Leveling Up through Eating Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Leveling Up through Eating novel. A total of 313 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 302: Siblings Selling Ramyeon
Chapter 302: Siblings Selling RamyeonTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe number 1 in the wor
- 313 Chapter 302: Siblings Selling RamyeonTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe number 1 in the wor
- 312 Chapter 301: Siblings Selling RamyeonTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiRight after they had su
- 311 Chapter 300: Siblings Selling RamyeonTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiA man wearing a black r
- 310 Chapter 299: Siblings Selling RamyeonTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti83 Siblings Selling Ram
- 309 Chapter 298: Create a Recipe for MeTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiGulp―PD Kim Daeguk gulped
- 308 Chapter 297: Create a Recipe for MeTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiPD Kim Daeguk of ATV stil
- 307 Chapter 296: Create a Recipe for MeTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti82 Create a Recipe for Me
- 306 Chapter 295: Splendid ReturnTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiPark Taehoon hurriedly ordered a
- 305 Chapter 294: Splendid ReturnTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti81 Splendid ReturnThe content Re
- 304 Chapter 293: The Devil Judge’s SwordTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk turned to look a
- 303 Chapter 292: The Devil Judge’s SwordTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti80 The Devil Judge’s Swo
- 302 Chapter 291: Dangerous CompanyTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiCallauhel had never felt such
- 301 Chapter 290: Dangerous CompanyTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiCallauhel had always stood on
- 300 Chapter 289: Dangerous CompanyTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiPresident Kang Taehoon did not
- 299 Chapter 288: Dangerous CompanyTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiWhat did I just hear?This thou
- 298 Chapter 287: Dangerous CompanyTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti79 Dangerous CompanyTeam Leade
- 297 Chapter 286: A Strange Date Between Him and HerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiDiablo.The th
- 296 PR: MattForgentiAfter watching the video until the very end, Minhyuk realized what the words that th
- 295 Chapter 284: A Strange Date Between Him and HerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiJust like las
- 294 Chapter 283: A Strange Date Between Him and HerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti‘Keok! This i
- 293 Chapter 282: A Strange Date Between Him and HerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiBaphomet was
- 292 Chapter 281: A Strange Date Between Him and HerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti78 A Strange
- 291 Chapter 280: Fragment of the Golden CrownTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk couldn’t he
- 290 Chapter 279: Fragment of the Golden CrownTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiIt was definitely K
- 289 PR: MattForgenti77 Fragment of the Golden Crown[Minhyuk: The mukbang is the trailer so the people wo
- 288 Chapter 277: Good Guy, Bad Guy, Weird GuyTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiTTBC used to have q
- 287 PR: MattForgentiMinhyuk entered the first floor of the Demon World’s Tower with Roven, one of the cr
- 286 PR: MattForgentiThe person with the X token in front of them was none other than Black Mage Ali. Bla
- 285 Chapter 274: Good Guy, Bad Guy, Weird GuyTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“Sluuuuuurp!”In jus
- 284 PR: MattForgenti76 Good Guy, Bad Guy, Weird GuyRoven was completely dumbfounded. A puny human had ju
- 283 Chapter 272: Curse of BaldnessTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“……!”“……!”The two of them coul
- 282 PR: MattForgentiRuben replied jokingly.“Of course it’s water.” “……!” The boy’s body trembled.“Y, you
- 281 PR: MattForgenti[Aruvel has written a 1-week pledge of allegiance to User Minhyuk.]Silence prevailed
- 280 Chapter 269: Curse of BaldnessTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiOnce Minhyuk’s plan was all se
- 279 Chapter 268: Curse of BaldnessTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk looked at Emperor Asvo
- 278 PR: MattForgenti75 Curse of BaldnessMinhyuk knew that most of the children, excluding Haze, were eit
- 277 PR: MattForgenti“Y, Your Majesty!!!” At that moment, everyone in the room prostrated themselves on t
- 276 Chapter 265: Emperor AsvonTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti73 Emperor Asvon‘No, you just have
- 275 PR: MattForgentiBarchel couldn’t understand what was happening right now.How can the Frying Pan Kill
- 274 PR: MattForgentiPoison Dragon Ambacca was a special dragon. Up until now, he had repeatedly died bef
- 273 Chapter 262: Ramyeon Making Sword ArtTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiBaaaaaaang―When they he
- 272 Chapter 261: Ramyeon Making Sword ArtTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti73 Ramyeon Making Sword
- 271 PR: MattForgentiKongie and Corr knew this fact even though they were not explicitly told. If someone
- 270 PR: MattForgenti“Those despicable bastards!” When Minhyuk heard the story from Conir, who turned int
- 269 PR: MattForgentiConir was successfully hunted. However, the members of Legend Guild were all baffled
- 268 PR: MattForgenti71 Hungry ChildrenConir grabbed his sword before swinging it as hard as he could. As
- 267 Chapter 256: Territorial Defense (Bottom)Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti[T, tentacles?!][No
- 266 PR: MattForgentiRight at that moment…Bang, bang, bang!Magic rained down on Rhond.“Keuaaaack!” Rhond
- 265 PR: MattForgentiWhen Minhyuk saved Ruan and his guild members, he only took five minutes. It was bec
- 264 Chapter 253: Territorial Defense (Bottom)Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiRufel was surprised
- 263 Chapter 252: Territorial Defense (Bottom)Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiIt had only been tw
- 262 PR: MattForgenti70 Territorial Defense (Bottom)‘Wh, what the hell……?’MC Jan was left speechless. She
- 261 Black Mage Ali did not hide the fact that he was the user that climbed the Hall of Kings with Minhyu
- 260 ‘The First Coalition has collapsed……’In the end, Caillan and Ares of the First Coalition failed to s
- 259 Chapter 248: Territorial Defense (Top)Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiBefore the invasion of
- 258 Chapter 247: Territorial Defense (Top)Translator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiPaladin Corr had a mea
- 257 “Wow. He’s really weak. How can he die in just one stab? Maybe he lost all his abilities when he got
- 256 Genie stared at the small village in front of her with a sharp glare. There was now an increase in t
- 255 Baran’s face crumpled in annoyance.In just two minutes, my troops consisting of low-ranking but elit
- 254 Chapter 243: Prince Argon and the Royal ShopTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiAfter Eclei and
- 253 Minhyuk led his troop of 150 men as he started to take over the Immortals’ Land’s Zone 1.[User Minhy
- 252 Chapter 241: Prince Argon and the Royal ShopTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti68 Prince Argon
- 251 The Charisma Stat was a stat that would increase the troop’s favorability especially if the number o
- 250 Chapter 239: Battlefield’s Great RulerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiAce had just arrived i
- 249 Chapter 238: Battlefield’s Great RulerTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti[Kongie is feeling gru
- 248 67 Battlefield’s Great Ruler“……Wh, what?!!!”“You don’t want to?!”Eclei and Bach’s expressions crumpl
- 247 Chapter 236: Delicious ExpeditionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe expedition set to rescu
- 246 Chapter 235: Delicious ExpeditionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiLegend Guild was busily mov
- 245 Chapter 234: Delicious ExpeditionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“……!”“……!”Lee Minhwa and Te
- 244 Chapter 233: Delicious ExpeditionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti66 Delicious ExpeditionOh C
- 243 Chapter 232: The New VassalTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti‘N, no. Who said that I’m going t
- 242 Chapter 231: The New VassalTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiRowena was the woman that every m
- 241 Chapter 230: The New VassalTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiPaladin Corr was less powerful th
- 240 Chapter 229: The New VassalTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti65 The New VassalCorr looked more
- 239 Chapter 228: The Birth of Minhyuk ReligionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk headed tow
- 238 Chapter 227: The Birth of Minhyuk ReligionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe Papal Knight V
- 237 Chapter 226: The Birth of Minhyuk ReligionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiKenneth stood up w
- 236 Chapter 225: The Birth of Minhyuk ReligionTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti64 The Birth of Mi
- 235 Chapter 224: How to Make Half-God ArtifactsTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiKentaro suddenly
- 234 Everyone in the area stared in horror.‘All of the abilities were nullified……?’‘What kind of fraudule
- 233 Chapter 222: How to Make Half-God ArtifactsTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiThe notifications
- 232 Chapter 221: How to Make Half-God ArtifactsTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiAli still could n
- 231 Chapter 220: How to Make Half-God ArtifactsTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti63 How to Make Ha
- 230 Chapter 219: Samgyetang with Thousand-year-old GinsengTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyu
- 229 Chapter 218: Samgyetang with Thousand-year-old GinsengTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“Th, t
- 228 Chapter 217: Samgyetang with Thousand-year-old GinsengTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiAs soo
- 227 Chapter 216: Samgyetang with Thousand-year-old GinsengTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiAbel h
- 226 Chapter 215: Samgyetang with Thousand-year-old GinsengTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti62 Sam
- 225 Chapter 214: Delicious Grilled EelTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti“Hoo─”He chewed the steami
- 224 Chapter 213: Delicious Grilled EelTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiMinhyuk and his friends ha
- 223 Chapter 212: Delicious Grilled EelTranslator: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti61 Delicious Grilled EelAn
- 222 Chapter 211: Making Charcoal with the World TreeTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiSweat was p
- 221 Chapter 210: Making Charcoal with the World TreeTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti [It has be
- 220 Chapter 209: Making Charcoal with the World TreeTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiBaaaaaaaaaa
- 219 Chapter 208: Making Charcoal with the World TreeTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiJisoo, duri
- 218 Chapter 207: Making Charcoal with the World TreeTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti 60 Making
- 217 Chapter 206: The Eat Quickly ContestTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiEven though Baphomet lo
- 216 Chapter 205: The Eat Quickly ContestTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti He stuffed the chewy a
- 215 Chapter 204: The Eat Quickly ContestTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgenti The commentator, Lee S
- 214 Chapter 203: The Eat Quickly ContestTranslators: ChubbyCheeksPR: MattForgentiKerry’s heart thumped w