Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~ Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~ novel. A total of 387 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 386
Children, the Guide 2After eating dinner, we resumed the capture of the dungeon, and at the sixth fl
- 1 Tree, tree, tree…Turning around 360 degrees, there are thick trees growing everywhere I look . A lon
- 2 「I am terribly sorry!」Who are you?An unknown silver-haired youth is suddenly prostrating in front of
- 3 『Ah, I’m sorry . I have killed you by mistake』Unexpected murder report . It seems I have been someho
- 4 ――And I return to the beginning.“Umm... ‘Open’.”First, in order to confirm the situation, I open the
- 5 As expected, those two don’t have names . Therefore――「Yosh, I decided! You are Allen . And you are E
- 6 The overall dark forest became even darker . Seems like the sun went down . That being the case, I d
- 7 We were able to safely pass through the Gaya Forest!We have encountered many monsters, but I honestl
- 8 The destination is a Shrine . It’s roughly in the center of the town . It’s a white, stone building
- 9 Good morning. Sleeping in the bed is indeed nice.I have children on both of my sides so I can’t real
- 10 When I wake up in the morning, Allen and Elena were already up . They are clinging on both of my sid
- 11 “Why are brats in here!.”A loud voice echoes around the Guild.That voice gathers the attention of th
- 12 「Rather than that, Takumi-san! You went into the Gaya Forest?」「Eh?」「What’s going on!!」「… Yes . There
- 13 Few days after Allen and Elena KO’ed the bald adventurer.At present, we do Requests for two days and
- 14 Proceeding in the directions Allen and Elena have picked, we quickly found stairs leading below . Lo
- 15 “”Picked up~””Allen and Elena collect drop items and run up to me with their small hands full.They s
- 16 We have advanced smoothly through 8~10 floors with few short breaks.The number of people coming in a
- 17 Good morning . Today is the third day since we entered the dungeon . We have crisply advanced throug
- 18 Fourth day in the dungeon . We advanced through the 15th floor’s complex design smoothly and arrived
- 19 It was just about noon when we got out of the dungeon . We ate lunch in front of the dungeon and set
- 20 After entering the town, we went straight to the temple first . Of course, it’s to talk with Syl . (
- 21 The next day, we left through the south gate and arrived at a prairie . Because we came without visi
- 22 Allen and Elena are showing off their pendants to Joule and the others . They seem to be quite pleas
- 23 “Gaya Forest” monster subjugation request.The objective is thinning out the monsters and investigati
- 24 “”Defeated~!””Allen and Elena return as if nothing has happened. While drawing the defeated Red Wolf
- 25 “Allen, Elena. Come! It’s time for a break.”“”Ye~s””I call over the two children who are running all
- 26 “Buhiiiiiii~”After the unexpected break, a group consisting of six Orcs and one High Orc has appeare
- 27 When the sun begins to go down, we arrived at the camping point.I wanted to prepare a meal, but it s
- 28 “Captain! That!”The second day of the expedition advanced smoothly. We are a little ahead of schedul
- 29 “”Onii~chan!””The two children jump at me more enthusiastic than usual.I was a little surprised, but
- 30 “Sha――――――!!”Evil Viper jumps down from the tree with its mouth open wide.“””Whao―――――!!”””It swoops
- 31 「How powerful magic can you use……」「Hahaha~」Rudolph-san who promptly came to his senses says tiredly
- 32 A day after returning from the expedition, we were leisurely spending time in the inn’s room . There
- 33 “Takumi-san!”We visit the Adventurer’s Guild today. It’s to complete the procedures required for us
- 34 I’m sorry, I lost it a bit…… Ah, right, right . Takumi-san, the Head of the Woodworking Department o
- 35 The name of the noble who is applying pressure on Road-san is a baron from Guardia called Gilbert .
- 36 “Alen, Elena. Good morning.”“”.........””Since yesterday, Allen and Elena would never move away from
- 37 I have accompanied Derrick-sama and Risner-sama to the『Gold Wheat’s Shop』.Callan-sama stayed back to
- 38 「With this, we can go on a journey without any worries」「What!?」「Haa!?」「N?」「Oh?」In order, Derrick-sam
- 39 Because we are not traveling in a hurry, I have decided to go in the Gaya Forest to exercise.Unlike
- 40 “...... You are?”“I’m Mirena of the mermaid tribe.”“......!”Seriously!? A mermaid she says!!When I a
- 41 “Allen, Elena, you alright~?”“”Al~right””“Don’t get too far away, okay?”“”Ye~s””Although unfamiliar
- 42 The atmosphere in the Blue Waters Shrine overflows with “harmony.”Magic tools shaped as lanterns are
- 43 In the end, I have decided to accept the various items in the cave that were presented to me as a re
- 44 What appeared looks like a multi-floor building or a tower...... No, is Leviathan a dragon?――Ha, jus
- 45 “My best regards from now on, Kaiser.”(Umu.)With this, Kaiser has more or less become my Contracted
- 46 After parting ways with Kaiser, we have returned to the Blue Waters Shrine . And in the next morning
- 47 After finishing our lunch, we immediately start with the capture of the first floor.“Light.”When I t
- 48 CHAPTER 47 – DUNGEON OF RIPPLES・CAPTURE 2When the dawn breaks, we have a light breakfast and resume
- 49 After hunting Water Lizards to our heart’s content, we have decided to suspend the capture and take
- 50 After successfully capturing the tenth floor, we have returned to the hall on the first floor where
- 51 After the meal, we have looked around the stalls in the morning market.Anyhow, there are many marine
- 52 “Ah, that’s right. Boss, is it also possible to order protective gear made with self-brought materia
- 53 (Hello, Takumi-san. You seem well.)We came across a temple while strolling around the town, so I dec
- 54 「「Ukyaa~」」『Wafu~』『Gau~』The next day after arriving in the town of Bailey . I brought Allen and Elena
- 55 I heard an electric sound just like when Feat and Bolt came, a big animal appeared in my field of vi
- 56 This happened a few days after arriving at the town of Shirin . ◆ ◆ ◆「Excuse me」「Ou, welcome」「I hear
- 57 “”Itadakima~su.””“Kyan.” “Na~” “Pii.” “Garu.”Allen and Elena began eating the onigiri and soup slowl
- 58 When we returned to the town from the sea, we made our way to the Adventurer’s Guild.In order to lea
- 59 “Are you the cause of the ruckus?”The guild master clearly said that while looking at me.Well, I’m c
- 60 The next day.After eating breakfast in the dining room of the inn, we were relaxing in the room.Then
- 61 「Yeah . Gilliam-dono, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting」「No . I didn’t know that Count-sama and Tak
- 62 When we move to the dining room, Cedric-san’s family was already waiting there . 「This is my wife Ol
- 63 After the unexpected passionate slime jelly talk――「Oh yeah, Takumi-san . Please stay at our mansion
- 64 「It looks like Isaac’s hating to lose and immediately becoming irritated is still the same~ Although
- 65 The largest or second largest commercial company in the Guardia country?Fiji Company.It’s a company
- 66 「Cedric-san, do you know of Dietlinde?」「Dietlinde, is it? …… If I’m not mistaken, I heard such name
- 67 By becoming acquaintanced with the Fiji Company, I was able to find spices I have not yet obtained.
- 68 And, at dinner time――「Yeah . This dish has a really nice fragrance, after all」It’s us, Cedric-san, T
- 69 After the meal, we decided to move to the lounge and chat with Theodore-kun and Latis-kun.Incidental
- 70 We have left from Bailey early in the morning and arrived at a certain mountain after a half day of
- 71 According to what I heard from the bandit I have caught, there are less than ten of companions in th
- 72 After seeing Joule off, I decided to distribute emergency food to the people who were held as prison
- 73 “Umm......”Ricardo-san has properly seen my contracted beasts.Moreover, didn’t he completely saw thr
- 74 It was several minutes later that Cedric-san regained his motions. I heard him quietly mutter “It’s
- 75 「Hello~」「Ou, it’s were, huh . I was waiting for you」Today, we are visiting the blacksmith which we v
- 76 We who left the blacksmith searched for a furniture store with the thoughts of buying a bed and a ta
- 77 As we had quite a lot of rest, we arrived at the beach near a certain dungeon, thinking to reopen th
- 78 “Rather than that, wouldn’t it be better to get dry quickly?”“Y, yeah.”When I said so, Gray-san and
- 79 「Morning」「「Morning~」」We have plenty of sleep, so we will start with the capture of the thirteenth fl
- 80 After resting between the sixteenth and seventeenth floor, we are currently advancing through the se
- 81 We cautiously slipped through the trap covered the eighteenth floor and safely arrived at the ninete
- 82 「Good morning」「「Morning~」」「Now then, what would you like for breakfast?」「「Furench Toast~」」「Allen and
- 83 Because the alligator meat from yesterday was far easier to eat and more delicious than I thought, b
- 84 「Fa……」《Oniichan, morning~》「「Ah」」「Gufu!」Waking up from a short sleep, I heard Joule’s, Allen’s, and E
- 85 Today, we are capturing the twenty-eighth floor. Including this, there are three more floors in the
- 86 “Alright, this floor is the last one~”“”Last one~””(Where is the boss I wonder~)(Maybe that way~?)We
- 87 「Yo~ Takumi!」「Long time no see . It has been a month and a half wasn’t it, Takumi-san」「Ehhhh-!?」When
- 88 “Uncle~ I’m entering~?”After making a determination to go to the capital and just deciding on the ho
- 89 We were joined by Wald-sama and Isaac-san on that day’s dinner, it was very lively.For dinner, we ha
- 90 「Good morning」「Ou, morning, Takumi . You don’t seem to be hungover」「Yes, I’m fine」I drank quite a lo
- 91 The horseback riding practice was over by this morning. Isaac-san told me that it would be better to
- 92 When we returned to the Risner mansion after safely registering at the Merchant’s Guild, I went to t
- 93 Thinking of visiting the Mermaid Village――the Blue Waters Shrine before departing from Bailey in ord
- 94 Mirena-san took over the role to guide me to the place where the crimson luminous moss grows.There a
- 95 Once our preparations for travel were done, we have said farewell to everyone in the Risner House we
- 96 “Takumi, we will take a break there.”“Okay, I understand.”The second day after leaving Bailey. We ha
- 97 「「Ah」」「N? What’s the matter?」「「It became red~」」「Eh……?」When Allen and Elena safely returned to the gr
- 98 A few hours later, Feat and Vector returned.((We are back~))Together with Feat’s voice, I heard a mi
- 99 We have arrived at Alveil, a town between Bailey and the Capital . Tonight, we will spend the night
- 100 「Ah, aren’t you Oniisan from that time!」When I looked where Allen and Elena were pointing, a familia