A Journey of Black and Red Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the A Journey of Black and Red novel. A total of 231 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 224: Three Parts Ascension
Light. Pain. I am pushed back.Not the sun. Too red and angry, like blood on warm sand. Too dim… for
- 231 Light. Pain. I am pushed back.Not the sun. Too red and angry, like blood on warm sand. Too dim… for
- 230 It was a beautiful thing, to witness the birth of a god.Semiramis hovered over a circle of incompreh
- 229 There is no time to plan. I must absolutely get to the other side. Fortunately, the next portal shou
- 228 “Blood is life,” Nirari whispers.A heartseeker spell forms, the one spell he named after his weapon
- 227 If my vision were not so perfect, the walls of the Last City could be taken for a cliff, so impossib
- 226 I would love to fight with the wind in my hair at the prow of the Fury. Sady, the dead world lacks b
- 225 The Amaretta stronghold lies at the heart of the Atlas mountain outside of the grasp of colonial Fra
- 224 Sweden, November 1938.Snow crunches under Loth’s mechanized armor. Each of his feet stomps the earth
- 223 Another claw raked the shield. It sounded like nails on glass. Another. Constance held a wince at th
- 222 There were corpses in the streets. Not many, not yet. Just enough for that familiar stench of the ba
- 221 After weeks of travel, I would have hoped to stay in a nice hotel upon my arrival. Unfortunately, Sh
- 220 Marquette, April 1927“What do you want?” I ask the redhead sitting in front of my desk.Melusine has
- 219 I am King.Bertrand took a knee, then stood back again. The heat assailed him, pushing against his in
- 218 The base extends below us for miles, a haphazard assembly of tents that lacks the usual discipline.
- 217 Rows of smelters lay cold and quiet. The giant machines forging the guns of tomorrow no longer beat
- 216 March 1907, the night of the lich camp raid.The thief was good at his job. He had retired once alrea
- 215 Despite her best effort, Constance didn’t find anything too horrible about Ariane. The strangest ele
- 214 Humans are stupid.I wish I could blame most of the nonsensical behaviors to either fate or an addled
- 213 “I need to impress. I will be the first vampire they ever meet. I cannot use my usual polite and har
- 212 The Silversmith estate stood near the center of the town. From the outside, it did not look like muc
- 211 Sinead mentioned that fae nobility cultivates bloodlines. I suspect their version is to mine as fine
- 210 It was hot inside of the small cottage, hotter than it should reasonably be. Everard unconsciously p
- 209 The strings of fate tease me once more, sneaking upon me one fine summer night. I am more sensitive
- 208 Esme’s bones creaked when she bent over the counter to wipe the far side. The rag left a stream of d
- 207 “Convincing the mortal military of the seriousness of the situation is paramount, Ariane. Please do
- 206 We did not, in fact, leave immediately. I stopped to grab the explosives. Now the nightmares cut thr
- 205 A dazzled Bingle uses the dragon claw’s edge to cut the bars of his prison. He appears to be in a st
- 204 Someone has sliced through the ancient earth with unstoppable will. Diggers have carved up old rocks
- 203 The powerful man sat at his desk. To his right, the snow-covered meadow led to a frozen fence from w
- 202 “Hello Urchin, I have something for you.”“Heard you were distributing faerie gifts, boss. I’m glad y
- 201 “You know, if you wanted to remodel the place there were better ways,” I idly remark.Melusine’s face
- 200 June 1872Of all the major industries that graced the humble city of Marquette, none were more emblem
- 199 After silencing Melusine with the promise of unbridled violence, I have the notable displeasure of f
- 198 I stand in the shadow cast by my little parasol, a new iteration in a line of objects doomed to fail
- 197 The brightest sun of the spheres nourished the rolling hills, where the royal capital spread amidst
- 196 Slowly, my consciousness returns and I realize the eye is, of course, attached to a massive head tal
- 195 “It appears we put up our tents for nothing,” I remark to Sinead.“Of course not, we need them for ou
- 194 Cadiz’ Magna Arqa is a strike type. It allows him to conduct a series of fast, powerful, and particu
- 193 Titanic pillars of blue stone rise up into a strange fog, one I cannot pierce through with my senses
- 192 Bickering in front of the princes would be a shame. Refusing advice from an undisputed master would
- 191 Bickering in front of the princes would be a shame. Refusing advice from an undisputed master would
- 190 Cadiz cries in silence, a virginal marble statue in the midst of old death. The lines of dark blood
- 189 The sovereign smiles and then, she is gone. The air shakes with the trace of her passage. I notice t
- 188 I do not recognize the new Sinead, and yet he is the same person. His aura tastes of ripe fields und
- 187 “...under certain conditions,” I amend almost immediately.The temptation to visit this sphere, gaini
- 186 It takes us the better part of a day to cross the outskirts of Assidina. Although Sinead said the tr
- 185 “You trapped me! You LIED! How could you?” I scream.I shove Sinead, torn as I am by anger and betray
- 184 Power feeds into the construct from four cardinal points. Sinead and Sivaya stand in the innermost c
- 183 The exploratory group walks into the dead world with care but without worry. All of us working toget
- 182 “What were you thinking? By the Eye Ariane of the Nirari are you out of your mind?”I sit back and re
- 181 “You need to evacuate while I hold them off,” I tell Sinead.“We’ll rappel down the cliff, walk along
- 180 My feet land on snow without a sound and I take a deep breath. It smells of cold and of pine sap. Th
- 179 October 1870“The Council welcomes Ariane of the Nirari. Please check your talismans, thank you.”The
- 178 The Crew clumped around the Gatling gun like ants around jam fallen from a scone. We could hear vulg
- 177 “You could solve this entire situation in a week,” I remarked.The blonde woman reclined in her seat,
- 176 Just as I reached the end of the circle of light, Ariane’s voice interrupted my mad dash.“Alexander!
- 175 The establishment known as the Pearl greeted me with a massive room vibrating with the din of conver
- 174 In September 1968, my strange mentor oversaw the last of my training to ascertain that it was conduc
- 173 September 1869, near the vampire fortress in Boston.A blur. I use a thorn root to try and hamper him
- 172 I sit at my desk and sign the construction order for a shipyard; an entire shipyard for standardized
- 171 May 16, 1867I was more than ready to go out for an evening to accomplish that bit of larceny Sinead
- 170 In the Accords chamber below Boston’s fortress, Constantine’s arcane display moves more than all the
- 169 “I have decided on a course of action!” Alexander clamors back in my office in Marquette. “Your tria
- 168 Something stirs in the threads of fate.I wish I could remove this pompous, overdone sentence from my
- 167 “Is it her? She doesn’t look like much.”“What did you expect? A tail? Bat wings?”The young guard cro
- 166 The fall wind blows with the promise of rain over the deserted road. Adrien stands over the trampled
- 165 We leave Marquette the next night in complete secrecy. Phineas has received a gift from Constantine
- 164 I decide against leaving immediately and spend the rest of the night patrolling Marquette. I pay par
- 163 The crate containing my armor now lies on Trieste’s deserted docks, hidden from view by rows of barr
- 162 In the interstitial gap between a moment and the other, in the cracks between two atoms, enough subs
- 161 I wake up in the dirt once again. Panic seizes my heart, then fatalism freezes it.The exhilaration o
- 160 For the first time in my second life, I wake up in absolute panic. I cannot move, I cannot see. The
- 159 The sun has set for an hour and I am giving the finishing touches to what will be the most devastati
- 158 We run and we keep running until we reach the camp. Our retreat is made in silence as we spend all o
- 157 Pah, one of those strange fever dreams again. The man Edmund pokes at everything for treasure, Elain
- 156 I readjust the peasant’s garb and swear under my breath for what must be the sixteenth time tonight.
- 155 “Join up with the local visiting lady and investigate a string of disappearances,” Phineas summarize
- 154 A frigid wind blows on the dead mountain, raising powdery white ice into the air.Cadiz essence for f
- 153 Krakow is burning.I wish I could have seen the city before the mob and before the persecution. Even
- 152 Russian winter has descended upon the Ural. The cold, crisp air carries no hint of human presence. N
- 151 Journal of Peter SeminovLast night, I dreamed of rope. I felt the harsh caress of woven hemp around
- 150 I slap Octave’s blade aside before it can bury itself in my breast, counter-attacking immediately. O
- 149 After the interview is done, Marlan leads me farther into the complex and up the mountain. Just as b
- 148 “Uncanny. You can let go now.”The unpleasant sensation that reminds me of a failed sneeze forces me
- 147 “This is bad news,” Vonany whispers.“No, this is good news,” I retort.The return trip to the downed
- 146 I sit on a stump and let my borrowed cloak fall around me. The folds mask my armor so as to not alar
- 145 I let the wafts of freshly brewed coffee caress my nostrils with its deep, bitter aroma. The ritual
- 144 Boston, vampire fortress, seven days after the battle at Black Harbor.“... recommend that those so-c
- 143 Moise woke up early and tired, just like everyone else. Today was the day.The regiments stood and ga
- 142 Newspapers cover my desk. I skim through them and verify that my directives have been followed.I bel
- 141 Boston, October 12th, 1862.I lean back into my chair and sigh with relief.Paperwork.The bane of civi
- 140 September 18th 1862, three months after the Accord Council’s vote.Madrigal’s expression is more sole
- 139 Upon our return, Jarek’s plan to boot the door to the presidential office open and dump the hive dro
- 138 The room chosen for the negotiations is an office on the second floor. It has been cleared save for
- 137 June 1st 1862, Boston. Accords Headquarters.“Pierce. Shred. Bind.”Constantine moves lazily and count
- 136 Our return to Boston is triumphant, and Sephare throws me a bone by publicly announcing that my cont
- 135 I land on the floor, rolling on myself and coming to my feet in a well-practiced move, only to excha
- 134 Boston, December 2nd, 1861“We may begin,” the Speaker says. I find it hard to gauge the mood of an a
- 133 The heavy axe slides against Rose at the perfect angle. Most of the strength bleeds away along the e
- 132 Boston, early November 1861“The battle of Bull Run, and other skirmishes in Missouri and Virginia, h