Law of the Devil Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Law of the Devil novel. A total of 572 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 391.2: Part 2
And “military affairs are controlled by the General of the Northwest Theater”… These words made peop
- 72 No matter from any point of view, Hussein is definitely not a good companion to be traveling with.Du
- 71 The old man’s voice trembled with emotion, even his white beard was gently shaking.Du-Wei had a sudd
- 70 Chapter 69: Chrono TriggerThis was a very unfair battle. Hussein looked around quickly, but he could
- 69 Chapter 68: Battle Between Magic and SwordThis guy ignored Dardanelle and suddenly used his three fi
- 68 MelodramaticDuwei flipped the next few pages of the diary, but, near the end, the pages were stained
- 67 Chapter 66: The Strongest Knight on the Continent“Look…in the diary, he mentioned Marquise Lister.”D
- 66 Gift from the Holy KnightDardanelle didn’t even seem to care about that; he just crouched down and c
- 65 Chapter 64: Charnel on the Snow“Okay, first is the ‘Magic Lake Monster’. It used magic to make all t
- 64 Chapter 63: Semel’s Appearance“!!” Duwei yelled and pushed down the mercenary next to him. He then t
- 63 Chapter 62: Big Circle Lake MurderThe night on the lakeside was extremely cold. There were trees blo
- 62 Chapter 61: Semel’s PresageBayer died quickly. His body was already turning black. His eyes were enl
- 61 Chapter 60: Big Circle LakeDuwei had been staying with the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group for five days.D
- 60 Chapter 59: The Fate of the AdventurersThe campsite of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group was above stand
- 59 Chapter 58: Snow Wolf Mercenary GroupLooking at this little magician using the bottle to collect the
- 58 Chapter 57: The Richest Widow in the EmpireDuwei thought for a while.Duwei had heard of The Marquise
- 57 Chapter 56: The Zombie Monster & Golden Eyed PythonThe man running at the front almost crashed into
- 56 Law of the Devil Chapter 55: Frozen Forest, The Monster World IIThe sky was getting dark, and the sl
- 55 Chapter 54: Frozen Forest, the Monster WorldThe thing that made Duwei confused was that the old magi
- 54 Chapter 53: Vivian’s Teacher“Right, I am.”Then, as the old magician slightly crooked his finger, Duw
- 53 Chapter 52 Visit of the Magic TeacherMard was staying in his room for two days after the flying tria
- 52 Chapter 51: Mard Is FlyingBasically, Duwei had passed the Soccer Gambling business to Mard…although
- 51 Chapter 50 : Playing BigActually, in this amazing magical world, magic was very complicated. To be a
- 50 Chapter 49: Becoming SturdyMost of the soldiers immediately supported this suggestion!Being a soldie
- 49 Chapter 48: Gambling with the ArmyIn the afternoon, Duwei went to the barrack next to the castle. Th
- 48 Chapter 47: Treasures in the Secret RoomHe obtained sulphur accidentally, but how useful was it in t
- 47 Chapter 46 The Fire element of SolskjaerThe next morning, the sun was rising and Duwei was enjoying
- 46 Chapter 45 – The Unusual SaimelDuwei did have his suspicions, he had imagined something was sealed i
- 45 chapter 44: A Figure Comes Out of the Oil PaintingNot wanting to be dressed by his servants, Duwei s
- 44 Chapter 43 Goodbye KissDuwei was a little bit sad thinking about parting with little Vivian.That inn
- 43 Chapter 42 – Duwei’s Plan to WealthVery soon, the Black Pearl would arrive at the nearest port while
- 42 Chapter 41: Captain Jack SparrowWhilst Duwei seized the Captain Rooms, the two female magicians did
- 41 Chapter 40: Duwei’s First FleetThe pirates on the boat could also see the three people on the raft.
- 40 Chapter 39: Bless of GodShot!Goal in!Inter Milan leads AC Milan by 2-1!Great Grosso, he succeeded th
- 39 Chapter 38 “Heart of a king”“Aragon Roland drifted here on a wrecked boat. It was a pity that his bo
- 38 A devil’s servant?!If there is a man who suddenly come to you and say that he is a devil’s servant,
- 37 The skin of this hand was inordinately dry and old, just like a skeletal hand covered with a layer o
- 36 Chapter 35: Open SesameWhen Duwei woke up, he felt that his head was lying on something soft, his bo
- 35 Chapter 34 : [Leaving the Magical Island]“What? You mean we made a raft to leave here?” Joanna frown
- 34 Law of the Devil Chapter 33 : The World Of Three PeopleThe news brought by the Snow Beauty had turne
- 33 Law of the Devil Chapter 32: Monster!!Truly, the person Duwei took back was the cold snow beauty, in
- 32 Duwei and Vivian ran toward the woods where the dragon slept, but only to find that in the other end
- 31 Law of the Devil Chapter 30 : Roar in the IslandThe fire had already quenched somehow when Duwei wok
- 30 Law of the Devil Chapter 29: Night of RomanceWhen Sun was about to set, Duwei’s search finally bore
- 29 I am the Third Translator picking up this series, some of the names can be Different from A013’s and
- 28 Law Of The Devil Chapter 27 【Don’t work anymore】When Duwei woke up, he felt his neck almost broken.
- 27 Chapter 26: The Scary Outside WorldOne of the great emperors of the Roland Empire once said:“Imperia
- 26 CHAPTER 25: SISTER’S BATTLE (BEGINNING)The tremendous upheaval made everyone afraid!Fortunately, ins
- 25 Chapter 24 – Vivian’s SisterVivian couldn’t find anything else, she looked at Duwei with extremely p
- 24 Chapter 023 – Pitiful Vivian YoungA magician, an eighth ranked archmage, an apparently at most no mo
- 23 Chapter 022 – Terror Illusion GoblinThis was really a bizarre scene.Duwei just stood there with terr
- 22 Chapter 021 – Moon Clan’s Secret Technique“Keep in formation! Don’t panic! Don’t panic!” Roberts imp
- 21 Chapter 020 – Half Horn City’s Magic Beast IncidentThorskei’s laboratory was in the south because he
- 20 Chapter 019 – Beginning! The Devil’s Road!Genius!This fellow was absolutely a genius in magic resear
- 19 Chapter 018 – A Different PathOutside the castle dungeon Duwei saw his first subordinate female knig
- 18 017 – Three Hundred Gold CoinsAt dawn, the old butler Hill personally arrived at the study with the
- 17 016 – Intractable Problem“The celestial bodies in the night sky, the positions of the stars, the bou
- 16 Chapter 15 - The Mightiest Female Astrologertranslated by A013Duwei picked up a candle, thought for
- 15 Chapter 14 - The Treasure In The Study Itranslated by A013In this old castle during the night, and i
- 14 Chapter 13 - The Mysterious Events Of The Rawling Ancestral Residencetranslated by A013The Roland fa
- 13 Chapter 12 - Legendary Clantranslated by A013Duwei’s group continued to move on. Obviously the addit
- 12 Chapter 11 - The Devil Knightstranslated by A013Relin didn’t went too far that night. She wandered a
- 11 Chapter 10 - Who Knows!translated by A013Relin bit her lips and continued acting. She said in a soft
- 10 Chapter 9 - Rolynn’s Seduction Plantranslated by A013The magician’s stubbornness was more than he ha
- 9 Chapter 8 - Instant Castingtranslated by A013“Oh, right.” Duwei nodded then laughed. “Then find her
- 8 Chapter 7 - Long Legged Hot Chicktranslated by A013All the men were staring at this girl. One drunk
- 7 Chapter 6 - Restless Hearttranslated by A013In this evening, a fancy horse drawn carriage slowly rod
- 6 Chapter 5 - Poison Mastertranslated by A013Continuous disappointments struck the Earl. Then he start
- 5 Chapter 4 - Magic Retardtranslated by A013Clark was satisfied with the child’s reaction. He took a l
- 4 Chapter 3 - The Way of Magictranslated by A013Rumors spread throughout the imperial city. The retard
- 3 Chapter 2 - Won’t Talk, Can’t Fighttranslated by A013The day of triumphant return.The imperial capit
- 2 Chapter 1 - Retardtranslated by A013When Duwei Roland was just born, no one dared to call him retard
- 1 Chapter 0 – The Earl’s SonAs we look back upon history, we will often find that under the surging cu