Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens! Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens! novel. A total of 2027 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 2030: Heavenlys Body
Chapter 2030: Heavenlys Body (4) It was precisely because of the existence of the ancient coffin th
- 1627 Chapter 1628 “Jealousy (3)”“Hmm,” caressing her chin in happy thought, “out of consideration for the
- 1626 Chapter 1627 “Jealousy (2)”This finally made the princess disperse her anger due to the situation cl
- 1625 Chapter 1626 “Jealousy (1)”The following day.Early in the morning light, Di Xiao Wan had been pacing
- 1624 Chapter 1625 “State Teacher and Di Xiao Wan (4)”Di Xiao Wan originally planned to only give a helpin
- 1623 Chapter 1624 “State Teacher and Di Xiao Wan (3)”“Princess, no matter what happens in the future, I w
- 1622 Chapter 1623 “State Teacher and Di Xiao Wan (2)”Princes and princess?Does that mean I have another n
- 1621 Chapter 1622 “State Teacher and Di Xiao Wan (1)”Yun Ruo Xi’s face instantly changed for the worse af
- 1620 Chapter 1621 “Stray Dog (4)” Even up to this point after all that has transpired, Yun Ruo Xi still f
- 1619 Chapter 1620 “Stray Dog (3)” “You…” Keeper Zun shakily points his finger at the woman that’s now com
- 1618 Chapter 1619 “Stray Dog (2)”“I have a storage satchel for you, put anything you like for the queen i
- 1617 Chapter 1618 “Stray Dog (1)”“Yes, I have to leave this place. Little ones, I’m sure we’ll meet again
- 1616 Chapter 1617 “Heartache (7)”Perhaps becoming aware of the insecurity in her daughter’s heart, Bai Ya
- 1615 Chapter 1616 “Heartache (6)”“Disappear from thin air?” Rubbing her chin, Bai Yan’s eyes began to gle
- 1614 Chapter 1615 “Heartache (5)” “Okay,” Dragony obediently nods after being offered a shiny green bead.
- 1613 Chapter 1614 “Heartache (4)” “Dragony?” Initially Bai Yan expected to reenter the Celestial Realm fr
- 1612 Chapter 1613 “Heartache (3)”“Those people killed Mother and Brother Xiachen, those people killed the
- 1611 Chapter 1612 “Heartache (2)”Keeper Ling didn’t relent in his attacks, only increasing in his furor b
- 1610 Chapter 1611 “Heartache (1)”“This is bad!” The leader of the group could no longer keep up the coura
- 1609 Chapter 1610 “Madness (3)”While the twins were busy enjoying themselves here on this serene mountain
- 1608 Chapter 1609 “Madness (2)” Inside a city located not far away from the Celestial Palace, countless p
- 1607 Chapter 1608 “Madness (1)”Celestial Realm.While a constant threat looms about under this vast starry
- 1606 Chapter 1607 “It’s Been So Long Black Turtle (4)”“……” Bai Xiachen’s grievances almost flooded into a
- 1605 Chapter 1606 “It’s Been So Long Black Turtle (3)”But this time, he really didn’t want to let her go…
- 1604 Chapter 1605 “It’s Been So Long Black Turtle (2)”Bai Xiachen’s momentary daze outside the yard laste
- 1603 Chapter 1604 “It’s Been So Long Black Turtle (1)”Due to not wanting to leave yet, the bunch that cam
- 1602 Chapter 1603 “Di Cang’s Decision (4)”And sure enough, the twitching mouth reaction from the master o
- 1601 Unlike the others in this clan, only the master and madam of this household knows about Di Cang’s se
- 1600 “Sister Bai Yan,” seeing the boy’s aggrieved expression, Bai Yi Yi just couldn’t help but step in to
- 1599 Chapter 1600 “Di Cang’s Decision (1)”Bai Yan’s face instantly got darker than a blackhole. Without d
- 1598 Chapter 1599 “Perverted Dog (8)”What did those people do to make the young lord so mad? Experience a
- 1597 Chapter 1598 “Perverted Dog (7)”“Really?” Bai Xiachen’s face suddenly lit up, “That’s wonderful then
- 1596 Chapter 1597 “Perverted Dog (6)”“As for these remaining people…” Bai Yan lightly smiled at those who
- 1595 “Di Cang, I want to go back now.” Throwing her head against the demon king’s chest, the woman hersel
- 1594 In reply to that sarcastic comment, Tian Furen only felt fear while her old man Tian Wind wanted to
- 1593 Chai Moon knew her daughter would hold a grudge for her judgement, but not to hate her to this extre
- 1592 Chapter 1593 “Perverted Dog (2)”Bai Yan just said… Fei Fei can only be saved by abolishing her stren
- 1591 Chapter 1592 “Perverted Dog (1)”Chai Moon’s despair had made her give up on trying to struggle by th
- 1590 Chapter 1591 “Wen Shan’s Mental Breakdown (3)”“Sir, of course Chai Moon wouldn’t ask you for anythin
- 1589 Chapter 1590 “Wen Shan’s Mental Breakdown (2)”What the hell is going on here? Who was the man who br
- 1588 Chapter 1589 “Wen Shan’s Mental Breakdown (1)”“Sister Bai Yan…” Bai Yi Yi looks a little flustered a
- 1587 Chapter 1588 “Di Cang’s Anger (4)”Why?From small to old, all the good things are taken by this Bai Y
- 1586 Chapter 1587 “Di Cang’s Anger (3)”“That matter can be kept to another time,” Di Cang slowly comes be
- 1585 Chapter 1586 “Di Cang’s Anger (2)”Bai Yan naturally knew what Wen Shan wanted in that look, however,
- 1584 Chapter 1585 “Di Cang’s Anger (1)”The man’s wording was cold, ruthless, and bone chilling like the d
- 1583 Chapter 1584 “Breathtaking Di Cang (6)”He…. he’s planning to die with his wife? Why? Does he not car
- 1582 Chapter 1583 “Breathtaking Di Cang (5)”Wen Shan’s instantly flew into a raging shout, “I am your gra
- 1581 Chapter 1582 “Breathtaking Di Cang (4)”Bai Ran appears taken aback after hearing there’s more: “Yan
- 1580 Chapter 1581 “Breathtaking Di Cang (3)”Bai Xiachen may have come only few a day ago, but even he kno
- 1579 Chapter 1580 “Breathtaking Di Cang (2)”Originally the stares coming Bai Yan’s way before were that o
- 1578 Chapter 1579 “Breathtaking Di Cang (1)”“Little Young Master…” Tian Wind appears tied in his expressi
- 1577 Chapter 1578 “Ridiculous Thought (4)”“Di Cang’s dog? Next time I see him, I’ll have to teach that pu
- 1576 Chapter 1577 “Ridiculous Thought (3)”“Yan Yan,” Ling Lang sounded a little anxious after that remark
- 1575 Chapter 1576 “Ridiculous Thought (2)”However……It would not be until Ling Lang becomes an immortal at
- 1574 Chapter 1575 “Ridiculous Thought (1)”“Dad!” Wen Fei Fei finally flew into a panic. Reaching to catch
- 1573 Chapter 1574 “The Wen Clan’s Intrusion (5)”Chai Moon is such a gentle and clever woman, why is this
- 1572 Chapter 1573 “The Wen Clan’s Intrusion (4)”Wah!The crowd instantly flew into an uproar over this sho
- 1571 Chapter 1572 “The Wen Clan’s Intrusion (3)”Gripping the bottom of her skirt, Bai Yi Yi felt tied ins
- 1570 Chapter 1571 “The Wen Clan’s Intrusion (2)”Bai Yan contemplated the idea before nodding slightly to
- 1569 Chapter 1570 “The Wen Clan’s Intrusion (1)”Ling Kaiyuan had already gotten someone to value this jad
- 1568 Chapter 1569 “General Ling Kaiyuan’s Birthday (8)”“Yan Yan sure have grown compared to her old child
- 1567 Chapter 1568 “General Ling Kaiyuan’s Birthday (7)”“Can you take her with us? I don’t want to see you
- 1566 Chapter 1567 “General Ling Kaiyuan’s Birthday (6)”Bai Xiachen has never been shy since he was born a
- 1565 Chapter 1566 “General Ling Kaiyuan’s Birthday (5)”“If you don’t come along then I’ll leave you in th
- 1564 Chapter 1565 “General Ling Kaiyuan’s Birthday (4)”But who would really care for a middle-aged man an
- 1563 Chapter 1564 “General Ling Kaiyuan’s Birthday (3)”That said about the past, Di Cang also knows the f
- 1562 Chapter 1563 “General Ling Kaiyuan’s Birthday (2)” If anyone else were to be present then they would
- 1561 Chapter 1562 “General Ling Kaiyuan’s Birthday (1)” “Husband, these Dan pills…” Bai Ran moves her mou
- 1560 Chapter 1561“Bai Xiachen’s present (5)” “Mom, I understand, I will not let my cousin and nephew down
- 1559 Chapter 1560“Bai Xiachen’s present (4)” “Dad, if I was an animal then what would you be?” Ling Lang
- 1558 Chapter 1559 “Bai Xiachen’s present (3)”Bai Ran hurried to wink at her own boy to stop before angeri
- 1557 Chapter 1558“Bai Xiachen’s present (2)”Bai Ran could no longer keep her eyes from forming a curve af
- 1556 Chapter 1557 “ Bai Xiachen’s present (1) ” “Ran Ran.” Running into the main living room of the Ling
- 1555 Chapter 1556 “Heart Warming Bai Xiachen (6)” Bai Yan did not make any friends in the previous life o
- 1554 Chapter 1555 “Heart Warming Bai Xiachen (5)”“Eight years ago? Why is that?” Bai Yan pricks her brow
- 1553 Chapter 1554 “Heart Warming Bai Xiachen (4)”This time Ling Lang did not think too much about the rem
- 1552 Chapter 1553 “Heart Warming Bai Xiachen (3)”It’s so nice to have a son around, I can’t lose him anym
- 1551 Chapter 1552 “Heart Warming Bai Xiachen (2)” “Will Mother favor other people’s child beside me since
- 1550 Chapter 1551 “Heart Warming Bai Xiachen (1)”Wen Shan’s face appeared very embarrassed. Although he’s
- 1549 Chapter 1550 “Wen Shan Gets Clobbered (3)”Through all of this while Ling Lang beat the heck out of W
- 1548 Chapter 1549 “Wen Shan Gets Clobbered (2)”“Mom!” Ling Lang had just walked down the stairs from the
- 1547 Chapter 1548 “Wen Shan Get’s Clobbered (1)”Living room of the Ling household.Bai Ran’s expression wa
- 1546 Chapter 1547 “The Wen Clan’s Here (6)”Ling Lang didn’t need much effort to locate the proper webpage
- 1545 Chapter 1546 “The Wen Clan’s Here (5)”Truth was Wen Fei Fei lied. When the foul wench went to the ho
- 1544 Chapter 1545 “The Wen Clan’s Here (4)”If at first Yue Snowing still had the same idea as her husband
- 1543 Chapter 1544 “The Wen Clan’s Here (3)”“Husband, what happened over at the hotel? Why did my older br
- 1542 Chapter 1543 “The Wen Clan’s Here (2)”“Furen!” Tian Wind quickly grabs hold of his daughter’s arm an
- 1541 Chapter 1542 “The Wen Clan’s Here (1)”“Little Young Master, this matter, it’s not that I can’t say….
- 1540 Chapter 1541 “The Sensational Stir of Bai Xiachen’s Entry (6)”“She… doesn’t seem to want to meet me
- 1539 Chapter 1540 “The Sensational Stir of Bai Xiachen’s Entry (5)”Grinning along his cute little face: “
- 1538 Chapter 1539 “The Sensational Stir of Bai Xiachen’s Entry (4)”Since Bai Xiachen followed his mother
- 1537 Chapter 1538 “The Sensational Stir of Bai Xiachen’s Entry (3)”“Big Bear, why does this thing open th
- 1536 Chapter 1537 “The Sensational Stir of Bai Xiachen’s Entry (2)” Biting her lip in a tied manner: “Hus
- 1535 Chapter 1536 “The Sensational Stir of Bai Xiachen’s Entry (1)” Airport.Coming out of the terminal wa
- 1534 Chapter 1535 “Saving a Loli (4)”“I wanted to avenge my mother, that’s why I left the family, but I’m
- 1533 Chapter 1534 “Saving a Loli (3)”The Ling family’s estate was located in the military district reserv
- 1532 Chapter 1533 “Saving a Loli (2)”Infuriated and in the heat of the moment Ling Lang didn’t think much
- 1531 Chapter 1532 “Saving a Loli (1)”Bai Yan soon left the hotel after confirming Bai Yi Yi’s wellbeing.
- 1530 Chapter 1531 “Bai Yi Yi’s Recovery (4)”Taken aback by the gift in her hand, Bai Yi Yi nearly drops i
- 1529 Chapter 1530 “Bai Yi Yi’s Recovery (3)”“Brother Shan!” Chai Moon wept uncontrollably and started to
- 1528 Chapter 1529 “Bai Yi Yi’s Recovery (2)”Not needing to wait for long, Wen Fei Fei soon felt a surge o