A Practical Guide to Evil Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the A Practical Guide to Evil novel. A total of 628 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Book 7 Chapter epl: Epilogue I
Cordelia was dying.Every ragged, rasping breathed told her of that truth. Too much of her throat was
- 628 Cordelia was dying.Every ragged, rasping breathed told her of that truth. Too much of her throat was
- 627 Yara of Nowhere sat on the Dead King’s throne with legs crossed, smiling as I Saw from atop the spir
- 626 The wards shuddered.The great battering rams of the dead were cracking them apart blow by blow, the
- 625 And up the spire we went, seeking the King of Death.This was his last redoubt, the fortresses where
- 624 It was a sad song that Yara of Nowhere sang us. Slow and meandering, like a stroll in a graveyard. T
- 623 Ears ringing, I watched as great claws of bone – each tall as a man – caught the edge of the well. T
- 622 “You know,” I said, “given that the first part of this plan was literally going to Hell, I kind of f
- 621 It would be a balancing act in two parts.The first was the war without, the battle against the Dead
- 620 First Princess Rozala Malanza sat her saddle, fingers clenched around the handle of her sword, and w
- 619 The Warlord charged, and all that stood before him shattered.His shoulder hit a shield wall bristlin
- 618 It was time.Yara of Nowhere could still feel that much even after that vicious child had torn away h
- 617 It was on a whim I took up a shovel and began to dig the firepit, but once the steel bit into the gr
- 616 -my sword cleared the scabbard, rising to catch a glint of sunlight.“Let us remind the Enemy,” I sai
- 615 We came at the wall in waves.Thirty feet of stone, topped by an army’s worth of dead. Bastions that
- 614 I’d never seen her wear that armour before.A plumed conical helm of steel worked with gold engraving
- 613 The skeleton was decked in bronze, the scales of the armour pristine and the strange horned helmet i
- 612 Juniper looked like she wanted to bite someone’s head off, and it was not impossible she would befor
- 611 An hour before dawn the camp would begin to stir, but I woke up even before that.It was almost a mer
- 610 It was a sultry night, as Keter’s tended to be.The heat was poisonous and unease thrummed through th
- 609 The Grand Alliance taken a swing in the face, but we’d get over it. That was the way these things we
- 608 Tenebrous smashed the last of the dead with unsettling glee, stomping about the undead army until th
- 607 Razin Tanja watched the distant line of the horizon, sitting the saddle, and wondered about the natu
- 606 Moro Ifriqui squinted through the Baalite eye at the horizon, then put it down to pat the neck of hi
- 605 Ater had been deeply wounded by the siege that brought about the fall of the Tower.Praes’ capital ha
- 604 It was the bloody middle of the night, so if they didn’t have a good reason for waking me we were go
- 603 Christophe de Pavanie was training alone.I wasn’t familiar with the particular drill, but I’d gone t
- 602 Indrani was carving away at the table when I found her, sprawled under it.“I may have to call the gu
- 601 The arrival of the last army to join the siege of Keter should have been an uplifting moment, like t
- 600 The last campfire before the plunge, I felt, ought to have been more momentous than this. Instead it
- 599 It was tradition that a flying fortress not be named.Dread Emperor Sorcerous had later made it into
- 598 The Flowing Gardens would never be called that again.The old enchantments here had unravelled, unmad
- 597 Trokel and Fania made for an odd pair.The rylleh was wrinkled and wheezing, deceptively slow to the
- 596 I sometimes felt like the shepherd from the stories, stumbling on the half-buried lamp and rubbing i
- 595 I thought I’d gotten a sense of the Yeshala territory, but I’d been wrong.The streets weren’t empty
- 594 I was too restless to sleep, after the council, and so I sought company instead.Masego barely slept
- 593 “Trouble has come to Serolen,” Ivah of the Losara said.“Has it ever not?” I replied.We travelled qui
- 592 It was pretty clear that Cordelia had not been on a day-long ride in years, but to her honour even a
- 591 The heroes had come together in one of their little councils and a verdict emerged: when all marched
- 590 I’d expected to wake up aching, but it was the opposite: it was like I’d had my best night of sleep
- 589 The fabric of Arcadia cracked around me and I grinned. I was so very, very close.The Book of Some Th
- 588 It was as if all the world had been cut down to three sights: the night sky above, the pale plains b
- 587 Cordelia woke up looking at the moon.The sky spread out above her, a river of darkness with glisteni
- 586 Cordelia was not certain which part struck her as more absurd: that house-sized herons dwelled in Ar
- 585 The world was upside down.Hanno could not recall ever waking up hanging from his feet before, at lea
- 584 Hanno had already learned better than to receive that blade with a full parry: he had no intention o
- 583 The flying tower hit the ground with a thunderous sound, earth rippling and breaking under the impac
- 582 “I didn’t leave Wolof meaning to become Warlord,” Hakram said.The pig on the spit between us crackle
- 581 The morning of Hakram’s arrival, I got a visit from Archer.Though Indrani enjoyed a good pampering m
- 580 My first warning it was about to come to ahead was my being told the Warlord was about to arrive.Hak
- 579 I knew myself to be dreaming the moment I saw the tall trees of the Duskwood.The city stolen from th
- 578 I’d had enough to drink that I didn’t want to head to bed immediately.I could have burned out the la
- 577 “Not that I’m complaining,” I said, “but I’m not sure that counts as tea.”The First Prince emptied t
- 576 You couldn’t use the usual sort of table when entertaining dwarves, not unless you wanted to offend
- 575 Some dark, petty part of me enjoyed that the war had finally reached Salia.The First Prince had rust
- 574 Travelling through the Twilight Ways was often as a hazy dream, but two days before we reached Salia
- 573 Even nameless hole-in-the-ground villages had a temple, in Procer.A bare bones arrangement, of cours
- 572 Bayeux had a reputation as one of the most beautiful principalities in Procer.The western parts of i
- 571 Antigone had been just a little too slow to stop it.That would have been enough to unsettle Hanno ev
- 570 The moment Scribe had first lied to me I’d known I was in mortal danger.That lie, the refusal to sha
- 569 Sitting on the edge of a rooftop, looking down at the long stairs of stone, the Wandering Bard began
- 568 The Carrion Lord was a greying swordsman without a sword or a Name, trapped in a small room with an
- 567 “Why Troke?”Sigvin was frowning, learning forward so the noonday sun would not fall into her eyes.“F
- 566 “Would-be tyrants always snigger when a hero comes knocking, smirking at each other that if they wer
- 565 Arthur adjusted his helmet for what had to be the hundredth time, trying to keep dawn’s light out of
- 564 Akua’s shielding spell snapped in place just in time for the stone to bounce off it, rolling on the
- 563 The first dart came from my left and I caught its glint in the morning light.I clawed Night across t
- 562 “And so, her tribe burned around her, Matron Creaker stood in the ashes and spoke thus: ‘Do you now
- 561 I’d not been to Spite Valley since the war games.Its real name was Koso Valley, but no one who’d bee
- 560 “I always forget how ridiculously huge Ater is,” I said.In the distance the tall ramparts of the Cit
- 559 “Red runs the Tower’s mortar.”– Praesi sayingWithin an hour of entering Ater, Akua Sahelian was soug
- 558 They were losing the war one victory at a time, Hanno thought.There’d not been a defeat in Hainaut s
- 557 Hakram hadn’t put armour on.A loose shirt, trousers and boots were all he wore as he held his axe lo
- 556 Hakram Deadhand stood in a shadowed corner of the tent as his allies raucously argued, watching them
- 555 Kallia liked to think of Mercantis as what would happen if a city ate other cities until it grew fat
- 554 Seen from the above, it was easy to understand why General Sacker had agreed to the cease-fire.The R
- 553 They were wildly outnumbered, surrounded on all sides and faced with horrors most. It was, Grandmast
- 552 The Battle of Kala began with three streaks of red light crisscrossing a dark sky.Its prelude had ta
- 551 The Thirteenth Legion was something older Callowans avoided talking about.My generation didn’t care
- 550 General Sacker came to meet me with a company of a hundred heavies and three lines of mages, the lot
- 549 I’d not seen that many dead and dying horses since the Graveyard.Casualties were a haphazard game, w
- 548 It was as if our armies had played a round of musical chairs.The Loyalist Legions had been camped at
- 547 It would have been a mistake for him to watch the swords.It was her feet that warned him, when he ha
- 546 The grass was coated with dust, blown in from a southern storm. It made for slippery footing and tha
- 545 Since we’d come crashing down into this godforsaken region three days ago, we had lost one thousand
- 544 The two of us reined in our horses a prudent hundred feet away from the bottom of the slope.A fortif
- 543 We made good pace.The Army of Callow had been hammered into a host that could move on the quick by y
- 542 It was General Sacker I’d wanted to talk to, as her informal patroness, but instead I found all thre
- 541 “And the nature of her alliance with the First Prince?”Akua Sahelian had found that betrayal was not
- 540 Life was full of ironies, Prince Frederic Goethal had found.Death too, he supposed, though circumsta
- 539 My soldiers cheered as I rode back into camp.I’d had a party waiting for me shortly outside the gate
- 538 There was something deeply disorienting about waking up after having been knocked out. It wasn’t lik
- 537 I kept my arms open wide and my hands flat, as if I were holding open a bag, but all that lay in bet
- 536 The ruling seat of the Sahelians was called the Empyrean Palace. Pretentious fucking name really, ev
- 535 What else could I do but run?I shot out of the reservoir room, sword in hand, and into the hallway b
- 534 There were eleven different secret passages into the city of Wolof and all of them were traps.Akua h
- 533 It was tempting to just run out sword in hand to find out what was happening, but I resisted the urg
- 532 The way Indrani and I kept sharing a bed was the longest I’d ever been involved with anyone.It wasn’
- 531 Jinon fell to the Army of Callow at the price of twelve dead and five wounded.Three wounded and two
- 530 When was the last time I’d gone even six months without sleeping in a tent?The thought amused more t
- 529 It was an impressive watchtower. All red brick and stone, three stories high and jutting out of the