Black Iron Magician Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Black Iron Magician novel. A total of 561 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter epl: Epilogue - Black Iron Magician
Epilogue – Black Iron Magician――――The 483rd day of training.The warm sunlight shining through the wi
- 261 Chapter 261 Consideration is important――――Bang, bang!The fireworks that signal the start of the matc
- 260 Chapter 260 Standby「T-Touko-chan!?」Haruna was also surprised by Touko’s appearance. She had only hea
- 259 Chapter 259 SurpriseA few minutes after Haruna and Maria went for preparations, there’s a movement i
- 258 Chapter 258 OathDeris put a wedding ring on Nell’s left ring finger and Nell put a wedding ring on D
- 257 Chapter 257 Wedding CeremonyThe ceremony is proceeding normally and smoothly than Chinatsu had imagi
- 256 Chapter 256 Idle Talk (Important)Alezel’s story is over. Haruna’s eyes are still sparkling, and it s
- 255 Chapter 255 ArrangementThe time that’s written on the invitation was approaching, and the waiting ro
- 254 Chapter 254 Finest Appearance――――Fidget, fidget.Is it my imagination that I heard such a sound every
- 253 Chapter 253 The Day of The Ceremony―――― The 48th day of training.The day of the decisive battle, no,
- 252 Chapter 252 Everyone Has Their Own HardshipsThere’s a shabby bar in a corner of the slum. To be prec
- 251 Chapter 251 DressAfter leaving the knight order’s headquarters, Haruna and Chinatsu returned to Nell
- 250 Chapter 250 When in TroubleHaruna is having a late lunch in the cafeteria, which has regained its qu
- 249 Chapter 249 The Battle in the Dining Room――――The 46th day of training.Adelheit managed to survive th
- 248 Chapter 248 Do as One Pleases「Nooo! I want to show off my dress~!」「Hey, don’t be selfish! It’s my we
- 247 Chapter 247 The Top ThreeAfter the dinner party at the castle, I and Nell enjoyed a drink moderately
- 246 Chapter 246 The Demon’s LairIt’s almost 11 o’clock at night, and the downtown area is probably still
- 245 Chapter 245 Crush One by OneAfter the fierce battle with Hund of the Great Eight Demons, the heroes
- 244 Chapter 244 Rumors―――― The 45th day of training.On that day, the headquarters of the Magic Knight Or
- 243 Chapter 243 Dinner of the DisciplesAround the time when Deris was feeling a little regretful about t
- 242 Chapter 242 Dinner of the MastermindsThat night, I was making my last encampment in a deep forest in
- 241 Chapter 241 Agreement of The End of WarI’m in a tight spot right now. Why did this happen? It was al
- 240 Chapter 240 InnocenceI’m chasing her. She who suddenly stood up on a whim while filling her stomach
- 239 Chapter 239 Hund Lind of The Great Eight DemonsWhat Hund took out was a small bottle with something
- 238 Chapter 238 The Greatest DespairThe white spear is coming down. It thrusts aside the rock spears lik
- 237 Chapter 237 The Final FormThe ground continues to shake. No, the source of the tremor is coming. Whi
- 236 Chapter 236 Asura「Therese-san…!」A small scream escaped from Weerel, who’s in the rear providing supp
- 235 Chapter 235 Infinite VarietyEarth magic level 100 『Sculpture』. Just like what Mani had done to Oda,
- 234 Chapter 234 Dead or AlivePoplar’s magic creates a wall of flames, and Oda pushes the giant shark bac
- 233 Chapter 233 The Start of The BattleThe representatives of both the Hero Alliance and the Demon King’
- 232 Chapter 232 The Guild’s Official Monster’s Evaluation StandardThe race of a monster is a measure of
- 231 Chapter 231 Ten Minutes of Mental PreparationOn the day of the decisive battle, 30 minutes remained
- 230 Chapter 230 The Great Eight Demons Parent and Child―――― The 43rd day of training.Today is a fine day
- 229 Chapter 229 The JudgeA demon castle is said to exist somewhere at the bottom of the sea. It’s a cora
- 228 Chapter 228 Strategy Planning of the Heroes「Haaa!? Three magicians and one priest!?」Popura’s voice e
- 227 Chapter 227 During the Strategy Meeting of the HeroesIn the conference room at Crocus Castle. On thi
- 226 Chapter 226 Alliance Formation―――― The 41st day of training.After that, they promised to keep Gobuo
- 225 Chapter 225 The Heroes of GaldevalanHaruna and Chinatsu are running. They are running through the pa
- 224 Chapter 224 The Countries of The Jiba Continent「Alright, Haru and the others have arrived safely. I
- 223 Chapter 223 A Letter of Challenge「Oh my, so Weerel-sama and the others are the heroes of Adelheit!」「
- 222 Chapter 222 The Queen of Dwarves―――― The 40th day of training.A day after the heroes of Adelheit and
- 221 Chapter 221 The Heroes of CrocusThe heroes of Crocus, the flower country, are Oda, Fuchi, and Mani.
- 220 Chapter 220 ReunionHalf a day after entering the Crocus territory, Haruna and the others continued t
- 219 Chapter 219 The Flower Country――――The 39th day of training.My running to chase after Haru and the ot
- 218 Chapter 218 Punishment「Touko, are you done?」It’s the time when the area is completely dominated by d
- 217 Chapter 217 The Vengeful Demon『Han』 is a country located in the east of the Jiba continent. Although
- 216 Chapter 216 Beach OpeningAfter finishing their meal, Haruna and the others went to the place they we
- 215 Chapter 215 Interrogation「What a cruel interrogation…! I don’t have the confidence to keep watching
- 214 Chapter 214 Leaked OutThe door closed, and the sound of Hund’s footsteps in the corridor faded away.
- 213 Chapter 213 A Parting Gift「Hah!」「Gah…!」Haru grabbed the thrusting spear and threw the merman boss ov
- 212 Chapter 212 Nell’s Special Stamina Bento「You are right!」Haru admits that Gustus’s shout is correct.
- 211 Chapter 211 Beautiful Voice of the StarAt the front line on the coast, Therese was taking the attack
- 210 Chapter 210 Gustus, The Four Heavenly Kings of The Sea DemonsNow, the promised time has come this mo
- 209 Chapter 209 Preparation is Important!After welcoming the hero party of Adelheit, he invited them to
- 208 Chapter 208 The Hero of TazarniaThe west coast of Tazarnia. It’s now the battlefield against the Dem
- 207 Chapter 207 Incoming WaterThe commanders of the front line give explanations based on the map on the
- 206 Chapter 206 Breakfast Before The Battlefield―――― The 37th day of training.The thunderous roar, which
- 205 Chapter 205 Death March――――The 34th day of training.After a night of a grand welcome, the day to ent
- 204 Episode 204 The Uproar at The Border FortNighttime, at the border fort between Adelheit and Tazarnia
- 203 Chapter 203 Dragon Carriage―――― The 33rd day of trainingEarly morning on the day of the expedition.
- 202 Chapter 202 Not ThoroughThat night, Haruna and Chinatsu, who had finished their training, are prepar
- 201 Chapter 201 The Hero Conference―― The Hero Conference. It’s a meeting of the hero of Adelheit to dis
- 200 Chapter 200 The Four Heavenly Kings of Something―――― The 32nd day of training.「The Demon King’s army
- 199 Chapter 199 AbdicationThere are only enemies around him. Betrayed by his strongest ally, King Claude
- 198 Chapter 198 Don’t Worry, If He’s Alive, He Can Be Saved「A-Akiraaa!?」Boys and girls rushing to the st
- 197 Chapter 197 Don’t Let Live but Don’t Kill『Eh, is that okay?』『Yeah. I’m sure that’s what that fake he
- 196 Chapter 196 As ExpectedBoth teams returned to their waiting seats and wrote down the order of the ma
- 195 Chapter 195 Don’t Think You Can Give UpOne hour later. Being guided to the training ground of the kn
- 194 Chapter 194 Can’t Help It If You’re SurprisedThe unconscious king was carried away by the doctors. I
- 193 Chapter 193 Abusive Language「If it isn’t Deris-san. Thank you for coming all the way here. Are you t
- 192 Chapter 192 The Hero Selection MeetingNow that our number has increased, let’s sort out the situatio
- 191 Chapter 191 Early Alumni Reunion―――― The 31st day of training.It’s the day of the hero selection mee
- 190 Chapter 190 The Secret RoomAfter calming Nell down, I check the current situation. Apparently, Aralk
- 189 Chapter 189 The Elf Resort「They were amazing, huh~」「To think that they were at the same level as the
- 188 Episode 188 HatenkouHaruna and Chinatsu are sitting on the sofa in the guild’s guest room, waiting f
- 187 Chapter 187 Sudden FormationAfter finished their consultation work, Haruna and Chinatsu went to the
- 186 Chapter 186 Party―――― The 29th day of training.The day after Touko was kidnapped by Lily. As if yest
- 185 Chapter 185 The Degenerate DemonLily suddenly asked Touko so. If you piled up two yellow cards, you
- 184 Chapter 184 Pandemonium Mother「The former sixth rank of the Great Eight Demons…?」「There are many thi
- 183 Chapter 183 The PredecessorChinatsu’s flame magic sword cut off the tentacle. However, even if it wa
- 182 Chapter 182 The GuardianThe crawling sound gradually becomes louder, in other words, it’s indicating
- 181 Ever since Nell was away from the Knight Order, Chinatsu, who was appointed as the vice leader, has
- 180 ―――― The 28th day of training.A few days have passed since Deris and Nell left for their honeymoon.
- 179 Chapter 179 Whoa!Hund left the meeting place, showing his back that looked as if he was walking tott
- 178 「Then I would like to conclude this year’s meeting. Thank you for your hard work!」「「「「「「Good work!」」
- 177 When Agalia called out to him, Hund got up from his seat and stood up imposingly.「My name is Hund Li
- 176 ―――― Training ?? day.Judah, a continent that the demons claim to be the center of the world. It is t
- 175 Chapter 175 Demon King and CalamityShortly after the explosion, Haruna, Chinatsu, Deris, and Nell ga
- 174 Chapter 174 Showing Around the MansionHaruna was guided by a servant and arrived at the assigned roo
- 173 Chapter 173 CompleteI wonder how long has the time passed since I started to receive Nell’s scolding
- 172 Chapter 172 Moving―――― The 24th day of training.It’s early afternoon on the day of moving to Nell’s
- 171 Chapter 171 SlurpAfter receiving the oracle from Goddess Chinatsu, I went home while thinking about
- 170 Chapter 170 Punishment Game―――― The 23rd day of training.「… What are you doing, Shishō?」「Punish――I m
- 169 Chapter 169 Cool Down is ImportantAfter the super-peaceful discussion with Joseph, I went with my bo
- 168 Chapter 168 WinnerThe darkness cleared up and the clear blue sky spread out. There’s not a single cl
- 167 Chapter 167 A Friendly BattleThe specialized weapons clashed with each other, and a violent blast ro
- 166 Chapter 166 Final「It’s time. We will now begin the final match between Chinatsu Rokusai and Haruna K
- 165 Chapter 165 Rokusai ChinatsuRokusai Chinatsu was an exemplary student in the elementary, middle, and
- 164 Chapter 164 Let’s Talk About Something ImportantThis is the main guest room provided for Nell. After
- 163 Chapter 163 Painless FearWhile carrying the Doggan Staff, Haruna leaped forward in an instant as if
- 162 Chapter 162 Stage 「!?」There’s a polished brand-new stage in the center of the venue. Thanks to the h