Leveling Up through Eating Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Leveling Up through Eating novel. A total of 313 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 302: Siblings Selling Ramyeon
Chapter 302: Siblings Selling RamyeonTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe number 1 in the wor
- 213 Chapter 202: The Eat Quickly ContestTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti [Oh! Kongie’s owner, P
- 212 Chapter 201: The Eat Quickly ContestTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti “Waaaaaaaaaaah!”“So cu
- 211 Chapter 200: The Eat Quickly ContestTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 59 The Eat Quickly Con
- 210 Chapter 199: Eccentric GourmandTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Minhyuk tilted his head whe
- 209 Chapter 198: Eccentric GourmandTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti There was nothing else on t
- 208 Chapter 197: Eccentric GourmandTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti58 Eccentric Gourmand‘K, Kin
- 207 Chapter 196: Hall of KingsTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 57 Hall of KingsAs soon as Valen
- 206 Chapter 195: Gremory’s TrialTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti The Black Mage Ali was the numb
- 205 Chapter 194: Gremory’s TrialTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Instructor Valen was the first
- 204 Chapter 193: Gremory’s TrialTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiIn front of a dark and dreary te
- 203 Chapter 192: Gremory’s TrialTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti56 Gremory’s TrialCrone confiden
- 202 Chapter 191: Infinitely Refilling Lamb Meat Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiAthenae: Korean
- 201 Chapter 190: Infinitely Refilling Lamb Meat Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiLightning is a p
- 200 Chapter 189: Infinitely Refilling Lamb Meat Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiBefore the Crazy
- 199 Chapter 188: Infinitely Refilling Lamb MeatTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“Y, Your Highness
- 198 Chapter 187: Infinitely Refilling Lamb MeatTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti55 Infinitely Ref
- 197 Chapter 186: Surprise AttackTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“W, what’s that?” “Heok!” “Ma, m
- 196 Chapter 185: Surprise AttackTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“Get up.”“Get up!”The Spear Mast
- 195 Chapter 184: Surprise AttackTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti The Informant, Abel, had recent
- 194 Chapter 183: Surprise AttackTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Baphomet was a devil from Chris
- 193 Chapter 182: Surprise AttackTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti54 Surprise AttackMinhyuk listen
- 192 Chapter 181: Father’s FeelingsTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti The Ice Witch was estimated t
- 191 Chapter 180: Father’s FeelingsTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 53 Father’s Feelings“Oh. You’
- 190 Chapter 179: A Pleasant MealTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 52 A Pleasant Meal‘What’s this…
- 189 Chapter 178: The Envoy of Incarnation Becomes the Envoy of DishwashingTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: Ma
- 188 Chapter 177: The Envoy of Incarnation Becomes the Envoy of DishwashingTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: Ma
- 187 Chapter 176: The Envoy of Incarnation Becomes the Envoy of DishwashingTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: Ma
- 186 Chapter 175: Disaster ArtifactTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiBack in reality. Kaistra was s
- 185 Chapter 174: Disaster ArtifactTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Minhyuk’s eyes widened when h
- 184 Chapter 173: Disaster ArtifactTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti50 Disaster ArtifactBlood of a
- 183 Chapter 172: Ructo’s TombTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Minhyuk ran as fast as he could to
- 182 Chapter 171: Ructo’s TombTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“Shit……!” Buckle, or Hyunwook in re
- 181 Chapter 170: Ructo’s TombTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti49 Ructo’s TombThey clearly saw it.
- 180 Chapter 169: The TempterTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“M, Minhyuk-nim, your level……?” Javi
- 179 Chapter 168: The TempterTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti ‘Eh?’Javin looked at the man in con
- 178 Chapter 167: The TempterTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk was happily smiling after he
- 177 Chapter 166: The TempterTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti48 The Tempter“……!”General or Oh Cha
- 176 Chapter 165: Gorac’s Aging JarTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk couldn’t help but paus
- 175 Chapter 164: Gorac’s Aging JarTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 47 Gorac’s Aging JarDepartmen
- 174 Chapter 163: Minhyuk’s ActivitiesTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Minhyuk was taken aback wh
- 173 Chapter 162: Minhyuk’s ActivitiesTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiZank did not delay at all.T
- 172 Chapter 161: Minhyuk’s ActivitiesTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti [You can only trigger the
- 171 Chapter 160: Minhyuk’s ActivitiesTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti47 Minhyuk’s ActivitiesThe
- 170 Chapter 159: The Great Mage RafieltTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe huge Hellfire swallow
- 169 Chapter 158: The Great Mage RafieltTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiGeneral looked at Joo-ah
- 168 Chapter 157: The Great Mage RafieltTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiWhen Kiari had heard that
- 167 Chapter 156: The Great Mage RafieltTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiAnd that wasn’t the end o
- 166 Chapter 155: The Great Mage RafieltTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 46 The Great Mage Rafiel
- 165 Chapter 154: Grilled ClamTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Lee Minhwa and Team Leader Park we
- 164 Chapter 153: Grilled ClamTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti “Huh……?”Minhyuk tilted his head in
- 163 Chapter 152: Grilled ClamTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk was caught by surprise when
- 162 Chapter 151: Grilled ClamTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 45 Grilled ClamKiari, one of the c
- 161 Chapter 150: The Old Man and the SeaTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Along with those notifi
- 160 Chapter 149: The Old Man and the SeaTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Isn’t this the Golden S
- 159 Chapter 148: The Old Man and the SeaTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe flavor of the soup c
- 158 Chapter 147: The Old Man and the SeaTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti44 The Old Man and the S
- 157 Chapter 146: Kongie’s Innocent TransformationTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiHyemin’sDad lau
- 156 Chapter 145: Kongie’s Innocent TransformationTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti Deep beneath t
- 155 Chapter 144: Kongie’s Innocent TransformationTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 43 Kongie’s In
- 154 Chapter 143: Ballad’s Cup, Shabu-shabuTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti “Shabu-shabu……”Rald s
- 153 Chapter 142: Ballad’s Cup, Shabu-shabuTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“……!” After checking t
- 152 Chapter 141: Ballad’s Cup, Shabu-shabuTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 42 Ballad’s Cup, Shab
- 151 Chapter 140: Legendary DishTranslator: Chubby CheeksPR: MattForgentiThe Great Mage Rafielt’s Cloak!
- 150 Chapter 139: Legendary DishTranslator: Chubby CheeksPR: MattForgentiHe might still be very weak righ
- 149 Chapter 138: Legendary DishTranslator: Chubby CheeksPR: MattForgenti Genie, Khan and Locke entered t
- 148 Chapter 137: Legendary DishTranslator: Chubby CheeksPR: MattForgentiEven though it was a bit disappo
- 147 Chapter 136: Legendary DishTranslator: Chubby CheeksPR: MattForgenti41 Legendary DishGenie looked a
- 146 Chapter 135: His WorthTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti King Varen and the priests all had th
- 145 Chapter 134: His WorthTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti The guild members’ eyes all widened i
- 144 Chapter 133: His WorthTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiYou think that Twilight Chef Black’s b
- 143 Chapter 132: His WorthTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti40 His WorthAll of the Cordis Empire u
- 142 Chapter 131: Joining a GuildTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiChangwook smiled softly as he wa
- 141 Chapter 130: Joining a GuildTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR:MattForgenti“Ah. Yes. Hello, Father-nim!” Jih
- 140 Chapter 129: Joining a GuildTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiAt that moment, everyone in the
- 139 128: Joining a GuildTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti39 Joining a GuildIt was another Legenda
- 138 Chapter 127: ReunionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiStep, step—“Kghhk, ugh!” Genie struggled
- 137 Chapter 126: ReunionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiLocke and Genie made eye contact.It was
- 136 Chapter 125: ReunionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“……M, most powerful men.”Her body trembl
- 135 Chapter 124: ReunionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiVaren looked like he was about to keel o
- 134 Chapter 123: ReunionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk was running together with Lute a
- 133 Chapter 122: ReunionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti38 ReunionWhen he met the person known a
- 132 Chapter 121: Evolved Ellie’s SwordsmanshipTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiIt was quite an am
- 131 Chapter 120: Evolved Ellie’s SwordsmanshipTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiBut Minhyuk was ju
- 130 Chapter 119: Evolved Ellie’s SwordsmanshipTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk almost jum
- 129 Chapter 118: Evolved Ellie’s SwordsmanshipTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti37 Evolved Ellie’s
- 128 Chapter 117: The ChasersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“Carbonated water?” Minhyuk almost s
- 127 Chapter 116: The ChasersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti36 The ChasersNot long after, five m
- 126 Chapter 115: I Choose You!Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“How dare you take my jokbal……!”Mi
- 125 Chapter 114: I Choose You!Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti‘S, so you were just acting earlie
- 124 Chapter 113: I Choose You!Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti35 I Choose You!This was the secon
- 123 Chapter 112: The Birth of the School of Fast EatersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe notif
- 122 Chapter 111: The Birth of the School of Fast EatersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiChronicle
- 121 Chapter 110: The Birth of the School of Fast EatersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR:MattForgentiSalov’s La
- 120 Chapter 109: The Birth of the School of Fast EatersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“Then how
- 119 Chapter 108: The Birth of the School of Fast EatersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti [Your Un
- 118 Chapter 107: The Birth of the School of Fast EatersTranslator: ChubbyCheeks PR: MattForgenti34 The B
- 117 Chapter 106: Hungry MonstersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“……”The Phoenix looked at Minhyu
- 116 Chapter 105: Hungry MonstersTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti33 Hungry Monsters“……Phoenix egg
- 115 Chapter 104: Frying Pan KillerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiJihye looked like she was deep
- 114 Chapter 103: Frying Pan KillerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe 2nd round has started. Rov