God's Eyes (Web Novel) Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the God's Eyes (Web Novel) novel. A total of 1114 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1113: Primordial Dimensions
Years passed by, and the threat posed by the Vile existences reached an all-time low. Ever since the
- 14 Jason had to face the cruel reality but it was hard to accept.He felt as if his whole world shattere
- 13 The old man´s voice was monotone and calm but Jason felt a slight threat within the voice and he ins
- 12 An old and haggard voice resounded "The next one can go inside."Jason didn't even sense any mana rad
- 11 After changing the data from his phone to the quantum bracelet, Jason put it on.It looked quite good
- 10 It was early in the morning when Jason woke up.Opening his eyes they shone with vigor as he rubbed t
- 9 Jason came to a decision as it was his turn.Going up the stage with slow but steady steps, many stud
- 8 Outside the school building, Jason searched for a good spot as he sat down between a flourishing gra
- 7 The day of the Exam arrived faster than Jason expected but he successfully kept his cured eyes a sec
- 6 If the news about his cured eyes came out before the exam began, he would be in more trouble than he
- 5 Opening his eyes slowly, the first thing Jason saw was an empty cracked wall that looked extremely f
- 4 Being blind and an orphan were Jason´s only disadvantages which many classmates used to make fun of
- 3 "Jason tell us about the chronicles right after the dark-age began!" a deep but somehow scholarly vo
- 2 [Author´s note: If you don´t like Info-dumps, skip the first 1.5 Chapters <3]There was a single inha
- 1 Human cultivation ranks0-Novice1-Adept2-Expert3-Master4-Magus5-Grandmagus6-?7-??Beast-ranking0-Wild