Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince novel. A total of 437 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 437: The End
Ten years later, the date was October 30th, 1945. In the former capital of the Ruthenia Empire, the
- 237 After signing the two treaties presented by the Ruthenian Empire, Alexander and Gojong stood in the
- 236 Alexander arrived at the Mikhailovsky Palace. Sebastian, who was walking beside him, tapped his arm
- 235 The convoy of Alexander Romanoff raced down the cleared street of St. Petersburg as they headed to t
- 234 January 5, 1928. Winter Palace.The day has arrived for Alexander to meet the Emperor of the Choson E
- 233 The ambassadors of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of Norway had arrived at the Winter Palace
- 232 Two days after the incident on the Finland-Norway border, Alexander and Sevastian conducted an emerg
- 231 Somewhere along the Finland-Norway border, the Finnish Army was doing live exercises with their newl
- 230 One thousand and seven hundred kilometers away from London is the capital of the Ruthenia Empire, St
- 229 January 1, 1928. Britannia Empire.Outside Buckingham Palace was a place surrounded by a white fog an
- 228 The month is December and the peace treaty between the Ruthenian Empire and the Yamato Empire has be
- 227 In a separate room, Alexander was flexing his right hand he used to punch the Prime Minister of the
- 226 A copy of the VC-25 aircraft just landed at the Vladivostok International Airport. A Beast was waiti
- 225 Ruthenia Empire. November 17, 1927. 1400 HRS.Pleasant rays of sunlight stream into Alexander's offic
- 224 Alexei put the telephone back on its cradle after receiving news from the Military Eastern District
- 223 Meanwhile, in the Command Ops, Alexander is spinning a pen around his fingers as he stares into the
- 222 Two weeks later, the development of the war in the Far East was going one-sidedly in favor of the Ru
- 221 "As always, the food cooked by the palace cooks is top-notch," Alexander said as he sighed dreamily
- 220 Tiffania walked out of his office three hours ago but she returned immediately. She must've felt emb
- 219 "I'm sorry, Tiffania. Could you repeat what you just said to me?" Alexander said, taken aback by the
- 218 November 2, 1927. Alexander was in his office, dealing with matters at hand behind his desk as Sevas
- 217 After Alexander's discussion with Wegener about the creation of the Global Positioning System, Alexa
- 216 As the cheering went on, Alexander approached the special committee again. The special committee who
- 215 From the chilly island of Novaya Zelmya Alexander made another flight to one of the largest territor
- 214 Thirty minutes after the nuclear bomb test, Sevastian and Alexander were having a meeting in a separ
- 213 Today's date is November the first and Alexander could feel the chilly breeze that signals the upcom
- 212 Vasili and his men exited the Royal Palace along with the King and his palace servants.The Righteous
- 211 Vasili, the Righteous Army, and the 32nd Airborne Battalion descended into Hanseong. Flames from the
- 210 Six copies of Boeing AH-64 Apache were cruising towards the capital city of Hanseong at the speed of
- 209 It was two o'clock in the morning in the mountains of Uamsan. The chirping of the cicada and the rus
- 208 It was six o'clock in the evening at Choson Peninsula. In the city of Kaesong, rows of Polkan Jeeps
- 207 One hour after their happy time, Alexander and Sophie entered the black sleek-looking royal car. It
- 206 St. Petersburg, Ruthenian Empire.It was a pleasant morning for Alexander. A crisp fall breeze blew i
- 205 October 29, 1927. Choson Peninsula.The Ruthenian Armed Forces have captured key cities in the northe
- 204 October 29, 1927.In the Imperial Army Headquarters of the Yamato Empire, the high command officials
- 203 It was nine o'clock in the evening at St. Petersburg Palace. Alexander granted permission to the two
- 202 In the capital of the Ruthenia Empire, the day has been going as usual. People going about their dai
- 201 Yamamoto staggered as he rose to his feet. Seeing an unbelievable feat of the Ruthenian torpedoes tu
- 200 At the briefing room of the Petropavlovsk Class Aircraft Carrier, fighter pilots and dive bomber pil
- 199 Back from the location of the First Imperial Yamato Fleet. The hair from the back of Admiral Yamamot
- 198 Meanwhile, at the same time, one hundred and fifty meters below the position of the first Imperial Y
- 197 October 28, 1927.Somewhere along the Yellow Sea, the 1st Imperial Yamato Fleet stridden across the u
- 196 On the runway, a flotilla of P47 Thunderbolt piston-engined fighter aircraft is being boarded one by
- 195 October 27, 1927. Ruthenian Empire, Heilongjiang Province of Manchuria.It was twelve midnight in the
- 194 One week later. October 26, 1927.In the Imperial Army Headquarters of the Yamato Empire, the high co
- 193 Just what Sevastian had told him earlier, the Chilean Government did intend to buy a warship from th
- 192 After spending time with his sisters, Alexander heads straight to his office.Life in the Winter Pala
- 191 October 19, 1927, St. Petersburg, Ruthenia Empire, Winter Palace.Alexander was watching from an open
- 190 Vasili looked over to the tent exclusive for them. Three soldiers are watching over them. He beckone
- 189 It was a chilly morning in the mountains of Uamsan, Captain Vasili was sipping his coffee as he stoo
- 188 In Dalniy Air Station, a copy of the Boeing B-52 Superfortress is being fueled and armed by crews of
- 187 October 18, 1927 1100HRS.At the Command Ops, located underground in the General Staff Building. Alex
- 186 Takashi faltered as he stepped backward. His eyes fixed on the sky, looking to the aircraft that int
- 185 Ten thousand feet from the sky, a gunship Perun was flying in a circular path, overseeing the battle
- 184 With the successful capture of the city of Sinuiju, the Ruthenian Army gained a foothold and immedia
- 183 Somewhere deep within Mount Uamsan, is the base of operations of the Righteous Army operating in the
- 182 The Special Forces descended to the ground at terminal velocity. As soon as they reached the desired
- 181 It was three p.m in the afternoon. In the capital city of the Choson Empire, Hanseong. Emperor Gojon
- 180 Alexander returned the hug and planted a light peck on her forehead. This feeling is probably one th
- 179 "Please follow me, Your Majesty," Sebastian led the way towards Alexander's Bukavac parked in front
- 178 In front of them, they saw two women standing behind the reception desk. Their faces paled, shocked
- 177 Thirty minutes have passed since the declaration of war from both countries was issued through a mul
- 176 In the Ruthenia Empire, Alexander was facing the mirror as he smoothed out his suit, not wanting any
- 175 Yamato Empire, Tokyo Imperial Palace. Prime Minister Haru Takashi raced down the hallway towards the
- 174 "I think I see the bombers!", one of the Yamato searchlight operators yelled out, moving the searchl
- 173 After unleashing an onslaught on the Yamato Army outside the embassy, Max grabbed Rolan's collar agg
- 172 "Sir, you got to take a look at this," Viktor cocked his head to the right as he called Rolan who wa
- 171 In the Ruthenian Embassy in Tokyo, Rolan just received another transmission from the Command Ops abo
- 170 Ruthenia Empire, St. Petersburg, 17 October 1927, 4:50 p.m. General Staff Building Command Ops."Yes,
- 169 On board His Imperial Ruthenian Majesty's Ship Aircraft Carrier Petropavlovsk. Lieutenant Rasul Rust
- 168 "If you would please look at the screen above, you'll see the new warships that will join with the P
- 167 St. Petersburg Command Ops, as the Joint Chief of Staff, were discussing plans for a tactical operat
- 166 Back at the Ruthenian Embassy in Tokyo, Rolan received orders from the Command Ops, briefing him on
- 165 Three hours has passed since Alexander arrived in the Command Ops, there were no signs of developmen
- 164 For a while, Alexander waited for the staff to contact the ambassador of the Yamato Empire to the Ru
- 163 Alexander and Sophie just arrived at the General Staff Building where rows of tens of Imperial Guard
- 162 The rest of the convoy safely arrived at the Ruthenian Embassy. The man-at-arms stationed outside th
- 161 The militia has successfully immobilized one of the SUVs. Igor, who was the driver of the downed SUV
- 160 The 37 mm infantry support gun from the Yamato Empire army shot at the convoy of the Ruthenian Grand
- 159 Back at Tokyo Imperial Palace, while the Grand Duchesses were just starting on the starters prepared
- 158 St. Petersburg, Ruthenia Empire. October 17, 1927."Why did you bring me along with your work, Alexan
- 157 Meanwhile, 2.7 kilometers away from the Ruthenian Embassy, the Bukavac, along with its two SUV escor
- 156 The night has descended on the city of Tokyo, blanketing the streets with darkness. Street lamps fro
- 155 Zero blinked, looking at the paper once more.It was a bank transfer document, wherein the Bank of Ya
- 154 Finishing up his report, Zero left the embassy to carry out his duties of investigating the true nat
- 153 Just outside the temple where the man named Shinzo Sakawa was holding a lecture or seminar, a man in
- 152 In the middle of the rising empire of the east lies its capital named Tokyo. There, two palaces stoo
- 151 Inside the belly of the Cargo Aircraft Bogatyr, Daniel and Maxim decide to check the cars they had d
- 150 St. Petersburg, Ruthenia Empire. Winter Palace.Alexander was having his morning coffee all the while
- 149 Three hours later, in Tokyo airspace, the Bogatyr piloted by Daniel and Maxim has finally reached th
- 148 Ruthenian Empire Far East, Harbin.Leonid yawned as he walked down the gutter at dawn, waving his han
- 147 The sun slowly rose from the east, giving the harbor of Niigata a gentle orange glow. It painted the
- 146 The soft glow of the moonlight streamed through the window of Alexander's office, where he was found
- 145 Ministry of Navy Headquarters, Tokyo, Yamato Empire. September 14th 1927, 11:00 p.m.Admiral Isoroku
- 144 Britannia Empire, London, Buckingham Royal PalacePrincess Diana strode all the way towards the offic
- 143 Two Black Stork and one Smew helicopter hovered over the Sea of Yamato, heading towards the military
- 142 Fifteen hours later, over the airspace of Sakhalin. The P-Orion were still circling off the coast of
- 141 Inside the headquarters, Leonid gathered his crew in one of the many briefing rooms of the headquart
- 140 Ruthenian Empire Far East Region, Manchuria. The Liaodong Peninsula, at the port city of Dalniy, sto
- 139 A day before Alexander's sisters' departure. It was in the middle of the afternoon when he called Ro
- 138 If memory serves right, the island that Alexander is heading to right now is the Novaya Zemlya, a no