The Emperor and the Knightess Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Emperor and the Knightess novel. A total of 362 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 362
Chapter 362Poliana’s answer was always the same.Not at all.This was just her opinion and not Gerald’
- 362 Chapter 362Poliana’s answer was always the same.Not at all.This was just her opinion and not Gerald’
- 361 Chapter 361After a productive workday, Poliana returned home and was greeted by two children.“Poli~!
- 360 EpilogueChapter 360In the capital city Yapa’s royal castle, the innermost area was where the emperor
- 359 Chapter 359Poliana became confused. She felt surreal. Everyone, including the emperor, was smiling a
- 358 Chapter 358The hill Sir Donau pointed at was on the outside of the Sitrin’s boundary. Sir Donau said
- 357 Chapter 357After the two couples and their children left, Poliana felt a little lonely. The villa se
- 356 Chapter 356After she returned to Sitrin, Poliana remained in the villa because the existence of Gera
- 355 Story 23: The emperor and the knightessChapter 355Sir Ainno could see in Lucius the First the same b
- 354 Chapter 354The harsh winter was going to follow Poliana forever. There will be plenty of snow and ha
- 353 Chapter 353For example, Poliana could not give up Lucius the First. She also could not give up power
- 352 Chapter 352The former empress’s wedding was pretty, but it was too small for Poliana’s finger. This
- 351 The letter Rebecca sent to Poliana contained slightly different messages than those sent to Tory and
- 350 Chapter 350Everyone welcomed Poliana’s and the emperor’s union. There were some who believed it was
- 349 Chapter 349Poliana couldn’t accept this situation. It was too unfair. It was true that the emperor a
- 348 Chapter 348The next day, Lucius the First woke up before Poliana this time.The emperor didn’t get mu
- 347 Chapter 347If the emperor left her alone, Poliana’s reflexes would’ve kicked in and she would’ve bee
- 346 Chapter 346“Then you should’ve explained it better. Let’s be honest here. If a man offers to feed an
- 345 Chapter 345Lady Siming tried to make Poliana feel better, “Marquess Winter, you may be unmarried yet
- 344 Chapter 344Lady Siming asked Poliana, “See, Marquess? This is your favorite color, right? The access
- 343 Chapter 343“Marquess, please breathe normally.”Even though Lady Siming told Poliana she could stand
- 342 Chapter 342Poliana frowned. The deep wrinkles on her forehead made her look mature and regal. Last n
- 341 Chapter 341That day, when Poliana returned home, she found a gift that was sent from the royal castl
- 340 Chapter 340As soon as her lips touched his, Lucius the First’s eyes widened. Poliana’s eyes, however
- 339 Chapter 339What Poliana didn’t know was the fact that Lucius the First asked the gardener previously
- 338 Chapter 338The reason why Poliana knew many flower names was because she had a keen interest in geog
- 337 Chapter 337Lucius the First has always been a generous emperor, especially to those close to him. He
- 336 Chapter 336Poliana agreed to have lunch with Lucius the First again. She thought about refusing the
- 335 Chapter 335Lucius the First said to Poliana, “I said, you’re finally walking at the same pace as me.
- 334 Chapter 334Yesterday, the emperor went to sleep early. As soon as he woke up this morning, he did no
- 333 Chapter 333Just as she promised, Poliana visited Princes Luminae again, but as soon as she walked in
- 332 Chapter 332What Poliana experienced seemed strange. The word “embarrassment” didn’t quite explain it
- 331 Chapter 331Lucius the First brought up the subject of their firstborn. A child this young grew so mu
- 330 Chapter 330Lucius the First’s beauty had always been Poliana’s pride and joy… until he began to sedu
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- 327 Chapter 326Even after leaving Tory’s room, Poliana couldn’t stop thinking about their conversation.
- 326 Chapter 327The emperor refused to take his eyes off of the mirror. Inside, a man of perfect beauty w
- 325 Chapter 325Many ladies in the past told Poliana that she should find a man who could satisfy everyon
- 324 Chapter 324In a way, Tory was probably having a tougher time than Poliana lately. Poliana climbed up
- 323 Chapter 323On her way to Yapa, Poliana never once worried about Gerald, but she did feel a little gu
- 322 Chapter 322There was no one in Yapa who could make a fuss about her outfit to her face. Well, perhap
- 321 Chapter 321Poliana stretched her body in her bedroom. After dinner, she exercised lightly, and she f
- 320 Chapter 320Poliana asked, “Your highness, do you really… Do you really mean what you said?”“The mome
- 319 Chapter 319Poliana couldn’t think at all. It was obvious that Lucius the First’s beauty could be use
- 318 Chapter 318Poliana asked Master Chail, “His highness must be very busy with work, then?”“He will be
- 317 Chapter 316“It’s actually a very common scenario, Mistress.”When the butler explained, Poliana sighe
- 316 Chapter 317The noblemen of Yapa were concerned; they were more worried about the emperor’s marriage
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- 314 Chapter 314Poliana’s face crumpled into an ugly frown. She has never been a reader of a romantic nov
- 313 Story 22. HappinessChapter 313When Poliana announced her travel plan to Yapa, the head of the Sitrin
- 312 Chapter 312Sir Donau’s words shocked Poliana. She had never thought about her situation this way. Sh
- 311 Chapter 311It was okay if everyone thought she looked unhappy as long as Poliana herself felt happy.
- 310 Chapter 310Poliana nodded. “Yes, exactly.”Sir Donau suddenly stood up and left the room without a wo
- 309 Chapter 309Poliana became frustrated with Sir Donau’s argument. She had a good reason for believing
- 308 Chapter 308“Here’s my plan, Donau. His highness and I get married to make Gerald his legitimate son,
- 307
- 306 Chapter 306Sir Donau leisurely enjoyed the wonderful hot spring of Sitrin. Based on Poliana’s attitu
- 305 Story 21. Tardy BrotherChapter 305Poliana tried her best to accept her inevitable future as the empr
- 304 Chapter 304Lucius the First would’ve loved to take Poliana and Gerald and return to Yapa immediately
- 303 Chapter 303Noble ladies did not raise their own children, however, this didn’t mean they could be co
- 302 Chapter 302The next day, Lucius the First and Poliana sat down at the table and ate breakfast togeth
- 301 Chapter 301As soon as he heard that the meeting between Lucius the First and Poliana was over, Sir A
- 300 Chapter 300Those working for Poliana in the country house could not hide their anxiety as if they we
- 299 Chapter 299“Like I said earlier, your highness, I am desperate to keep my power. If I raise the prin
- 298 Chapter 298Falling in love was all about the right timing. If the person standing behind Lucius the
- 297 Chapter 297“Having a baby is an extreme ordeal. To do that all by yourself without a family around y
- 296 Chapter 296“Pol! Calm down! What happened? Whatever you did, I will forgive you!”Lucius the First, w
- 295 Chapter 295What Poliana didn’t realize was the fact that by the time she visited Princess Luminae fo
- 294 Chapter 294Poliana was overwhelmed with worries. She gritted her teeth and glared at her son.‘Why di
- 293 Chapter 293Poliana was a very healthy woman who worked out regularly all her life, but having a baby
- 292 Chapter 292Poliana heard that many pregnant women dream frequently as they got closer to their due d
- 291 Chapter 291Lucius the First shivered in fear.‘What if Pol never comes back? What will I do?’Poliana
- 290 Chapter 290An unwanted and unexpected guest arrived at Sitrin, making all the local officials anxiou
- 289 Chapter 289Lucius the First, the father of Poliana’s unborn baby, was disappointed to see the royal
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- 287 Chapter 287Those working for Poliana in the Sitrin castle were anxious ever since they heard the new
- 286 Chapter 286Their mistress, Marquess Winter, had the worst taste in food ever. At this rate, the Sitr
- 285 Chapter 285Poliana owned many lands.How many pieces of land were considered many? There was no speci
- 284 Chapter 284Poliana, who has been looking hesitant and uncertain, suddenly straightened up. There was
- 283 Chapter 283Once a woman was pregnant, everything in her life changed to accommodate the baby. She wa
- 282 Chapter 282Poliana couldn’t imagine how the emperor would react. Maybe her confession would create a
- 281 Chapter 281That’s right! Exactly! Poliana grinned widely.‘Why didn’t I think of this earlier?’Midwiv
- 280 Chapter 280Missing period, feeling poorly, and gagging for no reason… All these symptoms could be ex
- 279 Chapter 279Lucius the First argued, “Well, maybe somehow we just got tangled! You know, if you are h
- 278 Chapter 278Poliana’s nightmarish memories of Sir Batre disappeared when she heard the news of his de
- 277 Chapter 277This went on day after day. Poliana participated in the intense daily training of the fir
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- 275 Chapter 275Lucius the First silently watched his cousin leave. Duke Luzo left with his back turned o
- 274 Chapter 274Lucius the Firsts didn’t care if he didn’t have an heir. It would be too cruel for him to
- 273 Chapter 273Lucius the First’s voice turned genuine, making Duke Luzo’s eyes widen. Whenever the empe
- 272 Chapter 272The current political turmoil worked in Poliana’s favor. Some powerful nobles, who were j
- 271 Chapter 271Lucius the First looked unhappy but Poliana accepted the knights’ invitation thankfully.
- 270 Chapter 270Their way back home to Yapa was filled with awkwardness. The first uncomfortable moment w
- 269 Chapter 269What an embarrassing and awkward conversation they were having right now…Lucius the First
- 268 Chapter 268Poliana said to Lucius the First, “How will I ever be able to pay for such a crime…” She
- 267 Chapter 267Lucius the First rubbed his face, realizing why he was feeling so tired. He tried his bes
- 266 Chapter 266Poliana rudely threw the blanket down the floor, revealing Lucius the First’s naked body.
- 265 Chapter 265Poliana’s reddened and swollen eyes looked into Lucius the First’s beautiful green eyes.
- 264 Chapter 264“Yourrrr highnessss… You’re the hotestttt man in the worldddd.”Poliana loved beautiful pe
- 263 Chapter 263Poliana wailed, “I didn’t do anything wrongggg!”“Of course, you didn’t. Sir Pol, you clea