
- 265 Chapter 265. The Possessive Attitude Begins To Appear In Silence (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWar
- 264 Chapter 264. The Possessive Attitude Begins To Appear In Silence (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWar
- 263 Chapter 263. Christa’s Gamble (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenMcKenna was happy because his ma
- 262 Chapter 262. Christa’s Gamble (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenChrista was currently in a diffi
- 261 Chapter 261. Can You Handle It? (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenThe ride on horseback was plea
- 260 Chapter 260. Can You Handle It? (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenHeinley intended to answer, ‘y
- 259 Chapter 259. Queen Only Loves His Body (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenArian, the experienced
- 258 Chapter 258. Queen Only Loves His Body (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenMarquis Karl was report
- 257 Remarried Empress — Chapter 257. Sly (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenMarquis Amares was not cu
- 256 Remarried Empress — Chapter 256. Sly (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenRashta was dumbfounded fo
- 255 Remarried Empress — Chapter 255. Rashta’s Wrath (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenMeanwhile...Ra
- 254 Remarried Empress — Chapter 254. Rashta’s Wrath (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenIn the Eastern
- 253 Chapter 253. Rivetti’s Grand Plan (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarren“I’m back, Father.”Alan look
- 252 Chapter 252. Rivetti’s Grand Plan (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenAt that moment, I felt a sud
- 251 Chapter 251. Coldness (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarren“Duke!”When Rashta entered the room she
- 250 Remarried Empress — Chapter 250. Coldness (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenAs the murmurs grew
- 249 Remarried Empress — Chapter 249. Go At The Same Time (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenJoanson p
- 248 emarried Empress — Chapter 248. Go At The Same Time (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenAfter the
- 247 Chapter 247. A Very Important Question (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenShortly after remarryin
- 246 Chapter 246. A Very Important Question (1)“His Majesty’s guest?”Rashta asked coldly, to which Baron
- 245 Chapter 245. Who Are You? (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenAs I slept, a delicious scent sudden
- 244 Chapter 244. Who Are You? (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenAlan’s eyes widened.“But then—”Visco
- 243 Remarried Empress — Chapter 243. Show His Face (2)Small tea parties and banquets were held for the d
- 242 Chapter 242. Show His Face (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenOn the return trip silence reigned
- 241 Chapter 241. I love you. I love you. I love you (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenThe next day.A
- 240 Chapter 240. I love you. I love you. I love you (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenHis eyelids tr
- 239 Chapter 239. Confessions (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenHeinley appeared at lunchtime, his fa
- 238 Chapter 238. Confessions (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenRashta returned to her room and slamm
- 237 Chapter 237. Two Confused Men (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenHowever, the ladies were deeply
- 236 Chapter 236. Two Confused Men (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenIt certainly crossed the line.Th
- 235 Chapter 235. Healthy (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenAs if he had heard something unexpected,
- 234 Chapter 234. Healthy (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenRashta hurried back to her room.Her heart
- 233 Chapter 233. Wedding Night (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarren“Oh...”In fact, it was just a bedro
- 232 Chapter 232. Wedding Night (1)After the wedding reception, the moment I most dreaded finally arrived
- 231 Chapter 231. The First Empress (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenWe didn’t usually walk hand in
- 230 Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenI composed myself and approached him. However, before I could eve
- 229 Chapter 229. Don’t Even Think About It... (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenChrista was a little
- 228 Chapter 228. Don’t Even Think About It… (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenRashta paced anxiously
- 227 Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarren“Rashta gave those orders?”Sovieshu asked in surprise to hear fro
- 226 Chapter 226. Dinner Between Sovieshu And Heinley (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenDelise couldn
- 225 Chapter 225. Kapmen’s Black Heart (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: SaWarrenKapmen had been so rude that
- 224 Chapter 224. Kapmen’s Black Heart (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeGrand Duke Kapmen replied with
- 223 Chapter 223. Don’t Leave Me (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeThe day after Duke Elgy’s visit, Rash
- 222 Chapter 222. Don’t Leave Me (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeAfter the short tea party. Rashta cal
- 221 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeThere was one person who observed all of this from hidden behind a p
- 220 Chapter 220. Grand Duke Kapmen Hates The Queen (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeAlthough it was am
- 219 Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe“Your Majesty!”Marquis Karl opened his mouth in surprise.Letters sen
- 218 Chapter 218. Kapmen And Heinley (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeI walked toward him with a smile.
- 217 Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe‘Is he bipolar?’Heinley, who had been depressed all morning, spent t
- 216 Chapter 216. Handsome (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeHeinley had been a little strange after we
- 215 Chapter 215. Come Back, Navier (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe‘And she’s still acting as if she’
- 214 Chapter 214. Come Back, Navier (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeRashta became nervous as I approac
- 213 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeThe wedding reception was held in the evening. I took off my plain d
- 212 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeI must definitely not be a good person. I know that many people wish
- 211 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeRather than stepping back, Heinley flatly refused.“I’m sorry. You se
- 210 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeI never imagined that I would one day stay in the Southern Palace re
- 209 Chapter 209. Meeting Sovieshu Again (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeApparently one of the wheels
- 208 Chapter 208. Meeting Sovieshu Again (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: VyQueen blinked his purple eyes.Na
- 207 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeWhen I raised an eyebrow and looked at her in disbelief, Mullaney sp
- 206 Translator: Aura / Editor: VyHeinley’s question left my mind a complete mess.When will I accept him
- 205 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeSovieshu, who had instructed Marquis Karl about the wedding, asked h
- 204 Translator: Aura / Editor: VyThe envoy returned to the imperial palace while Sovieshu was reading re
- 203 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeOnce I accepted the letter and opened it, I saw Sovieshu’s handwriti
- 202 Chapter 202. Kapmen’s Suffering (1)“Uh I see… that’s good,” Christa muttered with a bitter smile upo
- 201 Chapter 201. Repaying Navier’s Kindness (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeDuchess Tuania hugged me
- 200 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeDelise left Rashta’s room with the dirty dishes. On the way, she enc
- 199 Chapter 199. Breaking Point (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeMy heart was overflowing with so much
- 198 Chapter 198. Breaking Point (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeI did not intend to be in such a domi
- 197 Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeIt was a few days after my brother left for the knights’ expedition.
- 196 Chapter 196 – Keep On Adoring Me (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe Even after Viscount Roteschu l
- 195 Chapter 195. Rashta’s Anxiety (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe‘When I told Rashta about the divor
- 194 Chapter 194. Rashta’s Anxiety (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe Heinley stared at me dumbfounded.
- 193 Chapter 193. Knowing The Truth (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeMiss Mastas looked into my eyes an
- 192 Remarried Empress – Chapter 192. Knowing The Truth (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe McKenna rais
- 191 Chapter 191. Wedding Dress (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: MaybeWhile Navier was looking over the desi
- 190 Chapter 190. Wedding Dress (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe“I avoid your conscience.”“What?”Heinl
- 189 Chapter 189. It Was Still Awkward (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: Vy“Why are you two together...?”“We
- 188 Remarried Empress – Chapter 188. It Was Still Awkward (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: Eyljee Although
- 187 Chapter 187. Moving (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: vyWhen Baron Lant visited her, Rashta was conversi
- 186 Remarried Empress – Chapter 186. Moving (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: Eyljee I froze as I stared du
- 185 Chapter 185. Man In The Fountain (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: vy“Who wants to be her lady-in-waitin
- 184 “Come to think of it, since the queen appeared he has become more difficult to find. Perhaps... the
- 183 Remarried Empress – Chapter 183. Navier’s Suspicion (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: vy He was a reall
- 182 Translator: Aura / Editor: vyHeinley complained with a long face.“This isn’t the time, is it?”His be
- 181 Translator: Aura / Editor: vyIt was just like yesterday.When I opened the window, Heinley was standi
- 180 Translator: Aura / Editor: vy“Miss. It’s a serious matter... Don’t take it lightly.”“It’s alright. Y
- 179 Chapter 179. Same Strategy (2)Translator: Aura / Editor: vyAlthough she could refuse the king’s orde
- 178 Same Strategy (1)Translator: Aura / Editor: vy “What else could we do? I’ll do it myself.”“I knew y
- 177 Chapter 177.Translator: Aura / Editor: vy I knew about bouquets of flowers, but a bouquet of jewels
- 176 Translator: Aura / Editor: vyAt the daring remark, Christa glanced at me, puzzled.If she were to cor
- 175 He was blatantly condemning Heinley for personally bringing me over. Even though he seemed to know t
- 174 Heinley: “Oh, right, Queen. You mention you like gold?”Navier: “Hm? Oh, the letter
- 173 Chapter 173 – Awkward Position (2)The woman was supposedly a part of a merchant group who served as
- 172 Chapter 172 – Awkward Position (1)The box looked large, but it didn’t feel that way once I was insid