A Journey of Black and Red Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the A Journey of Black and Red novel. A total of 231 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 224: Three Parts Ascension
Light. Pain. I am pushed back.Not the sun. Too red and angry, like blood on warm sand. Too dim… for
- 31 First comes the smell, then the buzz of flies, and last is the sight of a desiccated limb covered by
- 30 “And what is this?” I ask as I get out of the carriage.We are in the middle of a meadow off the beat
- 29 I am walking back to the manor when Rose storms out in a panic. She immediately spots me and rushes
- 28 “What is this place?” I ask as I exit the sarcophagus.“We are inside the Tillerson plantation house
- 27 I wake up to the sound of animated discussion. I quickly don one of my armored dresses in dark blue
- 26 I open my eyes to the familiar darkness. I am still wearing the ruin of the maid outfit and the cong
- 25 Stairs have been dug into the side of the mountain and railings placed at strategic positions. It do
- 24 “… Potent blood for the experiments, Leonard…”“… Over there next to the others, and cover her in cha
- 23 I trail Rose through a set of doors and smaller stairs. We do not come across anyone and soon reach
- 22 I place the dessert spoon back on the empty plate and rest both hands on my round belly.“Where are t
- 21 I quickly retrace our steps. As expected, a blind child could track us down. In half an hour I slow
- 20 Bonk.“Ouch.”BONK.“Ow! What in the!?”I open the sarcophagus and jump out in a fury. I am inside the c
- 19 I wake up to the same thing I have woken to for the past hundred days: complete darkness. My hand ea
- 18 My dearest Ariane,Words cannot express how relieved I am to hear from you. Aintza and I were ready t
- 17 My wrists and ankles are bound to the chair by massive manacles of steel and silver. Scarlet runes g
- 16 It has been three nights since I fought the renegades of the Order and I keep thinking about my expe
- 15 Yesterday did not happen. Nope! It did not. Nothing embarrassing happened, at all. The blood on my c
- 14 It has been a week since I left Montfort. I have been able to take shelter in sheds and barns locked
- 13 The town of Montfort where I grew up is about two-thirds of the way between New Orleans and Baton Ro
- 12 “Lo siento señorita. Time is short, and you must listen.”I shiver as Aintza’s warm breath tickles my
- 11 I was mistaken in believing I knew everything about the Lancaster's various businesses. I used my fr
- 10 Everything about the woman is predatory. Her walk, her posture, her mouth, they all speak of danger,
- 9 A leafy canopy covers the forest’s ground in shadows. I dart around trunks as large as carriages, do
- 8 We step outside and something stops me in my tracks.The night, in all its glory.The oppressive heat
- 7 I open my eyes to total darkness. The pantry sized room they call mine greets me in all its misery.
- 6 The man throws me on the ground.“As agreed, she is yours,” he says without a care.I can barely lift
- 5 “Aunt Catherine!”“Ma petite chérie, I am so glad to see you!”I rush down the stairs and embrace her.
- 4 The last harmonies of the hymn wash over the pews and the many attendants. The mass is in full swing
- 3 My best friend locks arms with me as we walk the streets of New-Orleans. Already the sun creeps past
- 2 I seethe.The Asian man stares at me with a mixture of disgust and caution, and I cannot help but fee
- 1 Where… where am I?I take a deep breath in, which promptly turns into a coughing fit as I spit… somet