Mother of Learning Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Mother of Learning novel. A total of 108 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter aw: Afterword
AfterwordYou have reached the end of the story. What follows is merely some general musings about th
- 101 Cyoria was burning. A number of important buildings had been leveled to the ground by the initial ar
- 102 In the middle of Cyoria, relatively close to the massive bottomless hole around which the city was b
- 103 As Zorian watched the massive angel tree and demonic Cyclops torso barrel through the air towards on
- 104 He was Zach Noveda, the last surviving member of Noble House Noveda, the chosen of the angels……and h
- 105 He was Jornak Dokochin, a humble lawyer from Cyoria, the true heir of House Denen, and the last surv
- 106 He was Zorian Kazinski, the third son of a minor merchant family from Cirin, accidental time travele
- 107 EpilogueZorian’s eyes abruptly shot open as a sharp pain erupted from his stomach. His whole body co
- 108 AfterwordYou have reached the end of the story. What follows is merely some general musings about th