Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat novel. A total of 352 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 359: Not Again!
As Barbara's image disappeared completely, Yomite sighed and faced the door. He reached for the key
- 52 Somewhere, near the borders of Mondstadt.In a huge rock formation, resembling that of a cave.Lumine
- 51 Leaving Hu tao and Fischl behind, Yomite and Lumine left the room and sneakily used her teleport abi
- 50 Mondstadt.The morning of another day.At the inn, Yomite, who had just woken up, was still wondering
- 49 The afternoon had passed.It was currently night time. Everyone was getting ready to sleep. Fischl sa
- 48 Oof yeah, so I am back I guess. Finished my 9k words One Shot...It was hard...Had to take a break af
- 47 I'm currently a bit busy making a one shot for the Genshin Impact Monthly Competition that takes pla
- 46 Going back in time, roughly twenty minutes before the party of Kaeya, Yomite and Hu Tao entered the
- 45 I am disgusted by webnovel yet again.idk what the hell is this supposed to be.***Fischl kept on shoo
- 44 "This doesn't seem like a normal cave...It's way colder than it should be..." Yomite murmured as he
- 43 "Ohh! Look, Paimon can barely see Mondstadt now!" An excited and high-pitched voice could be heard n
- 42 Alright. This is the last chapter for like 2 or 3 days, gotta catch up with P atreon as I got new pe
- 41 After the previous confrontation. The group moved out and arrived in front of the Adventurers' Guild
- 40 An awkward moment of silence was broken by none other than Oz, who suddenly materialized himself in
- 39 Had my pause, am back.Yomite had received a bountiful sum of 120k Mora and 60 primogems for completi
- 38 Everything about Fischl's appearance seemed to be designed to demand attention.The bangs of her yell
- 37 He gazed at Fischl whose mouth was half open, unknown if it was from shock or something else.'Did I
- 36 Together, the party of four, including the majestic raven, had progressed through the forest.The air
- 35 Oof writing Fischl is much harder than I expected lol...Prinzessin Der Verurteilung puffed out her c
- 34 Hu Tao had finished drying his clothes off. Luckily nothing caught on fire, and his clothes were als
- 33 Notice for fans of Berserk. Kentaro Miura, creator of Berserk has passed away...A really wonderful s
- 32 After Venti left, the group met up with Hu Tao, who seemed to be acting high and mighty, as if she h
- 31 Once outside, Venti looked around and the place was barren of people. Aiming his hand upward, he cas
- 30 "Ah, Dvalin...the anguish it feels has brought it to tears...It was once such a good child...Now so
- 29 "Can you not speak like that? Please talk normally..." Yomite half-smiled at Venti, but his eyes sho
- 28 It has been brought to my attention that apparently Webnovel shadow-deletes your comments for improp
- 27 "I see...It seems to be reacting with Visions..." Lisa snarled under her breath, "The impurities and
- 26 Both Hu Tao and Yomite somehow managed to take everything from the chest, not leaving a speck of dus
- 25 The next two weeks I will be very busy with my job so the chapter uploads will be random.The group p
- 24 About 3k word chapter for the missed chapter yesterday."There's no time to waste, we must crush this
- 23 Was busy completing discord server but it should be good to go now. You are free to join.Kaeya touch
- 22 Somewhere in the middle of the night, Yomite woke up. He raised his head and looked around, observin
- 21 Shake_it_Bololo said that his GF saw my fanfic's cover and thought he was watching hentai, so I modi
- 20 'Nah...Nah...Nope...there is just no way... isn't this body a bit too broken?' Yomite thought as he
- 19 There is a discord server in the making if anyone is interested.The Director of the Wangsheng Funera
- 18 Last chapter of the mass release.Please send some support this way boys, girls, trans, helicopters,
- 17 Last two chapters of mass release, then I am back to stockpiling on pa treon, so please do visit it,
- 16 ***Lumine wasn't sure if it was okay. She wasn't sure if she should have done something like this. T
- 15 ***Lumine put Paimon away so she could eat in peace and as soon as she raised her knife, ready to di
- 14 ***"So let's go make a party~! Yaaay~!" Hu Tao dashed ahead, seemingly teleporting from her spot."Wa
- 13 I was thinking for a while and decided not to use Primogems for anything related to summoning as it
- 12 ***Hu Tao dashed towards Yomite and slapped his back a few times, "What a kind Assistant-kun you are
- 11 Was busy making 4k smut chapters for the future, so at least you know what you can look forward to n
- 10 ***"Ah, The Grand Master Varka, a man among men, also called Knight of Boreas or by his enemies, The
- 9 Had some stuff to do, also laziness... Will post one more chapter today and will try to catch up wit
- 8 ***After the Stormterror had escaped, Yomite wanted to return the wind glider to Kaeya, but he told
- 7 Uff chapter took me some time to make as I didn't want it to just be a shitty fight, its like 3k wor
- 6 ***Yomite thanked the bartender for the free drink and left together with Kaeya, the last parting wo
- 5 ***Kaeya and Yomite entered the bar called Angel's share.The place didn't seem that shabby, and ther
- 4 I have decided to up the chapters a bit for today since I got a patron, so I will release three chap
- 3 ***A carriage made a loud creaking sound as it drove over the pavement. A large lizard like creature
- 2 ***His mind became all white. This was the summoning procedure, but first, he had to wait till his b
- 1 ***"Yomite Hissha, welcome to the afterlife. Unfortunately, your story has come to an end, as you've